[General] //常规
#Allows logia users to avoid physical attacks; true by default //允许自然系果实能力者免疫物理攻击; 默认情况下为 true
"Logia Invulnerability" = true
#Allos logia users to have different effects when punched; false by default //允许逻辑用户在输入时有不同的效果; 默认情况下为 false
"Logia Return Effect" = false
#Allows logia users to hurt other logia users with projectiles; false by default //允许玩家用投射物伤害玩家; 默认为 false
"Logias hurt Logias" = false
#Allows Devil Fruits to drop from leaves if higher than 0; 0 by default //撸树叶掉落恶魔果实的几率,0默认
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 //范围: 0.0 ~ 100.0
"Chance for Devil Fruits to drop from leaves" = 0.0
#Allows players to receive extra hearts based on their doriki; true by default //允许玩家根据他们的道力获得额外的血量; 默认为 true
"Extra Hearts" = true
#Allows mobs to reward doriki, bounty or items; true by default //允许击杀敌人奖励道力、赏金或物品; 默认为 true
"Mob Rewards" = true
#Allows abilities to break or replace blocks; if turned OFF it will make some abilities completly useless; true by default //允许技能破坏或替换方块; 如果关闭它将使一些技能无效;
Griefing = true
#Allows Gasu Gasu no Mi, Moku Moku no Mi and Suna Suna no Mi users to fly, this option does not affect flying Zoans which will be able to fly regardless; false by default
"Special Flying" = false
#Restricts the Devil Fruit spawns to only 1 of each type per world; //限制每个世界只能产生不同的恶魔果实
# NONE - No logic is applied, an infinite number of each fruit can exist //NONE - 没有限制可言,每种水果的数量是无限的
# SIMPLE - No more than one fruit type can be acquired via natural means (chests, leaves, fruit reincarnations etc) //SIMPLE - 通过自然方式获得的果实种类不能超过一种
# EXTENDED - Extra rules are applied on top of the SIMPLE set that blocks any means (or as many as possible) of storing/hoarding fruits //没啥用,不解释了
# NONE by default //NONE默认
"One Devil Fruit per World Logic" = "NONE"
#Allows Yami Yami no Mi users to eat an additional fruit; true by default //允许暗暗果实玩家再吃任意一个暗暗果实外的恶魔果实,默认为true
"Yami Yami no Mi additional fruit" = true
#Multiplies any doriki gained by this amount; 1 by default, min: 0, max: 10 //获得道力的倍数,默认为1,min: 0,max: 10
#Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0 //范围: 0.0 ~ 10.0
"Doriki Reward Multiplier" = 1.0
#Guarantees a minimum of 1 doriki per kill; false by default //每次击杀生物后至少获得1点道力; 默认为false
"Minimum Doriki per Kill" = false
#Runs a check for all abilities on a player to remove dupes or suspicious abilities when the player joins the world; true by default //默认true就行了
"Ability Fraud Checks" = true
#Multiplies any haki gained by this amount; 1 by default, min: 0, max: 10 //获得霸气的收益,默认为1,min: 0,max: 10
#Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0 //范围: 0.0 ~ 10.0
"Haki Exp Multiplier" = 1.0
#Responsible for how player unlock Haoshoku Haki; //Responsible for how player unlock Haoshoku Haki; //负责如何解锁霸气
# NONE - Haoshoku Haki cannot be unlocked naturally //NONE - 没有人可以解锁
# RANDOM - Only a few chosen ones receive it when they spawn //RANDOM - 只有被选中的人可以解锁它
# EXPERIENCE - Will unlock based on the total amount of Haki experience a player has //EXPERIENCE - 会根据玩家所拥有的霸气经验总量来解锁
"Haoshoku Haki Unlock Logic" = "EXPERIENCE"
#Destroys the spawner after all its spawns are killed; true by default //在所有被刷怪笼生成的人被杀死之后破坏刷怪笼; 默认情况下为真
"Destroy Spawner" = true
#Removes the limit for doriki and haki exp gain, please note that even if the soft limits are removed there still are some technical limits for this, in this case its 2.147.483.647; false by default
//移除了道力和霸气经验增益的限制,请注意,即使软限制被移除,仍然有一些技术上的限制,在这种情况下,它的2.147.483.647; 默认为 false
"Remove Doriki and Haki Exp limits" = false
#List with ability names that are banned, the names can be written in any case with or without spaces //列表的能力名称是禁止的,名称可以写在任何情况下有或没有空格
"Banned Abilities" = ["example1", "example2"]
#Defines which logic to apply after a player's death //该选项定义了玩家死亡后保留什么
# NONE - nothing is kept //NONE - 什么都不保留
# AUTO (default) - only the faction/race/fighting style stats are kept //AUTO - 派别、种族和战斗类型将被保留
# FULL - everything is kept //FULL - 保留所有
# CUSTOM - will use the 'Stats to Keep' section to determine which stats to keep //CUSTOM - 将使用’状态保持’部分,以确定哪些状态保持
#Allowed Values: NONE, AUTO, FULL, CUSTOM //CUSTOM - 将使用’状态保持’部分,以确定哪些状态保持
"Keep Stats after Death" = "AUTO"
[General."Stats to Keep"] //要保持统计的数据
Belly = true //贝里
Race = true //阵容
"Fighting Style" = true //战斗类型
"Devil Fruit" = true //恶魔果实
Bounty = true //赏金
"Haki Exp" = true //霸气经验
Doriki = true //道力
Faction = true //派系
[General."Devil Fruits Reincarnation"] //一般,恶魔果实转世
#Sets the % chance for a Devil Fruit to get reincarnated from a dropped apple; 15 by default //设置一个被掉落的苹果的转世几率 ,默认为15
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 //范围: 0.0 ~ 100.0
"Dropped Apple Reincarnation Chance" = 15.0
#Sets the % chance for a Devil Fruit to get reincarnated from an apple inside an entity's inventory; 1 by default
//设置一个恶魔果实在一个实体的背包中由一个苹果转世的几率; 默认为1
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 //范围: 0.0 ~ 100.0
"Inventory Apple Reincarnation Chance" = 1.0
#Sets the % chance for a Devil Fruit to get reincarnated from an apple inside of a nearby chest; 1 by default //设置一个恶魔果实从箱子里的一个苹果转世的几率; 默认为1
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 //范围: 0.0 ~ 100.0
"Chest Apple Reincarnation Chance" = 1.0
[Structures] //结构
#Allows dojos to spawn in the world; true by default
"Spawn Dojos" = true
#Sets the % chance for a dojo to spawn; 60 by default, min is 0 and max is 100 //设置一个道场的生成几率,% 是计算每块(16x16) ,80% 默认,最小是0,最大是100;
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 //范围: 0.0 ~ 100.0
"Dojo Spawn Chance" = 60.0
[Structures."Small Ships"] //小型船只
#Allows ships to spawn in the world; true by default //允许小型船只在地图上生成,默认为true
"Spawn Ships" = true
#Sets the % chance for a Small Ship to spawn, the % is calculated per chunk (16x16), 20% by default, min is 0 and max is 100;
//设置一个小型船只的生成几率,% 是计算每块(16x16) ,80% 默认,最小是0,最大是100;
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 //范围: 0.0 ~ 100.0
"Small Ships Spawn Chance" = 20.0
[Structures."Large Ships"] //大型船只
#Allows large ships to spawn in the world; true by default //允许大型船只在地图上生成,默认为true
"Spawn Large Ships" = true
#Sets the % chance for a Large Ships to spawn, the % is calculated per chunk (16x16), 25% by default, min is 0 and max is 100;
//设置一个大型船只的生成几率,% 是计算每块(16x16) ,80% 默认,最小是0,最大是100;
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 //范围: 0.0 ~ 100.0
"Large Ships Spawn Chance" = 25.0
[Structures.Camps] //营地
#Allows camps to spawn in the world; true by default //允许营地在地图上生成,默认为true
"Spawn Camps" = true
#Sets the % chance for a Camp to spawn, the % is calculated per chunk (16x16), 60% by default, min is 0 and max is 100;
//设置营地生成的几率,% 计算为每块(16x16) ,默认60% ,最小值为0,最大值为100;
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 //范围: 0.0 ~ 100.0
"Camps Spawn Chance" = 60.0
[Structures."Small Bases"] //小型基地
#Allows small bases to spawn in the world; true by default //允许基地在地图上生成; 默认为 true
"Spawn Small Bases" = true
#Sets the % chance for a Small Base to spawn, the % is calculated per chunk (16x16), 80% by default, min is 0 and max is 100;
//设置一个小基地的生成几率,% 是计算每块(16x16) ,80% 默认,最小是0,最大是100;
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 //范围: 0.0 ~ 100.0
"Small Bases Spawn Chance" = 80.0
[Structures."Large Bases"] //大型基地
#Allows large bases to spawn in the world; true by default //允许大型基地在地图上生成,默认为true
"Spawn Large Bases" = true
#Sets the % chance for a Large Base to spawn, the % is calculated per chunk (16x16), 70% by default, min is 0 and max is 100;
//设置一个大型基地的生成几率,% 是计算每块(16x16) ,80% 默认,最小是0,最大是100;
#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0 //范围: 0.0 ~ 100.0
"Large Bases Spawn Chance" = 70.0
#Allows quests to be accepted / completed; true by default //允许任务被接受/完成; 默认为 true
Quests = true
#Allows quests to reward players with abilities, otherwise all abilities will be unlocked from the beginning; true by default
//允许任务奖励玩家技能,否则所有任务技能将从一开始就被解锁,默认为 true
"Quest Progression" = true
["World Events"] //世界大事
["World Events".Traders] //"世界大事".商人
#Allows Traders to spawn in the world; true by default //允许商人在地图上生成,默认为true
"Trader Spawns" = true
#Determines the time (in seconds) between two spawn attempts; 1800 by default // 确定两次生成之间的时间(以秒为单位) ; 默认值为1800
#Range: 1 ~ 99999 //范围: 1 ~ 99999
"Time Between Trader Spawns" = 1800
#Determines the % chance for a trader to spawn; 1 by default //决定了商人生成的几率; 默认为1
#Range: 1 ~ 100 //范围: 1 ~ 100
"Chance for Trader Spawns" = 1
["World Events".Trainers] //"世界大事".训练师
#Allows Trainers to spawn in the world; true by default //允许训练师在地图上生成,默认为 true
"Trainer Spawns" = true
#Determines the time (in seconds) between two spawn attempts; 1800 by default //确定两次生成之间的时间(以秒为单位) ; 默认值为1800
#Range: 1 ~ 99999 //范围: 1 ~ 99999
"Time Between Trainer Spawns" = 1800
#Determines the % chance for a trainer to spawn; 15 by default //决定了训练师生成的几率,默认为15%
#Range: 1 ~ 100 //范围: 1 ~ 100
"Chance for Trainer Spawns" = 15
["World Events".Ambushes] //"世界大事".埋伏
#Allows Ambushes to spawn in the world; true by default //允许埋伏者在地图上生成,默认为 true
"Ambushe Spawns" = true
#Determines the time (in seconds) between two spawn attempts; 3600 by default //确定两次生成之间的时间(以秒为单位) ; 默认为3600
#Range: 1 ~ 99999 //范围: 1 ~ 99999
"Time Between Ambushes Spawns" = 3600
#Determines the % chance for a ambush to spawn; 15 by default //决定了埋伏生成的几率,默认为15%
#Range: 1 ~ 100 //范围: 1 ~ 100
"Chance for Ambush Spawns" = 15
[Ores] //矿石
#Kairoseki vein spawn count; 3 by default
#Range: 0 ~ 100
"Chance for vein to spawn" = 3
#Kairoseki spawn height; 128 by default
#Range: 0 ~ 256
"Kairoseki max spawn size" = 128
[Crews] //船员
#Bounty Requirement for creating a crew; 0 means no requirement; 0 by default //创建团队的赏金要求; 0表示没有要求; 默认为0
#Range: 0 ~ 10000 //范围: 0 ~ 10000
"Bounty Requirement" = 0
#Sends a message to all players when a new crew gets formed; false by default //当一个新的团队形成时,向所有的玩家发送一个信息; 默认为 false
"World Message" = false
#Disabled the friendly damage between crewmates; true by default //关闭船员之间的队友伤害; 默认为true
"Disable Friendly Damage" = true
[Bounty] //赏金
#Allows wanted poster packages to drop from the sky; true by default //允许悬赏令从天上掉下来; 默认为 true
"Wanted Poster Package Drops" = true
#Time it takes for another package to drop; 18000 (15 minutes) by default //悬赏令掉落的间隔; 默认为18000(15分钟)
#Range: > 0 //范围:大于0
"Time Between Package Drops" = 18000
[System] //系统
#Allows the game to show a text message when the installed mod is outdated; true by default //若安装的Mod是过时的,则显示一条聊天栏信息,默认为true
"Update Message" = true
#Keeps the FOV fixed when the player has speed effects active //当玩家有速度效果时,保持视野固定
"FOV Remover" = false