[NFWC-DIM] 脆骨症:黯光
No Flesh Within Chest-DIM
[HE] 苦难年代
Hardship Era
[MRYH] 末日余晖:独自一人
[CRMD] 机械动力:魔法乐事
Create Magic's Delight
Cobblemon Official Modpack
Hungry For Tech 2
[CD] 机械动力:悠然乐事
Create Delight
[EAS2] 伊甸空天2
Eden Aerospace 2
[TFC:TAW] 群峦传说·异世界行纪
Terra Firma Craft:Travel in Another World
[CIM] 机械动力:无限构件
Create : Infinity Mechanism
[TH] Techsert
[DoF2] 被恐惧支配2:收容失效
Dominated by Fear 2 Containment Breach
[TFCR] 群峦:重生
TerraFirma: Rebirth
The Chocolate Edition
[TWF] 冬境边域
The Winter Frontier
[CDP] Creative Drawers Producer
Forever Factory
[SF5] 天空工厂 5
SkyFactory 5
Beyond Depth
[LCW] 失落文明:野原
[WWL] 瓦尔登湖畔
Wiph Walden Lagu
[C2M] Create 2 Mekanism
Integrated MC
[CiS] 天空厨房
Cook in skyland
[CABR] 永无止境:超越常新
Above and Beyond : Refresh
[BTB] 背靠背
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[ATM9] All the Mods 9
FTB OceanBlock 2
[EmDM] Emotional Damaged Minecraft