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配置文件位置为 \config\project-expansion.toml 用记事本或代码编写软件打开即可
#The delay between mod operations (in ticks, default 20) - this will slightly effect the amount of emc generated via rounding - increase if you're noticing lag
#Range: 1 ~ 200
tickDelay = 20
#If EMC should be formatted as M/B/T/etc
formatEMC = true
#If full number names (Million/Billion/Trillion) should be used instead of abbreviations
fullNumberNames = true
#Displays your current emc and gained emc per second in the top left corner.
emcDisplay = true
#Notify users when something is changed about them via commands.
notifyCommandChanges = true
#Tell users the list of items they gained when using a knowledge book.
notifyKnowledgeBookGains = true
#If EMC Link Right-Click functionality should be Limited by Tier or Not.
limitEmcLinkVendor = true
#If fluid efficiency should be enabled.
enableFluidEfficiency = true
#The amount of items that the transmutation interface will report to have. Depending on your usage, you may want this to be a high value.
#Range: > 1
transmutationInterfaceItemCount = 2147483647
#Multiplies the output of Collectors.
#Range: 0.1 ~ 50.0
collectorMultiplier = 1.0
#Multiplies the item limit of EMC Links.
#Range: 0.1 ~ 50.0
emcLinkItemLimitMultiplier = 1.0
#Multiplies the fluid limit of EMC Links.
#Range: 0.1 ~ 50.0
emcLinkFluidLimitMultiplier = 1.0
#Multiplies the emc limit of EMC Links.
#Range: 0.1 ~ 50.0
emcLinkEMCLimitMultiplier = 1.0
#Multiplies the output of Power Flowers.
#力量花盆(Power Flowers)的输出倍率。
#Range: 0.1 ~ 50.0
powerflowerMultiplier = 1.0
#Multiplies the bonus of Relays.
#Range: 0.1 ~ 50.0
relayBonusMultiplier = 1.0
#Multiplies the transfer limit of Relays.
#Range: 0.1 ~ 50.0
relayTransferMultiplier = 1.0
#The cost of using the infinite fuel item.
#Range: > 1
infiniteFuelCost = 128
#The ticks each usage of the infinite fuel item will give.
#Range: > 1
infiniteFuelBurnTime = 1600
#The cost of using the infinite steak item.
#Range: > 1
infiniteSteakCost = 64
#If ProjectE's processors.EnchantmentProcessor.persistent option should only include enchanted books.
persistEnchantedBooksOnly = false
#If a tooltip should be shown on items which can be learned, denoting if the item has been learned or not. Note: ProjectE's client.shiftEmcToolTips applies to this.
enabledLearnedTooltip = true
#If a sound should be played when something is collected with Alchemical Collection.
alchemicalCollectionSound = true
#If players should be allowed to edit books bound to other players. A player is considered to be "OP" when they have an op level of 2 or greater. Allowed values: DISABLED, OP_ONLY, ENABLED
editOthersAlchemicalBooks = "DISABLED"
#If fluids which end their calculations at zero emc should be returned as free.
zeroEmcFluidsAreFree = true
#If optimizations (ticking only once per second) should be enabled for collectors. This will make them process at most one item each second.
enableCollectorOptimizations = false
#The bonus (multiplicative) the compact sun block should give. Set to 0 to disable.
compactSunBonus = 10