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# Configuration file
【这是基于 只是一些鱼(版本1.7) 模组的配置文件说明,注意该模组配置文件名为 jaff.cfg而非模组全名。【】内为中文说明,true为是,false为否。】
bait {【鱼饵设置】
    # List if items considered worms, which can be used as bait.【可用作鱼饵的物品列表,尽可能为虫子。】
    # Add them each on a new line in the form <Item Name>-<Metadata (optional)>【每种新物品占据一行,其格式为<Item Name>-<Metadata (optional)>】
    # so for example something like somemod:worm_item-0. If you don't put the【举例即:somemod:worm_item-0,如果未填写meta数据,则默认匹配任何数据】
    # metadata, it uses any metadata. [default: ]【默认设置】
    S:"Worm Bait" <

fishing {【钓鱼设置】
    # If this is true, when you hook a fish and right click, you【该项设为是时,鱼上钩后你会立即获得它,而不需拉线过程。】
    # catch it immediately, instead of reeling it in. [default: false]【默认为否】
    B:"Simple Fishing"=false

restrictions {【限制条件】
    # Comma separated list of dimension ids which the fish should not spawn in. [default: -1,1]【无法生成鱼的维度id列表,使用逗号分隔。】
    S:"Dimension Blacklist"=-1,1

    # Comma separated list of dimension ids which the fish can only spawn in.【可生成鱼的维度id列表,使用逗号分隔。】
    # Overrides the blacklist if not empty. [default: ]【当该列表不为空时,优先使用该列表】
    S:"Dimension Whitelist"=

    # List of fluid blocks which the fish should not spawn in. [default: [BiomesOPlenty:poison], [BuildCraft|Energy:blockOil]]【不可生成鱼的液体方块列表。(默认包括:超多生物群系的毒水和buildcraft的原油)】
    S:"Fluid Blacklist" <

    # List of fluid blocks which the fish can only spawn in.【可生成鱼的液体方块列表。】
    # Overrides the blacklist if not empty. [default: ]【当该列表不为空时,优先使用该列表。】
    S:"Fluid Whitelist" <【液体白名单】

spawning {【生成设置】
    # Set to false to prevent Clownfish from spawning. [default: true]【是否开启小丑鱼的生成。(默认为是)】
    B:"Enable Clownfish Spawning"=true

    # Set to false to prevent Cod from spawning. [default: true]【是否开启鳕鱼的生成。(默认为是)】
    B:"Enable Cod Spawning"=true

    # Set to false to prevent Pufferfish from spawning. [default: true]【是否开启河豚的生成。(默认为是)】
    B:"Enable Pufferfish Spawning"=true

    # Set to false to prevent Salmon from spawning. [default: true]【是否开启鲑鱼的生成。(默认为是)】
    B:"Enable Salmon Spawning"=true

    # The spawn frequency for the fish: higher is more common. [range: 1 ~ 2000, default: 100]【调整鱼的生成频率,数值更高则鱼更常见。(范围为1-2000,默认为100)】
    I:"Spawn Frequency"=100