

# Make cicadas silent for those having sound library problems, or otherwise finding them annoying.

# 开关蝉的叫声,如果觉得蝉声烦人可以关掉。

silentCicadas = false

# Make cicadas silent when sitting on your head. If the above option is already true, this won't have any effect.

# 让蝉坐在你头上时保持静止。如果上述选项已经为true,则不会有任何效果。

silentCicadasOnHead = false

# Controls whether various effects from the mod are rendered while in first-person view. Turn this off if you find them distracting.

# 控制在第一人称视角下是否渲染 MOD 的各种特效。如果你觉得这些特效会分散注意力,请将其关闭。

firstPersonEffects = true

# Rotate trophy heads on item model. Has no performance impact at all. For those who don't like fun.

# 旋转物品模型上的奖杯头。完全不影响性能。给那些不喜欢此功能的人

rotateTrophyHeadsGui = true

# Disable the nag screen when Optifine is installed.

# 安装 Optifine 时禁用警告提示。

disableOptifineNagScreen = false

# Disables the toasts that appear when a biome is locked. Not recommended if you're not familiar with progression.

# 禁用生物群落锁定时出现的通知。如果不熟悉进度,不建议使用。

disableLockedBiomeToasts = false

# Renders a little check mark or x above your crosshair depending on if fed the Quest Ram that color of wool. Turn this off if you find it intrusive.

# 根据是否喂给谜题羊某种颜色的羊毛,渲染一个勾选标记或叉号在你的准星上方。如果你喜欢这个标记可以关闭它。

questRamWoolIndicator = true

# Renders precipitation underneath cloud blocks. -1 sets it to be synced with the common config.

# Set this to a lower number if you're experiencing poor performance, or set it to 0 if you wish to turn it off

# Range: > -1

# 在云块下方渲染降水。-1 将其设置为与通用配置同步。就是

# 如果你遇到性能不佳,可以将这个数字设置得更低,或者如果你想关闭它,可以将其设置为 0

# 范围:> -1

cloudBlockPrecipitationDistance = -1

# List of player UUIDs whose skins the giants of Twilight Forest should use.

# If left empty, the giants will appear the same as the player viewing them does.

# 暮光森林巨人应使用的玩家皮肤 UUID 列表。

# 如果留空,巨人将使用玩家的皮肤。(玩家A看到的是玩家A的皮肤,玩家B看到的是玩家B的皮肤...)

giantSkinUUIDs = []

# Defines which biomes the aurora shader effect will appear in. Leave the list empty to disable the effect.

# 指定极光渲染效果将在哪些生物群落中激活。若希望禁用此效果,请保持列表为空。

auroraBiomes = ["twilightforest:glacier"]


# The dimension you can always travel to the Twilight Forest from, as well as the dimension you will return to. Defaults to the overworld. (domain:regname).

# 可以从这个维度前往暮色森林,同时也是你将返回的维度。默认为主世界。(格式:域名:注册名)。

originDimension = "minecraft:overworld"

# Allow portals to the Twilight Forest to be made outside of the 'origin' dimension. May be considered an exploit.

# 允许在默认的“主世界”维度之外的其他维度创建通往暮色森林的传送门。请注意,这可能会被滥用。

allowPortalsInOtherDimensions = false

# Allow portals only for admins (Operators). This severely reduces the range in which the mod usually scans for valid portal conditions, and it scans near ops only.

# 只允许管理员创建传送门。这将大幅减少模组通常用于检测有效传送门条件的范围,并且仅在操作员附近进行检测。

adminOnlyPortals = false

# Disable Twilight Forest portal creation entirely. Provided for server operators looking to restrict action to the dimension.

# 完全禁用暮色森林传送门的创建。适用于希望将活动限制在特定维度的服务器管理员。

disablePortalCreation = false

# Determines if new portals should be pre-checked for safety. If enabled, portals will fail to form rather than redirect to a safe alternate destination.

# 确定是否应对新传送门进行预先的安全检查。如果启用,传送门将无法形成,而不是被重定向到一个安全的替代目的地。

# Note that enabling this also reduces the rate at which portal formation checks are performed.

# 注意:启用此选项还会降低传送门形成检查的频率。

checkPortalDestination = false

# Set this true if you want the lightning that zaps the portal to not set things on fire. For those who don't like fun.

# 如果你希望传送门被雷击时不会着火,请设置为 true。适用于不喜欢着火的玩家。

portalLightning = false

# If false, the return portal will require the activation item.

# 如果设置为 false,则返回传送门将需要重新使用激活物品。

shouldReturnPortalBeUsable = true

# Use a valid advancement resource location as a string. For example, using the string "minecraft:story/mine_diamond" will lock the portal behind the "Diamonds!" advancement. Invalid/Empty Advancement resource IDs will leave the portal entirely unlocked.

# 使用有效的进度位置作为字符串。例如,使用字符串 "minecraft:story/mine_diamond" 将传送门锁定在 "钻石!" 进度之后。无效或空的进度资源 ID 将使传送门保持未锁定状态。

portalUnlockedByAdvancement = ""

# The max amount of water spaces the mod will check for when creating a portal. Very high numbers may cause issues.

# 模组在创建传送门时将检查的最大水空间数量。数值过高可能会导致问题。

# Range: > 4

# 范围:大于 4

maxPortalSize = 64

# If true, Keepsake Caskets that are spawned when a player dies will not be accessible by other players. Use this if you dont want people taking from other people's death caskets. NOTE: server operators will still be able to open locked caskets.

# 如果设置为 true,则玩家死亡时生成的纪念品箱子将无法被其他玩家访问。如果你不希望他人从他人的死亡箱子中取走物品,请启用此选项。注意:服务器管理员仍然能够打开锁定的箱子。

uuid_locking = false

# If true, disables the ability to make Skull Candles by right clicking a vanilla skull with a candle. Turn this on if you're having mod conflict issues for some reason.

# 如果设置为 true,则禁用通过右键点击普通骷髅并使用蜡烛来制作骷髅蜡烛的功能。如果你因某些原因遇到模组冲突,请启用此选项。

skull_candles = false

# If false, items that come enchanted when you craft them (such as ironwood or steeleaf gear) will not show this way in the creative inventory.

# 如果设置为 false,则在创造模式物品栏中不会显示制作时自带附魔的物品(例如铁木或钢叶装备)。

# Please note that this doesnt affect the crafting recipes themselves, you will need a datapack to change those.

# 请注意,这不会改变制作配方本身,如需更改配方,你需要使用数据包。

default_item_enchantments = true

# If true, Twilight Forest's bosses will put their drops inside of a chest where they originally spawned instead of dropping the loot directly.

# 如果设置为 true,则暮色森林的 Boss 将在它们最初生成的位置的箱子中放置掉落物,而不是直接掉落。

# Note that the Knight Phantoms are not affected by this as their drops work differently.

# 注意:幻影骑士的掉落物不受影响,因为它们的掉落机制不同。

boss_drop_chests = true

# Dictates how many blocks down from a cloud block should the game logic check for handling weather related code.

# 决定游戏逻辑应从云块向下检查多少个方块以处理与天气相关的代码。

# Lower if experiencing low tick rate. Set to 0 to turn all cloud precipitation logic off.

# 如果遇到低刻率,请降低此值。设置为 0 可以关闭所有云降水逻辑。

# Range: > 0

# 范围:大于 0

cloudBlockPrecipitationDistance = 32

# These settings, once changed, cannot be reversed without consequences.

# 这些设置一旦更改,将无法轻易逆转。

["Dimension Settings"]

# If set to true, new players will spawn in the Twilight Forest upon their first login.

# 若设为 true,则新玩家首次登录时将生成在暮色森林中。

newPlayersSpawnInTF = false

# If set to true, a return portal will spawn for new players that are sent to the Twilight Forest if `newPlayersSpawnInTF` is true.

# 若设为 true,且 `newPlayersSpawnInTF` 为 true,则新玩家被送至暮色森林时,将生成返回传送门。

portalForNewPlayer = false

# Settings for all things related to the uncrafting table.

# 所有与分解台相关的设置。

["Uncrafting Table"]

# Multiplies the total XP cost of uncrafting an item and rounds up.

# 增加分解物品所需经验值的总成本,并向上取整。

# Higher values mean the recipe will cost more to uncraft, lower means less. Set to 0 to disable the cost altogether.

# 值越高意味着分解配方的成本越高,值越低则成本越低。设为 0 可完全取消成本。

# Note that this only affects reversed crafting recipes; uncrafting recipes will still use the same cost as they normally would.

# 注意,这仅影响逆向合成配方,分解配方仍将使用其标准成本。

# Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308

# 范围:0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308

uncraftingXpCostMultiplier = 1.0

# Multiplies the total XP cost of repairing an item and rounds up.

# 增加修复物品所需经验值的总成本,并向上取整。

# Higher values mean the recipe will cost more to repair, lower means less. Set to 0 to disable the cost altogether.

# 值越高意味着修复配方的成本越高,值越低则成本越低。设为 0 可完全取消成本。

# Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308

# 范围:0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308

repairingXpCostMultiplier = 1.0

# If you don't want to disable uncrafting altogether and would rather disable certain recipes, this is for you.

# 如果你不想完全禁用分解,而是想禁用特定的配方,这个选项适合你。

# To add a recipe, add the mod id followed by the name of the recipe. You can check this in things like JEI.

# 添加配方时,请附上模组 ID 和配方名称。你可以在类似 JEI 的工具中查看这些信息。

# Example: "twilightforest:firefly_particle_spawner" will disable uncrafting the particle spawner into a firefly jar, firefly, and poppy.

# 例如:“twilightforest:firefly_particle_spawner”将禁用将粒子生成器分解为萤火虫罐、萤火虫和罂粟花。

# If an item has multiple crafting recipes and you wish to disable them all, add the item to the "twilightforest:banned_uncraftables" item tag.

# 如果一个物品有多个合成配方,并且你希望禁用它们全部,将物品添加到“twilightforest:banned_uncraftables”物品标签中。

# If you have a problematic ingredient, like infested towerwood for example, add the item to the "twilightforest:banned_uncrafting_ingredients" item tag.

# 如果你有一个有问题的成分,如感染的塔木,将物品添加到“twilightforest:banned_uncrafting_ingredients”物品标签中。

disableUncraftingRecipes = ["twilightforest:giant_log_to_oak_planks"]

# If set to true, this will invert the above uncrafting recipe list from a blacklist to a whitelist.

# 若设为 true,则将上述分解配方列表从黑名单转换为白名单。

flipRecipeList = false

# Here, you can disable all items from certain mods from being uncrafted.

# 在这里,你可以禁用来自特定模组的所有物品的分解。

# Input a valid mod id to disable all uncrafting recipes from that mod.

# 输入有效的模组 ID 以禁用该模组的所有分解配方。

# Example: "twilightforest" will disable all uncrafting recipes from this mod.

# 例如:“twilightforest”将禁用此模组的所有分解配方。

blacklistedUncraftingModIds = []

# If set to true, this will invert the above option from a blacklist to a whitelist.

# 若设为 true,则将上述选项从黑名单转换为白名单。

flipIdList = false

# If set to true, the uncrafting table will also be allowed to uncraft shapeless recipes.

# 若设为 true,分解台也将允许分解无形状配方。

# The table was originally intended to only take shaped recipes, but this option remains for people who wish to keep the functionality.

# 分解台最初只接受有形状的配方,但这个选项为希望保留此功能的人保留。

enableShapelessCrafting = false

# Disables the uncrafting function of the uncrafting table. Recommended as a last resort if there's too many things to change about its behavior (or you're just lazy, I don't judge).

# 禁用分解台的分解功能。如果有很多关于其行为的更改(或者你只是懒惰,我不评判),建议将其作为最后的手段。

# Do note that special uncrafting recipes are not disabled as the mod relies on them for other things.

# 请注意,特殊的分解配方不会被禁用,因为模组依赖它们进行其他操作。

disableUncrafting = false

# Disables any usage of the uncrafting table, as well as prevents it from showing up in loot or crafted.

# 禁用分解台的任何使用,并防止它出现在战利品或合成中。

# Please note that the table has more uses than just uncrafting; you can read about them here! [Uncrafting Table Wiki](http://benimatic.com/tfwiki/index.php?title=Uncrafting_Table)

# 请注意,这个台子不仅仅用于分解,你可以在这里阅读更多![分解台维基](http://benimatic.com/tfwiki/index.php?title=Uncrafting_Table)

# It is highly recommended to keep the table enabled as the mod has special uncrafting exclusive recipes, but the option remains for people that don't want the table to be functional at all.

# 强烈建议保持台子启用,因为模组有特殊的独家分解配方,但对于那些根本不希望台子有功能的人,这个选项仍然存在。

# If you are looking to just prevent normal crafting recipes from being reversed, consider using the 'disableUncrafting' option instead.

# 如果你只是想阻止正常的合成配方被反转,考虑使用 'disableUncrafting' 选项。

disableUncraftingTable = false

# Settings for all things related to the magic trees.

# 所有与魔法树相关的设置。

["Magic Trees"]

# If set to true, prevents the Timewood Core from functioning.

# 若设为 true,则阻止时间木核心运作。

disableTimeCore = false

# Defines the radius at which the Timewood Core works. Can be a number anywhere between 1 and 128.

# 定义时间木核心的作用半径。可以是 1 到 128 之间的任何数字。

# Range: 1 ~ 128

# 范围:1 ~ 128

timeCoreRange = 16

# If set to true, prevents the Transformation Core from functioning.

# 若设为 true,则阻止变形木核心运作。

disableTransformationCore = false

# Defines the radius at which the Transformation Core works. Can be a number anywhere between 1 and 128.

# 定义变形木核心的作用半径。可以是 1 到 128 之间的任何数字。

# Range: 1 ~ 128

# 范围:1 ~ 128

transformationCoreRange = 16

# If set to true, prevents the Minewood Core from functioning.

# 若设为 true,则阻止矿木核心运作。

disableMiningCore = false

# Defines the radius at which the Minewood Core works. Can be a number anywhere between 1 and 128.

# 定义矿木核心的作用半径。可以是 1 到 128 之间的任何数字。

# Range: 1 ~ 128

# 范围:1 ~ 128

miningCoreRange = 16

# If set to true, prevents the Sortingwood Core from functioning.

# 若设为 true,则阻止分类木核心运作。

disableSortingCore = false

# Defines the radius at which the Sortingwood Core works. Can be a number anywhere between 1 and 128.

# 定义分类木核心的作用半径。可以是 1 到 128 之间的任何数字。

# Range: 1 ~ 128

# 范围:1 ~ 128

sortingCoreRange = 16

#We recommend downloading the Shield Parry mod for parrying, but these controls remain for without.

# 我们推荐下载Shield Parry模组来进行招架,如果没有,这些控制选项仍然保留。

["Shield Parrying"]

#设置为 true 可以招架非暮色森林的投掷物。

parryNonTwilightAttacks = false


#Range: > 0

shieldParryTicksArrow = 40