

下面是你能用本模组干的事情(下面出现的具体实体名理论可套用任何有注册名的实体,具体概率理论可调整为任何 0 ~ 100 的整数):

  1. 移除僵尸的生成;

  2. 移除 30% 的骷髅生成;

  3. 将生成的村民替换成末影人;

  4. 将 66% 生成的蜘蛛替换成鱼。


  1. the replaced:要被替换或移除的实体;

  2. the replacers:替换者;

  3. replacer entity NBT:替换者的 NBT,不需要写“{}”;

  4. the replacement chance:替换/移除发生的概率;

  5. is removal:将“the replaced”标记为移除而不是替换;

  6. remove by chance:让移除遵循“the replacement chance”。



  1. the replaced:["minecraft:zombie"]

  2. the replacers: ["f**k you zombies"]

  3. replacer entity NBT: [""]

  4. the replacement chance: [1314]

  5. is removal: [true]

  6. remove by chance: [false]

移除 30% 的骷髅生成

  1. the replaced:["minecraft:skeleton"]

  2. the replacers: ["f**k you skeletons"]

  3. replacer entity NBT: [""]

  4. the replacement chance: [31]

  5. is removal: [true]

  6. remove by chance: [true]


  1. the replaced:["minecraft:villager"]

  2. the replacers: ["minecraft:enderman"]

  3. replacer entity NBT: [""]

  4. the replacement chance: [101]

  5. is removal: [false]

  6. remove by chance: [false]


将 66% 生成的蜘蛛替换成鱼

  1. the replaced:["minecraft:spider"]

  2. the replacers: ["minecraft:fish"]

  3. replacer entity NBT: [""]

  4. the replacement chance: [67]

  5. is removal: [false]

  6. remove by chance: [false]

把上面的实现全部合起来怎么样?当然可以!这样你就获得了一份能够移除僵尸的生成、移除 30% 的骷髅生成、将生成的村民替换成末影人、将 66% 生成的蜘蛛替换成鱼的 Potatweaker。

  1. the replaced:["minecraft:zombie", "minecraft:skeleton", "minecraft:villager", "minecraft:spider"]

  2. the replacers: ["f**k you zombies", "f**k you skeletons", "minecraft:enderman", "minecraft:fish"]

  3. replacer entity NBT: ["", "", "", ""]

  4. the replacement chance: [1314, 30, 101, 67]

  5. is removal: [true, true, false, false]

  6. remove by chance: [false, true, false, false]

