
Highlights 亮点

  • MC 1.20.3, 1.20.4, 1.20.6 support

    支持 MC 1.20.3、1.20.4、1.20.6

    • No forge support for 1.20.6 due to Forge compiler issues

      由于 Forge 编译器问题,1.20.6 不支持 Forge

    • Added NeoForge support for 1.20.6

      增加了对 1.20.6 的 NeoForge 支持

  • Massive memory decrease, especially at high render distances


    • 1024 at medium can be loaded with 4 GB of memory

      使用 4GB 内存可在中等渲染距离下加载 1024 个区块

  • Massive database file size decrease


    • Note: This will only affect new worlds, old databases will be migrated to the new format, but have to be manually vacuumed to shrink their file size.


  • Frustum culling


  • Fixed rendering hollow structures


  • Up the api version number 1.0.0 -> 2.0.0

    将 API 版本号从 1.0.0 提升到 2.0.0

    • This means there were some breaking API changes

      这意味着一些 API 发生了重大变更

  • World gen doesn't regenerate the same terrain twice


    • World gen also starts faster after loading into the world.


  • API methods needed for Iris 1.7.0 support

    支持 Iris 1.7.0 所需的 API 方法

Core DH Changes 核心 DH 变更

Additions 新增内容

  • MC 1.20.3 / 1.20.4 support - coolGi, James

    支持 MC 1.20.3 / 1.20.4 - coolGi, James

  • Frustum culling - NULL

    视锥体剔除 - NULL

  • New rendering option so grass fades to dirt - IMS, James

    新增草地渐变为泥土的渲染选项 - IMS, James

  • Simple material IDs to rendering data for use with Iris - James

    为 Iris 使用的渲染数据添加简单材质 ID - James

  • corrupt data read handling - James

    处理数据损坏读取 - James

  • JarUtil/SelfUpdater error handling - James

    JarUtil/SelfUpdater 错误处理 - James

  • Buffer count to the F3 menu - James

    F3 菜单中的缓冲区计数 - James

  • IP only server folder mode - James

    仅 IP 服务器文件夹模式 - James

Improvements 改进内容

  • Improve downsampling / low detail rendering - James

    改进降采样 / 低细节渲染 - James

    • IE hollow structures will no longer render incorrectly at lower detail levels

      IE 空心结构在低细节级别不会再渲染错误

  • Smaller database file sizes - James

    更小的数据库文件大小 - James

    • Added LZMA as the new default compression option

      新增 LZMA 作为默认压缩选项

    • Add lossy world compression, defaults to "visually equal"


  • Massively reduce memory use and reduce GC pressure - James

    大幅减少内存使用和垃圾回收压力 - James

  • Speed up world gen queue initial loading - James

    加快世界生成队列初始加载速度 - James

  • Vertical LOD rendering improvements - Builderb0y

    垂直 LOD 渲染改进 - Builderb0y

  • RenderDataTransformer improvements - Cola

    RenderDataTransformer 改进 - Cola

  • Glass/transparent block improved color rendering - Cola, IMS

    改进玻璃/透明方块的颜色渲染 - Cola, IMS

Changes 变更内容

  • Overhaul data structure and file handling - James

    大幅重构数据结构和文件处理 - James

    • Fixes holes with world gen - James

      修复世界生成时的洞 - James

    • Overhaul the database format - James

      大幅重构数据库格式 - James

    • Add automatic DB migration - James


    • Removed DhRenderData - James

      移除 DhRenderData - James

  • Change overdraw to a number input - James

    将叠加绘制更改为数值输入 - James

  • Improve transparent rendering (IE Glass) - IMS, Cola

    改进透明渲染(例如玻璃) - IMS, Cola

  • rename "Horizontal Quality" -> "LOD Dropoff Distance" - James

    将“Horizontal Quality”重命名为“LOD Dropoff Distance” - James

  • Refactored logos into assets/distanthorizons - coolGi

    将徽标重构为 assets/distanthorizons - coolGi

  • Change the SQLite journal mode DELETE -> WAL - James

    将 SQLite 的日志模式从 DELETE 更改为 WAL - James

  • Improve initalization logic - s809

    改善初始化逻辑 - s809

  • Improve StepFeatures logging - James

    改进 StepFeatures 日志记录 - James

  • Add data source pooling to reduce GC pressure - James

    新增数据源池以减少垃圾回收压力 - James

  • Mark Iris 1.6.0 and older as incompatible - James

    将 Iris 1.6.0 及更早版本标记为不兼容 - James

    • Iris already hid DH rendering anyway, so this just makes it clearer

      Iris 已经隐藏了 DH 渲染,这样做只是为了更加明确

  • Make leaf colors match fancy graphics - Cola

    使叶子颜色匹配高级图形 - Cola

  • Move most async GL calls to the render thread - James

    将大多数异步 GL 调用移至渲染线程 - James

  • Only log empty biomeWrapper strings once per session - James

    每次会话只记录一次空 biomeWrapper 字符串 - James

  • Remove unnecessary string concatenations in assertions - James

    移除断言中的不必要字符串连接 - James

  • Disable cave culling in the end - James

    禁用末地中的洞穴剔除 - James

  • Rename unused debug wireframe configs - James

    重命名未使用的调试线框配置 - James

Bug Fixes 修复内容

  • Fix holes in the world when using world gen - James

    修复使用世界生成时的洞 - James

  • Fix world gen re-generating the same terrain - James

    修复世界生成重复生成相同地形的问题 - James

  • Fix world gen for extreme render distances - James

    修复极端渲染距离的世界生成 - James

  • Fix ocean lighting grid issue - James

    修复海洋光照网格问题 - James

  • Fix C2ME support - James

    修复 C2ME 支持 - James

    • Changing C2ME's config should no longer be necessary to run it with DH.

      修改 C2ME 的配置不再是运行 DH 的必要条件。

  • Fix SSAO and Fog not applying when Optifine shaders are enabled - James

    修复启用 OptiFine 光影时 SSAO 和雾效果不生效的问题 - James

  • Fix BiomeWrapper warning about null level on startup - James

    修复启动时 BiomeWrapper 关于空层级的警告 - James

  • Fix missing indium crashing with a messy error when java.awt is headless - James

    修复缺少 Indium 导致的混乱错误并在 java.awt 为 headless 时崩溃的问题 - James

    • The error message will now be much clearer and in most cases, should have a pop-up dialog explaining the problem.


  • Fix Z-fighting at very high heights - James

    修复在非常高的高度发生的 Z-fighting 问题 - James

  • Fix red LODs rendering in random places

    修复随机位置渲染的红色 LOD - James

    • IE Added a config which is disabled by default to render overlapping quad errors - James


  • Fix rendering holes (most of the time) - James

    修复渲染洞(大多数情况下) - James

  • Fix F3 menu not removing levels after leaving when multiverse support is active - James

    修复在多世界支持启用时离开后 F3 菜单不移除级别的问题 - James

  • Fix LodRenderSections not stopping load futures when closed - James

    修复 LodRenderSections 在关闭时不停止加载未来的问题 - James

  • Fix a rare concurrent lighting engine issue with ChunkWrapper.getBlockLightPosList() - James

    修复 ChunkWrapper.getBlockLightPosList() 的罕见并发光照引擎问题 - James

  • Fix purple Chisels & Bits block rendering - Pierre Remacle

    修复紫色的 雕凿工艺 方块渲染 - Pierre Remacle

    • IE make Chisels & Bits blocks transparent

      IE 使雕凿工艺方块透明

  • Fix ThreadPool null pointer before world startup - James

    修复世界启动前线程池空指针问题 - James

  • Fix world gen lockup if the file system fails - James

    修复文件系统失败时世界生成锁定问题 - James

  • Fix chunk break/place events not triggering fabric updates post MC 1.17 - James

    修复 MC 1.17 后的区块破坏/放置事件未触发 Fabric 更新的问题 - James

  • Fix Optifine not running in the dev environment - James

    修复开发环境中 OptiFine 无法运行的问题 - James

  • Fix light engine out of bounds for MC 1.16 and 1.17 - James

    修复 MC 1.16 和 1.17 的光照引擎越界问题 - James

  • Fix File handler repos not closing - James

    修复文件处理器仓库未关闭的问题 - James

  • Fix transparent ocean floors at low detail levels - James

    修复低细节级别的透明海底问题 - James

  • Fix warning about BiomeWrapper null level on startup - James

    修复启动时 BiomeWrapper 空层级警告 - James

  • Fix white grass/water if the biome is null - James

    修复生物群系为空时的白色草/水问题 - James

  • Fix optifine 1.16 support - James

    修复 OptiFine 1.16 支持问题 - James

  • Fixed mod auto-updating on quilt - coolGi

    修复 Quilt 上的模组自动更新 - coolGi

  • Fix thread pool error logging after shutdown - James

    修复关闭后的线程池错误日志记录 - James

  • Fix corrupt data or moving data between MC versions causing monoliths - James

    修复数据损坏或跨 MC 版本移动数据导致的巨石问题 - James

  • Fix #49 shaders render incorrectly - IMS

    修复 #49 光影渲染错误 - IMS

    • This is specifically fixed for Iris 1.7.0+

      该问题已针对 Iris 1.7.0+特别修复

  • Fix #94 Rendering issues with Immersive Portals

    修复 #94 与 沉浸式传送门 的渲染问题

  • Fix #414 Added (nearly) unlimited vertical quality graphics option

    修复 #414 添加(几乎)无限垂直质量图形选项

  • Fix #449 LodNodeBufferBuilder crash due to index out of bounds

    修复 #449 由于索引越界导致的 LodNodeBufferBuilder 崩溃

  • Fix #595 crash on save and exit - James

    修复 #595 保存并退出时的崩溃 - James

  • Fix #597 Show Create logo in DH's update menu

    修复 #597 在 DH 的更新菜单中显示 机械动力 徽标

  • Fix #613 multiplayer failing due to folder not existing - James

    修复 #613 由于文件夹不存在导致的多人游戏失败 - James

  • Fix #615 lag when rapidly breaking/placing blocks - James

    修复 #615 快速破坏/放置方块时的延迟 - James

  • Fix #638 optifine not rendering on 1.16 + 1.17

    修复 #638 1.16 + 1.17 上的 OptiFine 未渲染

  • Fix #640 world gen holes not filling in

    修复 #640 世界生成的洞未填满

  • Fix #641 seamless overdraw issues

    修复 #641 无缝叠加问题

  • Fix #650 Fix Indium missing messages not displaying correctly in some cases - James

    修复 #650 Indium 缺失消息在某些情况下未正确显示 - James

  • Fix #663 Fix world gen holes - James

    修复 #663 世界生成的洞 - James

  • Fix #670 Remove outdated world gen options from tooltip - James

    修复 #670 移除工具提示中过时的世界生成选项 - James

  • Fix #673 Chunks without a position are ignored - James

    修复 #673 忽略没有位置的区块 - James

  • Fix #680 Massive Memory Usage by ColumnRenderSource#renderDataContainer - James

    修复 #680 由于 ColumnRenderSource#renderDataContainer 导致的巨大内存使用 - James

Removals 移除内容

  • Remove Seamless Overdraw Test - James

    移除无缝叠加测试 - James

    • The experiment was interesting, but ultimately failed. There were a number of issues rendering entities and it only ever worked on Fabric.

      实验有趣,但最终失败了。渲染实体存在许多问题,并且只在 Fabric 上工作。

  • Near and near/far fog options - James

    近距离和近/远距离雾选项 - James

    • Near fog was originally added back in DH 1.0 in case we couldn't remove vanilla fog, which has since proven to not be an issue.

      近距离雾最初在 DH 1.0 中添加,以防我们无法移除原版雾,这已经证明不是问题。

  • Remove Unlimited horizontal quality (LOD Dropoff Distance) setting - James

    移除无限水平质量(LOD Dropoff Distance)设置 - James

    • Unlimited quality is unnecessary and due to how the renderer is currently set up, unable to be run on any machine at higher render distances.


  • Disable cave culling for any detail level above 0 - James

    禁用 0 以上细节级别的洞穴剔除 - James

    • Cave culling is currently bugged and to prevent holes in the ocean that show the void this is the temporary solution.

      洞穴剔除当前有 bug,为防止海洋中的洞显示空洞,这是临时解决方案。
