“选择你的起源”中起源名称的翻译均取自 Minecraft 1.12.2 模组 逃逸:寄生体(SRP)中对应的生物。其中“Assimilated”同时具有 SRP 中被同化的人类与被同化的冒险者的特征,因此暂译为“被同化者”。
原始种能力中的“Orb”在 SRP 中无翻译,此处与 SRP:寄生蜂(SRPC)中对 Orb 的译名(“寄染泡”)保持一致。
一级菜单 / 选择你的起源
You don't do much, but are the catalyst for all parasites, the backbone of your species.
弱火(Weak to Fire)
The minerals inside your flesh cause burning to be 4x as lethal. You will also take damage while in the nether.
You are unable to sleep. You are a parasite and must infect during the night.
恶名(Bad Reputation)
Iron golems will attack on sight.
Your parasite body let you be immune to poison and instant damage.
Every time you kill something, you gain 1 soul. Death will result in 3 souls removed. (View your current soul count by crouching + Hotbar slot 1.)
你将在每次击杀生物时获得一点灵魂。你的每次死亡将扣除三点灵魂。(潜行时按下快捷栏 1 键以查看当前持有的灵魂数量。)
Every so often, you lost a bit of biomass. 0 Biomass will cause nagative effects. 85 Biomass and above will give big Regeneration buff, and 65 Biomass an above will give small Regeneration buff. Main abilities will cost 10 Biomass, and Secondary abilities will cost 5.
每隔一段时间,你会损失少量生物质。生物质耗尽会带来不良效果。持有生物质高于 85 点时可以获得强大的生命恢复效果,高于 65 点时可以获得较差的生命恢复效果。主动使用主要能力一次扣除 10 点生物质,次级能力一次扣除 5 点生物质。
Evolving over time will grant you more power. Infesting and growing will give points, certain points increase the phase. (View the current phase by crouching + Hotbar slot 2. View the amount of points you have by crouching + Hotbar slot 3. View the amount of points you need for next phase crouching + Hotbar slot 4.)
随时间进化将给予你更多力量。通过寄染与生长获取点数,并使用一定点数提升演化阶段。(潜行时按下快捷栏 2 键查看当前演化阶段,潜行时按下快捷栏 3 键查看当前持有的点数,潜行时按下快捷栏 4 键查看距升级至下一演化阶段缺少的点数。)
(Sneak + Load Hotbar Activator) Opens a GUI where you can put in other parasite parts to empower yourself. Certain Augments may give you extra abilities. You can use (Load Hotbar Activator + Slot Number the augment is in) to use them.
When you get any piece of iron armor, you will evolve into a Rupter.
You are half a block tall.
Your small parasite body lets you go a bit faster than//译者注:原文为"then",为明显笔误 normal.
You have 7 hearts.
Your body has been infected by parasites and is now a catalyst for the infection.
Your parasite body let you be immune to poison and instant damage.
虫灵释放 I(Buglin Release I)-主动能力,按下[G]键使用
Release 2 buglins worming around inside of your body to fight for you.
目标重置 I(Repurposed I)
Your body and organs have been completely reconstructed to serve parasites, causing you to be slower, but also hit harder.
When you get 200 souls, you can choose to evolve into either a Feral or a Thrall.
You make the sound of an Assimilated Human (Shift + Highlight Spectators to turn off)
Every times you die, you will explode into remains.
Every time you kill something, you gain 1 soul. Death will result in 3 souls removed. (View your current soul count by crouching + Hotbar slot 1.)
你将在每次击杀生物时获得一点灵魂。你的每次死亡将扣除三点灵魂。(潜行时按下快捷栏 1 键以查看当前持有的灵魂数量。)
Every so often, you lost a bit of biomass. 0 Biomass will cause nagative effects. 85 Biomass and above will give big Regeneration buff, and 65 Biomass an above will give small Regeneration buff. Main abilities will cost 10 Biomass, and Secondary abilities will cost 5.
每隔一段时间,你会损失少量生物质。生物质耗尽会带来不良效果。持有生物质高于 85 点时可以获得强大的生命恢复效果,高于 65 点时可以获得较差的生命恢复效果。主动使用主要能力一次扣除 10 点生物质,次级能力一次扣除 5 点生物质。
Evolving over time will grant you more power. Infesting and growing will give points, certain points increase the phase. (View the current phase by crouching + Hotbar slot 2. View the amount of points you have by crouching + Hotbar slot 3. View the amount of points you need for next phase crouching + Hotbar slot 4.)
随时间进化将给予你更多力量。通过寄染与生长获取点数,并使用一定点数提升演化阶段。(潜行时按下快捷栏 2 键查看当前演化阶段,潜行时按下快捷栏 3 键查看当前持有的点数,潜行时按下快捷栏 4 键查看距升级至下一演化阶段缺少的点数。)
(Sneak + Load Hotbar Activator) Opens a GUI where you can put in other parasite parts to empower yourself. Certain Augments may give you extra abilities. You can use (Load Hotbar Activator + Slot Number the augment is in) to use them.
弱火(Weak to Fire)
The minerals inside your flesh cause burning to be 4x as lethal. You will also take damage while in the nether.
You are unable to sleep. You are a parasite and must infect during the night.
恶名(Bad Reputation)
Iron golems will attack on sight.
开放性胸腔(Opened Chest)
Your chest has been replaced with your new mouth, so you cannot wear chestplates.
你的胸腔已经成为了新的口腔,因此你不能穿戴胸甲。//译者注:心 胸 开 阔
原始蛛形兽(Primitive Arachnida)
Piles of flesh and bone from previously corrupted forms combine into a new organism, held together by blood. You were made into a spider-like utility unit.
Your parasite body let you be immune to poison and instant damage.
适应性 I(Adaptive I)
Being hit 25 times with 1 weapon will cause you to adapt to it, and not be able to take damage from it.
你将在受到同一把武器攻击 25 次之后产生适应性,不再受到该武器造成的伤害。
卷须 I(Tendrils I)
When hit 35 times, one of your limbs will be cut off. You'll start bleeding (Wither 2, Blindness 2, Weakness 4 for 5 seconds) and get enraged (Speed 2 and Strength 1 for 30 seconds). Adaptation will not work for 1 minute, and during said minute you will be 2x more susceptible to damage.
受击 35 次会使你的一条卷须脱落,造成流血(凋零 II,失明 II 及虚弱 IV,持续 5 秒)和狂怒(速度 II 及力量 I,持续 30 秒)。适应性将失效一分钟,此时你受到的伤害将会提升两倍。
Every times you die, you will explode into remains.
拉拽 I(Pull I)-主动能力,按下[G]键使用
You shoot out a projectile. If it hits an entity, it will be dragged to you. If it hits a block, it will place a 2x2 area of cobwebs.
你射出一个抛射物,它将在击中生物时将被击中的生物拽向你,或在击中方块时在 2x2 大小的区域放置蜘蛛网。
Your spider-like body allows you to climb and walk through cobwebs with ease.
蛛形兽寄染泡 I(Arachnida Orb I)-主动能力
Apply to everyone in a 3 block radius who isn't a parasite with Hunger 2 and Blindness 2.
赋予 3 格半径内所有非寄生体生物饥饿 II 和 失明 II 效果。
When you get 300 souls, you will evolve into an Adapted Arachnida.
当你获得 300 点灵魂时。你将进化为适应蛛形兽。
Every time you kill something, you gain 1 soul. Death will result in 3 souls removed. (View your current soul count by crouching + Hotbar slot 1.)
你将在每次击杀生物时获得一点灵魂。你的每次死亡将扣除三点灵魂。(潜行时按下快捷栏 1 键以查看当前持有的灵魂数量。)
Every so often, you lost a bit of biomass. 0 Biomass will cause nagative effects. 85 Biomass and above will give big Regeneration buff, and 65 Biomass an above will give small Regeneration buff. Main abilities will cost 10 Biomass, and Secondary abilities will cost 5.
每隔一段时间,你会损失少量生物质。生物质耗尽会带来不良效果。持有生物质高于 85 点时可以获得强大的生命恢复效果,高于 65 点时可以获得较差的生命恢复效果。主动使用主要能力一次扣除 10 点生物质,次级能力一次扣除 5 点生物质。
Evolving over time will grant you more power. Infesting and growing will give points, certain points increase the phase. (View the current phase by crouching + Hotbar slot 2. View the amount of points you have by crouching + Hotbar slot 3. View the amount of points you need for next phase crouching + Hotbar slot 4.)
随时间进化将给予你更多力量。通过寄染与生长获取点数,并使用一定点数提升演化阶段。(潜行时按下快捷栏 2 键查看当前演化阶段,潜行时按下快捷栏 3 键查看当前持有的点数,潜行时按下快捷栏 4 键查看距升级至下一演化阶段缺少的点数。)
(Sneak + Load Hotbar Activator) Opens a GUI where you can put in other parasite parts to empower yourself. Certain Augments may give you extra abilities. You can use (Load Hotbar Activator + Slot Number the augment is in) to use them.
弱火(Weak to Fire)
The minerals inside your flesh cause burning to be 4x as lethal. You will also take damage while in the nether.
You are unable to sleep. You are a parasite and must infect during the night.
恶名(Bad Reputation)
Iron golems will attack on sight.
原始协增兽(Primitive Bolster)
Piles of flesh and bone from previously corrupted forms combine into a new organism, held together by blood. You were made into a tough support unit.
Your parasite body let you be immune to poison and instant damage.
适应性 I(Adaptive I)
Being hit 25 times with 1 weapon will cause you to adapt to it, and not be able to take damage from it.
你将在受到同一把武器攻击 25 次之后产生适应性,不再受到该武器造成的伤害。
卷须 I(Tendrils I)
When hit 35 times, one of your limbs will be cut off. You'll start bleeding (Wither 2, Blindness 2, Weakness 4 for 5 seconds) and get enraged (Speed 2 and Strength 1 for 30 seconds). Adaptation will not work for 1 minute, and during said minute you will be 2x more susceptible to damage.
受击 35 次会使你的一条卷须脱落,造成流血(凋零 II,失明 II 及虚弱 IV,持续 5 秒)和狂怒(速度 II 及力量 I,持续 30 秒)。适应性将失效一分钟,此时你受到的伤害将会提升两倍。
Every times you die, you will explode into remains.
You make the sound of an Primitive Bolster (Shift + Highlight Spectators to turn off)
坦克 I(Tank I)
You have 2 extra hearts, but constant slowness 3.
你有额外的4点()生命值,但受到持续的缓慢 III 效果影响。
支援 I(Support I)-主动能力,按下[G]键使用
Anything 16 or less blocks away will get Regeneration 1. (Toggle on/off, off by default)
以自身为圆心 16 格半径内的所有生物都将获得生命恢复 I 效果(手动切换开关,默认关闭)
协增兽寄染泡 I(Bolster Orb I)-主动能力
Apply to everyone in a 3 block radius who isn't a parasite with Hunger 2, and other parasites with Speed 2.
赋予 3 格半径内所有非寄生体生物饥饿 II 效果,所有寄生体速度 II 效果。
When you get 300 souls, you will evolve into an Adapted Bolster.
当你获得 300 点灵魂时。你将进化为适应协增兽。
Every time you kill something, you gain 1 soul. Death will result in 3 souls removed. (View your current soul count by crouching + Hotbar slot 1.)
你将在每次击杀生物时获得一点灵魂。你的每次死亡将扣除三点灵魂。(潜行时按下快捷栏 1 键以查看当前持有的灵魂数量。)
Every so often, you lost a bit of biomass. 0 Biomass will cause nagative effects. 85 Biomass and above will give big Regeneration buff, and 65 Biomass an above will give small Regeneration buff. Main abilities will cost 10 Biomass, and Secondary abilities will cost 5.
每隔一段时间,你会损失少量生物质。生物质耗尽会带来不良效果。持有生物质高于 85 点时可以获得强大的生命恢复效果,高于 65 点时可以获得较差的生命恢复效果。主动使用主要能力一次扣除 10 点生物质,次级能力一次扣除 5 点生物质。
Evolving over time will grant you more power. Infesting and growing will give points, certain points increase the phase. (View the current phase by crouching + Hotbar slot 2. View the amount of points you have by crouching + Hotbar slot 3. View the amount of points you need for next phase crouching + Hotbar slot 4.)
随时间进化将给予你更多力量。通过寄染与生长获取点数,并使用一定点数提升演化阶段。(潜行时按下快捷栏 2 键查看当前演化阶段,潜行时按下快捷栏 3 键查看当前持有的点数,潜行时按下快捷栏 4 键查看距升级至下一演化阶段缺少的点数。)
(Sneak + Load Hotbar Activator) Opens a GUI where you can put in other parasite parts to empower yourself. Certain Augments may give you extra abilities. You can use (Load Hotbar Activator + Slot Number the augment is in) to use them.
弱火(Weak to Fire)
The minerals inside your flesh cause burning to be 4x as lethal. You will also take damage while in the nether.
You are unable to sleep. You are a parasite and must infect during the night.
二级菜单 / 选择你的Variant(变种)
Not particularly designed for any special.