#How many abilities should be dropped on player death.
dropAbilitiesOnPlayerDeath = 1
#These mobs will not be affected by hostile area potion effects such as poison or weakness. (Java regular expressions are allowed)
friendlyMobs = ["minecraft:armor_stand", "minecraft:bat", "minecraft:bee", "minecraft:boat", "minecraft:cat", "minecraft:chicken", "minecraft:cod", "minecraft:cow", "minecraft:donkey", "minecraft:dolphin", "minecraft:fox", "minecraft:horse", "minecraft:llama", "minecraft:mule", "minecraft:mooshroom", "minecraft:ocelot", "minecraft:panda", "minecraft:parrot", "minecraft:pig", "minecraft:pufferfish", "minecraft:polarbear", "minecraft:rabbit", "minecraft:salmon", "minecraft:sheep", "minecraft:squid", "minecraft:trader_llama", "minecraft:tropical_fish", "minecraft:turtle", "minecraft:egg", "minecraft:bee", "minecraft:villager", "minecraft:iron_golem", "minecraft:wandering_trader", "minecraft:wolf", "minecolonies:.*"]
#If ability effects should apply. Disable this if you don't want any abilities to work. Useful for debugging.
tickAbilities = true
#The multiplier for ability XP requirement
abilityXpMultiplier = 10
#If potion abilities should show particle effects. This will also make them appear as in-game symbols.
showPotionEffectParticles = false
#If players should have particle effects for the abilities they carry.
showPlayerParticles = false
#If on-player entities should have particle effects for the abilities they carry.
showEntityParticles = true
#true: Abilities drop when players die; false: Abilities drop when players die by the hand of other players.
alwaysDropAbilities = false
#Mobs that won't have abilities that can be dropped via totems. You can add things like 'minecraft:pig'.
mobDropBlacklist = []
#1/x chance for mobs to have abilities.
#生物持有能力图腾的概率 概率=1/mobAbilityChance
mobAbilityChance = 50
#The amount of exhaustion that should by applied to the player per active ability per second.
exhaustionPerAbilityTick = 0.01
#The maximum rarity of totems to spawn when a player first logs in. [0-3], -1 disables totem spawning.
totemMaximumSpawnRarity = 1
#The maximum amount of abilities a player can have, -1 is infinite.
maxPlayerAbilities = -1
#Set 'true' to enable development debug mode. This will result in a lower performance!
debug = false
#If mod compatibility loader should crash hard if errors occur in that process.
crashOnModCompatCrash = false
#If the recipe loader should crash when finding invalid recipes.
crashOnInvalidRecipe = false
#If an anonymous mod startup analytics request may be sent to our analytics service.
analytics = true
#If the version checker should be enabled.
versionChecker = true
#This many totems combined in a crafting grid produces a new random totem (0 to disable)
totemCraftingCount = 3
#When combining totems, percentage chance of getting one higher rarity than normal.
totemCraftingRarityIncreasePercent = 15