[PO3] 臭氧计划3
Project Ozone 3 A New Way Forward
[DO] 龙境II
Dragon Odyssey
[ANS] 尘烬:消失世界
[EAS] 伊甸空天
Eden Aerospace
[CY2] 勇者之章 Ⅱ
Chapter of Yuusha II
[CABR] 永无止境:超越常新
Above and Beyond : Refresh
[CAB] 机械动力:永无止境
Create: Above and Beyond
[PD] 帕斯特之梦
[RoT2] 科技飞升2
Rise of Tech 2
[RA] 重构:炼金术
Refactoring: Alchemy
[MCE] 永恒的MC
MC Eternal
[TJoSS] 星海征途
The Journey of Star Sea
[FOSC] 奇点工厂1:社区版
Factory of Singularity:Community Edition
[LA] 胶兽大冒险
Latex Advanture
[BKSL] 时间之书 : 星之旅行
BookofTime StarTravel
[IN] 继承
[FROS] Fr的生存优化
Fr's Optimisation for Survival
[LitV] Life in the village
Ragnamod II Reborn
[CtS] 机械空岛
Create to Sky
[RLCR] RLCraft Recrafted
Agora Interregnum
Greed the Resource 4 - Infinity
[MTO] 模块化科技:探索
ModularTech Odyssey
[SF4] 天空工厂4
SkyFactory 4
Equivalent Skies
[ATTC] 最全的匠魂
All The Tinker's Construct
[LM] 失落的米德加尔特
Lost Midgard
[MZ1] 怀末韵云
Institutions mz
[AOE] 时代工业
Age of Engineering
[E2ES] Enigmatica 2: Expert Skyblock