# Configuration file
general {
# 客户端设置
# 仅客户端设置
client {
# 声音
# 控制枪声
sounds {
# 枪械成功击中玩家时是否听到提示声音
B:"Play Hit Sound"=true
# 显示
# Configuration for display related options
display {
# 是否在枪械工作台中播放循环3D动画
B:"Workbench Animation"=true
# 控件
# Configuration for control options
controls {
# 是否使用旧版瞄准和射击(不推荐改)
B:"Use Old Controls"=false
# 服务器
# 仅服务器设置有效
server {
# 爆头是否会有额外的伤害
B:"Enable Head Shots"=true
# 调整子弹射到实体碰撞体积的额外量(越高越容易射中)
# 最小: 0.0
# 最大: 1.0
D:"Grow Bounding Box"=0.3
# 如果射弹击中玩家头部,将伤害乘以的值
# 最小: 1.0
# 最大: 1.7976931348623157E308 (这里可以是天文数字...最好别乱来)
D:"Head Shot Damage Multiplier"=1.1
# 网络
# Properties relating to network
network {
# 玩家需要在距离范围内才能追踪新的射弹轨迹。更高的值意味着你可以从更远的地方看到别人开枪。
# 最小范围: 0.0
# 最大范围: 1.7976931348623157E308 (太大会影响服务器性能)
D:"Projectile Tracking Range"=200.0
# 生物
# 附近的生物被枪声激怒和/或吓坏了。
"aggro mobs" {
# 是否让附近的生物会被枪声激怒或吓坏。
B:"Aggro Mobs Enabled"=true
# 是否除了引起和平生物的恐慌外,开枪也会导致附近敌对暴徒追击枪手。
B:"Anger Hostile Mobs"=true
# 此列表中的生物不会攻击枪手(比如村民)
S:"Exempt Mob Classes" <
# 在这个半径范围内的任何生物都会攻击消音枪的射击者。
# 最小值: 0.0
# 最大值: 1.7976931348623157E308
D:"Range Silenced"=10.0
# 在这个半径范围内的任何生物都会攻击拿枪射击的人
# Min: 0.0
# Max: 1.7976931348623157E308
D:"Range Unsilenced"=20.0
# 导弹
# Properties relating to missiles.
missiles {
# 爆炸有效的最大距离
# 最小值: 0.0
# 最大值: 1.7976931348623157E308 (这简直核弹)
D:"Explosion Radius"=5.0
# 手榴弹
# Properties relating to grenades.
grenades {
# 爆炸有效的最大距离
# 最小值: 0.0
# 最大值: 1.7976931348623157E308 (这简直原子弹)
D:"Explosion Radius"=5.0
# 闪光弹
# Blinding/deafening properties of stun grenades.
"stun grenades" {
# 失明
# Blinding properties of stun grenades.
blind {
# 被闪光弹命中之后画面的亮度,255全白。
# 最小: 0
# 最大: 255
I:"Overlay Alpha"=255
# 闪光透明度和淡入淡出(不建议修改)
# Min: 0
# Max: 2147483647
I:"Overlay Fade Threshold"=40
# 状态BUFF
# Criteria that determines the presence/absence and duration of the blinding effect.
"effect criteria" {
# 眼睛看向闪光弹不超过这个角度会中招
# Min: 0.0
# Max: 360.0
D:"Angle Of Effect"=170.0
# 在持续时间被距离衰减后,它将根据眼睛/视线方向和眼睛/手榴弹方向之间的角度(以度为单位)进一步衰减。如果角度为0,则该值乘以1(无衰减);如果角度是效果角度内的最大值,则该值乘以该值。
# Min: 0.0
# Max: 1.0
D:"Max Attenuation By Angle"=0.75
# 如果手榴弹直接对着玩家的眼睛而直接看着它,效果将有这个持续时间(滴答声)。
# Min: 0
# Max: 2147483647
I:"Max Duration"=220
# 如果手榴弹是玩家直视手榴弹时距离眼睛的最大距离,则效果将具有此持续时间(单位为滴答声)。
# Min: 0
# Max: 2147483647
I:"Min Duration By Distance"=10
# 手榴弹必须不超过这几米远才能产生效果。
# Min: 0.0
# Max: 1.7976931348623157E308
# 如果为true,则仅当眼睛和手榴弹之间的线不与任何不透明度大于0的非液体块相交时才应用效果。
B:"Raytrace Opaque Blocks"=true
# 耳聋
# Deafening properties of stun grenades.
deafen {
# --跟上面闪光差不多--
# Min: 0.0
# Max: 1.7976931348623157E308
D:"Ring Volume"=1.0
# After the duration drops to this many ticks, the ringing volume will gradually fade to 0 and other sound volumes will fade back to %100.
# Min: 0
# Max: 2147483647
I:"Sound Fade Threshold"=90
# Volume of most game sounds when deafened will play at this percent, before eventually fading back to %100.
# Min: 0.0
# Max: 1.0
D:"Sound Percentage"=0.05
# effect criteria
# Criteria that determines the presence/absence and duration of the deafening effect.
"effect criteria" {
# Angle between the eye/looking direction and the eye/grenade direction must be no more than half this many degrees to have an effect.
# Min: 0.0
# Max: 360.0
D:"Angle Of Effect"=360.0
# After duration is attenuated by distance, it will be further attenuated depending on the angle (in degrees) between the eye/looking direction and the eye/grenade direction. This is done by multiplying it by 1 (no attenuation) if the angle is 0; and by this value if the angle is the maximum within the angle of effect.
# Min: 0.0
# Max: 1.0
D:"Max Attenuation By Angle"=0.75
# Effect will have this duration (in ticks) if the grenade is directly at the player's eyes while looking directly at it.
# Min: 0
# Max: 2147483647
I:"Max Duration"=280
# Effect will have this duration (in ticks) if the grenade is the maximum distance from the player's eyes while looking directly at it.
# Min: 0
# Max: 2147483647
I:"Min Duration By Distance"=100
# Grenade must be no more than this many meters away to have an effect.
# Min: 0.0
# Max: 1.7976931348623157E308
# If true, the effect is only applied if the line between the eyes and the grenade does not intersect any non-liquid blocks with an opacity greater than 0.
B:"Raytrace Opaque Blocks"=false
# 弹药
# Properties relating to projectile spread
"projectile spread" {
# Min: 1
# Max: 2147483647
I:"Max Count"=10
# 跳过要应用扩展的逻辑之前的时间(毫秒)。该值表示武器再次被认为稳定之前的合理时间。
# Min: 0
# Max: 1000
I:"Spread Threshold"=300