本篇教程由作者设定使用 CC BY-NC 协议。


珍奇鸟类在 .minecraft\versions\[版本文件夹]\config 路径下拥有一个配置文件,其列出了此 Mod 各项可配置项目:


本文将对 exoticbirds-common.toml 配置文件内容逐项说明。文中每项配置为默认数值和默认布尔值。



  • #Allow eggs from this mod to drop eggshell when broken. Default = true

    createExoticEggshells = true

    # 允许此 Mod 内的鸟蛋丢出破碎时掉落蛋壳

  • #Allow chicken eggs to drop eggshell when broken. Default = true

    createChickenEggshells = true

    # 允许原版鸡蛋丢出破碎时掉落蛋壳。

  • #Allow exotic birds to lay eggs as items. Default = true

    allowEggLaying = true

    # 允许鸟以物品形式下蛋。

  • #Allow phoenix eggs to hatch phoenixes. If disabled, they hatch chickens. Default = true

    allowPhoenixHatching = true

    # 允许菲尼克斯蛋孵化出菲尼克斯,否则孵化出鸡。

  • #How many ticks it takes for a bird to lay an egg. Default = 12000

    #Range: > 6000

    eggLayRate = 12000

    # 鸟每隔多少刻下蛋(至少 6000 刻)。


  • #Allow magpies to scavenge for items. Default = true

    allowMagpieScavenging = true

    # 允许喜鹊捡拾掉落物。

  • #Allow kingfishers to collect fish. Default = true

    allowKingfisherScavenging = true

    # 允许翠鸟捕鱼。

  • #Allow tamed pelicans to collect fish. Default = true

    allowPelicanScavenging = true

    # 允许已驯服的鹈鹕捕鱼。

  • #Allow ostriches to be ridden. Default = true

    allowOstrichRiding = true

    # 允许骑乘鸵鸟

  • #Allow phoenixes to be ridden. Default = true

    allowPhoenixRiding = true

    # 允许骑乘菲尼克斯

  • #Allow pigeon mail. Default = true

    allowPigeonMail = true

    # 允许发送鸽子邮件。


  • #A list of dimensions that no birds are able to spawn in.

    blacklistedSpawningDimensions = []

    # 在 [] 中填写禁止生成鸟类的维度。

  • #Allow non-tamed/non-named birds to naturally despawn. Default = false

    allowDespawning = false

    # 允许未驯服或未命名的鸟类自然消失。


  • #Allow other non-hostile mobs to be caught by birdcages. Default = false

    allowAnythingInCages = false

    # 允许其他非敌对生物关进鸟笼


  • #Allow eggs to regenerate in nests. Default = true

    allowNestEggRegen = true

    # 允许神秘鸟蛋鸟巢中刷新。

  • #How many nests, on average, should appear per chunk when generated. (0 = disabled; 1 = few; 10 = many). Default = 5

    #Range: 0 ~ 10

    nestGenRate = 5

    # 世界生成时,每个区块平均出现的鸟巢数(数字越大则数量越多)。


  • #Allow experience to be obtained by logging birds. Default = true

    allowBookExperience = true

    # 允许使用鸟类百科全书记录鸟后获得经验。