The way of reincarnation
[AnE] 冒险与探索
Adventure & Exploration
[POA] 晋升之路
path of advance
Nightmare Memories Pack
Cisco's Fantasy Medieval RPG [Lite]
[ATM9] All the Mods 9
[CY2] 勇者之章 Ⅱ
Chapter of Yuusha II
[CABR] 永无止境:超越常新
Above and Beyond : Refresh
[CAB] 机械动力:永无止境
Create: Above and Beyond
Strictly Medival 3
[AOF] 命运时代
Age of Fate
[CtS] 机械空岛
Create to Sky
[ATM9S] All The Mod 9 - To The Sky
[EJ] 往昔之旅
Erstwhile Journey
Create Chronicles: Bosses and Beyond
[EtBW] 探索光明的世界
Explore the Bright World
FTB Arcanum Institute
[UC] UnityCraft
[CAE] 机械动力:奥术工程
Create: Arcane Engineering
[Nwtc] 近西之旅
[ATM7] All the Mods 7
[NR2] 核污染二
nuclear radiation 2
Compact Sky
[CY] 勇者之章
Chapter of Yuusha
Cisco's Fantasy Medieval RPG [Ultimate]
Antimatter Chemistry
Crazy Craft Updated
Create: Milkyway
[ATM7S] All the Mods 7 - To the Sky
[ATM6] All the Mods 6