[SoA3] Slow Start AoA3
[AnE] 冒险与探索
Adventure & Exploration
[MB3] 锻造大师3
Master Blacksmith3
[CRMD] 机械动力:魔法乐事
Create Magic's Delight
[SAG] 暗影觉醒
Shadow Awakening
[FMN] 勿忘我
Forget Me Not
[ATM10] All the Mods 10
[INF4] 无限战争4
Infinity War4
[NFWC] 脆骨症
No Flesh Within Chest
[TSNG5-FDC] Tsuri No Gatsu 5 - FDCraft Version
[AOIC] 理想国冒险之旅
[CD] 机械动力:悠然乐事
Create Delight
[TLOU] 海上机械师
The Legend Of 2900
[MCF] 月亮工厂
Moon Create factory
[ATM9] All the Mods 9
[MIF] MI:Foundation
[TSNG] 钓月织梦
Tsuri No Gatsu
[SS] 抗争之际
Striving Standoff
Final Judgment:Save the world
Prominence II RPG
Cisco's Fantasy Medieval RPG [Lite]
[DO] 龙境II
Dragon Odyssey
[AOF] 命运时代
Age of Fate
[FROS] Fr的生存优化
Fr's Optimisation for Survival
[ALL] 冒险生活-L
Adventure Life - Legacy
Create Chronicles: Bosses and Beyond
[BTB] 背靠背
Back to Back
[MPMC] 更完美的MC
More Perfect Minecraft
[C&E] Create & Explore
[MJ] 魔法之旅
Magic journey
Euphoric Curiosity