# Configuration file
# general
# General configuration options
general {
# Enables the bucket cast: allows casting buckets using a casting table.
# Enables chocolate: made using a smeltery. Its a secret, so don't tell anyone.
//B: 巧克力=真
# highoven
# Options to configure the high oven from the steelworks module
highoven {
# Ratio of ore to material produced in the high oven.
# Min: 0.0
# Max: 16.0
//转换比例最大1:16,最少1:0 我寻思应该没有人到0吧最大16倍产矿牛皮!通用机械:????
# If true, steam will be registered as a smeltery fuel, less hot than lava but cheaper
# Steam production rate per tick in the high oven. Set to 0 to disable high oven making steam
# Min: 0
# Max: 100
# jei
# Options to configure JEI integration
jei {
# If true, puts high oven melting recipes in their own tab in JEI to make the overrides more clear.
# If false, the high oven is just added to the normal smeltery tab.
# If true, puts the melter in its own recipe tab in JEI to make the blacklist and overrides more clear.
# If false, the melter is just added to the normal smeltery tab.
# If true, shows high oven fuels as a tab. False will still show them in the main melter tab like the smeltery fuels.
# melter
# Options to configure the melter from the melter module
melter {
# Disallows creating seared stone in the melter using cobblestone or tool parts.
# Temperature of the heater in kelvin.
# For reference, iron ore takes 534K to melt and lava has a temperature of 1300K.
# Min: 400
# Max: 3300
# Ratio of ore to material produced in the melter.
# Min: 0.0
# Max: 16.0