本篇教程由作者设定使用 CC BY-NC 协议。
"Enable Wither" = true
"Enable Dragon" = true
"Enable Elder Guardian" = true
#Handles various small features, such as the explosion
"Enable Misc" = true
#Bonus Health and Bonus regeneration. The feature even fixes the Wither health bar not updating on spawn.
"Enable Health" = true
#Handles the Damage Resistances and Vulnerabilities
"Enable Resistances & Vulnerabilities" = true
#Bonus Experience and Drops
"Enable Rewards" = true
#Wither will spawn deadly Minions
"Enable Minions" = true
#Makes the Wither smarter (will no longer try to stand on the player's head ...), attack faster and hit harder
"Enable Attack" = true
#How difficulty is handled for the Wither.
[Wither."Difficulty Settings"]
#How much blocks from wither will be scanned for players to check for difficulty
#Range: > 16
"Spawn Radius Player Check" = 128
#If false and there's more than 1 player around the Wither, difficulty will be the average of all the players' difficulty instead of summing them.
"Sum Spawned Wither Difficulty" = false
#Percentage bonus difficulty added to the Wither when more than one player is present. Each player past the first one will add this percentage to the difficulty.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
"Bonus Difficulty per Player" = 0.25
#Range: > 1
"Max Difficulty" = 16
"Starting Difficulty" = 4
#Set to false to disable the first Wither summoned message.
"Show First Summoned Wither Message" = true
#Entities that extend the vanilla Wither but shouldn't be taken into account by the mod (e.g. Botania's Pink Wither).
"Entity Blacklist" = ["botania:pink_wither"]
#Handles various small features, such as the explosion
#凋零在最大难度下的爆炸威力(无敌后)是多少。爆炸半径上限为 13。基础凋零爆炸威力为 7.0。设置为 0 不会增加枯萎者的爆炸力。
#Range: 0.0 ~ 8.0
"Explosion Power Bonus" = 8.0
#在此难度下,凋零爆炸会引起大火。设置为-1 可禁用。
#Range: > -1
"Explosion Causes Fire at Difficulty" = 1
#当凋零者被击中时,他将不再等待 1.0 秒才会打破僵直,而是只等待 0.5 秒。
"Faster Breaking Blocks" = true
"Bigger Breaking Blocks" = true
"Ignore Witherproof Blocks" = true
#需要重新启动 Minecraft。
"Wither Nether Only" = true
#Bonus Health and Bonus regeneration. The feature even fixes the Wither health bar not updating on spawn.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
"Health Bonus per Difficulty" = 8192
#由 "Bonus Regeneration(奖励再生)"提供的每秒最大生命值再生量。
#设置为 0 可禁用生命值再生。这不会影响凋零的自然再生(每秒 1 健康值)。
#请注意,当凋零的生命值介于 49% 和 50% 之间时,生命值恢复奖励将失效,以防止生命值达到一半时无法接近。
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
"Maximum Bonus Regeneration" = 2.0
#凋零在最大难度下可再生多少生命值。这是在凋零自然再生(每秒 1 健康值)基础上增加的。
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
"Bonus Regeneration" = 5
#当凋零在最后一个 "击中时的奖励再生持续时间 "中被击中时,奖励再生将乘以此比率。
#Range: 0.0 ~ 2.0
"Bonus Regeneration Ratio When Hit" = 0.6
#Range: > 0
"Bonus Regeneration When Hit Duration" = 60
#Handles the Damage Resistances and Vulnerabilities
[Wither."Resistances & Vulnerabilities"]
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
"Melee Damage reduction above half health" = 0.5
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
"Max Melee Damage reduction before half health" = 0.5
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
"Melee Damage reduction below half health" = 0.8
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
"Max Melee Damage reduction below half health" = 0.8
#基于掉血的额外魔法伤害。250 意味着每缺少 250 生命值,伤害就会放大 100%。例如,第一个枯萎者(最大生命值为 300)的生命值为 50(因此缺少 250hp),那么他将受到 "魔法伤害 * (missing_health / magic_damage_bonus + 1)" = "魔法伤害 * (250 / 250 + 1)" = "魔法伤害 * 2"。
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1024.0
"Magic Damage Bonus" = 512.0
#Bonus Experience and Drops
#最大难度下凋零会多掉多少经验(百分比,60 表示 +6000%)。
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
"Bonus Experience " = 120.0
#如果为 "true",默认掉落下界之星会添加到凋零战利品中。
#请注意,替换凋零战利品表(例如通过 DataPack)将自动移除注入战利品。
"Inject Default Loot" = true
#Wither will spawn deadly Minions
#Range: > 0
"Minion at Difficulty" = 1
#Range: > 0
"Bonus Minion Every Difficulty" = 1
#Range: > 0
"Max Minions Spawned" = 16
#凋零周围 16 个区块半径内的最大小怪数量。达到此数量后,凋零将停止产生小怪。设置为 0 可禁用此检查
#Range: > 0
"Max Minions Around" = 18
#小怪可以产生的最短时间(20 tick = 1 秒)。
#Range: > 0
"Minimum Cooldown" = 400
#小怪可以产生的最长时间(20 秒 = 1 秒)。
#Range: > 0
"Maximum Cooldown" = 800
#当凋零的生命值低于一半时,最小和最大冷却时间都会乘以此值。设为 1 则当凋零的生命值低于一半时小怪产生的冷却时间不变。
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
"Cooldown Multiplier Below Half Health" = 0.5
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
"Bonus Movement Speed Per Difficulty" = 0.25
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
"Magic Damage Multiplier" = 3.0
"Kill Minions on Wither Death" = true
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
"Bow Chance Above Half Health" = 0.6
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
"Bow Chance Below Half Health" = 0.08
#凋零小怪的剑被锋利附魔的几率(最大难度)。请注意,每 100%的几率都会增加一级附魔的保证等级,而剩余的几率则决定了增加更多等级的几率。
#Range: 0.0 ~ 255.0
"Sharpness Chance" = 25
#凋零小怪的剑被附魔击退的几率(最大难度)。请注意,每 100%的几率都会增加一级附魔的保证等级,而剩余的几率则决定了增加更多等级的几率。
#Range: 0.0 ~ 255.0
"Knockback Chance" = 5
#凋零小怪的弓被力量附魔的几率(最大难度)。请注意,每 100%的几率都会增加一级附魔的保证等级,而剩余的几率则决定了增加更多等级的几率。
#Range: 0.0 ~ 255.0
"Power Chance" = 25
#凋零小怪的弓被冲击附魔的几率(最大难度)。请注意,每 100%的几率都会增加一级附魔的保证等级,而剩余的几率则决定了增加更多等级的几率。
#Range: 0.0 ~ 255.0
"Punch Chance" = 5
#Makes the Wither smarter (will no longer try to stand on the player's head ...), attack faster and hit harder
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
"Increased Damage" = 1.5
[Wither.Attack."Charge Attack"]
#该值是健康值为 0% 和受到 10 次伤害时的几率。
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
"Charge chance" = 0.05
#冲锋攻击的基础伤害。通过 "增加伤害 "配置选项提高。
#Range: 0.0 ~ 32.0
"Charge Attack Base Damage" = 12.0
[Wither.Attack."Barrage Attack"]
#该值为受到 10 次伤害时的几率。
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
"Barrage Attack Chance" = 0.15
#暴击持续的最短时间(以 ticks 为单位)。生命值越少,暴击时间越长。
#Range: > 0
"Min Barrage Duration" = 20
#暴击持续的最长时间(以 ticks 为单位)。生命值越少,暴击时间越长。
#Range: > 0
"Max Barrage Duration" = 140
#Wither Skull Changes
#凋零骷髅弹射速度将乘以此值。设为 1 则不改变速度。
#Range: 1.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
"Skull Velocity Multiplier" = 2.5
#Attack Speed Changes
[Wither.Attack."Attack Speed"]
#每隔多少秒(20 秒 = 1 秒),中间的头部就会向目标发射一枚凋零头。
#Range: > 0
"Attack Interval" = 25
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
"Bonus Attack Speed when Near" = 0.8
#Bonus Health and Bonus regeneration.
"Enable Health" = true
#Makes the dragon hit harder in various different ways
"Enable Attack" = true
#Bonus Experience and Dragon Egg per player
"Enable Rewards" = true
#Shulkers that will make you float around.
"Enable Minions" = true
#Mini things that are just annoying.
"Enable Larva" = true
#Handles the Damage Resistances and Vulnerabilities
"Enable Resistances & Vulnerabilities" = true
#Makes more Crystal spawn and with more cages.
"Enable Crystals" = true
#How difficulty is handled for the Dragon.
[Dragon."Difficulty Settings"]
"Sum Killed Dragons Difficulty" = false
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
"Bonus Difficulty per Player" = 0.25
#末影龙可达到的最大难度(杀死次数)。默认设置为 24。
#Range: > 1
"Max Difficulty" = 24
#Range: > 0
"Starting Difficulty" = 24
#设为 false 可禁用第一条龙被杀死的信息。
"Show First Killed Dragon Message" = true
#Bonus Health and Bonus regeneration.
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
"Health Bonus at Max Difficulty" = 20000
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
"Bonus Regeneration" = 5
#奖励再生 "提供的每秒最大奖励再生量。设为 0 则禁用健康再生奖励。可低于 "奖励再生"。这不会影响水晶带来的生命值恢复。
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
"Maximum Bonus Regeneration" = 3.0
#每当末影龙附着在水晶上时,它在最大难度下每秒会恢复多少生命值(当生命值缺失 100%时)。因此,如果她缺失 30% 的生命值,这将是 30% 的有效值。这将加到正常的水晶恢复能力上。
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
"Bonus Crystal Regeneration" = 20
#当末影龙在最后一个 "击中时奖励再生持续时间 "中被击中时,奖励再生(也是水晶奖励再生)将乘以此比率。
#Range: 0.0 ~ 2.0
"Bonus Regeneration Ratio When Hit" = 0.4
#Range: > 0
"Bonus Regeneration When Hit Duration" = 85
#Makes the dragon hit harder in various different ways
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
"Bonus Direct Damage" = 5
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
"Bonus Acid Pool Damage" = 9.6
#The actual chance is: (原版难度 * (实际难度 / 最大难度)).
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
"Charge Player Max Chance" = 0.8
#The actual chance is: (this_value * (difficulty / max difficulty)).
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
"Fireball Max Chance" = 0.7
#大约从 1.13/1.14 版开始,末影龙无法再下潜超过 3 个区块,因此它需要很长时间才能上升/下降。激活此功能后,末影龙将能上升和下降的更快,从而更容易击中玩家并接近中心。
"Increase Max Rise and Fall" = true
"Fireball Explosion Magic Damage" = true
"Fireball 3D Area Effect Cloud" = true
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
"Fireball Velocity Multiplier" = 2.5
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
"Bonus Fireballs" = 30.0
#Bonus Experience and Dragon Egg per player
#龙在最大难度下会多掉多少经验(百分比,36 表示 +3600%)。
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
"Bonus Experience" = 72.0
#如果为 "true",只要从未杀死过龙的玩家杀死龙,就会掉落一枚龙蛋。例如:如果 2 名玩家首次杀死龙,她将掉落 2 枚龙蛋。
"Dragon Egg per Player" = true
#如果为 "true",默认掉落龙蛋将添加到末影龙的战利品中。
"Inject Default Loot" = true
#Shulkers that will make you float around.
#Range: > 0
"Minion at Difficulty" = 1
#小怪可以生成的最小刻度(20 tick = 1 秒)。
#Range: > 0
"Minimum Cooldown" = 700
#小怪可以产生的最长刻度(20 tick = 1 秒)。
#Range: > 0
"Maximum Cooldown" = 1000
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
"Cooldown Reduction" = 0.6
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
"Blinding Chance" = 0.4
#被致盲弹丸击中时产生致盲效果的时间(以 ticks 为单位)。
#Range: 0 ~ 6000
"Blinding duration" = 150
#如果为true,末影龙小怪将只受到末影龙 10%的伤害。
"Reduced Dragon Damage" = true
#Mini things that are just annoying.
#Range: > 0
"Larva at Difficulty" = 1
#Range: > 0
"Bonus Larva Every Difficulty" = 1
#Range: > 0
"Max Larvae Spawned" = 7
#Range: > 0
"Minimum Cooldown" = 800
#Range: > 0
"Maximum Cooldown" = 1400
#如果属为true,蠹虫只会受到末影龙 10% 的伤害。
"Reduced Dragon Damage" = true
#Handles the Damage Resistances and Vulnerabilities
[Dragon."Resistances & Vulnerabilities"]
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
"Melee Damage reduction while at the center" = 0.5
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
"Explosion Damage reduction" = 0.8
#Makes more Crystal spawn and with more cages.
#Range: > -1
"More Cages at Difficulty" = 1
#水晶周围可产生的额外铁笼的最大数量。(原版已有 2 个铁笼)
#Range: 0 ~ 8
"Max Bonus Cages" = 8
#Range: > -1
"More Crystals at Difficulty" = 4
#Range: > -1
"More Crystals Step" = 8
#Range: 0 ~ 10
"More Crystals Max" = 8
#每次末影龙被击中(生命值低于 50%)都有几率触发水晶放置效果。当龙的生命值 >=50% 时,触发几率为 0%;当龙的生命值 <=30% 时,触发几率为 100%。
"Enable crystal respawn" = true
#Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0
"Crystal Respawn Per Difficulty" = 4
"Explosion Immune" = true
# 远古守护者
["Elder Guardian"]
#Bonus Health and Health regeneration.
"Enable Health" = true
#Base feature for the Elder Guardian harder fights. Disabling this feature will disable the added sound when an Elder Guardian is killed.
"Enable Base" = true
#Handles the Damage Resistances
"Enable Resistances" = true
#More damage and attack speed based off Elder Guardians Defeated
"Enable Attack" = true
#Elder Guardians will spawn Elder Minions.
"Enable Minions" = true
#Bonus Experience and Dragon Egg per player
"Enable Rewards" = true
#Bonus Health and Health regeneration.
["Elder Guardian".Health]
#按此百分比提高远古守护者的生命值(1 = +100% 健康值)
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
"Health Bonus per Difficulty" = 0.5
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
"Absorption Health" = 40.0
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
"Health Regen" = 0.5
#Base feature for the Elder Guardian harder fights. Disabling this feature will disable the added sound when an Elder Guardian is killed.
["Elder Guardian".Base]
#如果为 "true",则当远古守护者在附近时,玩家将无法打破方块。
"Adventure mode" = true
#Handles the Damage Resistances
["Elder Guardian".Resistances]
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
"Damage Reduction per Elder Guardian Defeated" = 0.3
#More damage and attack speed based off Elder Guardians Defeated
["Elder Guardian".Attack]
#Range: 0.0 ~ 128.0
"Bonus Damage per Elder Guardian Defeated" = 0.0
#远古守卫者的攻击速度会加快多少秒(乘以击败的远古守护者数量)。原版攻击持续时间为 60 tick(3 秒)
#Range: 0 ~ 60
"Attack Duration Reduction per Elder Guardian Defeated" = 25
#Elder Guardians will spawn Elder Minions.
["Elder Guardian".Minions]
#远古守护者每隔多少 tick(20 ticks = 1 秒)就会产生一个小怪。
#Range: > 0
"Base Cooldown" = 200
#Range: > 0
"Cooldown Reduction per Missing Elder" = 60
#Bonus Experience and Dragon Egg per player
["Elder Guardian".Rewards]
#Range: -1 ~ 1024
"Base Experience" = 40
#每杀死一名远古守护者,远古守护者会多掉多少经验(百分比)。该百分比是相加的(例如,如果设置为 100%,下一个远古守护者会多掉落 200% 的经验值)
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
"Bonus Experience" = 1.0
#如果为 "true",默认掉落添加到远古守护者战利品中。
#请注意,替换 "远古守护者 "战利品表(例如通过 DataPack)将自动移除 "注入 "战利品。
"Inject Default Loot" = true