
地下墓穴 - 陷阱走廊:

One holds a prize, the other means certain demise. Seek the books to know and the answer will show. Don't be a fool at the cost of your armor and tool. Choose the wrong, and everything will be gone.


地下墓穴 - 角落1:

The Spreading I by Finallion - Day 108: There won't be a funeral today. The family of the deceased villager devolped similar symptoms over night. First, the skin takes an unhealthy colour. A sunken in face gives them the appearance of animated corpses. Within hours they develop pustules and open wounds all over the body. At this stage there seems to be no hope anymore. Even the maggots think they are already dead. We isolated the family from the rest of the village and put them in quarantine in their houses. I pray for their well-being.

Finallion编著的《传染 I》——第108日:今天不会举行葬礼。死者的家属在一夜之间出现了类似的症状——皮肤呈现病态的颜色,凹陷的脸使他们看起来像是活死人。几小时内,他们全身会形成脓疱和开放性伤口。在这个阶段,似乎已经没有(任何治愈的)希望了——连蛆都以为他们已经死了。我们把这家属与村里的其他人隔绝,把他们关在家里隔离。我为他们的生存希望而祈祷。

地下墓穴 - 尽头处6:

The Spreading II by Finallion - Day 108: Great creator of the world... I awoke from a deep dream. The world is profound and deeper than the day has realized. My presentiment has happened. The quarantine didn't work. The plague has spread across the village. People, moaning in pain lie in the streets among their dead family members and friends. Even the iron golems seem to have changed. I don't know what to do... I'm so lost. All these poor innocent villagers... Where is He? I need to find Him. He will know what to do. Surely he will...

Finallion编著的《传染 II》——第108日:伟大的造物主啊……我从深深的梦中醒来。世界比我这一天所认识到的要更加深刻。我的预感发生了隔离没起作用,瘟疫已传遍全村。人们躺在街上,痛苦地呻吟着,身边躺着他们死去的家人和朋友。就连铁傀儡似乎也变了。我不知道该怎么办……我很迷茫。所有这些可怜无辜的村民……他在哪里?我要找到他。他知道该怎么做。他肯定知道……

地下墓穴 - 图书馆:

The Spreading III by Finallion - Day 108: I write these lines with shaking hands and a cold grip around my heart. His decision stands and although every part of me resists... I swore my obedience. Death shall cleanse the world!

Finallion编著的《传染 III》——第108日:我用颤抖的手写下这些话语,冰冷的手紧紧抓住我的心。他的决定不可撼动,尽管我内心非常抗拒……我绝对服从。死亡将净化世界!

... for centuries to come. The books in the archive are telling stories of hidden rooms, deathly traps and precious loot behind the walls. An apocryphal source mentions moving floors and rooms. Sometimes it will guide you to treasure. In other cases it will lead you into a dead end or a trap. Be aware of your surroundings. Not every room that looks the same, will be the same every time you will come across it.



The Arrival by Player172 - Day 102: Finally! After days of hiding in dirt holes and nothing to eat but seeds we found a village. The villagers seemed happy to see new faces and we celebrated through the night, protected by the golems. Even He seemed to enjoy it. I hope we will stay here for a while and recover. The last days were rough and I'm not keen on sleeping on dirt again...



The First Omen by Player330 - Day 106: The days have passed in a blink. The ordinariness of this village and its daily routine were a blessing for my tired bones. For Him it is the opposite. Each day that passes makes Him more tense and quick-tempered. I think it is time to move on soon.


Day 107: One of the villagers got sick this morning and his condition worsened with each minute. His skin was covered in purulent rashes and his eyes started bleeding. He died within hours. We will stay for the funeral. May he find peace.


大型墓园 - 绞刑山丘:

Roberts Diary by Player863 - Forgive me for what I am going to do. The villagers got infected. They will turn into mindless creatures, killing everything they see. I need to prevent this... Who else will? ... all the children, all my friends ... they need to die... I need to save them! I need to save the rest of us... Who else will?


The Consequence by Player863: Day 162: They came at night, breaking the doors of our homes and dragging us into the night. They were our neighbors... our friends and family. I couldn't believe what he has done to them. A man - they called him Robert - took my brother first. I heard the lever pull and the trapdoors open. I couldn't look up. I just couldn't... The men of my village are whispering. They want to ambush the guards while they are distracted... Robert looked at me. I am next...


大型墓园 - 凋灵骷髅磨坊:

Notes Nr. 63 by Player683 - The Wither Skeleton Mill: On my journeys I came across an old brick house with a large chimney on its back side. I didn't dare to enter so I settled camp in the nearby woods. At night I heard the soul tormenting screeching and the rattling of bones coming from the house. Shortly after that, smoke rised from the chimney and it smelled like rotten flesh and ash. It kept me awake all night. Tomorrow I'll take a closer look. I need to know what's going on. All graves in the near vicinity of the house were dug up. Marks in the soil indicated that the corpses and skeletal remains were dragged to the house. Why would these creatures burn skeletons? At day the house lies quietly in the woods and nothing indicates that it is inhabited. The front door is locked. This night I'll sneak up and uncover the dark secret of the incinerator. They saw me... huge black skeletons... they were in the woods!! They will find me. I need to write this down, so He can know what is happening here. They will find me... black, withered skeletons... He'll k--

Player863编著的《Nr. 63笔记》——凋灵骷髅磨坊:在我的旅途中,我偶然发现了一座背后有大烟囱的老旧砖房。我不敢进去,于是就在附近的树林里扎营。夜里,我听到灵魂的痛苦尖叫声和屋子里传来的骨头的喀喀声。不久,烟从烟囱里冒出来,闻起来像腐烂的肉和灰烬,这让我彻夜难眠。明天我再仔细看看,我要知道发生了什么事。房子附近的所有坟墓都被挖开了。土壤上的痕迹表明尸体和骨骼残骸是被拖到房子里的,为什么这些怪物会燃烧骷髅呢?白天,这所房子静静地蛰伏树林里,没有任何迹象表明它有人居住。前门是锁着的。今晚我要悄悄行动,揭开焚化炉的黑暗秘密。它们看见我了……巨大的黑色骷髅……它们在树林里!!它们会找到我的。我要把这些写下来,这样他(身份未知)就能知道这里发生了什么。它们会找到我的……这些凋零的黑色骷髅……他会杀了(它们)——

遗迹 - 旧哨塔:

Day 132: Village after village. Everyone who only heard of the first victims of corruption. All of them. Saving them all. MORE! He pushes us forwards. No rest, no sleep. Time, how much time is left? Can it be stopped. What am I doing here? I should stop Him! ...Stopping HIM? You shall obey! ...But... aren't they innocent...?


Innocent? Look at them! The corruption runs deep. Too deep for you to notice. But HE knows! He took the bones of the cleansed and crafted a staff. I don't understand the powers it holds... bending the will of those who oppose him. Torturing their minds. Deforming their bodies into monstrous abominations. All in the name of the protecting this world.




遗迹 - 破败营地:

Day 112: A first test to my allegiance. He saw the smoke of their campsite at dusk. My mind still refuses to accept the fact, that these people are already doomed. Potentially already corrupted. We are their saviours, redeeming these lost souls.

...or are we? Nonsense! Who am I to question His orders? These people need to be cleansed!!

Ritual of Reanimation by Finallion: To successfully reanimate a once living person, one shall collect a bottle of blood from recently perished humans. The human life needs to be taken by a bone weapon, for as only these tools have the evil power to ####### #########. More over the fragments of the great staff ## ###### #### are needed. To start the ritual, one must pour the blood into ### ##### whilst the staff fragments lie nearby. It is advised to commence this ritual only at night, since ### ###### ## ##### (the next pages are missing).



遗迹 - 血祀坑:

Day 140: Blood is clouding my vision. Dripping from my hands into the ground. We broke their barricades with ease. The corruption weakened the resistance. Not that they were able to fight back. Not against us. Not against Him. He is kneeling beside their corpses, His bone dagger in hand. Collecting their diseased blood in a glass bottle. Then He pours it over the bone staff that one of the abominations carries for Him. A glarring light eminates from its eye sockets onto the carnage around us. He takes the staff, sighing in relief. He turns around and looks me into the eyes. His gaze burrowing through my mind.  One... Two... As I open my eyes again, He is already gone. But I can feel His presence. I feel shame. And something breaks inside me. It feels like chains falling from my enslaved body. The fog is lifting and I can see clearly now. At least for...



It is done. It has corrupted His soul, and nearly mine as well. All those innocent lives we took... all these poor people. What ever evil we thought we were fighting... it took control of our minds, our bodies. We became the evil we sought to destroy...! And I couldn't safe Him. It was too late. The corruption reached His heart and turned my master, my friend... into this THING! There was no other way. My mind became clear, the fog was gone, only for fraction, but enough to realize the madness we succumed to. I took His staff while He was resting and turned it against its own master. I... turned against my master. And with all my remaining power... I spoke the dark words He taught me. A curse so strong, no creature can resist. I entombed His soul into stone. And still... His corruption sapped into the ground and turned the stones dark gray. Fissures appeared, leaking the enslaved souls of our innocent victims. To prevent and to stop the spread of His madness, I lifted this unholy place out of the world, on an island high in the sky, far away from any lives it may lay its greedy eyes on. With every entombing sigil I put upon His prison, I felt more of my old self. Estranged, but still familiar. I broke the staff into three pieces and hid them in the places of our greatest shame. The destroyed homes of our friends we swore to protect when they needed us the most... Instead we turned against them. Slaughtering them, thinking WE PROTECT THEM! I... am disgusted by the mere thought of it. My cruelties may never be undone. And I think there is no much life left in me. The bane took its toll. And I accept its consequences. 

To you who might read this. Stay away from this cursed ground.It holds only sorrow and woes.

