



首先,感谢@顾唯 对本教程基础翻译的补充。





  • 因为百科沟槽的代码格式转行可能会把翻译吞了,所以把代码格式放生了,已采用VSCODE模式变色。

  • 实际药水效果等级=酿造系数+1。

  • 配置文件中存在一个未实装项目“grep”,尚处于wip状态,其内容不会放入该教程中。

    ——具体描述是“The Grep is a Sentinel that fuses with mobs or players, buffing them and deploying them against the parasites.(可与玩家/生物融合的哨兵,会对他们进行加成并打击寄生体)”

  • 配置文件没有的就是没法改。

  • 问ctrl+F怎么用或者config文件在哪之类的问题请立刻向就近的幽鬼体报道,它会好好“教”你这些功能如何使用的(笑)。



Corpse Bloom=死孽繁茂(寄生体玩家的进化等级)

Bloom Tier/Bloom level=繁茂等级/进化等级

Bloom value=繁茂值



    # Settings related to the Latch.


    # The Latch is the parasite that is launched by a parasite player when the Throw Latch key is pressed.


    latch {

        # Base Armor Points


        # Min: 0.0

        # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308

        D:"Armor Points"=0.0

        # Base Armor Toughness


        # Min: 0.0

        # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308

        D:"Armor Toughness"=0.0

        # Base Attack Power


        # Min: 0.0

        # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308

        D:"Attack Strength"=10.0

        # For each Bloom tier after unlocking the Latch, its damage will increase by this number.


        # Min: 0.0

        # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308

        D:"Attack Strength Per Tier"=5.0

        # Whether the latch can be used to store parasites.


        # A parasite can be stored by retracting a latch while sneaking.


        # It can be retrieved by deploying the latch while sneaking.


        B:"Can Store"=true

        # Whether the latch can only attach to entities in the Cannot Attach List.


        B:"Cannot Attach Whitelist"=false

        # Base Health Points


        # Min: 0.0

        # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308


        # For each Bloom tier after unlocking the Latch, its health will increase by this number.


        # Min: 0.0

        # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308

        D:"HP Per Tier"=5.0

        # Entities that the latch cannot attach to.


        S:"Latch Cannot Attach List" <



        # Effects to grant to parasites that are snared by a Latch.


        # The general formatting is resourceLocation;minBloom;maxAmplifier;bloomFactor


        # Set the maximum amplifier to -1 to remove the limit.


        # The Bloom Factor is how much each level of bloom after the minimum level contributes to the effect's amplifier.


        # The Latched effect is always granted, regardless of this config.


        S:"Latch Effects" <









        # Whether or not the latch is enabled.


        B:"Latch Enabled"=true

        # A player's bloom must be greater than or equal to this value to spawn a Latch.


        # Min: 0

        # Max: 8

        I:"Minimum Bloom"=1

        # Base Minimum Damage


        # Min: 0.0

        # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308

        D:"Minimum Damage"=1.0

        # Minimum distance to pull a Latch's owner and victim towards each other.


        # Min: 0.0

        # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308

        D:"Minimum Pull Distance"=6.5

        # Minimum distance to automatically retract a Latch.


        # Min: 0.0

        # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308

        D:"Minimum Retract Distance"=15.0

        # Minimum bloom level needed to store parasites.


        # Min: 0

        # Max: 2147483647

        I:"Minimum Storage Bloom"=0

        # Whether to show the particles of effects added by a Latch.


        B:"Show Effect Particles"=true

        # Minimum distance for the Latch to pull when the owner is sneaking.


        # Min: 0.0

        # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308

        D:"Sneaking Pull Distance"=3.0

        # Sneaking Throw Strength


        # Min: 0.0

        # Max: 10.0

        D:"Sneaking Throw Power"=2.5

        # Parasites that cannot be stored.


        S:"Storage Blacklist" <




        # Whether the Storage blacklist is a whitelist instead.


        B:"Storage Whitelist"=false

        # Base Throw Strength


        # Min: 0.0

        # Max: 10.0

        D:"Throw Power"=1.75

        # The chance for the latch to turn mobs it kills.


        # Min: 0.0

        # Max: 1.0

        D:"Turn Chance"=0.5

        # Whether the Latch can turn mobs it kills.


        B:"Turn on Kill"=true



    # Settings related to the Factory.


    # The Factory is a parasite that uses stored biomass to make new parasites.


    # It can be bound to a parasite to spawn more of that.


    # Otherwise, it will use its biomass to upgrade nearby parasites or give biomass to lower tier factories.


    # It has a set size that it will waver around, and also looks different based on the bloom tier.


    # It also has an item form, which can be created using its corresponding key.


    factory {

        # Base Armor Points


        # Min: 0.0

        # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308

        D:"Armor Points"=0.0

        # Base Armor Toughnes


        # Min: 0.0

        # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308

        D:"Armor Toughness"=0.0

        # Biomass cost for a Factory. This is spent when creating one using the key.


        # Min: 0

        # Max: 2147483647

        I:"Biomass Cost"=10

        # Items this mob will drop. Ex. 'minecraft:nether_star;100;5;true' Where:


        # 'minecraft:nether_star' is the item,


        # '100' is the chance to drop,


        # '5' is the max number of items,


        # 'true' is for the item to always roll, if false the item will be unique and only 1 will be choosen.


        S:Drops <



        # Amount of time, in ticks, that parasites spawned by Factory receive the Debar effect.


        # Set to 0 to disable.


        # Min: 0

        # Max: 2147483647

        I:"Factory Debar"=0

        # Amount of time, in ticks, that parasites spawned by Factory receive the Rage effect.


        # Set to 0 to disable.


        # Min: 0

        # Max: 2147483647

        I:"Factory Rage"=20

        # Percentage amount of the calculated wait time for a given Factory that is actually used.


        # Min: 0.0

        # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308

        D:"Global Fuse Scale"=1.0

        # Base Health Points


        # Min: 0.0

        # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308


        D:"Minimum Colony Distance"=10.0

