[CSE] Compact Sky: Easy
[RoT2] 科技飞升2
Rise of Tech 2
[IAF] 冰河物语
Ice Age Fairy
[CTI] 工匠:技艺革新
Construct:Technological Innovation
[TLT] 匠造之传
The Legend of Tinker
[TWF] 冬境边域
The Winter Frontier
[EAS2] 伊甸空天2
Eden Aerospace 2
[PoT] 真理之路
Path of Truth
[TFC:LTT] 飞渡群峦
TerraFirmaCraft:Leap The Top
[MRYH] 末日余晖:独自一人
[NFWC] 脆骨症
No Flesh Within Chest
[ATA] 尘归尘
Ashes To Ashes
[SEE] 空岛:探索
Explore Everything
Create Chronicles: Bosses and Beyond
[SAG] 暗影觉醒
Shadow Awakening
[NFWC-DIM] 脆骨症:黯光
No Flesh Within Chest-DIM
[HE] 苦难年代
Hardship Era
[CD] 机械动力:悠然乐事
Create Delight
[FOSC] 奇点工厂1:社区版
Factory of Singularity:Community Edition
[TFCR] 群峦:重生
TerraFirma: Rebirth
[CDP] Creative Drawers Producer
Forever Factory
Beyond Depth
[C2M] Create 2 Mekanism
Integrated MC
[CiS] 天空厨房
Cook in skyland
[C2MSE2] Create 2 Mekanism: Sky Edition 2
TACZ Amid Crucible Zone
[TWR] 冬季救援
The Winter Rescue
[AP] 阿尔法计划
[CAE] 机械动力:奥术工程
Create: Arcane Engineering
[CAB] 机械动力:永无止境
Create: Above and Beyond