Other than bug fixes, this will likely be the last version of Tectonic until Minecraft 1.20 releases. My time and effort is going to be spent on other projects.
除了修复漏洞,该版本应该是在 1.20 之前的最后一个版本了,目前我(作者)的时间和精力正放在其他项目上。
添加 Additions
Added stone generation to steeper areas of the terrain. In Savannas and Jungles, this is packed mud instead.
更改 Changes
Sugarcane placement has been increased where sand generates, and the amount of sugarcane per patch on average has increased.
This change has been made to combat the fact that biomes in Tectonic without sand generation do not have sugarcane at all.
这是为了平衡“Tectonic 的群系内不生成沙子的地方完全没有甘蔗”这一设定。
Clay now generates in rivers and is not just limited to Lush Caves and Swamps.
Fixed an issue with strange riverbed generation in modded biomes. These will now use vanilla's disks of sand, gravel, and clay instead of just dirt.
v1.1.8 was skipped as it was only for the mod version.
v1.1.8 已被跳过,因为它只适用于模组版本。
更改 Changes
The way islands are generated has been changed. They should now be much more common and aren't only found far into deep oceans.
The Lagoon biome has been removed from generation.
v1.1.6 was skipped as it was only for the mod version.
v1.1.6 版本已被跳过,因为它只适用于模组版本。
Additions 添加
Taiga update!
- Added a new Spruce tree variant and reintroduced Pine trees which had been missing since v1.0.3.
- 添加了新的云杉变种并重新引入了在 v1.0.3 中丢失的松树。
- Added cobblestone and mossy cobblestone rock generation.
- 添加了圆石与覆苔圆石的生成器。
- Added fallen spruce logs.
- 添加了倒下的云杉原木。
Changes 更改
Removed the Autumn Forest and Autumn Birch Forest biomes from worldgen.
- They will be reimplemented once the transition between them and other biomes can be improved.
- 一旦它们与其他群系间的过渡得到优化,它们就会被重新加入。
Tweaked the biome colors of the Grasslands and Savanna biomes.
A few minor tweaks.
Additions 添加
For Fabric/Quilt users who use the mod version, there's a new built-in datapack in the Data Packs screen: Tectonic Large Biomes. Enable this when creating a new world to get Large Biomes with Tectonic!
致使用模组版本的 Fabric/Quilt 玩家,现在在数据包界面有一个新的内建数据包:Tectonic 巨型生物群系。当创建新世界时启用它可以获得 Tectonic 版本的巨型生物群系!
Changes 更改
A small tweak to mountain generation. Mountain biomes should be a bit less flat.
Tectonic v1.1.1 is releasing to improve performance. World generation should now be up to 50% faster than before. Alongside this is a handful of minor fixes and tweaks.
v1.1.1 主要优化了性能,现在生成世界的速度会比之前快 50%。另外本次更新也包括了一些小型的修复的调整。
Major technical changes to worldgen to increase performance. The shape of underground rivers will be a bit different, but everything else should be the same.
From early testing, this performance increase is anywhere from 20% faster to 50% faster.
在早期测试中,性能速度由 20% 提高到了 50%。
Increased flower and grass generation in all biomes a bit.
Increased flower generation in the Flower Forest biome significantly.
Increased sunflower generation in the Sunflower Plains biome significantly.
Fixed the Autumn Birch Forest not having the new birch trees.
Tweaked the grass and foliage colors of the Savanna biome.
Added Chinese translations for Tectonic biomes.
为 Tectonic 群系添加了中文名称翻译。
Tectonic v1.1a is releasing to fix issues with the Continents mod.
修复与 Continents 模组的兼容问题。
First major update! With this update comes four new biomes and many changes, big and small. This will also be the first version of Tectonic to release for both 1.18.2 and 1.19 at the same time. Have fun!
第一次大型更新!本次更新带来了或大或小的四个全新群系。这也是 Tectonic 第一次同时更新 1.18.2 和 1.19。祝玩得愉快!
Huge hoodoos in the Badlands Spires biome
Moved the custom birch trees to the Evergreen Forest and Old Growth Evergreen Forest biome
Improved the Birch Forest biome to make it look a bit more like the concept art from Minecraft Live 2021
优化桦木森林群系使其看起来更像 Minecraft Live 2021 概念艺术中的模样。
Cliffs made of Calcite and Diorite in the White Cliffs biome
Stumps in some forest biome, that can sometimes have moss carpets on them
More oak tree variants
Major technical changes to mountain generation. Mountains should be about 50% more common.
山脉生成器的大型技术性更改。山脉现在会比之前常见 50%。
Changes to terrain shaping, mainly shifting around where highlands and flat terrain generates.
Made oceans deeper
Made cliffs beside the ocean only sometimes generate overhangs
Added pillar generation inside underground rivers
Removed the Ancient River biome from generation.
The biome still exists in the files to ensure worlds from older versions don’t break.
Improved the generation and placement of the Desert Dunes, Island, Lagoon, and Autumn Forest biomes
The Island and Lagoon biomes should be about twice as common.
The Desert Dunes and Autumn Forest biomes should be about as common as they were before.
Reverted a change made in v1.0.3 that made rivers smoother.
还原了 v1.0.3 中的一个更改,使河流更平滑。
Attempted to improve aquifer generation around oceanside cliffs.
Several other technical changes and tweaks.
Third minor update to Tectonic, with more bug fixes and tweaks.
Tectonic 的第三个小型更新,进行了更多的漏洞修复和调整。
Tweaked mountain ranges to make them slightly more common
Modified river generation to be somewhat smoother than before
Fixed oak trees only generating with Oak Wood and not Oak Logs
Fixed spruce trees not generating in the Grove biome
Fixed a major issue that causes crashes with any other mod that messes with world generation. (Terralith/WWOO compatibility is still not here yet, more to come soon-ish)
修复了与任何其他混淆了世界生成器的模组共同使用时导致的崩溃问题。( Terralith/WWOO 的兼容问题不包括在这里,很快还有更多关于兼容的更新到来)
First minor update to Tectonic, with bug fixes and a major change to biome placement.
Tectonic 的第一个小型更新,修复了漏洞,包含一个关于群系置换的重要更改。
Fixed aquifiers generating in the Deep Dark and in Ancient Cities (#1)
Fixed sculk leaking out of Ancient Rivers and onto the world surface (#2)
Sandstone Cliffs now correctly generate Sandstone
Modified biome generation to use vanilla noises. This means biomes are slightly smaller on average, and have been shuffled around.
If you want to update a world from Tectonic v1.0.0 to Tectonic v1.0.1, install the "Tectonic 1.0.0 Compatibility" datapack and install it into your datapack folder after updating to 1.0.1. If you do not do this, you will have some nasty chunk borders. https://github.com/ApolloDatapacks/tectonic/releases/download/mc1.19-1.0.1/tectonic-v1.0.0-compatibility.zip
如果你想将一个使用 Tectonic v1.0.0 的世界升级到 v1.0.1,请在升级之前安装 “Tectonic 1.0.0 Compatibility” 数据包到你的数据包文件夹中。如果不这么做,你会获得一些非常差劲的区块边界。
Backport of Tectonic to 1.18.2. Fork of Tectonic v1.0.3 for 1.19. Most features are preserved, but a handful of biomes are removed and the way biomes are layed out is slightly different. Seed is not random on Fabric/Quilt.
向前移植至 1.18.2 的 Tectonic,为 v1.0.3 - 1.19 版本的分支。保留了大多数特性,少数群系被移除,部分群系布局略有不同。在 Fabric/Quilt 上种子不是随机的。
Second minor update to Tectonic, with a handful of bug fixes and full Arboria compatibility!
Tectonic 的第二个小型更新,进行了小部分的漏洞修复,并带来了对 Arboria 的完整兼容!
(When using Arboria with Tectonic, Tectonic must be loaded above Arboria.)
(当 Tectonic 与 Arboria 共存时,Tectonic 必须在 Arboria 上方加载。)
Fixed an issue with bamboo placement in v1.0.1a
修复了 v1.0.1a 版本关于竹子放置的问题;
Introduced full Arboria compatibility
带来了完整的对 Arboria 的兼容;
Modified tree placement for most biomes.
Swamps now only generate Tectonic fancy oak trees and mangrove trees.
沼泽现在只会生成 Tectonic 华丽的橡树和红树。
Biomes that previously used vanilla oak trees now use Tectonic oak trees.
之前使用原版橡树的群系现在使用 Tectonic 的橡树。
Most other biomes had their tree placements shuffled around somewhat, to use a new system that allows for Arboria compatibility.
大多数其他群系的树木布局有所改变,以使用一种新的系统以兼容 Arboria 。
Several other assorted bug fixes.