# File Specification: https://gist.github.com/Shadows-of-Fire/88ac714a758636c57a52e32ace5474c1
# 文件说明书: https://gist.github.com/Shadows-of-Fire/88ac714a758636c57a52e32ace5474c1
# Apotheosis Module Control
# Apotheosis 模块控制
# This file allows individual modules of Apotheosis to be enabled or disabled.
# 此文件允许启用或禁用 Apotheosis 的各个模块
# Changes will have no effect until the next game restart.
# 变更在下次游戏重启前将不会生效
# This file must match on client and server.
# 此文件必须在客户端和服务器上保持一致
general {
# If the enchantment module is enabled.
# 是否启用附魔模块。
# Default: true
# 默认:true
B:"Enable Enchantment Module"=true
# If the adventure module is loaded.
# 是否加载冒险模块
# Default: true
B:"Enable Adventure Module"=true
# If the spawner module is enabled.
# 是否启用刷怪笼模块。
# Default: true
B:"Enable Spawner Module"=true
# If the potion module is loaded.
# 是否加载药水模块。
# Default: true
B:"Enable Potion Module"=true
# If the village module is loaded.
# 是否加载村庄模块。
# Default: true
B:"Enable Village Module"=true
# If the garden module is loaded.
# 是否加载花园模块。
# Default: true
B:"Enable Garden Module"=true
# If the Chronicle of Shadows is given to new players.
# 是否在新玩家首次加入时给予《阴影编年史》。
# Default: true
B:"Give Book on First Join"=true
因此文件所有配置选项都相同 此处只使用原版保护附魔作为示范
# File Specification: https://gist.github.com/Shadows-of-Fire/88ac714a758636c57a52e32ace5474c1
# 文件说明书: https://gist.github.com/Shadows-of-Fire/88ac714a758636c57a52e32ace5474c1
# Apotheosis Enchantment Information
# Apotheosis 附魔信息
# This file contains configurable data for each enchantment.
# 此文件包含每个附魔的可配置数据
# The names of each category correspond to the registry names of every loaded enchantment.
# 每个类别的名称对应每个已加载附魔的注册名称。
"minecraft:protection" {
# The max level of this enchantment - originally 4.
# 此附魔的最高等级 - 原始值为4。
# Default: 8; Range: [1 ~ 127]
# 默认:8; 范围:[1 ~ 127]
I:"Max Level"=8
# The max level of this enchantment available from loot sources.
# 从战利品来源获取的此附魔的最高等级。
# Default: 4; Range: [1 ~ 127]
# 默认:4; 范围:[1 ~ 127]
I:"Max Loot Level"=4
# A function to determine the max enchanting power. The variable "x" is level. See: https://github.com/uklimaschewski/EvalEx#usage-examples
# 确定最高附魔能力的函数。变量"x"为等级。参见:https://github.com/uklimaschewski/EvalEx#usage-examples
# Default:
# 默认:
S:"Max Power Function"=
# A function to determine the min enchanting power.
# 确定最低附魔能力的函数。
# Default:
S:"Min Power Function"=
# If this enchantment is only available by loot sources.
# 是否仅可通过战利品来获得这个附魔
# Default: false
# 默认:false
# If this enchantment is obtainable via enchanting and enchanted loot items.
# 是否可以通过附魔和附魔战利品来获得这个附魔
# Default: true
# If enchanted books of this enchantment are available via loot sources.
# 是否可以通过战利品来获得这个附魔
# Default: true
# If enchanted books of this enchantment are available via villager trades.
# 是否可以通过村民交易获得这个附魔书
# Default: true
# The rarity of this enchantment. Valid values are COMMON, UNCOMMON, RARE, and VERY_RARE.
# 此附魔的稀有度。有效值为COMMON(常见)、UNCOMMON(不常见)、RARE(稀有)和VERY_RARE(非常稀有)
# Default: COMMON
# 默认:COMMON(常见)
# File Specification: https://gist.github.com/Shadows-of-Fire/88ac714a758636c57a52e32ace5474c1
# 文件规格: https://gist.github.com/Shadows-of-Fire/88ac714a758636c57a52e32ace5474c1
# Apotheosis Enchantment Module Config
# Apotheosis 附魔模块配置
client {
# If enchanted book metadata (treasure, tradeable, etc) are shown in the tooltip.
# 是否在工具提示中显示附魔书的元数据(宝藏型、可交易等)
# Default: true
B:"Show Enchanted Book Metadata"=true
# The 1/n chance that a sculkshelf plays a sound, per client tick. Set to 0 to disable.
# 每个客户端刻中,幽匿书架播放声音的几率为1/n。设置为0以禁用。
# Default: 200; Range: [0 ~ 32767]
I:"Sculkshelf Noise Chance"=200
# File Specification: https://gist.github.com/Shadows-of-Fire/88ac714a758636c57a52e32ace5474c1
# 文件说明书: https://gist.github.com/Shadows-of-Fire/88ac714a758636c57a52e32ace5474c1
# Apotheosis Adventure Module Config
# Apotheosis 冒险模块配置
affixes {
# A list of type overrides for the affix loot system. Format is <itemname>|chance|<type>.
# 附魔战利品系统的类型覆盖列表。格式为 <物品名称>|几率|<类型>。
# Valid types are: none, sword, trident, shield, heavy_weapon, pickaxe, shovel, crossbow, bow
有效类型:none(无), sword(剑), trident(三叉戟), shield(盾牌), heavy_weapon(重型武器), pickaxe(镐), shovel(铲), crossbow(弩), bow(弓)
# Default: [minecraft:iron_sword|sword], [minecraft:shulker_shell|none]
# 默认:[minecraft:iron_sword|sword], [minecraft:shulker_shell|none]
S:"Equipment Type Overrides" <
# The chance that a naturally spawned mob will be granted an affix item. 0 = 0%, 1 = 100%
# 自然生成的怪物被赋予附魔物品的几率。0 = 0%,1 = 100%
# Default: 0.075; Range: [0.0 ~ 1.0]
# 默认:0.075; 范围:[0.0 ~ 1.0]
S:"Random Affix Chance"=0.075
# The chance that a mob will drop a gem. 0 = 0%, 1 = 100%
# 怪物掉落宝石的几率。0 = 0%,1 = 100%
# Default: 0.045; Range: [0.0 ~ 1.0]
# 默认:0.045; 范围:[0.0 ~ 1.0]
S:"Gem Drop Chance"=0.045
# The flat bonus chance that bosses have to drop a gem, added to Gem Drop Chance. 0 = 0%, 1 = 100%
# boss掉落宝石的几率增加,0 = 0%,1 = 100%
# Default: 0.33; Range: [0.0 ~ 1.0]
# 默认:0.33; 范围:[0.0 ~ 1.0]
S:"Gem Boss Bonus"=0.33
# If affixes that cleave can hit players (excluding the user).
# Cleaving附魔是否可以击中玩家(不包括使用者)
# Default: false
B:"Cleave Players"=false
# Loot Rules, in the form of Loot Table Matchers, permitting affix items to spawn in loot tables.
# 战利品规则,形式为战利品表匹配器,允许附魔物品出现在战利品表中。
# The format for these is domain:pattern|chance and domain is optional. Domain is a modid, pattern is a regex string, and chance is a float 0..1 chance for the item to spawn in any matched tables.
# 格式为 domain:pattern|chance,domain 是可选的。domain 是模组ID,pattern 是正则表达式字符串,chance 是物品出现在任何匹配表中的几率(0到1之间的浮点数)
# If you omit the domain, the format is pattern|chance, and the matcher will run for all domains.
# 如果省略 domain,则格式为 pattern|chance,匹配器将对所有域运行。
# The pattern MUST be a valid regex string, and should match the paths of desired loot tables under the specified domain.
Note: "Match Any Character" is ".*" (dot star) and not "*" (star).
# pattern 必须是有效的正则表达式字符串,并且应该匹配指定域下的目标战利品表路径。
注意:"匹配任何字符" 是 ".*"(点星),而不是 "*"(星号)
# If there is a match, an item has a chance to spawn in that loot table.
# 如果有匹配,物品有机会出现在该战利品表中
# Default: [minecraft:chests.*|0.35], [.*chests.*|0.3], [twilightforest:structures.*|0.3]
# 默认:[minecraft:chests.*|0.35], [.*chests.*|0.3], [twilightforest:structures.*|0.3]
S:"Affix Item Loot Rules" <
# Loot Rules, in the form of Loot Table Matchers, permitting affixes to be added to any valid item. Here, the chance refers to the chance an item receives affixes. See comment on "Affix Item Loot Rules" for description.
# 战利品规则,形式为Loot Table Matchers(战利品表匹配器),允许附魔被添加到任何有效物品。这里的几率是指物品获得附魔的几率。参见“附魔物品战利品规则”的注释以了解描述
# Default: [.*blocks.*|0], [.*|0.35]
S:"Affix Convert Loot Rules" <
# Dimensional rarities for affix conversion (see "Affix Convert Loot Rules"), in the form of dimension|min|max. A dimension not listed uses all rarities.
# 附魔转换的维度稀有度(参见“附魔转换战利品规则”),形式为维度|min|max。未列出的维度使用所有稀有度
# Default: [overworld|common|rare], [the_nether|uncommon|epic], [the_end|rare|mythic], [twilightforest:twilight_forest|uncommon|epic]
S:"Affix Convert Rarities" <
# If Quark's Attribute Tooltip handling is disabled for affix items
# 是否禁用 Quark 的附魔物品属性工具提示
# Default: true
B:"Disable Quark Tooltips for Affix Items"=true
# The item that will be used when attempting to place torches with the torch placer affix. Must be a valid item that places a block on right click.
# 尝试使用火把放置附魔放置火把时使用的物品。必须是一个右键单击时放置方块的有效物品
# Default: minecraft:torch
S:"Torch Placement Item"=minecraft:torch
gems {
# Loot Rules, in the form of Loot Table Matchers, permitting gems to spawn in loot tables. See comment on "Affix Item Loot Rules" for description.
# 战利品规则,形式为Loot Table Matchers(战利品表匹配器),允许宝石出现在战利品表中。参见“附魔物品战利品规则”的注释以了解描述
# Default: [minecraft:chests.*|0.25], [.*chests.*|0.20], [twilightforest:structures.*|0.20]
S:"Gem Loot Rules" <
# Dimensional rarities for gem drops, in the form of dimension|min|max. A dimension not listed uses all rarities.
# 宝石掉落的维度稀有度,形式为维度|min|max。未列出的维度使用所有稀有度
# Default: [overworld|common|mythic], [the_nether|uncommon|mythic], [the_end|rare|mythic], [twilightforest:twilight_forest|uncommon|mythic]
S:"Gem Dimensional Rarities" <
bosses {
# If boss items are always cursed. Enable this if you want bosses to be less overpowered by always giving them a negative effect.
# 是否使Boss物品总是被诅咒。如果希望通过始终给予Boss一个负面效果使其不那么强大,可以启用此选项
# Default: false
B:"Curse Boss Items"=false
# The range at which boss spawns will be announced. If you are closer than this number of blocks (ignoring y-level), you will receive the announcement.
# Boss 出现时宣布的范围。如果你距离这个距离内(忽略 y 轴),你将收到公告
# Default: 96.0; Range: [0.0 ~ 1024.0]
# 默认:96.0; 范围:[0.0 ~ 1024.0]
S:"Boss Announce Range"=96.0
# The volume of the boss announcement sound. 0 to disable. This control is clientside.
# Boss 公告声音的音量。0 表示禁用。此控制为客户端设置
# Default: 0.75; Range: [0.0 ~ 1.0]
# 默认:0.75; 范围:[0.0 ~ 1.0]
S:"Boss Announce Volume"=0.75
# If the boss announcement range ignores y-level.
# Boss 公告范围是否忽略 y 轴
# Default: false
B:"Boss Announce Ignore Y"=false
# The time, in ticks, that must pass between any two natural boss spawns in a single dimension.
# 单个维度中任意两次自然Boss出现之间必须经过的时间(以 tick 为单位)
# Default: 3600; Range: [0 ~ 720000]
I:"Boss Spawn Cooldown"=3600
# If true, invading bosses will automatically target the closest player.
# 如果为 true,入侵 Boss 将自动锁定最近的玩家。
# Default: false
B:"Boss Auto-Aggro"=false
# If true, bosses will glow when they spawn.
# 如果为 true,Boss 出现时会发光。
# Default: true
B:"Boss Glowing On Spawn"=true
# Dimensions where bosses can spawn naturally, spawn chance, and spawn rules.
# Boss 可以自然生成的维度、生成几率和生成规则。
# Format is dimname|chance|rule, chance is a float from 0..1.
# 格式为 dimname|chance|rule,几率为 0 到 1 之间的浮点数。
# Valid rules are visible here https://github.com/Shadows-of-Fire/Apotheosis/blob/1.19/src/main/java/shadows/apotheosis/adventure/boss/BossEvents.java#L174C27-L174C27
# 有效规则见:https://github.com/Shadows-of-Fire/Apotheosis/blob/1.19/src/main/java/shadows/apotheosis/adventure/boss/BossEvents.java#L174C27-L174C27
# Default: [minecraft:overworld|0.018|NEEDS_SKY], [minecraft:the_nether|0.025|ANY], [minecraft:the_end|0.018|SURFACE_OUTER_END], [twilightforest:twilight_forest|0.05|NEEDS_SURFACE]
S:"Boss Spawn Dimensions" <
worldgen {
# The dimensions that the deadly module will generate in.
# 致命模块将在其中生成的维度。
# Default: [overworld]
S:"Generation Dimension Whitelist" <
spawners {
# The chance that a Rogue Spawner has a "valuable" chest instead of a standard one. 0 = 0%, 1 = 100%
# Rogue Spawner 拥有“有价值”箱子的几率,而不是标准箱子。0 = 0%,1 = 100%
# Default: 0.11; Range: [0.0 ~ 1.0]
S:"Spawner Value Chance"=0.11
# File Specification: https://gist.github.com/Shadows-of-Fire/88ac714a758636c57a52e32ace5474c1
# 文件说明书: https://gist.github.com/Shadows-of-Fire/88ac714a758636c57a52e32ace5474c1
# Apotheosis Garden Module Configuration
# Apotheosis 花园模块配置
general {
# The max height a stack of cacti may grow to. Vanilla is 3. Values greater than 32 are uncapped growth.
# 仙人掌堆叠的最大高度。原版为3。值大于32时为无上限增长
# Server-authoritative.
# Default: 5; Range: [1 ~ 512]
I:"Cactus Height"=5
# The max height a stack of reeds may grow to. Vanilla is 3. Values greater than 32 are uncapped growth.
# 甘蔗堆叠的最大高度。原版为3。值大于32时为不封顶增长
# Server-authoritative.
# Default: 255; Range: [1 ~ 512]
I:"Reed Height"=255
# The max height a stack of bamboo may grow to. Vanilla is 16.
# 竹子堆叠的最大高度。原版为16
# Server-authoritative.
# Default: 32; Range: [1 ~ 64]
I:"Bamboo Height"=32
此模块为配置各个boss名称 战利品名称 以及材料组名称前缀等命名一系列功能,对游戏内容无影响,太过冗杂,不做翻译
# File Specification: https://gist.github.com/Shadows-of-Fire/88ac714a758636c57a52e32ace5474c1
# 文件说明书: https://gist.github.com/Shadows-of-Fire/88ac714a758636c57a52e32ace5474c1
# Apotheosis Potion Module Configuration
# Apotheosis 药水模块配置
general {
# The strength of Ancient Knowledge. This multiplier determines how much additional xp is granted.
# 古代知识的强度。这个倍数决定提供额外经验的数量
# Server-authoritative.
# Default: 4; Range: [1 ~ 2147483647]
I:"Knowledge XP Multiplier"=4
# If Potion Charms will only work when in a curios slot, instead of in the inventory.
# 药水护符是否仅在饰品栏中工作,而不是在物品栏中
# Default: false
B:"Restrict Charms to Curios"=false
# A list of effects that, when as charms, will be applied and reapplied at a longer threshold to avoid issues at low durations, like night vision.
# 当作为护符时,一些效果会在更长的阈值下应用和重新应用,以避免低持续时间带来的问题,比如夜视
# Server-authoritative.
# Default: [minecraft:night_vision], [minecraft:health_boost]
S:"Extended Potion Charms" <
# File Specification: https://gist.github.com/Shadows-of-Fire/88ac714a758636c57a52e32ace5474c1
# 文件规格: https://gist.github.com/Shadows-of-Fire/88ac714a758636c57a52e32ace5474c1
# Apotheosis Spawner Module Configuration
# Apotheosis 刷怪笼模块配置
general {
# The level of silk touch needed to harvest a spawner. Set to -1 to disable, 0 to always drop. The enchantment module can increase the max level of silk touch.
# 采集刷怪笼所需的精准采集等级。设置为-1以禁用,设置为0以始终掉落。附魔模块可以增加精准采集的最大等级。
# Functionally server-authoritative, but should match on client for information.
# 功能上以服务器为主,但信息上应该与客户端匹配。
# Default: 1; Range: [-1 ~ 127]
I:"Spawner Silk Level"=1
# The durability damage dealt to an item that silk touches a spawner.
# 使用精准采集采集刷怪笼时对物品造成的耐久度损伤。
# Server-authoritative.
# Default: 100; Range: [0 ~ 100000]
I:"Spawner Silk Damage"=100
spawn_eggs {
# A list of entity registry names that cannot be applied to spawners via egg.
# 不能通过刷怪蛋应用到刷怪笼的实体注册名称列表
# Should match between client and server.
# 应该在客户端和服务器之间匹配
# Default: [
S:"Banned Mobs" <
# File Specification: https://gist.github.com/Shadows-of-Fire/88ac714a758636c57a52e32ace5474c1
# 文件说明书: https://gist.github.com/Shadows-of-Fire/88ac714a758636c57a52e32ace5474c1
# Apotheosis Village Module Configuration
# Apotheosis 村庄模块配置
wanderer {
# If the generic trade list will be cleared before datapack loaded trades are added.
# 在加载数据包加载的交易前,是否清除通用交易列表
# Server-authoritative.
# Default: false
B:"Clear Generic Trades"=false
# If the rare trade list will be cleared before datapack loaded trades are added.
# 在加载数据包加载的交易前,是否清除稀有交易列表。
# Server-authoritative.
# Default: false
B:"Clear Rare Trades"=false
# If the Wandering Trader can attempt to spawn underground.
# 流浪商人是否可以尝试在地下生成。
# Server-authoritative.
# Default: true
B:"Underground Trader"=true
arrows {
# If explosive arrows can break blocks.
# 爆炸箭是否能破坏方块
# Server-authoritative.
# Default: true
B:"Explosive Arrow Block Damage"=true