这个模组提供了一个手动配置食物的饥饿值以及饱和度的方法。首先在 /config/HungerOverhaul文件夹下创建一个文件,以JSON为后缀,名字不限。里面内容为:
{ // a list of foods and their food values
// these values will take precedence over HO's default values
"foods": [
{ // the name of the item in "mod:name" format
"name": "minecraft:golden_apple", // [optional] the metadata value of the item (default: 0)
"meta": 0, // the hunger value of the item (1 hunger = 1/2 hunger bar)
"hunger": 20, // the saturation modifier (saturation = hunger * 2 * saturationModifier)
"saturationModifier": 0.5
name meta
苹果 minecraft:apple 0
蘑菇汤 minecraft:mushroom_stew 0
面包 minecraft:bread 0
生猪肉 minecraft:porkchop 0
熟猪肉 minecraft:cooked_porkchop 0
金苹果 minecraft:golden_apple 0
附魔金苹果 minecraft:golden_apple 1
生鱼 minecraft:fish 0
生桂鱼 minecraft:fish 1
小丑鱼 minecraft:fish 2
河豚 minecraft:fish 3
熟鱼 minecraft:cooked_fished 0
熟鲑鱼 minecraft:cooked_fished 1
曲奇 minecraft:cookie 0
西瓜 minecraft:melon 0
生牛肉 minecraft:beef 0
熟牛肉 minecraft:cooked_beef 0
生鸡肉 minecraft:chicken 0
熟鸡肉 minecraft:cooked_chicken 0
腐肉 minecraft:rotten_flesh 0
蜘蛛眼 minecraft:spider_eye 0
胡萝卜 minecraft:carrot 0
生土豆 minecraft:potato 0
烤土豆 minecraft:baked_potato 0
金萝卜 minecraft:golden_carrot 0
南瓜派 minecraft:pumpkin_pie 0