

  1. 首先你要转载mod并运行游戏;

  2. 退出游戏;

  3. 打开.minecraft文件夹,如图;[存档备份]AromaBackup配置文件解析-第1张图片

  4. 找到并打开config文件夹,如图;[存档备份]AromaBackup配置文件解析-第2张图片

  5. 找到并打开aroma1997文件夹,如图;[存档备份]AromaBackup配置文件解析-第3张图片



backup {

    # The compression type used for backups. The following ones are available: "zip", "tar", "tar.gz", "folder"【是用于备份的压缩类型】

    S:compressionType=zip【默认压缩类型为“zip”,可以改成"tar", "tar.gz", "folder"】


backup_location {

    # The filename of the backup files. Supported variables:

    #  world, year, month, date, hour, minute, second, identifier.【如果要改必须按照“世界、年、月、日、时、分、秒、标识符”的顺序改】

    #  Please note: using the identifier is recommended, but not enforced. Please make sure, that your filenames are unique and that two backups will not have the same filename. [default: %world%/Backup--%world%--%year%-%month%-%date%--%hour%-%minute%]【默认为“%world%/Backup--%world%--%year%-%month%-%date%--%hour%-%minute%”】


     # Where to store the Backups. Either an absolute path or relative to the minecraft folder.



backup_schedule {

    # How frequently a automatic backup is done in minutes. 0 means Auto-Backup disabled.


    # How many full backups to keep. When there are this many full backups, the oldest full backup will be deleted together with all incremental backups, that depend on it. [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 30]

    I:fullBackupsToKeep=30【要保留多少份备份文件,范围从1 ~ 2147483647,默认为30份】

    # How many incremental backups to create. Set to something bigger that 0 to enable. If this is set to for example 5, then there will be one full backup, 5 incremental backups and then the next full backup and so on. [range: 0 ~ 500, default: 0]

    I:incrementalBackupsToCreate=0【创建多少增量备份。设置为大于0的值以启用。例如,如果设置为2,则有一个完整备份、2个增量备份,然后是下一个完整备份,依此类推,范围从0 ~ 500,默认是0】

    # How many incremental backups to keep. When there are this many incremental backups, the oldest incremental backup will be deleted together with all backups, that depend on it. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 100]

    I:incrementalBackupsToKeep=100【保留多少增量备份,当有很多增量备份时,最旧的增量备份将与所有依赖它的备份一起删除,范围从0 ~ 2147483647,默认是100】

    # If a backup should be done when the world gets loaded.


    # If the scheduled backup should be skipped if no players were on the server since the last one.



general {

    # If all players or only admins can use the /backup command.


    # If the blacklist is enabled, the dimensions (ids) specified here will not be backed up.

    I:blacklist <【添加该维度ID,则不会备份该维度】


    # Compression rate. Has to be between 9 (high compression) and 1 (low compression).


    # If this is set to true, it will use the Dimension Whitelist, if it is false, it will use the Dimension Blacklist


    # If the whitelist is enabled, only the dimensions (ids) specified here will be backed up.

    I:whitelist <【只备份指定的维度,默认为白名单】







general {

    # If this is set to true, the RecoveryHelper with GUI will be enabled. [default: true]

