找到约 279 条结果,共约 10 页。 [耗时:10.0470ms]

...组做前置。1.12 及之后版本的 FTB Utilities 已经被拆分成了多个模组。FTB Utilities 是 LatvianModder 开发的模组。它旨在在 FTB 平台提供多种有用的实用功能,包括团队列表、服务器配置实用程序、世界边界、指南系统和许多其他功能。配置文件位于 @ ./local/ftbu/config.json你可以通过点击 服务器信息 > 命令 > /ftb 在游戏中查看所有命令。 关于如...
[h1=简介]本模组在 Fabric 客户端及服务端实现了 ViaVersion,以允许客户端连接到不同的 MC 版本,或允许服务端支持不同 MC 版本的客户端连接。[h1=概述]ViaVersion 是一款基于服务器的插件,配合 ViaBackwards 和 ViaRewind 可以做到从 1.7.X 到最新版的 MC 客户端都可以连接你的服务器。在当时正是 Rift 盛行的时候,开发团队决定做 Via 插件全家桶的...
...对吧!)Żar-ptak(火鸟 原文为波兰语,为斯拉夫神话中带来祝福或灾祸预兆的火鸟(via Wikipedia))Acencia(雪豹)Archelon(古巨龟)Colelytra(巨瓢虫)Courier Birds(陆行鸟驮鸟)Dire Wolves(巨狼)Dragons(龙)Griffons(狮鹫)Geckotoa Lizards(巨蜥)Giant Moths(巨蛾)Nether Bats(下界蝙蝠)Nightmare(梦魇马)Giant Nudibranch(巨型裸鳃鱼 字面意思,...
... 'cultivated' bees with a bookshelf as a base. You can learn further mutations using the Escritoire, or via an add-on such a JEI Bees.这个模组现在还在 Alpha 版本,而且有很多东西都是亟待完善的半成品。This mod is currently in early alpha, and lots of stuff is WIP or subject to change.
[h1=简介]ViaVersion 是一款多平台的服务器插件,配合 ViaBackwards 和 ViaRewind 可以做到 1.7.X - 最新版 MC 都可以连接你的服务器。ViaVersion 自身既是 Spigot 插件的同时也是一个 Fabric Mod,并且它还支持作为 Sponge,BungeeCord,Waterfall 和 Velocity 插件使用。[h1=使用]在 Fabric 下的 ViaVersion 具体使用方法和注意事项请详见 ViaFabric。ViaVersion 自身的...
...own mod and got some unique new features: They are owned, and their owner can break those blocks instantly (now via shift-rightclicking with an empty hand, later with a tool from OMLib). Also the owner does not get damage from his own fences. If you have any more ideas for the mod please feel free to post them at the issue tracker.Upcoming features:new Block that detects and highlights mobs.eletric fences
...和崩溃日志。            Get log files and crash reports via command/cu getLog+ 清除超过X数量的地面掉落物/物品。            Clear Items if there are more than X on the ground/cu callItemClear(使用命令时立即检查是否超过数量)+ 查找存在大量实体的区块。        &n...
[h1=简介]ViaFabricPlus 是面向客户端的 ViaFabric 和 Multiconnect 替代品,可连接至几乎所有版本(包括正式版、Beta 版、Alpha 版、Classic 版、战斗测试 8C、部分愚人节版、最新快照版本 和 最新基岩版)的 Minecraft 服务器。相对于上述模组,它更侧重于客户端的额外修复,提高与其他版本服务器的兼容性并包含更多客户端改进,但对于...
[h1=简介]作者原话:面向 Forge 的客户端 ViaVersion 实现。就像标题和作者原话所说一样,这是 ViaFabric 的客户端 Forge 移植版。借助这个 Mod,你可以使你的 Forge 客户端跨版本连接服务器。[h1=使用]在安装后,ViaForge 的版本选择按钮将在“多人游戏”界面的左上角出现,选择你要连接的服务器版本。最新版本已支持连接以下版本的服务器...
[ban:title_menu][h1=简介]ViaBackwards 是一款多平台的服务器插件,依赖 ViaVersion ;配合 ViaRewind 可以做到从 1.7.X - 1.20.X 都可以连接你的服务器。ViaBackwards 自身既是 Spigot 插件也是一个 Fabric Mod,并且它还支持作为 Sponge,BungeeCord,Waterfall 和 Velocity 插件使用。[h1=使用]ViaBackwards 自身的作用是支持 1.9 及以上的客户端连接至新版的服务...
[h1=简介]ViaRewind 是一款多平台的服务器插件,依赖 ViaVersion 和 ViaBackwards,三个插件一起使用可以做到从 1.7.X 到 1.20.X 都可以连接你的服务器。ViaRewind 自身既是 Spigot 插件也是一个 Fabric Mod,并且它还支持作为 Sponge,BungeeCord,Waterfall 和 Velocity 插件使用。[h1=使用]ViaRewind 自身的作用是支持 1.7.X / 1.8.X 的客户端连接至更高版本的服务器。如果...
...ing they have actual names you won't ever know and that they don't even know you're talking to them via code name.大意:用代号交流很有趣,你有他们不会知道的名字,他们也有你不会知道的名字,甚至他们都不知道你在用代号跟他们交流。作者给出的有4个,但有2个都离普通人有点远(对up主更有用的部分)
[h1=简介]本模组用于处理 Vanilla+ 类型模组不同版本之间的网络协议更改,可作为 ViaFabricPlus 的附属使用。目前支持模组:Carpet;Syncmatica(共享原理图)。[ban:title_menu]
[h1=简介]ViaForgePlus 是面向客户端的 ViaForge 替代品,并基于 ViaForge 开发。ViaForgePlus 并非 ViaVersion 官方制作,出现问题请在问题跟踪器上报告。[h1=概述]ViaForgePlus 还原了高版本客户端的动画和移动方式(如 1.14+ 的 1.5 格潜行通过)。同时针对客户端发包进行了修复,避免了跨版本造成的反作弊误判。[h2=特性支持]1.14+ 1.5 格潜行通过支...
...Worldedit)模组;R键(中键)物品栏整理模组;Masa系模组;Carpet 地毯及其附属模组;Via Fabric 高版本客户端连入低版本服务器模组;游戏内账号切换模组;局域网世界自定义端口号,正版验证模组;Customskinloader 自定义皮肤加载器模组;全屏输入法支持 / 防中文输入法冲突模组;自动钓鱼模组;Controlling 快捷按键修改模组。优化类模组:高...

注册名: calculator:healthprocessor

...模块。官方Wiki:Usage: For converting Monster Drops into Health Points you can view all valid items via NEI/JEI. It can transfer Health Points into Nutrition Modules & Health Modules. Points can also be removed from Modules if required.Automation: Like most Calculator Machines it has reconfigurable sides which can be changed by right-clicking the side with a Wrench. It has two configurations (Input and Output: W...
...rage stripmining in the Nether for quartz, but now that Netherite exists, which can only be reasonably obtained via stripmining, it's just frustrating for no real reason. "Dinnerlava" refers to the fact this was part of a series of changes all made by Dinnerbone in a short span of time in the 1.5 era mostly on provocation from Vechs of Super Hostile fame. Will not take effect unless the world is reloaded.[h1=内容]禁止在下界...
...iful that tridents only deal as much damage as an unenchanted bow and this cannot be improved at all other than via Impaling, which is exclusive to aquatic mobs; notably, Drowned do not count as aquatic mobs. Only the harmless squids, salmon, cod, tropical fish, and the less harmless pufferfish and guardians count as "aquatic". Power is considered incompatible with Sharpness and Impaling.[h1=内容]允许力量附魔对三叉戟生效...
...行环境需求]仅服务器[h1=原文]Allows you to assign or unassign various "tags" from players via /fabrication tag. Valid tags consist of feature keys which are living_entity scriptable. The following features are set taggable by default: can_breathe_water, no_wandering_trader, no_phantoms, scares_creepers, permanent_dolphins_grace, permanent_conduit_power, fireproof, no_hunger, invisible_to_mobs.[h1=内容]允许玩家通过Forge...

注册名: lepidodendron:prehistoric_flora_haikouichthys

...:in Shu, Luo, Conway Morris, Zhang, Hu, Chen, Han, Zhu, Li & Chen, Nature (Lond) 402 (6757), 4 November - via The Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera。

注册名: lepidodendron:prehistoric_flora_yunnanozoon

...物始祖的云南虫化石就一直研究院的办公桌上躺了两三年。资料参考:Zool Scr 20 (4) - via The Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera。

注册名: lepidodendron:prehistoric_flora_kimberella

...卡拉动物群,在俄罗斯白海地区埃迪卡拉动物群也有发现。资料参考:Palaeontology 15 - via The Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera。

注册名: lepidodendron:prehistoric_flora_eoandromeda

...中均有发现。资料参考:Article title: Octoradiate spiral organisms in the Ediacaran of south China. - via The Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera。

注册名: lepidodendron:crinoid_caryocrinites

矿物词典: staticdnaPNlepidodendron:crinoid_caryocrinites, pndietCrinoid

...2002). A compendium of fossil marine animal genera. Bulletins of American Paleontology. 363, 1-560. - via The Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera。

注册名: lepidodendron:aulacera_sapling

矿物词典: pndietSponge, itemSponge, staticdnaPNlepidodendron:aulacera_sapling

...2002). A compendium of fossil marine animal genera. Bulletins of American Paleontology. 363, 1-560. - via The Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera

注册名: lepidodendron:crinoid_callicrinus

矿物词典: staticdnaPNlepidodendron:crinoid_callicrinus, pndietCrinoid

...2002). A compendium of fossil marine animal genera. Bulletins of American Paleontology. 363, 1-560. - via The Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera。

注册名: lepidodendron:crinoid_scyphocrinus_item

矿物词典: staticdnaPNlepidodendron:crinoid_scyphocrinus_item, pndietCrinoid

...留纪,最晚出现于358.9 Ma泥盆纪。资料参考:Yale University Peabody Museum: Peabody Paleoport - via The Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera。

注册名: lepidodendron:cystoid_echinosphaerites

矿物词典: staticdnaPNlepidodendron:cystoid_echinosphaerites, pndietCrinoid

...2002). A compendium of fossil marine animal genera. Bulletins of American Paleontology. 363, 1-560. - via The Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera。
...会计入难度计算(默认:没有人)S:"Exempt Players" # Allows difficulty to be set via game stages. Each line should consist of the stage key, followed by a space and the difficulty value (integers only). Example: "my stage key 100" [default: ]#允许根据游戏阶段来设置难度,例如"my_stage_key 100",100为难度,而且必须为整数S:"Game Stages" # Adds extra diff...
...n the worlds's sea level if; enabled.normalizeHeight = true; Maximum amount of chunks to check for retrogen viability each tick.; Retrogen is the retroactive generation of terrain features, e.g. ores and trees.; Set it to 0 to disable retrogen.; When enabling this the recommended value is 16retrogenCheckLimit = 0; Maximum amount of chunks to process for retrogen each tick.; Values exceeding retrogenCheckLimit are being truncated.retrogenUpdat...