For changing recipes, item size/heat/forging capabilities, TerraFirmaCraft adds hooks for CraftTweaker scripts. To do that, you first need to import a recipe manager using mods.terrafirmacraft.[RecipeType]. The list of recipe managers currently in TFC is:
合金-Alloy - For adding and removing alloy recipes.
砧-Anvil - For adding anvil working recipes, requiring working temperature and rules.
焊接-Welding - For adding recipes to weld two items into one
桶-Barrel - For adding many types of transformations, both fluid and items to barrels.
凿子-Chisel - For adding chisel smoothing transformations from block -> block.
织布机-Loom - For adding recipes to the loom. Slightly more involved as it requires additional textures or assets for the rendering.
窑坑 - Adds pit kiln transformation recipes. Also used in the forge and fire pit for transformations at Brilliant White heat
石磨 - Adds grinding recipes to the quern
捏粘土 - Adds knapping recipes using clay
捏耐火粘土 - Adds knapping recipes using fire clay
捏皮革 - LeatherKnapping - Adds knapping recipes using leather
捏石头 - StoneKnapping - Adds knapping recipes using stones. Can respect the rock category (igneous, metamorphic, etc.)
还有物品注册(加热、熔炉、大小)-Along with the item registry for Heating, Forging and Size capabilities:ItemRegistry
DisasterMoo edited this page on 3 Mar · 3 revisions
For manipulating Alloy recipes a recipe builder is provided:
// Import Alloy methods into your script
import mods.terrafirmacraft.Alloy;
import mods.terrafirmacraft.AlloyRecipeBuilder;
//Gets the recipe builder for the specified metal 注册合金
AlloyRecipeBuilder builder = Alloy.addAlloy(String metal);
//Removes the alloy recipe from registry 移除注册合金
Alloy.removeAlloy(String metal);
注:String metal参见●Metals●
//Adds metal content to this alloying recipe 增加合金配方
builder.addMetal(String input, double min, double max);
//Finish the recipe, build and register it.
Please refer to Metals for a complete reference on TFC Metals.
Example script: 举例
Alloy.addAlloy("BRONZE").addMetal("COPPER", 0.88, 0.92).addMetal("TIN", 0.08, 0.12).build();
Alloy.addAlloy("BISMUTH_BRONZE").addMetal("COPPER", 0.5, 0.65).addMetal("BISMUTH", 0.1, 0.2).addMetal("zinc", 0.2, 0.3).build();
The Anvil has three methods for manipulating recipes:
// Import anvil methods into your script
import mods.terrafirmacraft.Anvil;
// Adds a recipe with the given parameters 增加配方
Anvil.addRecipe(String registryName, IIngredient input, IItemStack output, int minTier, String skillType, String... forgeRules);
// Removes all recipes that have a given output 移除某项产出物对应的所有配方
Anvil.removeRecipe(IItemStack output);
// Removes a single recipe by registry name 按配方名称移除配方
Anvil.removeRecipe(String registryName);
Important things to note:
Input can't be stacked. Anvils only accept one item per slot.
input must be forgeable (please refer to ItemRegistry for registering forging capability to an item).
Tiers are 0 = Stone, 1 = Copper, 2 = Bronze, 3 = Wrought Iron, 4 = Steel, 5 = Black Steel and 6 = Red/Blue Steel.
Skill type is what category of skill the forging should contribute to. Valid entries are general, tools, weapons, armor, or null. If the skill type is tools, weapons, or armor then the result item will have a skill bonus applied to it.
A recipe must have 1, 2 or 3 rules. Rules consist of a type (HIT, DRAW, PUNCH, BEND, UPSET, or SHRINK), followed by an order (ANY, NOT_LAST, LAST, SECOND_LAST, THIRD_LAST), separated by an underscore. As example, HIT_ANY, DRAW_SECOND_LAST, and UPSET_NOT_LAST are valid rule names.
DisasterMoo edited this page on 3 Mar · 6 revisions
Welding recipe manager has three methods for recipe manipulation:
// Import welding methods into your script
import mods.terrafirmacraft.Welding;
// Adds a recipe with the given parameters 增加配方
Welding.addRecipe(String registryName, IIngredient input1, IIngredient input2, IItemStack output, int minTier);
// Removes all recipes that produce a given output 移除某项产出物对应的所有配方
Welding.removeRecipe(IItemStack output);
// Removes a single recipe by registry name 按配方名称移除配方
Welding.removeRecipe(String registryName);
As with anvil recipes, the same rules for input applies here. The input must be forgeable(see ItemRegistry for registering forging capability to an item) and can't be stacked.
Barrel recipe manager has three methods for manipulating recipes:
// Import barrel methods into your script
import mods.terrafirmacraft.Barrel;
// Adds a recipe with the given parameters 增加配方
Barrel.addRecipe(String registryName, @Optional IIngredient itemInput, ILiquidStack fluidInput, @Optional IItemStack itemOutput, @Optional ILiquidStack fluidOutput, int hours)
// Removes all recipes that have a given output 移除某项产出物对应的所有配方
Barrel.removeRecipe(@Optional IItemStack outputItem, @Optional ILiquidStack outputLiquid)
// Removes a single recipe by registry name 按配方名称移除配方
Barrel.removeRecipe(String registryName)
At least one output(liquid or item) must be supplied, for both removing and adding recipes.
DisasterMoo edited this page on 3 Mar · 1 revision
// Import the chisel methods into your script
import mods.terrafirmacraft.Chisel;
// Adds a recipe with the given parameters 增加配方
Chisel.addRecipe(String registryName, IItemStack input, IItemStack output);
// Removes all recipes that have a given output 移除某项产出物对应的所有配方
Chisel.removeRecipe(IItemStack output);
// Removes a single recipe by registry name 按配方名称移除配方
Chisel.removeRecipe(String registryName);
Note: input and output must be blocks.
Clay, Fire Clay and Leather Knapping recipe managers all works the same. Each one has three methods for manipulating recipes:
// Import the [Knapping] methods into your script
import mods.terrafirmacraft.[Knapping];
// Adds a recipe with the given parameters 增加配方
[Knapping].addRecipe(String registryName, IItemStack output, String... pattern)
// Removes all recipes that have a given output 移除某项产出物对应的所有配方
[Knapping].removeRecipe(IItemStack output)
// Removes a single recipe by registry name 按配方名称移除配方
[Knapping].removeRecipe(String registryName)
Where [Knapping] = ClayKnapping, FireClayKnapping or LeatherKnapping
Pattern must be a closed interval [1, 5]. Each input string is a line of the matrix. Empty spaces indicates where user must click, examples:对捏出的图形举例:
Small Ceramic Vessel:罐子
" XXX ",
" XXX "
Ingot mold:模具
"X X",
"X X",
ClayKnapping.addRecipe("small_ceramic_vessel", <tfc:ceramics/unfired/vessel>, " XXX ",
" XXX ");
●Stone Knapping●以捏石头举例
Stone Knapping recipe manager works a bit different than the other knappers. It has three methods for recipe manipulation:
// Import the StoneKnapping methods into your script
import mods.terrafirmacraft.StoneKnapping;
// Methods
StoneKnapping.addRecipe(String registryName, IItemStack[] output, String[] rocks, String... pattern)
StoneKnapping.removeRecipe(IItemStack output)
StoneKnapping.removeRecipe(String registryName)
each rocks gives different output items depending on which rock you are knapping. By default, this only applied to which rock tool category you get, which translates to how durable the rock tool is. Using this manager, you can add your own output depending on which rock(s) the user knaps.
The rocks are:也就是【String... pattern】要填的
Examples of this script:
// Gives a stone hoe in all rocks.
StoneKnapping.addRecipe("testrecipe", [<minecraft:stone_hoe>], ["all"], " ", "XXXX ");
// Gives a stone hoe only in shale, claystone, rocksalt, limestone.
StoneKnapping.addRecipe("testrecipe2", [<minecraft:stone_hoe>], ["shale", "claystone", "rocksalt", "limestone"], " ", "XXXX ");
// Gives a stone hoe in claystone, and a pickaxe in limestone.
StoneKnapping.addRecipe("testrecipe3", [<minecraft:stone_hoe>, <minecraft:stone_pickaxe>], ["claystone", "limestone"], " ", "XXXX ");
// Gives a stone hoe only in basalt and chert.
StoneKnapping.addRecipe("testrecipe4", [<minecraft:stone_hoe>, <minecraft:stone_hoe>], ["basalt", "chert"], " ", "XXXX ");
DisasterMoo edited this page on 3 Mar · 5 revisions
This is the central place to add any heat transformation recipes. This includes
food turning into cooked variants at some temperature
food "burning" and disappearing when heated to high
firing pottery in a pit kiln
any other heat related transformation. It will be applied by any device that supports it.
// Imports Heating methods into your script
import mods.terrafirmacraft.Heating;
// Adds a recipe with the given parameters 增加配方
Heating.addRecipe(String registryName, IItemStack input, IItemStack output, float transformTemp, float maxTemp)
// Removes all recipes that have a given output 移除某项产出物对应的所有配方
Heating.removeRecipe(IItemStack output)
// Removes a single recipe by registry name 按配方名称移除配方
Heating.removeRecipe(String registryName)
Important things to note:
transformTemp is at which temperature the recipe completely transform the input into the output stack.
maxTemp is at which temperature the input is destroyed.
For a complete reference, check Heating Temperatures
Loom recipe manager has three methods for recipe manipulation:
// Import Loom methods into your script
import mods.terrafirmacraft.Loom;
// Adds a recipe with the given parameters 增加配方
Loom.addRecipe(String registryName, IIngredient input, IItemStack output, int steps, String loomTexture)
// Removes all recipes that have a given output 移除某项产出物对应的所有配方
Loom.removeRecipe(IItemStack output)
// Removes all recipes that have a given output 按配方名称移除配方(这里英文文档应该写错了)
Loom.removeRecipe(String registryName)
steps is the number of steps needed to complete the recipe. It's the number of times the player has to click the loom, each movement of the loop advances one step. Within TFC, this is the same as the number of items required for the recipe, but it is not required to be so.
loomTexture is a path (ResourceLocation) to a texture file, to be used to display on the loom in the world.(For example, "minecraft:textures/blocks/wool_colored_white.png" references the vanilla texture for white wool). If you are using custom textures you need some form of data/resource loading (read: a resource pack) for this to be able to reference your texture correctly.
DisasterMoo edited this page on 3 Mar · 5 revisions
// Imports Quern methods into your script
import mods.terrafirmacraft.Quern;
// Adds a recipe with the given parameters 增加配方
Quern.addRecipe(String registryName, IIngredient input, IItemStack output)
// Removes all recipes that have a given output 移除某项产出物对应的所有配方
Quern.removeRecipe(IItemStack output)
// Removes a single recipe by registry name 按配方名称移除配方
Quern.removeRecipe(String registryName)
This is a basic input -> output recipe, so, it works like adding a furnace recipe, but without ticks.
Alex O'Neill edited this page 29 days ago · 10 revisions
ItemRegistry adds TFC capabilities to items outside TFC's realm.
// Imports ItemRegistry methods into your script
import mods.terrafirmacraft.ItemRegistry;
// Register item size and weight. This changes how much a stack can hold.注册物品重量,也就是最大堆叠
ItemRegistry.registerItemSize(IIngredient input, String size, String weight);
// Register item heat capability and if this item is forgeable (eg: can be used in anvil).注册物品是否可以用砧加工,以及群峦熔炉加热
ItemRegistry.registerItemHeat(IIngredient input, float heatCapacity, float meltTemp, bool forgeable);
// Register item as a metal item. Note that this automatically adds heating and forging capability.注册物品为一个金属,是上面那个注册的子集
// If canMelt is false this item won't bear the output directly (like iron ore needs bloomery/blast furnace)定义是否可以被融化canMelt可以做出铁那样无法直接烧融的金属
ItemRegistry.registerItemMetal(IIngredient input, String metal, int units, bool canMelt);
// Register item food stats (Does not work on TFC Foods), This takes priority over existing values. Setting Decay to 0 stops decay from happening.注册食品状态,饱食度、满意度,水、腐烂时间、营养
ItemRegistry.registerFood(IIngredient input, int hunger, float water, float saturation, float decay, float grain, float veg, float fruit, float meat, float dairy);
// Register armor stats 注册装备
ItemRegistry.registerArmor(IIngredient input, float crushingModifier, float piercingModifier, float slashingModifier);
// Register item as a fuel for fire pit or forge 注册tfc熔炉燃料
ItemRegistry.registerFuel(IItemStack itemStack, int burnTicks, float temperature, bool forgeFuel, bool bloomeryFuel)
Please refer to Metals for a complete reference on TFC Metals.
Things to note:
Heat capacity determines how fast an item cools down/heat up. Wrought Iron is 0.35.
Melt temperature is at which temperature the item is melt. Wrought Iron is 1535 Brilliant White while Bronze is 950 Orange. For a complete reference, check Heating Temperatures
Registered metal ingot items aren't automatically registered as a valid input for tools (eg: Steel ingot from other mods registered by registerMetalItem method won't be automatically workable to TFC steel pickaxe head)
For changing recipes, TFCTech provides some CT hooks into the recipe API. Currently, the supported recipe manipulators are:
Glassworking - For adding and removing blowpipe's glassworking recipes.
Smeltery - For adding and removing smeltery recipes.
WireDrawing - For adding and removing wire drawing recipes.
DisasterMoo edited this page on 25 Feb · 2 revisions
For manipulating Glassworking recipes, a hook is provided:
// Import the recipe methods into your script.
import mods.tfctech.Glassworking;
// Adds a recipe with the given parameters 增加配方
Glassworking.addRecipe(String registryName, IItemStack output, String... pattern)
// Removes all recipes that have a given output 移除某项产出物对应的所有配方
Glassworking.removeRecipe(IItemStack output)
// Removes a single recipe by registry name 按配方名称移除配方
Glassworking.removeRecipe(String registryName)
Pattern must be a closed interval [1, 5]. Each input string is a line of the matrix. Empty spaces indicates where user must click, examples:
Glass bottle:
" X X ",
" X X ",
"X X",
"X X",
" XXX "
Glassworking.addRecipe("glass_bottle", <minecraft:glass_bottle>, " X X ",
" X X ",
"X X",
"X X",
" XXX ");
●Smeltery● 融化玻璃的那个窑
DisasterMoo edited this page on 25 Feb · 1 revision
For manipulating Smeltery recipes, a hook is provided:
import mods.tfctech.Smeltery; // Imports the Smeltery methods into your script
import mods.tfctech.SmelteryRecipeBuilder; // Imports the smeltery recipe builder into your script
// Returns a recipe builder
SmelteryRecipeBuilder builder = Smeltery.addRecipe(String registryName, ILiquidStack output, float meltTemp);
// Adds input to the recipe (recipes can have between 1 and 8 inputs).
builder.addInput(IIngredient input);
// Builds and register the recipe
// Removes all recipes that have a given output 移除某项产出物对应的所有配方
Smeltery.removeRecipe(ILiquidStack output);
// Removes a single recipe by registry name 按配方名称移除配方
Smeltery.removeRecipe(String registryName);
Important things to note:
meltTemp is at which temperature the recipe completely transform all inputs into the molten liquid.
●WireDrawing● 制作电线的那个机器
DisasterMoo edited this page on 25 Feb · 1 revision
For manipulating Wiredrawing recipes, a hook is provided:
import mods.tfctech.WireDrawing; // Imports the WireDrawing methods into your script
// Register a recipe using the given parameters 增加配方
WireDrawing.addRecipe(String registryName, IIngredient input, int minTier, IItemStack output, int color);
// Removes all recipes that have a given output 移除某项产出物对应的所有配方
Smeltery.removeRecipe(IItemStack output);
// Removes a single recipe by registry name 按配方名称移除配方
Smeltery.removeRecipe(String registryName);
Important things to note:
minTier is the minimum draw plate tier required to work. Currently, there's only TIER_III, TIER_IV and TIER_V (wrought iron, steel and black steel) draw plates.
color is the hexadecimal (ie: 0xFFA6B525) color that the drawing bench will color the wiring process.
You can add anything (yes, even non-wires) to the recipe and make it draw like if it was a wire with the color specified.
Warming starts at 1, ends at 80
Hot starts at 80, ends at 210
Very Hot starts at 210, ends at 480
Faint Red starts at 480, ends at 580
Dark Red starts at 580, ends at 730
Bright Red starts at 730, ends at 930
Orange starts at 930, ends at 1100
Yellow starts at 1100, ends at 1300
Yellow White starts at 1300, ends at 1400
White starts at 1400, ends at 1500
Brilliant White starts at 1500