魔法艺术3共有四个配置文件,他们均位于config文件夹内,文件名以 mana-and-artifice 开头。

文中所有非配置文件自带的汉化或说明部分以 #深绿色注释 的方式标明。

游戏版本 1.16.5 Mod版本




#Mana and Artifice // Codex Settings



    #0: UI buttons only.  Escape closes the codex entirely.


    #1: UI buttons / escape.  Escape backs the codex out until the index, then closes it.


    #2: UI buttons / right mouse.  Right mouse backs the codex out until the index. Escape closes the codex entirely.


    #3: UI buttons / escape / right mouse.  Escape or right mouse backs the codex out until the index, then closes it.


    #Range: 0 ~ 3

    codexBackStyle = 0

#Mana and Artifice // HUD Settings




    #0: Top Left


    #1: Top Center


    #2: Top Right


    #3: Middle Right


    #4: Bottom Right


    #5: Bottom Center


    #6: Bottom Left


    #7: Middle Left


    #Range: 0 ~ 7

    hudPosition = 0

    #Change the size of pinned recipes.

    #Range: 1 ~ 3


    pinnedRecipeSize = 1


    #0: Always visible.

    #1: Hidden unless holding a mana consuming/restoring item.

    #2: Always hidden.

    #Range: 0 ~ 2


    hudMode = 0

#Mana and Artifice // Performance Settings



    #Enable fancy magelights (disable this if you're getting FPS issues)


    ma_fancy_magelights = true

#Mana and Artifice // Help Tips Settings




    ma_damage_stacking_tip = false

    ma_pin_tip = true


    ma_multiblock_tip = true


    ma_modifier_tip = true


    ma_ritual_tip = true




#How many souls are animals worth when killed?


#Range: 1 ~ 20000

animalSouls = 100

#How many souls are mobs worth when killed?


#Range: 1 ~ 20000

mobSouls = 150

#How many souls are players worth when killed?


#Range: 1 ~ 20000

playerSouls = 2500

#How many souls are enemy faction members worth when killed?


#Range: 1 ~ 20000

factionSouls = 250

#How many souls are villagers worth when killed?


#Range: 1 ~ 20000

villagerSouls = 250

#How many souls are undead worth when killed?


#Range: 1 ~ 20000

undeadSouls = 50

#Raids are incremented when you use items/spells from the other factions.  When they get angry enough, you will be raided.



    #Should classic raiding be enabled?  Raids are based on a chance value.  The value is increased each day there is not a raid.  If the chance hits a total of 1.0 or greater, it's a guaranteed raid.  The chance resets after a raid successfully spawns.


    classicRaids = false

    #How many attempts (within a 20x20x5 box centered on the player in question) should the game make to spawn a raid?  Note this will be re-attempted every 100 ticks until a successful spawn is made.  If you're lagging due to raid spawn attempts, lower this setting.


    #Range: 1 ~ 1000

    raidSpawnAttempts = 100

    #Adjust the base amount per day that the chance to be raided goes up for each player.  This has no effect if classic raids are disabled.


    #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0

    raidBaselineIncrease = 0.05

    #Adjust the amount per day that the chance to be raided goes up for each player based on their tier above 3 (this value * (tier-3)).  This is added to the baseline.  This has no effect if classic raids are disabled.


    #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0

    raidTierIncrease = 0.05

#Mana and Artifice // General Options



    #How many kills does it take to fill up a crystal phylactery


    #Range: 1 ~ 1000

    phylacteryKills = 100

    #If true, the Ritual of Arcana will instantly rote spells upon completion, in addition to giving you the spell..

    #如果为 true,法术构件会在完成奥秘仪式后立刻被定式熟记。

    liteMode = false

    #Should summons be able to be right clicked with items to interact?  For example, shearing sheep or milking cows that have been summoned.


    summonInteractions = true

    #A comma separated list of entity IDs that the warding candle should block (in addition to what it blocks by default); use this to expand what it will block.  Note that blacklist overrides this, so an entry in both will be blacklisted.


    wardingCandleWhitelist = ""

    #What the mod considers 'melee distance' between two entities when one attacks the other.  This value is squared, so if you want 8 blocks put 64 in this config.


    #Range: 1.0 ~ 4096.0

    meleeDistance = 64.0

    #Comma separated list of biome ids that spells can't be cast in.


    spellBiomeBlacklist = ""

    #Set this to true to disable new villager profession registration.  This allows compatibility with Bukkit.  Note that you'll need to ensure the Codex Arcana is obtainable through different means!

    #如果为 true,则禁止村民注册并获得本Mod的职业。此项设置用于兼容Bukkit,但注意你需要为玩家准备其他获得奥秘古籍的方式!

    disableNewProfessions = false

    #Can bosses be summoned?


    bossSummons = false

    #A comma separated list of entity IDs that the warding candle should ignore, regardless of detection (use this if it's stopping you from something you think it shouldn't; this isn't to expand what it will block)


    wardingCandleBlacklist = ""

    #What the mod considers to be the average manaweave cost when generating manaweaves automatically for the player.

    #Range: 0 ~ 500


    averageManaweaveCost = 25

    #Change this to determine how many of a tier's tasks need to be completed before tiering up is allowed.  It is a percentage of the total tasks in the tier.  If you set this above 1, you cannot tier up through normal gameplay.  Use with caution.

    #Range: 0.01 ~ 2.0


    tierCompletePct = 0.8

    #Rituals of Aurora and Eventide by default will change time gradually for a prettier effect.  However this isn't without its performance impacts, and this can be toggled off by setting this to false, making the transition instant like the /time set commands. [true / false]

    #晨曦仪式黄昏仪式默认情况下会代有日月流转的效果以获得更好的视觉效果,然而这增加了性能需求。设置为 false 可禁用此效果,仪式会像 /time set 指令那样直接完成。

    gradualTimeChange = true

    #Comma separated list of dimension ids that spells can't be cast in.


    spellDimensionBlacklist = ""

    #How much damage does the fortification effect set all damage to

    #Range: 1.0 ~ 20.0


    fortificationDamageAmount = 4.0

    #Can bosses be captured in phylacteries?


    bossPhylacteries = false

#Mana and Artifice // Villager Modification



    #Adjust librarian villagers to not have enchanted books until tier 3.  This is done for balancing and to remove the exploit of rolling librarians for cheap enchants. [true / false]


    modifyVillagerTrades = true

#Mana and Artifice // Artifact Options



    #By default meteor jump will follow the mobGriefing rule.  Set this to true to override that regardless of the game rule.

    #默认情况下,炼狱套装下落爆炸的方块破坏效果会随 游戏规则:mobGriefing 禁用。将此项设置为true将强制启用破坏效果。

    meteorJumpDestruction = false

    #The percent chance the fey armor will randomly teleport melee attackers.

    #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0


    feyArmorTeleportChance = 0.2

    #How many ticks the Spellweaver armor set needs to regenerate one reflect charge

    #Range: 20 ~ 2000


    councilArmorReflectRecharge = 100

    #How many reflect charges the Spellweaver armor set has

    #Range: 0 ~ 99


    councilArmorReflectCharges = 3

    #The percent chance the fey armor will reflect projectiles.

    #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0


    feyArmorReflectChance = 0.2

#Mana and Artifice // Worldgen Options



    #If true, total wellspring power will be calculated per faction rather than per player.

    #如果设置为 true,则同阵营玩家将共享源泉能量。

    wellspringFactionClaims = false

    #Count of vinteum veins

    #Range: 1 ~ 100


    vinteumVeinCount = 20

    #Max Y-value of vinteum veins

    #Range: 10 ~ 255


    vinteumVeinYValue = 63

    #Size of vinteum veins

    #Range: 1 ~ 20


    vinteumVeinSize = 9

    #If true, wellsprings will generate with no affinity and the type of lens used will set the affinity of the node.

    #如果设置为 true 则自然生成的源泉都会是无属性的,其属性会随着折射透镜的属性而改变。

    genericWellsprings = false

    #How far apart wellspring nodes must be as a minimum.  They can be farther than this depending on world seed and generation.

    #Range: 100 ~ 15000


    wellspringDistance = 500








        #Min Pack Size

        #Range: 1 ~ 3


        minPackSize = 1

        #Max Pack Size

        #Range: 1 ~ 5


        maxPackSize = 3

        #Spawn Weight (0 disables)

        #Range: 0 ~ 9999


        spawnWeight = 16

["Dimension-Level Blacklists"]


    ["Dimension-Level Blacklists"."mana-and-artifice:mushroom_soldier"]


        #Comma separated list of dimension ids that this mob type shouldn't spawn in

        blacklist = ""

    ["Dimension-Level Blacklists"."mana-and-artifice:pixie"]


        #Comma separated list of dimension ids that this mob type shouldn't spawn in

        blacklist = ""

    ["Dimension-Level Blacklists"."mana-and-artifice:spell_breaker"]


        #Comma separated list of dimension ids that this mob type shouldn't spawn in

        blacklist = ""

    ["Dimension-Level Blacklists"."mana-and-artifice:hulking_zombie"]


        #Comma separated list of dimension ids that this mob type shouldn't spawn in

        blacklist = ""

    ["Dimension-Level Blacklists"."mana-and-artifice:skeleton_assassin"]


        #Comma separated list of dimension ids that this mob type shouldn't spawn in

        blacklist = ""

    ["Dimension-Level Blacklists"."mana-and-artifice:witch_hunter"]


        #Comma separated list of dimension ids that this mob type shouldn't spawn in

        blacklist = ""

    ["Dimension-Level Blacklists"."mana-and-artifice:demon_imp"]


        #Comma separated list of dimension ids that this mob type shouldn't spawn in

        blacklist = ""

    ["Dimension-Level Blacklists"."mana-and-artifice:lantern_wraith"]


        #Comma separated list of dimension ids that this mob type shouldn't spawn in

        blacklist = ""






    #Biome Blacklists - Biomes that this spell part cannot be cast in. Comma separated, no spaces.


    biomeBlacklists = ""

    #Dimension Blacklists - Dimensions that this spell part cannot be cast in. Comma separated, no spaces.


    dimensionBlacklists = ""



        #Default Value

        #Range: 0.0 ~ 9999.0


        default = 0.0

        #Maximum Value

        #Range: 0.0 ~ 9999.0


        maximum = 3.0

        #Complexity Value (how much does changing by one tick change the complexity)

        #Range: 0.0 ~ 9999.0


        step_complexity = 0.5

        #Step Value (how much does one click in the inscription table change the value)

        #Range: 0.0 ~ 9999.0


        step = 0.10

        #Minimum Value

        #Range: 0.0 ~ 9999.0


        minimum = 0.0

        default = 3.0

        #Maximum Value

        #Range: 0.0 ~ 9999.0

        maximum = 10.0

        #Complexity Value (how much does changing by one tick change the complexity)

        #Range: 0.0 ~ 9999.0

        step_complexity = 2.0

        #Step Value (how much does one click in the inscription table change the value)

        #Range: 0.0 ~ 9999.0

        step = 1.0

        #Minimum Value

        #Range: 0.0 ~ 9999.0

        minimum = 0.0