在游戏config文件夹内,该配置文件名称 lostsouls.cfg ,可以用系统自带的记事本软件打开。
# If this is true then the player will get a message when he/she tries to open a locked chest [default: true]
# If this is true then the player will be notified when a building is cleared [default: true]
# If this is true then the player will be notified when he or she enters a haunted building [default: true]
# If this is true then mobs will only spawn if the light level is low enough. Otherwise they spawn regardless of light level [default: false]
如果设置为true,怪物只会在光线足够低的情况下才会生成。 否则,不管光照水平如何,它们都会生成[默认值:false]
# List of console commands to execute when a building is cleared [default: ]
S:commandCleared <
# List of console commands to execute every time a building is entered [default: ]
S:commandEntered <
# List of console commands to execute the first time a building is entered [default: ]
S:commandFirstTime <
# List of building names where this mod will not spawn mobs [default: ]
S:excludedBuildings <
# The chance that a building is haunted [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.8]
建筑物闹鬼的几率[范围:0.0 ~ 1.0,默认值:0.8]
# If this is true then all chests will be locked until the building is cleared [default: true]
# This option is only useful when 'lockChestsUntilCleared'. If true only vanilla chests will be locked. Otherwise all tile entities are locked [default: true]
此项仅在' lockChestsUntilCleared=true '时有效。 如果设置为true,只有普通箱子会被锁定。 否则所有箱子都被锁定[默认值: true]
# The maximum damage bonus that the mob will get [range: 0.01 ~ 10000.0, default: 5.0]
怪物获得的最大伤害加成[范围:0.01 ~ 10000.0,默认:5.0]
# The maximum health bonus that the mob will get [range: 0.01 ~ 10000.0, default: 5.0]
怪物获得的最大生命值加成[范围:0.01 ~ 10000.0,默认:5.0]
# The maximum amount of mobs that are spawned by a haunted building [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 50]
闹鬼的建筑产生的怪物最大数量[范围:1 ~ 10000,默认:50]
# This message is given when the player clears a building [default: The building feels a lot safer now!]
当玩家清除完建筑内怪物时给出此消息[默认值: The building feels a lot safer now!]
S:messageBuildingCleared=The building feels a lot safer now!
# This message is given when the player is halfway clearing a building [default: About half way there! Keep going!]
当玩家正在清除一个建筑内的怪物到设置数量的一半时,这个消息会出现[默认值: About half way there! Keep going!]
S:messageBuildingHalfway=About half way there! Keep going!
# This message is given when the player enters a haunted building for the first time [default: This building is haunted. Be careful!]
当玩家第一次进入闹鬼的建筑时给出这个消息[默认值: This building is haunted. Be careful!]
S:messageBuildingHaunted=This building is haunted. Be careful!
# This message is given when the player tries to open a chest in a haunted building [default: The building isn't safe enough!]
当玩家试图在闹鬼的建筑中打开一个箱子时给出这个消息[默认值: The building isn't safe enough!]
S:messageUnsafeBuilding=The building isn't safe enough!
# The minimum damage bonus that the mob will get [range: 0.01 ~ 10000.0, default: 2.0]
怪物获得的最小伤害加成[范围:0.01 ~ 10000.0,默认值:2.0]
# The minimum health bonus that the mob will get [range: 0.01 ~ 10000.0, default: 2.0]
怪物将获得的最小生命值加成[范围:0.01 ~ 10000.0,默认:2.0]
# The minimum amount of mobs that are spawned by a haunted building [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 10]
由闹鬼的建筑产生的最小生物数量[范围:1 ~ 10000,默认值:10]
# The minimum distance between the player and newly spawned mobs [range: 0.0 ~ 16.0, default: 8.0]
玩家与新生成怪物之间的最小距离[范围:0.0 ~ 16.0,默认:8.0]
# List of mobs that can spawn in buildings together with their rarity [default: 可以在建筑物中生成的怪物列表及其稀有度/概率(数值1~3,越高越容易出现)[默认值:
[.3=minecraft:zombie], 僵尸3
[.3=minecraft:spider], 蜘蛛3
[.3=minecraft:skeleton], 骷髅3
[.2=minecraft:husk], 尸壳2
[.2=minecraft:stray], 流浪者2
[.1=minecraft:witch], 女巫1
S:mobs <
# List of boots that the mobs can have together with their rarity [default: 怪物可以拥有的靴子列表及其稀有度/概率(数值1~3,越高越容易出现)[默认值:
[.3=null], 无靴子3
[.3=minecraft:diamond_boots], 钻石靴子3
S:randomBoots <
# List of chestplates that the mobs can have together with their rarity [default: 怪物可以拥有的胸甲列表及其稀有度/概率(数值1~3,越高越容易出现)[默认值:
[.3=null], 无胸甲3
[.3=minecraft:diamond_chestplate], 钻石胸甲3
S:randomChestplates <
# List of effects that a mob can have. Note that multiple effects are possible [default:
[.3=minecraft:regeneration,3], 再生3
[.3=minecraft:speed,3], 速度3
S:randomEffects <
# List of helmets that the mobs can have together with their rarity [default: 怪物可以拥有的头盔列表及其稀有度/概率(数值1~3,越高越容易出现)[默认值:
[.3=null], 无头盔3
[.3=minecraft:diamond_helmet], 钻石头盔3
S:randomHelmets <
# List of leggings that the mobs can have together with their rarity [default: 怪物可以拥有的护腿列表及其稀有度/概率(数值1~3,越高越容易出现)[默认值:
[.3=null], 无护腿3
[.3=minecraft:diamond_leggings], 钻石护腿3
S:randomLeggings <
# List of weapons that the mobs can have together with their rarity [default: 怪物可以拥有的武器列表及其稀有度/概率(数值1~3,越高越容易出现)[默认值:
[.3=null], 无武器3
[.3=minecraft:diamond_sword], 钻石剑3
[.3=minecraft:iron_sword], 铁剑3
S:randomWeapons <
# The amount of ticks that the server waits before checking for new spawns [range: 1 ~ 1000000, default: 200]
检查新刷出怪物之前等待的时刻数[范围:1 ~ 1000000,默认值:200]
# The maximum amount of entities that can spawn near each other (of the same type) [range: 1 ~ 200, default: 6]
同一类型的最大生成数量[范围:1 ~ 200,默认值:6]
# The chance that a building is haunted. This version is used in case the building is in a Lost City sphere [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.8]
建筑物闹鬼的几率。 此项作用于失落的城市模组生成的建筑。[范围:0.0 ~ 1.0,默认:0.8]
# The maximum amount of mobs that are spawned by a haunted building. This version is used in case the building is in a Lost City sphere [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 50]
由闹鬼的建筑产生的怪物最大数量。 此项作用于失落的城市模组生成的建筑。[范围:1 ~ 10000,默认:50]
# The minimum amount of mobs that are spawned by a haunted building. This version is used in case the building is in a Lost City sphere [range: 1 ~ 10000, default: 10]
由闹鬼的建筑产生的怪物最小数量。 此项作用于失落的城市模组生成的建筑。[范围:1 ~ 10000,默认:10]