# Timer in hours. \\每隔多长时间自动备份,单位为小时
# 1.0 - backups every hour \\设置为1.0即每小时备份一次
# 6.0 - backups every 6 hours \\设置为6.0即每六小时备份一次
# 0.5 - backups every 30 minutes \\设置为0.5即每半小时备份一次
# Min: 0.05 \\最小值0.05即3分钟
# Max: 600.0 \\最大值600即25天
D:backup_timer=2.0 \\设置值,默认为2.0即两小时
# The number of backup files to keep. \\最大保留备份文件数量
# More backups = more space used \\更多的备份文件等于更多的硬盘空间消耗
# 0 - Infinite \\设置为0即为无限
# Min: 0 \\最小值0
# Max: 32000 \\最大值32000
I:backups_to_keep=12 \\设置值,默认为12
# Buffer size for writing files Don't change unless you know what you are doing. \\写入文件缓存大小,除非你知道你在干什么,否则不要更改此项
# Min: 256 \\最小值256
# Max: 65536 \\最大值65536
I:buffer_size=4096 \\设置值,默认4096
# 0 - Disabled (output = folders) \\压缩等级,0为不压缩,备份文件为存档文件夹
# 1 - Best speed \\1为最快速度
# 9 - Smallest file size \\9为最小体积
# Min: 0 \\最小值0
# Max: 9 \\最大值9
I:compression_level=1 \\设置值,默认为1
# Disables level saving while performing backup. \\当自动备份时不保存世界
B:disable_level_saving=true \\设置值,默认为true
# Prints (current size | total size) when backup is done. \\当备份完成时打印备份文件的(当前大小|总大小)
B:display_file_size=true \\设置值,默认为true
# Enables backups. \\启用自动备份
B:enabled=true \\设置值,默认为true
# Add extra files that will be placed in backup _extra_/ folder. \\增加额外的需要备份的文件
S:extra_files < \\设置额外文件,默认无
# Absolute path to backups folder. \\备份文件的绝对路径
S:folder= \\设置路径,默认无
# Create a backup when server is stopped. \\当服务器关闭(单人即退出世界)时创建一个备份文件
B:force_on_shutdown=false \\设置值,默认false
# Maximum total size that is allowed in backups folder. Older backups will be deleted to free space for newer ones.
# You can use TB, GB, MB and KB for filesizes.
# You can use % to set maximum total size based on your available disk space. It is still limited by max total backup count, so it's not gonna fill up large drives.
# Valid inputs: 50 GB, 10 MB, 33%
\\正确的输入:50GB , 10MB , 33%
S:max_total_size=50 GB
# Only create backups when players have been online. \\只在玩家在线时创建备份
B:only_if_players_online=true \\设置值,默认true
# If set to true, no messages will be displayed in chat/status bar. \\如果此项设置为true,将不会有提示信息显示在聊天栏/状态栏
B:silent=false \\设置值,默认false