配置文件位置位于.minecraft\config\sanitydim 文件名称 default.toml

#Sanity configuration

#NOTE: all sanity values are measxured in percentages (i.e. 40.0 is equal to 40% of sanity bar)

#NOTE: each subsequent usa)ge of an active source or item has its effectiveness multiplied by (timeSinceLastUsage / cooldown) (capped at 1.0)


#For balancing purposes: the effectiveness of all positive sanity sources will be multiplied by this number

#Range: 1.401298464324817E-45 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38

positive_multiplier =  


#For balancing purposes: the effectiveness of all negative sanity sources will be multiplied by this number

#Range: 1.401298464324817E-45 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38

negative_multiplier = 


#Configuration for passive sanity sources


#This value will be added to sanity each second regardless of any other factors

#Range: -100.0 ~ 100.0

passive = 

(该值表示正常回复san值速率,以下出现的速率若未提及单位均为 数值/20tick=1s)

#Sanity gain per second during rainy weather or in water

#Range: -100.0 ~ 100.0

raining = 


#Players' sanity will start getting affected with food levels at and below this threshold (in half-drumsticks)

#Range: 0 ~ 20

hunger_threshold = 


#Players with food levels at and below <hunger_threshold> gain this amount of sanity per second

#Range: -100.0 ~ 100.0

hungry = 


#Players will gain this amount of sanity per second for 5 seconds after looking at an enderman

#Range: -100.0 ~ 100.0

ender_man_anger = 


#Players will gain this amount of sanity per second while being near their pets

#Range: -100.0 ~ 100.0

pet = 


#Players will gain this amount of sanity per second while being near any monsters

#This value is doubled if the monster is aggressive towards the player

#Range: -100.0 ~ 100.0

monster = 


#Players will gain this amount of sanity per second while being in the dark

#Range: -100.0 ~ 100.0

darkness = 


#Maximum light level considered to be darkness (inclusive)

#Range: 0 ~ 15

darkness_threshold = 


#Players will gain this amount of sanity per second while being in the light

#Range: -100.0 ~ 100.0

lightness = 


#Minimum light level considered to be lightness (inclusive)

#Range: 0 ~ 15

lightness_threshold = 4


#Players who are stuck in blocks (such as cobweb) and have their movement restricted gain this amount of sanity per second

#Range: -100.0 ~ 100.0

block_stuck = 


#Players moving on a dirt path or a carpet receive this amount of sanity per second

#Range: -100.0 ~ 100.0

dirt_path = 


#Nearby jukebox playing a pleasant melody gives this amount of sanity per second

#Range: -100.0 ~ 100.0

jukebox_pleasant = 


#Nearby jukebox playing an unsettling melody gives this amount of sanity per second (this takes priority over pleasant melodies)

#Range: -100.0 ~ 100.0

jukebox_unsettling = 


#Define a list of blocks that affect sanity of players standing near them

#A block should be included as follows: block_registry_name[property1=value1,property2=value2];A;B;C

#Where A is how much sanity is gained per second, B is a radius in blocks,

#C is whether a block needs to be naturally generated (not placed by player) (true/false)

#Supports boolean block state properties (can be omitted together with brackets)

#Prefix with TAG_ and follow with a tag registry name to define all blocks with the tag

#NOTE: not everything may work correctly with any configuration, e.g. multiblocks like tall flowers and beds; needs testing

blocks = 

(此位置用于添加对san值影响的方块,如案例["block;A;B;C"] ,block处填写方块注册名,A填写san值的影响值,B填写作用范围[单位/格],C处填写true/false,表示该方块是否受玩家行为影响而失去效果[自然生成/玩家放置])

#Configuration for active sanity sources


#Sleeping restores this amount of sanity

#Range: -100.0 ~ 100.0

sleeping = 


#Sleeping cooldown (see notes above), real time in seconds

#Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38

sleeping_cd = 


#Players will gain sanity based on the damage they take from any sources with the ratio of 1 to this number

#Range: -100.0 ~ 100.0

hurt_ratio = 


#Spawning a baby chicken by throwing an egg restores this amount of sanity

#Range: -100.0 ~ 100.0

baby_chicken_spawn = 


#Spawning a baby chicken cooldown (see notes above), real time in seconds

#Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38

baby_chicken_spawn_cd = 


#Earning an advancement gives this amount of sanity

#Range: -100.0 ~ 100.0

advancement = 


#Breeding two animals together gives this amount of sanity

#Range: -100.0 ~ 100.0

animal_breeding = 


#Breeding animals cooldown (see notes above), real time in seconds

#Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38

animal_breeding_cd = 


#Players gain this amount of sanity for every point of damage dealt to peaceful animals (incl. neutral ones)

#This value is doubled for baby animals

#Range: -100.0 ~ 100.0

animal_hurt_ratio = 


#Players gain this amount of sanity upon their pets' death

#Range: -100.0 ~ 100.0

pet_death = 


#Players gain this amount of sanity upon successfully trading with a villager

#Range: -100.0 ~ 100.0

villager_trade = 20.0


#Villager trade cooldown (see notes above), real time in seconds

#Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38

villager_trade_cd = 600.0


#Shearing an animal gives this amount of sanity

#Range: -100.0 ~ 100.0

shearing = 


#Shearing animals cooldown (see notes above), real time in seconds

#Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38

shearing_cd = 


#Consuming food gives this amount of sanity for every half-drumstick the meal restores

#Range: -100.0 ~ 100.0

eating = 


#Eating cooldown (see notes above), real time in seconds

#Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38

eating_cd = 300.0


#Fishing an item gives this amount of sanity

#Range: -100.0 ~ 100.0

fishing = 1.3


#Fishing cooldown (see notes above), real time in seconds

#Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38

fishing_cd = 


#Trampling a farmland gives this amount of sanity

#Range: -100.0 ~ 100.0

farmland_trample = 


#Potting a flower gives this amount of sanity

#Range: -100.0 ~ 100.0

potting_flower = 


#Potting a flower cooldown (see notes above), real time in seconds

#Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38

potting_flower_cd = 300.0


#Teleporting to another dimension gives this amount of sanity

#Range: -100.0 ~ 100.0

changed_dimension = 


#Players gain this amount of sanity upon being struck by lightning

#Range: -100.0 ~ 100.0

struck_by_lightning = 


#Multiplayer configuration



#Being around players with sanity higher than 50% gives this amount of sanity per second

#Range: -100.0 ~ 100.0

sane_player_company = 


#Being around players with sanity lower than 50% gives this amount of sanity per second

#Range: -100.0 ~ 100.0

insane_player_company = 


#Entities configuration



#Whether sane players should be able to see and battle inner entities

#Mobs will still be there server-side and will count towards passive sanity

#Players who are targeted by inner entities see them regardless

sane_see_inner_entities = false


#Client configuration



#Whether to render sanity postprocessing effects

render_post = true


#Whether to enable sanity sound effects

play_sounds = true


#Insanity ambience max volume

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0

insanity_volume = 0.6


#Sanity indicator configuration



#Whether to render sanity indicator

render = true


#Whether to twitch sanity indicator at low sanity levels

twitch = true


#Sanity indicator scale

#Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38

scale = 1.0


#Sanity indicator location


location = "HOTBAR_LEFT"


#Inner monologue configuration



#Whether to render inner monologue/random thoughts

render = true


#Whether to twitch inner monologue/random thoughts at low sanity levels

twitch = true


#Blood tendrils overlay configuration



#Whether to render blood tendrils overlay

render = true


#Whether to flash blood tendrils overlay upon losing sanity in a short burst

short_burst_flash = true


#Whether to render blood tendrils overlay when passively losing sanity

render_passive = true
