[SST] 刀剑异闻录
Sword Strange Tales
[CRMD] 机械动力:魔法乐事
Create Magic's Delight
[SAG] 暗影觉醒
Shadow Awakening
The way of reincarnation
[CY] 勇者之章
Chapter of Yuusha
Deceased Craft
[DTR] 死亡突围 · 重临死境
[EWR] 极端世界:重置
Extreme World Reset
[TLoA] 虚无之主
The Lord of Ascension
[AnE] 冒险与探索
Adventure & Exploration
[TLT] 匠造之传
The Legend of Tinker
[DoF2] 被恐惧支配2:收容失效
Dominated by Fear 2 Containment Breach
[NFWC] 脆骨症
No Flesh Within Chest
[CiS] 天空厨房
Cook in skyland
[RA] 重构:炼金术
Refactoring: Alchemy
[ARC] Arcomua 原版整合
Arcomua Modpack
[GTNH] 格雷科技:新视野
GT: New Horizons
[X+] XPlus 2.0 基础整合
XPlus 2.0 Modpack
[M3E] 魔金:探秘
ManaMetalMod Exploration
[ER] 进化:重启
Evolution: Reset
[HDS] 希罗多德
Herodotus-Authentic Edition:Official
[TFC:LTT] 飞渡群峦
TerraFirmaCraft:Leap The Top
[TLO] 最后一人
The Last One
[TOW] 异界旅者
Traveller of the World
[LWI] 幸运世界入侵
Lucky World Invasion
Create Train
The Chocolate Edition
[TW] 特摄世界
Tokusatsu World
[THD] 诸神匠心
Tinkers Heartwork and Deities
[GAEW] 伟大冒险者:世界之眼
Great Adventurer:the Eye of the World
[MTE] 科技进化
Minetech Evolution
Mercury landing