# Configuration file
all {
通用配置General Options
general {
# enable smelting rotten flesh into tallow [default: true]
B:"Flesh Smelting"=true
# enable/disable the ability to add olive oil to food [default: true]
B:"Enable Olive Oiling"=true
# add an item's registry name to this list to prevent it from being craftable with olive oil
# put each item name on a new line, don't use commas
# [default: ]
S:"Olive Oil Food Blacklist" <
# if enabled, allows the armor meter to go beyond one row
# only one extra row will ever be rendered, because the armor stat is naturally capped at 30 [default: true]
B:"Extra Armor HUD"=true
# if enabled, adds a hud elemnt over the hunger meter to show armor toughness, if applicable [default: true]
B:"Armor Toughness HUD"=true
# enable/disable the random offset added to wildberry bush models [default: true]
B:"Wildberry Bush Offset"=true
# set this to false to prevent any of Rustic's seeds from dropping from grass or vines [default: true]
B:"Enable Seed Drops"=true
# decrease this number to make seeds more difficult to find (10 is wheat seed rarity) [range: 1 ~ 100, default: 7]
I:"Seed Drop Rate"=7
# with this value set to true, vines will only drop grape seeds when broken with tools from the whitelist [default: false]
B:"Grapeseed Drops Require Tool"=false
# add an item's registry name to this list to allow vines to drop grape seeds when broken with it
# put each item name on a new line, don't use commas
# [default: [minecraft:iron_hoe], [minecraft:diamond_hoe]]
S:"Grapeseed Tool Whitelist" <
# set this to false if you experience any issues with Rustic's glass bottle emptying recipe [default: true]
B:"Enable Bottle Emptying"=true
# the minimum amount of increase that booze culture will provide to the new brew, in percent [range: -50 ~ 50, default: -1]
I:"Minimum Increase To Brew Quality"=-1
# the maximum amount of increase that booze culture will provide to the new brew, in percent [range: -50 ~ 50, default: 4]
I:"Maximum Increase To Brew Quality"=4
# how long it should take for a brewing barrel to finish a brew, in ticks [range: 1200 ~ 120000, default: 12000]
I:"Maximum Brew Time"=12000
//每酿一次酒将会消耗多长时间(单位为tick,默认12000tick = 600s,范围60s~6000s);
# enable/disable all slate blocks and world gen [default: true]
B:"Enable Slate"=true
# enable/disable all stone pillar blocks [default: true]
B:"Enable Stone Pillars"=true
# enable/disable all clay wall blocks [default: true]
B:"Enable Clay Walls"=true
# enable/disable all painted wood blocks [default: true]
B:"Enable Painted Wood"=true
# enable/disable all table blocks [default: true]
B:"Enable Tables"=true
# enable/disable all chair blocks [default: true]
B:"Enable Chairs"=true
# enable/disable lattice blocks [default: true]
B:"Enable Lattice"=true
# treat "Olive Oil Food Blacklist" as a whitelist instead [default: false]
B:"Treat Olive Oil Blacklist as Whitelist"=false
世界生成配置World Generation Options
world {
# if set to true, slate will generate in the nether instead of the overworld [default: false]
B:"Nether Slate"=false
# number of times the generator will try to place a slate vein per chunk [range: 0 ~ 30, default: 5]
I:"Slate Veins Per Chunk"=5
# number of blocks per slate vein [range: 0 ~ 25, default: 20]
I:"Slate Vein Size"=20
# chance for olive trees to try to generate in a chunk [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.03]
S:"Olive Tree Generation Chance"=0.03
# maximum number of times the generator will attempt to place an olive tree in a chunk [range: 0 ~ 128, default: 5]
I:"Max Olive Tree Generation Attempts"=5
# chance for ironwood trees to try to generate in a chunk [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.015]
S:"Ironwood Generation Chance"=0.015
# maximum number of times the generator will attempt to place an ironwood tree in a chunk [range: 0 ~ 128, default: 4]
I:"Max Ironwood Generation Attempts"=4
# chance for an herb to try to generate in a chunk [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.125]
S:"Herb Generation Chance"=0.125
# maximum number of times the generator will attempt to place an herb in a chunk [range: 0 ~ 128, default: 8]
I:"Max Herb Generation Attempts"=8
# chance for wildberry bushes to try to generate in a chunk [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.05]
S:"Wildberry Generation Chance"=0.05
# maximum number of times the generator will attempt to place a wildberry bush in a chunk [range: 0 ~ 128, default: 4]
I:"Max Wildberry Generation Attempts"=4
# add numerical dimension ids to this list to allow Rustic's overworld world gen to occur in those dimensions
# dimensions that are not listed here will not receive Rustic's overworld world generation
# [default: [0]]
S:"Overworld Generation Dimension Whitelist" <
# add numerical dimension ids to this list to allow Rustic's nether world gen to occur in those dimensions
# dimensions that are not listed here will not receive Rustic's nether world generation
# [default: [-1]]
S:"Nether Generation Dimension Whitelist" <
蜜蜂相关配置Bee Related Options
bees {
# chance for beehives to try to generate in a chunk [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.03]
S:"Beehive Generation Chance"=0.03
# maximum number of times the generator will attempt to place a beehive in a chunk [range: 0 ~ 128, default: 3]
I:"Max Beehive Generation Attempts"=3
# the time it takes for an apiary to produce a new bee is multiplied by this value
# LARGER numbers make bees reproduce LESS often [range: 0.0 ~ 10.0, default: 1.0]
S:"Bee Reproduction Multiplier"=1.0
# the time it takes for an apiary to produce a honeycomb is multiplied by this value
# LARGER numbers make bees produce honeycomb LESS often [range: 0.0 ~ 10.0, default: 1.0]
S:"Bee Honeycomb Multiplier"=1.0
# higher values increase the frequency with which apiaries forcibly age a crop [range: 0.0 ~ 10.0, default: 1.0]
S:"Bee Crop Boost Multiplier"=1.0
兼容性配置Mod Compatability Related Options
compat {
# set this to false to disable silver chain, chandelier, candle, and lantern blocks [default: true]
B:"Enable Silver Decoration Blocks"=true
# with this enabled, Rustic will automatically add recipes for some of Forestry's machines using Rustic's fluids [default: true]
B:"Enable Forestry Compat"=true
//是否允许本模组给自己的液体自动添加林业机器(原文Forestry's machines)的合成表。