[TC] 剑拔弩张之时
[AnE] 冒险与探索
Adventure & Exploration
[AL] 冒险与休闲
Adventure and Leisure
[IAF] 冰河物语
Ice Age Fairy
[TOW] 异界旅者
Traveller of the World
[THD] 诸神匠心
Tinkers Heartwork and Deities
[PBD] 寄生虫:血染黎明
Parasites: Blood Dawn
[FP] 落英
[PTY] 寄生科技
[EAS] 伊甸空天
Eden Aerospace
[CABR] 永无止境:超越常新
Above and Beyond : Refresh
[CAB] 机械动力:永无止境
Create: Above and Beyond
[MCE] 永恒的MC
MC Eternal
[AOF] 命运时代
Age of Fate
[CtS] 机械空岛
Create to Sky
[ALL] 冒险生活-L
Adventure Life - Legacy
[SF4] 天空工厂4
SkyFactory 4
[MZ1] 怀末韵云
Institutions mz
[DTD] 命定之旅
Deep To Destiny
Hungry For Tech 2
SkyT 2
FTB OceanBlock
Euphoric Curiosity
[E6E] Enigmatica 6: Expert
[E2E-E] Enigmatica 2: Expert - Extended
[En6E] Enlightened 6 Expert
MC Eternal Lite
[ATM6] All the Mods 6
Crackpack 3
FTB Chocolate