#Prospecting Options
# 探矿选项
#The diameter of the prospector's pick prospecting cycle
# 探矿镐探测半径,默认5
#Range: > 1
proPickDiameter = 12
#Enable the prospector's pickaxe
# 启用探矿镐,默认true
enableProPick = true
#What Surface Prospecting Results display; SAMPLES means it's based off of samples in the chunk - OREBLOCKS means it's based on the actual ores in the ground
# 地表探矿时依据什么显示结果:
# 1. 样本(SAMPLES)意味着探矿镐是基于区块中的样本
# 2. 矿石(OREBLOCKS)意味着探矿镐是基于区块中的矿石
surfaceProspectingResults = "OREBLOCKS"
#Allow the prospector's pick to get damaged
# 探矿镐损坏是否可以损坏,默认false
enableProPickDmg = false
#Max durability of a prospector's pick if damage is enabled
#Range: > 1
# 当损坏开启时,耐久度是多少
# 范围:大于1
proPickDurability = 1024
#A list of <modid:block> that samples may not be placed on
# 设置不能放置在地标的样本列表
samplePlacementBlacklist = ["minecraft:ice", "minecraft:packed_ice", "minecraft:bedrock"]
#The range (depth) of the prospector's pick prospecting cycle
#Range: > 1
# 挖矿时允许探矿镐探测深度(应该是以自身为中心,半径为5,我不清楚),默认为5
# 值大于1
proPickRange = 5
#A list of blocks which the prospector's pick should also detect.
#Format: Comma-delimited set of <modid:block> (see default for example)
# 添加探矿镐额外探测的方块(可能是用于兼容不同的mod方块)
# 格式(以逗号分隔):[<modid:block>, <modid:block>, <modid:block>]
proPickExtras = []
#Give players a Field Manual if they haven't gotten one
# 如果玩家没有探矿手册,就会自动给一本
giveManual = true
#Maximum samples that can generate with each pluton within a chunk
#Range: 1 ~ 256
# 每个区块所能产生的最大样本数目
# 范围:1 ~ 256
maxSamplesPerChunk = 10
#The upper limit of RNG for generating any pluton in a given chunk.
#Larger values indicate further distance between plutons.
#Range: > 1
# 一个矿脉区块中,能够生成任意岩体的RNG最大上限
# 值越大,岩体之间的距离越远
# 我的理解是值越大,每个矿脉区块的生成距离也越大,寻找矿物难度也就越大。建议第一点,我服务器默认值很难找矿。
# 值必须大于1,默认100
chunkSkipChance = 40
#Feature Control
# 功能控制
["feature control"]
#Enable Coal Variants
# 禁止原版煤矿,使用地质矿脉的煤矿
enableCoals = true
#Enables Coal Worldgen. Coal worldgen is custom and separate from the rest of the deposit system in Geolosys.
# 使煤炭自然生成
# 在地质矿脉中,煤炭是区别于其他矿脉来生成的
enableCoalWorldgen = true
#Enable Geolosys's Ingots
# 使用地质矿脉的锭
enableIngots = true
#Output info into the logs when generating Geolosys deposits
# 生成矿脉时,输出信息到日志
debugWorldgen = false
#The fallback materials which a Deposit can replace if they're not specified by the deposit itself
#Format: Comma-delimited set of <modid:block> (see default for example)
# 如果他们没有通过矿床指定,挖掉时会掉落原版方块
defaultReplacementMaterials = ["minecraft:stone", "minecraft:andesite", "minecraft:diorite", "minecraft:granite", "minecraft:netherrack", "minecraft:sandstone"]
#Disable generation of Vanilla ores
# 是否禁用Vanilla矿石(我也不知道这是什么矿石)
disableVanillaOreGen = true
#Mod-Compat Settings
# 模组兼容设置
#This will make it so that Platinum will drop Platinum AND Osmium
# 是否让铂矿掉落铂和锇
enableOsmium = true
#This will make it so that Platinum will ONLY drop Osmium
# 让铂矿只掉落锇不掉落铂(建议false,否则玩家基本挖不倒铂)
# 默认true
enableOsmiumExclusively = false
#This will make it so that Autunite will drop Uranium AND Yellorium
# 使钙铀云母掉落铀和黄铀
enableYellorium = true
#This will make is so that Coal has a rare chance of dropping sulfur
# 使煤在挖掘时有概率掉落硫
enableSulfur = true