如题 ,此为pointblank-common.toml选项的翻译与解释 ,双斜杠后为翻译。(*未全部验证)
#Enables auto-reloading of guns
autoReloadEnabled = "CREATIVE"
#Adjusts mouse sensitivity when using scopes
#Range: 0.01 ~ 0.9
scopeAimingMouseSensitivity = 0.1
#Toggle to reset player pitch to original after auto fire
resetAutoFirePitchEnabled = false
#Adjusts the knockback force applied to entities hit by gunfire, with higher values causing greater knockback distance. //生物被本MOD弹射物命中后造成的击退数值。*计算公式不明
#Range: 0.1 ~ 2.0
knockback = 1.0
#Enables particle effects
particleEffectsEnabled = true
#Sets the likelihood of an 'Arms Dealer' house appearing in new villages, with higher values increasing frequency and lower values making it rarer.
#Range: 0 ~ 20
armsDealerHouse = 10
#Set the exchange rate to determine how many in-game price units are equivalent to one emerald.
#Range: 1.0 ~ 1000.0
emeraldExchangeRate = 100.0
#Controls whether the player's arm pose is permanently set to the aiming/firing position in third-person view, regardless of their current action with a gun.
thirdPersonArmPoseAlwaysOn = true
#Specifies how often the "picture-in-picture" scope updates, with 1 being every frame, 2 for every other frame, etc. A higher number may improve performance.
#Range: 0 ~ 5
pipScopeRefreshRate = 1
//镜内放大的帧率限制,1为每一帧均刷新瞄具内画面(无限制刷新); 2为每两帧一次()。 更大的数值会提高帧率,但会让镜内放大帧数被限制。
#Enables pip scopes
pipScopesEnabled = false
#Enables custom shaders
customShadersEnabled = false
在oculus 、BSL光影下,关闭实体阴影。(光影内设置和oculus设置都得关) 关闭本config内自定义着色器与镜内放大即可完成对oculus在使用BSL光影下对本MOD的兼容(实测有效)