[DTD] 命定之旅
Deep To Destiny
Musketeer - One for All
[BCG+] BigChadGuys Plus
FTB Academy 1.16
Create Chronicles: Bosses and Beyond
[JSA] 兔头:超级惊变
jokbit super apocalypse
Horror Craft
[GFN] 无用之人-群星
Good For Nothing:Stellaris
Cosmic Frontiers
[BTB] 背靠背
Back to Back
Venom's Craft
[AD] 交错维度3
Among Dimensions 3
[SOF] 虚拟生存 起源与未来
Survival - Origin & Future
[SJ] 星地征程
Starland Journey
[MS] MineSpace
Forever Factory
[VZA2] 生欲:求生2
Vivere The Zombie Apocalypse-II
[Aoc] 文明时代
[SUSY] Supersymmetry
Create Flavored
[E9E] Enigmatica 9: Expert
Pokehaan Craft
The Nuclear Wasteland
Play as Dragon: Gothic Edition
[TSMp] 匠魂的生存
Tinker's Survival Modpack
[WHiS] 斯洛文尼亚发生了什么
What Happened in Slovenia
[C&E] Create & Explore
Euphoric Curiosity
[LitV3] Life in the village 3
[EL] Engineer's Life