Readded Enhanced Block Entities
Updated BetterGrassify, Fabrishot, Fabric API, Lithium, Polytone, Debugify, Reese's Sodium Options
Updated translations in 14 languages ❤️
Updated and enforced Fabric Loader 0.16.10
Temporarily incompatible Animatica, CIT Resewn, FabricSkyboxes, FabricSkyboxes Interop, FastQuit
Readded Continuity, ModernFix, Remove Reloading Screen
Updated Entity Texture Features, Fabric API, Iris Shaders, Polytone, Reese's Sodium Options, Sodium
Fixed not being able to select shaders from video settings on certain configurations
Temporarily incompatible Animatica, CIT Resewn, Enhanced Block Entities, FabricSkyboxes, FabricSkyboxes Interop, FastQuit
Readded Controlify, Debugify
Updated Entity Model Features, Fabric API, MoreCulling, Sodium
EMF fixed confusing toast upon changing resource packs
Updated Anglish translation
Temporarily incompatible Animatica, CIT Resewn, Continuity, Enhanced Block Entities, FabricSkyboxes, FabricSkyboxes Interop, FastQuit, ModernFix, Paginated Advancements, Polytone, Remove Reloading Screen
Readded Better Mount HUD, FerriteCore, Language Reload
Updated Entity Model Features, Entity Texture Features, Cloth Config API, Fabric API, Forge Config API Port, Iris Shaders, LambDynamicLights, Model Gap Fix, MoreCulling, OptiGUI
Temporarily incompatible Animatica, CIT Resewn, Continuity, Controlify, Debugify, Enhanced Block Entities, FabricSkyboxes, FabricSkyboxes Interop, FastQuit, ModernFix, Paginated Advancements, Polytone, Remove Reloading Screen
Readded Entity Culling, Forge Config API Port, Puzzle
Updated Cloth Config API, Fabric API, No Chat Reports, Sodium, YetAnotherConfigLib
Increased default simulation distance from 6 to 8 for more reliable mob spawning, it is also Minecraft's default on low-end computers
Temporarily incompatible Animatica, CIT Resewn, Continuity, Controlify, Debugify, Enhanced Block Entities, FabricSkyboxes, FabricSkyboxes Interop, FastQuit, FerriteCore, LanguageReload, ModernFix, Paginated Advancements, Polytone, Remove Reloading Screen
Updated Entity Model Features, Entity Texture Features, Capes, Fabric API, ImmediatelyFast, Iris Shaders, LambDynamicLights, Lithium, Mod Menu, MoreCulling, Reese's Sodium Options, Sodium, Sodium Extra
Temporarily incompatible Animatica, CIT Resewn, Continuity, Controlify, Debugify, Enhanced Block Entities, EntityCulling, FabricSkyboxes, FabricSkyboxes Interop, FastQuit, FerriteCore, Forge Config API Port, LanguageReload, ModernFix, Paginated Advancements, Polytone, Puzzle, Remove Reloading Screen
It's the one with the new Sodium 0.6! Performance improvements, built-in Indium, better block transparency and more. Keep in mind that some content mods you might want to add may not be compatible with this yet, in that case continue using FO 6.2.3.
Updated Entity Model Features, Entity Texture Features, Continuity, Controlify, Cubes Without Borders, Dynamic FPS, Enhanced Block Entities, Entity Culling, Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, ImmediatelyFast, Iris Shaders, LambDynamicLights, Language Reload, Lithium, ModernFix, MoreCulling, Polytone, Reese's Sodium Options, Sodium, Sodium Extra, YetAnotherConfigLib
Removed Indium - no longer needed
Updated several translations
Updated and enforced Fabric Loader 0.6.10
This version is based on 6.2.3, not 6.3.0-alpha.1.
Updated Entity Texture Features, Controlify, Fabric API, ImmediatelyFast, Lithium, No Chat Reports, Polytone
Sodium 0.6 and related updates skipped, to be in FO 6.4.0 or other future update
Controlify fixed offset chat tooltips
Removed a confusing mod recommendation in logs
Reuploaded due to an error.
Updated Entity Texture Features, Dynamic FPS, EntityCulling, Fabric API, FerriteCore, ImmediatelyFast, LambDynamicLights, Language Reload, ModernFix, Polytone
You can now longer accidentally disable English language :)
Sodium beta and related updates skipped, see FO 6.4.0 instead
Controlify and No Chat Reports updates skipped due to bugs
Updated Fabric Loader to 0.16.9
Biggest changes:
Readded CIT Resewn - the mod is updated for 1.21.1
Sodium and other mod updates are skipped as Sodium's latest version is in beta
Testing is planned in a future FO update
As previously announced, "MultiMC legacy" variants are no longer distributed on CurseForge. Follow installation instructions as usual.
Mods button now appears in full width on pause menu
Changes from 6.1.0-beta.8 to 6.1.0:
Added Portuguese (Portugal) translation
Updated Anglish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Chinese (Traditional and Simplified) translations
Disabled Labymod capes because they started appearing for players that don't own them
Updated Entity Model Features, Entity Texture Features, CIT Resewn, Cloth Config, Dynamic FPS, Fabric Language Kotlin, Lithium
Skipped Sodium and other updates that depend on it, because Sodium is in beta and may break
Updated Anglish
Temporarily incompatible: LambDynamicLights
Beta 7: Temporarily downgraded CIT Resewn again because CurseForge is confused
Stable release is getting closer 👀
Readded CIT Resewn
Updated Entity Model Features, Entity Texture Features, Fabric API, Paginated Advancements, Puzzle
Skipped Sodium and other updates that depend on it, because Sodium is in beta and may break
Updated Chinese (Hong Kong) translations
Updated and enforced Fabric Loader 0.16.5
Enforced ETF config to ensure its config button doesn't reappear when updating FO
Temporarily incompatible: LambDynamicLights
Updated Entity Model Features, Debugify
Skipped Sodium and related updates as they are currently in beta and can break with other mods
Skipped Polytone update, newest version seems to depend on Sodium update
Readded Main Menu Credits to Modrinth-based instances (oops!)
Updated and enforced Fabric Loader 0.16.4
Temporarily incompatible: CIT Resewn, LambDynamicLights
Big thanks to our beta testers who help stabilize the modpack! ❤️
Updated Entity Model Features, Entity Culling, ImmediatelyFast
Skipped Sodium and related updates as they are currently in beta and can break with other mods
Downgraded Polytone to work around a crash when shaders are applied
Added Chinese Traditional (Hong Kong) translation
Updated Anglish translation
Temporarily force-enabled: Debugify
Temporarily incompatible: CIT Resewn, LambDynamicLights
Updated Entity Texture Features, Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, Mod Menu, ModernFix, Polytone
Skipped Sodium and related updates as they are currently in beta and can break with other mods
Polytone updated to latest working version, newest version seems to depend on Sodium update
Updated and enforced Fabric Loader 0.16.3
Temporarily force-enabled: Debugify
Temporarily incompatible: CIT Resewn, LambDynamicLights
As always, remember to make backups for your worlds.
Updated Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, ImmediatelyFast, Polytone, Remove Reloading Screen
Temporarily force-enabled: Debugify, EntityCulling, Fabrishot, Remove Reloading Screen
Temporarily incompatible: CIT Resewn, Continuity, LambDynamicLights, Lithium
Time to test new stuff!
Added BetterGrassify - a customizable "better grass" and "better snow" mod
Removed Fast Better Grass - replaced by BetterGrassify
Disabled broken paths for resource packs
This matches the defaults for ETF and presumably modern OptiFine, meaning your resource packs should no longer break even without broken paths support
Minor string change in Mod Menu Helper
Updated Entity Model Features, Entity Texture Features, Cloth Config API, Fabric API, Forge Config API Port, Language Reload, Model Gap Fix, OptiGUI, Polytone, Sodium
Updated Anglish translation
Temporarily incompatible Animatica, CIT Resewn, Enhanced Block Entities, FabricSkyboxes, FabricSkyboxes Interop, ModernFix
Readded Continuity
Updated Entity Culling, Paginated Advancements, Polytone, Sodium, YetAnotherConfigLib
Increased default simulation distance from 6 to 8 for more reliable mob spawning, it is also Minecraft's default on low-end computers
Temporarily incompatible Animatica, CIT Resewn, Enhanced Block Entities, FabricSkyboxes, FabricSkyboxes Interop, ModernFix
A limited re-release to fix wrong Minecraft version on some platforms' instance.
Updated Fabric API, LambDynamicLights, MoreCulling, Polytone
Temporarily incompatible Animatica, CIT Resewn, Continuity, Enhanced Block Entities, FabricSkyboxes, FabricSkyboxes Interop, Fabrishot, ModernFix
Reupload to fix version visibility in official FO installer. No changes to content.
Readded Paginated Advancements
Updated Controlify, Fabric API, Forge Config API Port, Iris Shaders, Lithium, Reese's Sodium Options, Sodium, Sodium Extra
Minified Remove Reloading Screen config a bit
Removed a confusing log message
Temporarily incompatible Animatica, CIT Resewn, Continuity, Debugify, Enhanced Block Entities, FabricSkyboxes, FabricSkyboxes Interop, Fabrishot, ModernFix
Added Forge Config API port - a dependency of Remove Reloading Screen
Updated Entity Model Features, Fabric API, ImmediatelyFast, MoreCulling, Remove Reloading Screen, Sodium
Skipped Controlify update due to a crash
Temporarily incompatible Animatica, CIT Resewn, Continuity, Debugify, Enhanced Block Entities, FabricSkyboxes, FabricSkyboxes Interop, Fabrishot, ModernFix, Paginated Advancements
Updated Entity Texture Features, Iris Shaders
Temporarily removed Fabrishot as it was found incompatible
Temporarily removed No Chat Reports due to a bug in current and incompatibility in previous version
Temporarily incompatible Animatica, CIT Resewn, Continuity, Debugify, Enhanced Block Entities, FabricSkyboxes, FabricSkyboxes Interop, Fabrishot, Lithium, ModernFix, No Chat Reports, Paginated Advancements, Puzzle
Readded Entity Culling, Polytone
Updated Controlify, Dynamic FPS, ImmediatelyFast
Updated and enforced Fabric Loader 0.16.9
Temporarily incompatible Animatica, CIT Resewn, Continuity, Debugify, Enhanced Block Entities, FabricSkyboxes, FabricSkyboxes Interop, Lithium, ModernFix, Paginated Advancements, Puzzle
Another batch of updated mods!
Readded Controlify, Cubes Without Borders, FerriteCore, Language Reload, Reese's Sodium Options, Sodium Extra
You can now longer accidentally disable English language :)
Updated Fabric API, LambDynamicLights, MoreCulling, No Chat Reports, Sodium
Re-enabled chat safety icon on NCR
Temporarily incompatible Animatica, CIT Resewn, Continuity, Debugify, Enhanced Block Entities, Entity Culling, FabricSkyboxes, FabricSkyboxes Interop, Lithium, ModernFix, Paginated Advancements, Polytone, Puzzle
Readded Entity Model Features, Entity Texture Features, ImmediatelyFast, OptiGUI, Zoomify
Updated LambDynamicLights
Temporarily force-disabled chat safety icon on NCR to avoid crash
Temporarily incompatible Animatica, CIT Resewn, Controlify, Continuity, Cubes Without Borders, Debugify, Enhanced Block Entities, Entity Culling, FabricSkyboxes, FabricSkyboxes Interop, FerriteCore, Language Reload, Lithium, ModernFix, Paginated Advancements, Polytone, Puzzle, Reese's Sodium Options, Sodium Extra
Get your bundle of mods in this update!
Updated Fabric API
Temporarily removed Animatica, CIT Resewn, Controlify, Continuity, Cubes Without Borders, Debugify, Enhanced Block Entities, Entity Culling, FabricSkyboxes, FabricSkyboxes Interop, FerriteCore, Entity Model Features, Entity Texture Features, ImmediatelyFast, Language Reload, Lithium, ModernFix, OptiGUI, Paginated Advancements, Polytone, Puzzle, Reese's Sodium Options, Sodium Extra, Zoomify
Fixed the critical multiplayer bug (updated Fabric Loader to 0.12.11)
Backported config changes from 3.0.0-alpha.3
Added Borderless Mining - allows you to have Minecraft in full screen and interact with a different window (disabled by default)
Added FastOpenLinksAndFolders - fixes the game freezing when you open resource pack folders, a screenshot etc.
Updated Architectury API, Continuity, Fabric API.
Major update with Phosphor and bugfixes for Sodium and Iris!
Sodium is updated with better performance and several bugfixes!
Added Phosphor back
Iris is now separate from Sodium (faster updates and better compatibility)
Changelog now lists dates for even more transparency
Updated AdvancementInfo, Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, Indium, Iris, LambDynamicLights, Not Enough Crashes, Reese's Sodium Options, Sodium Extra.
AdvancementInfo now has settings, you can set the colors or info box width
Disabled 'Slight' GUI Modifications' "satisfying screenshots" to make the screenshot instantly accessible (clickable link on chat like vanilla)
Updated Mod Menu Helper phrases a bit
Removed irrelevant suggestions from launcher logs
Updated AdvancementInfo, Cloth Config API, Colormatic, Not Enough Crashes
Skipped Sodium Extra update for now due to a crash.
New mods
Animatica - OptiFine's animated textures!
ToolTipFix - makes sure all tooltips fit to screen
No Potion Offset - removes the potion offset on Creative inventory (similar to 1.18)
Other stuff
Game will attempt to reduce RAM usage when unfocused (enabled Dynamic FPS's GC on unfocus)
Optimized the Mod Menu Helper resource pack and MultiMC/MultiMC (auto-update) icon
Updated Fabric Loader
Updated Architectury API, CIT Resewn, CompleteConfig, Continuity, Fabric API, Not Enough Crashes
2.2.0 had a bit of a rocky launch but we're back with mod updates!
Fixed CurseForge Launcher installation (see #140 for more info)
Fixed CIT Resewn config not being applied
Added Russian translation for Mod Menu Helper by RozeFound
Updated Architectury API, Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, Language Reload, LittleTweaks, Mod Menu, Not Enough Crashes, Sodium Extra
New mods, new Mod Menu style and a new Discord server! Also known as "the update that couldn't be installed with CurseForge Launcher".
New mods
Continuity - OptiFine's connected textures!
CIT Resewn - OptiFine's custom items!
Enhanced Block Entities - makes chests, signs, beds etc. render faster
More Chat History - increases chat history limit
Don't Clear Chat History - keeps your written message log across worlds
Language Reload - makes language switching instant
LittleTweaks - adds audio output menu (1.18 parity!)
Removed mods
FastChest - replaced by Enhanced Block Entities
Better Beds - replaced by Enhanced Block Entities
Other stuff
Mod Menu now has a consistent list of mods' features and options (provided by a bundled resource pack)
Hidden Fabric Language Kotlin and Indium from Mod Menu as they are just APIs
Enabled children mod counting in Mod Menu (Sodium Extra and Reese's Sodium Options are now reflected)
Reverted vanilla's particle settings defaults as they are better managed in Sodium Extra's settings anyway
MultiMC and MultiMC auto-update now use Fabric's default Java arguments (smoother experience)
Updated Architectury API, Colormatic, Cull Leaves, Mod Menu, Not Enough Crashes
It is time to finally release Fabulously Optimized for Minecraft 1.17.1! Here are the major updates from 1.9.1 to 2.1.0:
New mods
Iris - OptiFine shaders! See here for the recommended ones.
LambdaBetterGrass - OptiFine's "better grass"!
CustomEntityModels - OptiFine's custom entity models (partial support, see mod description)
AdvancementInfo - bigger and more detailed advancement screen
Better Mount HUD - improves the HUD while riding a horse, like in Bedrock Edition
Reese's Sodium Options - makes the graphics settings vertical to make sure all options fit and look good
WI Zoom - a simple, scrollable zoom mod
Indium - adds Rendering API to Sodium, which makes some important parity mods work
YOSBR - keeps your settings across modpack updates
Removed mods
Ok Zoomer - servers can now disable or limit your zoom, I think you should be in charge of that
Custom Fog - Sodium Extra now provides a simpler fog management experience
Smooth Scrolling Everywhere - seems to be abandoned
Phosphor - not yet updated
Other changes
New default options (read more)
CurseForge pack is now 100% Fabric (faster launch and better mod management)
An auto-updating MultiMC pack is available on GitHub
Now using semantic versioning
All mods updated
For more changes between alpha and beta versions, see the changelog
Changes from beta 4 to release
Added AdvancementInfo, Better Mount HUD, Reese's Sodium Options
MultiMC (auto-update) is now split by version for future-proofing, please re-download if you use it
Updated Iris+Sodium, Lithium, Sodium Extra, Custom Entity Models, Not Enough Crashes, Mod Menu, Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, Architectury API
LambdaBetterGrass (OptiFine's "better grass"!)
CustomEntityModels and CompleteConfig (OptiFine's custom entity models, in alpha though)
Colormatic (water/biome colors, FO 1.9.1 parity)
FastChest and Better Beds (were removed in the previous beta)
Enhanced Block Entities (postponing the addition due to mod compatibility bugs)
Updated mods: FerriteCore, Mod Menu, Fabric API, Architectury API
It's time to test Indium! Please let me know how it goes: [the poll has ended]
Changes from beta 2
Added Indium (rendering API, allows for more parity mods in the future)
Added Enhanced Block Entities (makes chests, signs, bells and beds render faster)
Removed FastChest and Better Beds (replaced by Enhanced Block Entities)
Removed Custom Fog (Sodium Extra provides a simpler experience for most people)
Mods updated: Architectury API, Cloth Config API, Dynamic FPS, Fabric API, Fabric Capes, LambDynamicLights
Thanks for 100 000 downloads!
Major update with new mods. Added
Dynamic FPS - renders Minecraft slower if it is in the background to save memory
Smooth Scrolling Everywhere - makes the scrolling smooth on various menus
'Slight' Gui Modifications - adds fancy animations to the menus and containers
Colormatic - adds support for OptiFine resource packs' custom colors.
Thanks to users' feedback, the mod list has been updated.
Ok Zoomer - fancy zooming mod, back by a popular demand (configurable)
Fabric Capes - gives options for viewing OptiFine, LabyMod and MinecraftCapes' capes in-game
Fabric Language Kotlin - needed for Fabric Capes
OF Capes - replaced by Fabric Capes.
Sodium has been updated, so it's time for a release!
OF Capes - lets you see OptiFine capes and zoom
MinecraftCapes - lets you get a free cape, textured elytra or mouse ears (configurable)
Raised Clouds - lets you adjust the cloud height like OptiFine (configurable)
Fabrishot - lets you take a high-res screenshot like OptiFine (press F9, configurable)
motioNO - now built-in, find it under Accessibility Settings... > FOV Effects
Ok Zoomer - OF Capes mod also provides zoom, so it is not needed
Colormatic - currently crashes with Sodium, will readd after an update
Mods updated.
Fixed the critical multiplayer bug (updated Fabric Loader to 0.12.11)
Backported config changes from 3.0.0-alpha.3
Hydrogen warns you when you're using incompatible Java
Added Borderless Mining - allows you to have Minecraft in full screen and interact with a different window (disabled by default)
Added FastOpenLinksAndFolders - fixes the game freezing when you open resource pack folders, a screenshot etc.
Added Reese's Sodium Options
Iris is now separate from Sodium
Updated Architectury API, Cloth Config API, Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, Iris Shaders, Not Enough Crashes, Phosphor, Sodium Extra.
An unexpected backport update that matches the mods with 2.3.2 ones, released because 1.9.1 got broken due to a Java 16 and Jumploader issue. For the best experience I recommend upgrading to the latest version though.
Updated all mods
Added AdvancementInfo, Better Mount HUD, Cloth API, Custom Entity Models, Indium, Iris Shaders, LambdaBetterGrass, No Potion Offset, ToolTipFix, WI Zoom, YOSBR
Removed Jumploader, Ok Zoomer, Smooth Scrolling Everywhere
Added Mod Menu Helper
Applied configs from 2.3.2.
Now uses native Fabric Loader 0.11.7 (0.12.3 is still in beta)
Hydrogen is disabled by default in MultiMC version to be compatible with Java 16 (vanilla launcher uses bundled Java 8 anyway)
Made a MultiMC auto-update version in GitHub ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
New mods
FerriteCore - reduces RAM usage
LazyDFU - improves startup speed even more
Better Beds - improves FPS when around beds (villager farms, anyone?)
Item Model Fix - fixes transparent gaps in held items
Removed mods
Raised Clouds - Sodium Extra now includes a more intuitive cloud height setting
Other stuff
Lots of mod updates.
The new mods were suggested by the community, thank you!
New mods:
No Fade - makes game startup and resourcepack loading faster by removing some animations
Other stuff
Sodium Extra got an update with many new toggles, check them out!
Jumploader got support for Microsoft Accounts, so you can upgrade now when Mojang asks you to (only if you use CF or vanilla launcher)
Fixed zoom key by unbinding the save toolbar activator by default (that option was always there... oops)
25k download milestone! Thank you all for the support!
Mods updated
Yes, I added another new mod but I felt like that one didn't warrant a new major update lol, it also might get included with 'Slight' Gui Modifications later on.
New mods:
Hydrogen - somewhat reduces RAM usage (in my case 2,8 GB -> 2,6 GB)
Other stuff:
Several mods updated
The modpack size is much bigger for CurseForge now, because Hydrogen is an external mod
Sodium Extra update currently skipped as the next version will fix an issue
Cull Leaves changed the way its config works - if you are upgrading, you may delete the json5 file.
New mods
FastChest - greatly improves FPS when surrounded by chests (e.g. in a storage room)
Cull Leaves - optionally makes fancy tree leaves more see-through, which could improve FPS (enable in mod settings)
Other stuff
Dynamic FPS and Custom Fog have new config screens, tweak ahead!
Fancy introduction video - see main page!
Slightly improved manifests for both launchers
Updated mods
MultiMC: Not Enough Crashes is 2.1.4+1.16.2 due to CF error.
Differences from b3
Added Iris with Sodium! (Yes, FPS boost and OptiFine shaders!)
Set the default graphics to fast for general performance improvement
Re-enabled dynamic light for entities in LambDynamicLights
Updated mods
Removed Canvas
FO is currently still in beta because 1.17.1 is coming soon and Sodium Extra is not there yet.
Differences from b1
Sodium is not there yet, please have patience
Mods updated, should fix some graphics issues
Added Fabrishot back
Inclusion of Not Enough Crashes is delayed because it is still an alpha
Reverted FOV change for better FPS in some devices
Fixed an issue that could show the wrong version number in the main menu.
Several mods still missing, including Sodium
Sodium temporarily replaced with Canvas
Ok Zoomer temporarily/permanently replaced with WI Zoom
Added YOSBR to keep your settings between modpack upgrades
More new mods will come in a stable release!
Added new default options to improve the experience.
CF version is now 100% Fabric, meaning faster startup and better mod management!
Some fixes for 1.18 before moving to 1.18.1.
Fixed the critical multiplayer bug (updated Fabric Loader to 0.12.11)
Fixed Continuity resource packs not being applied
Added German and Portuguese (Brazil) translations to Mod Menu Helper by nsde and PaperKing13isPro!
Mod changes
Added Borderless Mining - allows you to have Minecraft in full screen and interact with a different window (disabled by default)
Added FastOpenLinksAndFolders - fixes the game freezing when you open resource pack folders, a screenshot etc.
Updated Architectury API, Better Mount HUD, CompleteConfig, No Fade
Re-added Enhanced Block Entities, removed the replacement FastChest
Currently forced (do NOT report any issues to those mods!): Animatica, Don't Clear Chat History
Currently removed Hydrogen, Phosphor
Still an alpha, make backups and expect crashes.
Added first-launch crash workaround back
Re-added Colormatic, FerriteCore, Lithium, Smooth Boot
Updated Cloth Config API, Continuity, Fabric API, MoreChatHistory, No Telemetry, Not Enough Crashes
Currently forced (do NOT report any issues to those mods!): Animatica, Don't Clear Chat History, No Fade
Currently removed Enhanced Block Entities (temp. replacement FastChest), Hydrogen, Phosphor
The first 1.18 alpha is here!
No Telemetry - prevents sending diagnostics data to Mojang; protects your privacy and modded instance data helps Mojang less anyway
No Potion Offset - no longer needed in 1.18
LittleTweaks - no longer needed in 1.18
Iris' Max Shadow Distance reduced to 6 chunks
Simulation Distance reduced to 6 chunks
Alternative mods are now marked with a red asterisk on Mod Menu
Current mod changes:
Updated: AdvancementInfo, AntiGhost, Architectury API, CIT Resewn, Cloth Config API, CompleteConfig, Entity Culling, Fabric API, Fabric Capes, Fabrishot, Indium, Iris Shaders, Mod Menu, Not Enough Crashes, Reese's Sodium Options, Sodium, Sodium Extra, ToolTipFix, WI Zoom
Forcefully enabled (do NOT report any issues to those mods!): Animatica, Continuity, Don't Clear Chat History, MoreChatHistory, No Fade
Temporarily removed: Colormatic, Enhanced Block Entities (temp. replacement FastChest), FerriteCore, Lithium, Hydrogen, Phosphor, Smooth Boot
Unlisted mods either didn't require 1.18 in the first place or were cross-compatible.
Player rendering crash has been discovered, this version has been reverted from CurseForge.
Updated Architectury API, Entity Texture Features, Fabric API, Indium
Forcefully updated Reese's Sodium Options to fix video settings bug on macOS (already fixed on FO 3.3.0-alpha.2 or later)
Updated Entity Texture Features config and Mod Menu Helper string
Even though MC 1.18.2 is coming soon, I now consider FO to be stable for MC 1.18.1 and I recommend you to update to it. Major changes compared to 2.7.0:
New mods
Starlight - improves chunk performance, 75% preferred it in the public vote (1.0.0 stable version)
Puzzle - adds some OptiFine features like emissive mobs and resource pack-provided splash screen
TieFix - disables telemetry (sending diagnostics data to Mojang) and fixes some bugs
Removed mods
Phosphor - replaced with Starlight as a result of the public vote
Hydrogen - deprecated, but FerriteCore already exists and has similar features
Colormatic temporarily removed as it breaks with the new Sodium
Between beta 2 and stable: updated Fabric API, Reese's Sodium Options
First beta for 1.18.1!
New mods
Puzzle - adds some OptiFine features like emissive mobs and resource pack-provided splash screen
TieFix - disables telemetry and fixes some bugs
Starlight - improves chunk performance, 75% preferred it so here it is! (1.0.0 stable version)
Removed mods
Phosphor - replaced with Starlight as a result of the public vote
No Telemetry - replaced with TieFix which has the same feature but can be toggled as well
Sodium got a bugfix update - fixing lag spikes, fog, memory leak and more
Updated CIT Resewn, Cloth API, Dynamic FPS, Fabric API, Indium, Iris Shaders, Not Enough Crashes, Sodium, Sodium Extra
Colormatic temporarily removed as it breaks with the new Sodium
Don't Clear Chat History is still forced, Hydrogen is deprecated - will not highlight in changelog anymore until something changes
Iris got a performance update, the game should run better regardless of whether you have shaders enabled.
Updated Animatica, Colormatic, Fabric API, Iris Shaders, Reese's Sodium Options
Currently forced (do NOT report any issues to those mods!): Don't Clear Chat History
Currently removed Hydrogen
Happy new year, time to test Phosphor! Vote here!
Swapped Starlight with Phosphor for testing
Updated Architectury API, CIT Resewn, FastOpenLinksAndFolders, LambdaBetterGrass, Lithium, Not Enough Crashes, Reese's Sodium Options
Currently forced (do NOT report any issues to those mods!): Don't Clear Chat History
Currently removed Hydrogen
Thank you for 200K downloads! Starlight testing is ongoing, don't forget to vote.
Updated Animatica, Architectury API, Fabric API
Enabled Cull Leaves resource pack
Slightly simplified MultiMC/MultiMC auto-update instance config
Currently forced (do NOT report any issues to those mods!): Don't Clear Chat History
Currently removed Hydrogen, Phosphor
It's time to test Starlight! Your vote matters, read more here!
Added Starlight for testing
Added back Cull Leaves (oops!)
Updated Fabric Language Kotlin, Item Model Fix, Mod Menu
Currently forced (do NOT report any issues to those mods!): Animatica, Don't Clear Chat History
Currently removed Hydrogen, Phosphor
1.18.1 has fixed the critical multiplayer bug
Updated Wi Zoom
Currently forced (do NOT report any issues to those mods!): Animatica, Don't Clear Chat History
Currently removed Lithium, Hydrogen, Phosphor
Updated Iris
Now supports PBR aka resource packs that support 3D overlay effects on blocks
Re-included separate Cloth Config API
Mainly because it adds a searchbar to many mod configs now
Another file size fix for Modrinth
Bundled mod:
Added MixinTrace - helps developers find the cause of crashes
Removed Not Enough Crashes - turned out to be not that helpful for developers
Updated Continuity, Entity Texture Features, Fabric Language Kotlin, Reese's Sodium Options, Sodium Extra
Updated MMH translations from 4.2.0
Enabled Adaptive VSync for big performance gains on supported devices
Only applies for new profiles, for existing ones just set VSync to Adaptive in video settings (if you can)
Enforced Fabric Loader 0.14.9
Logs now mention your version of FO
Updated Indium, MemoryLeakFix, MidnightControls, Puzzle
MidnightControls now shows a toast once, suggesting you to enable a controller if you have one connected
The game will no longer switch to it automatically unless you enable that in settings
Adjusted Puzzle configs to match 4.2.0-beta.1
Updated MMH languages
Updated Fabric Loader to 0.14.9
Updated Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, Iris Shaders, MemoryLeakFix, Reese's Sodium Options, Sodium Extra
Iris received a major performance upgrade
Removed duplicate config files from YOSBR folder
This was there to make resetting settings a bit easier when needed, but now a better method is described in the wiki
Backported MMH language updates
Updated Animatica, CIT Resewn, Enhanced Block Entities, Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, Main Menu Credits, Mod Menu
Added a workaround resource pack for monochrome splash screen (fixes PuzzleMC/Puzzle#34)
Backported some 4.0.0-betas changes:
MMH updates
AntiGhost is now described in the pause menu
Removed LambdaBetterGrass from incompatible resource packs
Enforced Fabric Loader 0.14.8
Updated CIT Resewn, Entity Texture Features, Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, LambdaBetterGrass
Removed separate Architectury API, Cloth API, Cloth Config, CompleteConfig, MidnightLib as they don't seem to be necessary right now
Either dependant mods are removed or these are already bundled inside some, some may be readded later when necessary
Removal of Cloth API should also mean that there is no more first-time crash, yay!
Fixed some punctuation in Mod Menu Helper for all languages
Brought back the Puzzle MMH workaround as it was actually not fixed in 1.18.2 yet
Enforced Fabric Loader 0.14.7
Recreated as mr.1 because 3.10.0 was slightly problematic on Modrinth
Updated CIT Resewn, Entity Texture Features, Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, LambdaBetterGrass
Removed separate Architectury API, Cloth API, Cloth Config, CompleteConfig, MidnightLib as they don't seem to be necessary right now
Either dependant mods are removed or these are already bundled inside some, some may be readded later when necessary
Removal of Cloth API should also mean that there is no more first-time crash, yay!
Fixed some punctuation in Mod Menu Helper for all languages
Brought back the Puzzle MMH workaround as it was actually not fixed in 1.18.2 yet
Enforced Fabric Loader 0.14.7
Added MemoryLeakFix - does what the name says, haha
Updated Architectury API, Debugify, Entity Texture Features, Fabric API
Enabled MC-112730 and MC-228976 fixes on Debugify
Enabled smoother animation for Zoomify
Updated Russian in MMH by RozeFound
Enforced Fabric Loader 0.14.6
Removed memory and JVM flags from MultiMC and MultiMC (auto-update) to let the launcher handle them
Updated Architectury API, Cull Less Leaves, Fabric API, Lithium, Main Menu Credits, Sodium Extra, Zoomify
Updated Fabric Loader to 0.14.6
Removed the Sodium Extra's sculk sensor animation toggle workaround
Added OptiGUI - OptiFine custom GUI support in resourcepacks!
Swapped the Architectury API with the new listing
Updated Architectury API, Cloth Config API, Debugify, Fabric Capes, Farsight
Updated Fabric Loader to 0.14.5
Enabled Cosmetica cape in Fabric Capes
Updated Greek, Korean, Russian MMH translations by AlphaKR93, RaptaG, RozeFound
Relicensed the modpack under BSD-3-Clause (tl;dr: use a different name when you fork)
Added Main Menu Credits - a small mod for the version number in title screen
Added Cull Less Leaves - looks better and has better Sodium integration, including a toggle in the video settings
Removed 'Slight' Gui Modifications - now redundant
Removed Cull Leaves - now redundant
Updated Architectury API, CompleteConfig
Overall the modpack is now 26% smaller
Optimized all mod configs
Disabled Better Snow of LambdaBetterGrass as it looked out of place with resource packs
Updated Fabric Loader to 0.14.4
Lots of fixes and mod updates!
Removed No Telemetry, enabled the respective setting in Debugify instead
Updated Architectury API, Borderless Mining, Debugify, Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, FerriteCore, Indium, Iris Shaders, Mod Menu, Not Enough Crashes
Updated Fabric Loader to 0.14.2
Replaced Cloth Config with the new Curseforge listing one
Updated Mod Menu Helper's Russian and Portuguese (Brazil) translations by RozeFound and PaperKing13isPro, respectively
Disabled "Always Defer Chunk Updates" in Sodium as it caused more issues than it fixed
Added No Telemetry - smaller mod that does one job
Removed TieFix - now redundant by Debugify (except for the telemetry)
Updated Architectury API, Debugify, Entity Culling, Fabric API, Fabric Capes, Mod Menu
Fabric Capes received several bugfixes, should work smoother now
Enabled fix for MC-89146 - Pistons forget update when being reloaded
Disabled Debugify's update checker
Updated Debugify, Fabric Language Kotlin, Sodium Extra
Enabled fixes for MC-140646, MC-199467, MC-235035 (details in wiki)
Default-disabled FPS limit for improved UX when VSync is disabled by the user (on fast computers/monitors)
Credit where due: 3.4.0 also got Turkish for Mod Menu Helper by egeesin!
Thank you for over 300 000 downloads on Curseforge! 🎉🎉🎉
We have a new fancy wiki where everyone can contribute:
Added mods
Debugify - a selection of bugfixes, see the FO wiki for which ones are applied
Removed mods
FastOpenLinksAndFolders - made redundant by Debugify
Forget Me Chunk - made redundant by Debugify
Other news
Updated Architectury API, Entity Texture Features, Zoomify
Enabled relative sensitivity for Zoomify
Disabled entities on LambDynamicLights for improved performance
Fabulously Optimized is now ready for 1.18.2!
New mods
Farsight - keeps rendered long-distance chunks visible on servers
Forget me Chunk - fixes some chunk border lag spikes
Other major changes
Enabled Always Defer Chunk Updates on Sodium for additional performance gains
Added Greek translation to Mod Menu Helper by RaptaG!
Added Korean translation to Mod Menu Helper by AlphaKR93!
Changes from beta 3
Updated Architectury API, CompleteConfig, Custom Entity Models, Don't Clear Chat History, Entity Texture Features
Re-added Enhanced Block Entities, Colormatic
Removed Better Beds and FastChest
Removed DCCH workaround as it now works with 1.18.2 directly
Time for the second stage of the vote! Read more in the Bobby issue above.
Added Farsight for testing and voting
Removed Bobby
Added Greek translation to Mod Menu Helper by RaptaG!
Unblanked empty option buttons in Puzzle
Updated Architectury API, CIT Resewn, Entity Texture Features, Puzzle
Temporarily added: Better Beds, FastChest (replacement for Enhanced Block Entities)
Temporarily removed: Colormatic, Enhanced Block Entities
Time for another public mod vote! Read more in Github!
Added Bobby for testing and voting
Added ForgetMeChunk which fixes some chunk border lag spikes
Re-added AdvancementInfo, AntiGhost, Smooth Boot
Updated Architectury API, Entity Texture Features, Fabric API, Iris Shaders, Not Enough Crashes, Puzzle
Removed Advancements Enlarger as AdvancementInfo is back
Enabled Always Defer Chunk Updates on Sodium for additional performance gains
Puzzle update fixed the crash on macOS
Fixed incompatible mods crash on GDLauncher
Temporarily added: Better Beds, FastChest (replacement for Enhanced Block Entities)
Temporarily removed: Colormatic, Enhanced Block Entities
Time for a beta as the most visible mods are all updated.
Re-added LambdaBetterGrass
Updated Entity Texture Features, Reese's Sodium Options, Sodium Extra, Zoomify
Temporarily added: Better Beds, FastChest (replacement for Enhanced Block Entities), Advancements Enlarger (replacement for AdvancementInfo)
Temporarily disabled/removed: AdvancementInfo, AntiGhost, Colormatic, Enhanced Block Entities, Smooth Boot
Re-added 'Slight' GUI Modifications, Continuity
Main menu version text is back
Updated Entity Texture Features, Fabric API, Zoomify
Updated Entity Texture Features config and Mod Menu Helper string
Temporarily disabled/removed: AdvancementInfo, AntiGhost, Colormatic, Enhanced Block Entities, LambdaBetterGrass, Smooth Boot
Re-added Entity Texture Features, Lithium, FerriteCore
Updated Architectury API, Fabric API, Fabrishot
Sodium and Sodium Extra were disabled for some reason, this is now fixed
Temporarily disabled/removed: 'Slight' Gui Modifications, AdvancementInfo, AntiGhost, ARRP, Colormatic, Continuity, Enhanced Block Entities, LambdaBetterGrass, Smooth Boot
Sodium and friends are back!
Updated Architectury API
Re-added Indium, Iris Shaders, Reese's Sodium Options, Sodium, Sodium Extra
Temporarily disabled/removed: 'Slight' Gui Modifications, AdvancementInfo, AntiGhost, ARRP, Colormatic, Continuity, Enhanced Block Entities, Entity Texture Features, FerriteCore, LambdaBetterGrass, Lithium, Smooth Boot
It... runs? Half of the mods are missing though, it's so alpha that it doesn't even have a version text in the main menu.
Updated Architectury API, Cloth API, Fabric API, Mod Menu, Starlight
Temporarily disabled/removed: 'Slight' Gui Modifications, AdvancementInfo, AntiGhost, ARRP, Colormatic, Continuity, Enhanced Block Entities, Entity Texture Features, FerriteCore, Indium, Iris Shaders, LambdaBetterGrass, Lithium, Reese's Sodium Options, Smooth Boot, Sodium, Sodium Extra
Other mods seem to work as-is
Some servers and Realms may be unplayable in Minecraft 1.19. Please update ASAP.
Farsight is missing from Modrinth. Get it here and add manually.
Updated Entity Texture Features, Fabric API, Iris Shaders, MoreCulling, Sodium Extra
ETF and Iris received major performance upgrades
Fixed MoreCulling in MMH for English and Estonian
Updated Turkish in MMH by localfossa and egeesin
Farsight is missing from Modrinth. Get it here and add manually.
Another beta, now with FPS stuff!
Also, 1.19.1-rc2 is out, with 1.19.1 release date being estimated as "next week". Let's see...
Added More Culling - stops rendering hidden sides of blocks
Item frame optimizations currently disabled because it doesn't work with custom items yet
It may eventually obsolete Cull Less Leaves, to be tested
Mod Menu Helper does not currently work with it, so you'll see its own description in Mod Menu
Removed Don't Clear Chat History - various issues, including unintended behaviour in 1.19
Updated Debugify, Fabric Language Kotlin, MemoryLeakFix, Reese's Sodium Options
Removed duplicate config files from YOSBR folder
This was there to make resetting settings a bit easier when needed, but now a better method is described in the wiki
Updated Greek in MMH by RaptaG
Farsight is missing from Modrinth. Get it here and add manually.
Added Mixin Conflict Helper - tells you when you've installed two mods that don't like each other!
Updated MemoryLeakFix
Farsight is missing from Modrinth. Get it here and add manually.
Updated Cull Less Leaves, Mod Menu, OptiGUI
Added small wording fix for MMH
Slightly reordered resource packs
Farsight is missing from Modrinth. Get it here and add manually.
Updated Borderless Mining, Lithium, MidnightControls, Puzzle
Lithium fixed a critical portal linking issue, others have bugfixes as well
Updated Portuguese in MMH by PaperKing13isPro
Modrinth version no longer includes JARs, only download links
It means the Modrinth version is becoming more sustainable as mods are cross-posting to it :)
Farsight is missing from Modrinth. Get it here and add manually.
Updated Greek and Portuguese in MMH by RaptaG and PaperKing13isPro
Enabled Bedrock resource pack for MidnightControls
Sources for bundled mods
Farsight is missing from Modrinth. Get it here and add manually.
As you might know, 1.19.1 was postponed with the release date of "soon". This affects FO as well because there are bugs that need fixing, I can't really consider 1.19 "stable" yet. In the meanwhile, I've added a treat for the controller/touchscreen fans: MidnightControls. Enjoy testing!
Added MidnightControls - controller and touchscreen support!
Updated CIT Resewn, Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, Item Model Fix, No Chat Reports
Removed LambdaBetterGrass from incompatible resource packs in options.txt as it is no longer incompatible
Sources for bundled mods
Farsight is missing from Modrinth. Get it here and add manually.
Readded Animatica
Updated Fabric API, Fabric Capes, Main Menu Credits, No Chat Reports, Zoomify
Zoomify config got removed as FO defaults are that mod's defaults now
AntiGhost is now described in the pause menu
Updated Russian in MMH by RozeFound
Sources for bundled mods
Farsight is missing from Modrinth. Get it here and add manually.
Added No Chat Reports - protects you and others from some account bans
Mostly a preparation for 1.19.1, but helps a bit on 1.19 too
Updated Debugify, Enhanced Block Entities, Fabric Capes, Farsight
Enabled fix for MC-22882 - Ctrl+Q won't work on Mac
Slightly updated Estonian in MMH
Temporarily removed Animatica
Sources for bundled mods
Farsight is missing from Modrinth. Get it here and add manually.
Updated Entity Texture Features, Fabric API, Indium
Entity Texture Features got an important performance fix
Forcefully enabled (don't report bugs to their devs!): Farsight
Temporarily removed Animatica
Sources for bundled mods
Readded Enhanced Block Entities
Removed Better Beds
Updated Entity Texture Features, Language Reload, Starlight
Fixed multiple languages resetting on restart
Updated Greek in MMH by RaptaG
Removed some irrelevant log warnings
Mentioned FO in logs for better debugging, don't be alarmed if you're already using the latest version
Updated Fabric Loader to 0.14.8
Forcefully enabled (don't report bugs to their devs!): Farsight
Temporarily removed Animatica
Sources for bundled mods
Farsight is missing from Modrinth. Get it here and add manually.
Yay, a beta! Note that Minecraft 1.19.1 is coming soon, so the process may start all over again, depending on how many changes are needed to mods.
Updated Borderless Mining, Indium, LambdaBetterGrass
Removed disabled mods for better UX on GDLauncher and MultiMC (auto-update)
I will probably still include disabled mods in future alphas because it's easier for me to iterate this way, but will avoid it in beta and stable
Fixed Don't Clear Chat History in Modrinth version
Forcefully enabled (don't report bugs to their devs!): Farsight
Temporarily removed Animatica, Enhanced Block Entities
Temporarily added Better Beds
Sources for bundled mods
Farsight is missing from Modrinth. Get it here and add manually.
Get a class_1921 or cloth-client-events-v0.mixins.json crash? Simply relaunch the game once.
Sodium-related mods should no longer get disabled
Updated Architectury API, CIT Resewn, Entity Culling, Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, FerriteCore, Indium, LambDynamicLights, Lithium, More Chat History, Not Enough Crashes
Updated Fabric Loader to 0.14.7
Re-enabled Continuity, which now supports emissive block textures!
Forcefully enabled (don't report bugs to their devs!): Borderless Mining, Don't Clear Chat History, Farsight
Temporarily disabled Animatica, AntiGhost, Cloth API, Enhanced Block Entities, LambdaBetterGrass, Puzzle
Temporarily added Better Beds
Sources for bundled mods
This needed a quick fix, so download again please.
Updated Architectury API, Entity Culling
Actually enabled Sodium and related mods didn't work
Disabled Continuity as it causes a crash without Indium
Forcefully enabled (don't report bugs to their devs!): Borderless Mining, Don't Clear Chat History, Farsight, FerriteCore, More Chat History
Temporarily disabled Animatica, AntiGhost, CIT Resewn, Cloth API, Continuity, Enhanced Block Entities, Indium, Lithium, LambDynLights, LambdaBetterGrass, Not Enough Crashes, Puzzle
Temporarily added Better Beds
First alpha for 1.19! It is an alpha mainly because connected textures and other resource pack features don't work yet.
Updated Architectury API, Cloth Config API, Colormatic, CompleteConfig, Continuity, Cull Less Leaves, Custom Entity Models, Debugify, Entity Texture Features, Fabric Capes, Iris Shaders, Language Reload, LazyDFU, MemoryLeakFix, MidnightLib, Mod Menu, OptiGUI, Reese's Sodium Options, Smooth Boot, Sodium, Sodium Extra, Starlight, TooltipFix, Zoomify
Forcefully enabled (don't report bugs to their devs!): Borderless Mining, Don't Clear Chat History, Entity Culling, Farsight, FerriteCore, More Chat History
Temporarily disabled Animatica, AntiGhost, CIT Resewn, Cloth API, Enhanced Block Entities, Indium, Lithium, LambDynLights, LambdaBetterGrass, Not Enough Crashes, Puzzle
Temporarily added Better Beds
Other mods worked as-is
Disabled chatPreview vanilla setting for privacy and to remove annoying warnings
Enabled Cloaks+ in Fabric Capes
Disabled Iris' update checker
Modrinth bundled mods:
Minecraft 1.19.1 contains a known multiplayer vulnerability. Please update ASAP.
Updated Farsight, Indium, MemoryLeakFix, MoreCulling, No Chat Reports, Puzzle, Zoomify
Zoomify and MoreCulling received major updates
Puzzle no longer shows buttons that lead to empty screens in its settings
Adjusted No Chat Reports
Adjusted description in MMH to reflect its features better
Re-enabled convertToGameMessage again as it still turned out to be useful in LAN
You can now report others on servers that allow reports, use it only in case of real danger
Readded Lithium
Updated AdvancementInfo, AntiGhost, NoChatReports
AdvancementInfo and AntiGhost are now smaller in size
Currently AdvancementInfo is not shown in Mod Menu Helper
NoChatReports fixed Realms access
Adjusted NoChatReports to disable convertToGameMessage (unnecessary in LAN) and enable vanilla's yellow messages (informative)
It's time to start testing 1.19.1. Read the FAQ: Also, we've reached 500k downloads on CurseForge and almost 20k downloads on Modrinth! Thank you again for your support!
Updated Debugify, Fabric API, MemoryLeakFix, Mod Menu, More Chat History, MoreCulling, No Chat Reports
Temporarily disabled Lithium.
Disabled bugfixes MC-145929 and MC-148149 on Debugify as they are now fixed in vanilla
Configured No Chat Reports for 1.19.1
Updated Korean and Turkish in MMH by AlphaKR93 and localfossa
Yup, that happened. Due to Minecraft's new release schedule, I can see that some players still need to use 1.19.2, so I've decided to update the mods for you, to fix some crashes with additional mods. Keep in mind that this version is still outdated and you should upgrade ASAP.
Updated Capes, Continuity, Custom Entity Models, Entity Culling, Entity Texture Features, Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, FabricSkyboxes, Iris Shaders, Language Reload, Lithium, MemoryLeakFix, MidnightControls, Puzzle, YetAnotherConfigLib
Updated Fabric Loader to 0.14.19
Updated FabricSkyBoxes, FabricSkyBoxes Interop, Farsight, Iris Shaders, Language Reload, Lithium, Mod Menu, MemoryLeakFix, Zoomify
Enabled advanced tooltips (F3+H) by default
This helps people use commands, get precise durability, learn English faster etc, so I believe it is useful for more than just "debugging"
Updated Fabric Loader to 0.14.11 everywhere
Updated Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, FerriteCore, Iris Shaders, Language Reload, Reese's Sodium Options, Sodium Extra
Mostly bug and crash fixes for all
You can now search creative menu and recipe book in all selected languages (or disable it in Language Reload settings)
Added Polish MMH translation by Radplay
Fixed Estonian MMH translation
Updated Fabric Loader to 0.14.11 where available
MultiMC: reverted .minecraft change because it made vanilla users' install harder on Unix-like systems
Updated Entity Texture Features, Iris Shaders, No Chat Reports, Sodium Extra, YetAnotherConfigLib
Iris got important fixes for some resource packs
Sodium Extra got additional toast toggles
Entity Texture Features got new texture features and bugfixes
Others got bugfixes
Added Chinese in MMH by GodGun968
Updated Russian in MMH by RozeFound
Unbound Zoomify's secondary zoom keybind by default
Finally you can have custom clouds and stars in the sky :) Use any OptiFine- or FabricSkyBoxes-compatible custom skybox resource pack to get it.
Added FabricSkyboxes - custom skies!
Added FabricSkyboxes Interop - OptiFine resourcepack support for FabricSkyboxes!
Updated Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, Lithium, Mod Menu
Enforced Fabric Loader 0.14.10
Updated Hold That Chunk to 2.0.1 in Modrinth version
More bugfixes!
Modrinth version contains an experimental JAR of Hold That Chunk.
Updated Enhanced Block Entities, Fabric API, MidnightControls, No Chat Reports, YetAnotherConfigLib
Enhanced Block Entities has some crash fixes
No Chat Reports has bugfixes, improved status icon contrast, clarified Realms icon/warning
MidnightControls has improved compatibility with mods and interface screens
Updated Fabric Loader to 0.14.10 everywhere now
Modrinth version contains an experimental JAR of Hold That Chunk.
Updated Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, Lithium, MidnightControls, Zoomify
Zoomify now has a secondary zoom option with separate settings
Lithium and MidnightControls got several fixes
Updated to Fabric Loader 0.14.10 where available
Modrinth version contains an experimental JAR of Hold That Chunk.
Updated Better Mount HUD, Hold That Chunk, Iris Shaders, Lithium, No Chat Reports
Better Mount HUD got an icon in Mod Menu
Iris supports more shader features now
Lithium got new performance improvements
No Chat Reports got several bugfixes and UX improvements
Hold That Chunk is updated to an experimental version (ad4dfd0) so the FO Modrinth users can now test whether it functions better and closer to Farsight.
Enabled a new warning screen for Minecraft Realms, courtesy of No Chat Reports
If you use Realms regularly, I recommend enabling encryption in NCR config.
Removed Lithium performance workaround as it is now the default
Modrinth version contains an experimental JAR of Hold That Chunk.
Removed ToolTipFix - replaced by an improved fix on Debugify
Updated Cull Less Leaves, Debugify, Fabric API, No Chat Reports, OptiGUI, Sodium Extra, YetAnotherConfigLib
Cull Less Leaves uses a new config so any changed settings have been reset
No Chat Reports now supports chat encryption, enable in config file if interested
Sodium Extra now allows for per-dimension fog distance and has other fog fixes
Enabled MC-26757 in Debugify - tooltip overflow fix
Updated Debugify, Entity Texture Features, OptiGUI, YetAnotherConfigLib
Debugify fixed a bug that made game startup slower
OptiGUI received several fixes to performance and crashes
Disabled MC-228976 on Debugify as it's already fixed by Lithium
Removed MoreCulling config as it is not currently included in FO
Removed Bobby config as people prefer its defaults when they install it (it is still a supported alternative mod)
Performance improvements!
Updated Entity Texture Features, Fabric API, No Chat Reports, YetAnotherConfigLib
Entity Texture Features is now smaller, has a new config menu and a lot of fixes
No Chat Reports fixed one server-joining error and got an option to disable its functionality (use it only if you can't join a server)
Skipped MemoryLeakFix update as the version compatibility is improperly marked
Backported an upcoming Lithium fix for improved stability, thanks @Kichura!
Limited enabled cape providers to Mojang, MinecraftCapes and OptiFine as a way to workaround some freezing issues
Eventually there will be a better fix though; feel free to re-enable any providers you need in skin settings
MultiMC (auto-update) now prefers Modrinth mods where available
That way the downloads actually increase download count for the dev and you get more stable, potentially faster downloads!
Enabled MC-112730 and MC-228976 in Debugify because I already intended to enable them at some point but forgot
Should improve performance with beacons and mob farms
Disabled MC-162253 in Debugify because Starlight already fixes that
This may fix some some of the chunk/freeze issues, you tell me
Updated Turkish in MMH by localfossa
A small reminder, somewhat related to the Iris bugfix:
If you see that your resourcepack says "contains broken paths" as you try to activate it, please tell the resource pack maker to only use the following characters in file/folder names: a-z0-9/._-. That way everyone will have resource packs that work better and have less bugs!
More info:
Updated CIT Resewn, Iris Shaders, YetAnotherConfigLib, Zoomify
CIT Resewn and Iris have bugfixes
Zoomify has a new config screen
Zoomify and Debugify settings now have a searchbar and tweaked category look
Updated Iris
Now supports PBR aka resource packs that support 3D overlay effects on blocks
Aka the update that was never announced (because the next superseded it in minutes) (:
Added YetAnotherConfigLib - for Debugify and probably more in the future
Re-included separate Cloth Config API
Mainly because it adds a searchbar to many mod configs now
Updated Debugify, Fabric Capes, No Chat Reports, Zoomify
Debugify has a new config screen; you have to hover and click ◀ on the category to show options inside it
Another file size fix for Modrinth
Added YetAnotherConfigLib - for Debugify and probably more in the future
Re-included separate Cloth Config API
Mainly because it adds a searchbar to many mod configs now
Updated Debugify, Fabric Capes, No Chat Reports, Zoomify
Debugify has a new config screen; you have to hover and click ◀ on the category to show options inside it
Another file size fix for Modrinth
Updated Indium, Iris Shaders, No Chat Reports, Sodium, Sodium Extra
Sodium and Iris received several fixes
No Chat Reports has a new config so your settings have been reset to FO ones
Disabled Adaptive VSync by default as it caused issues with some drivers/GPUs
Existing users can disable it from video settings, or just keep using it if it works for you
Disabled safe server icon and related options in No Chat Reports to reduce confusion
Enabled MC-90683 "Received unknown passenger" bugfix in Debugify
Modrinth-only: included time in Hold That Chunk config for easier management
Fabulously Optimized 4.2.0 has been released for 1.19.2! Thank you for 600k+ downloads on CurseForge, 30k+ downloads and 200+ followers on Modrinth!
Major changes in 3.12.2 -> 4.2.0
Added No Chat Reports - replaces misleading chat indicators with accurate ones, opts out from chat signing where possible. More info:
Added Mixin Config Helper - shows an user-readable alert when two mods conflict
Added MixinTrace - helps developers find the cause of crashes
Removed Don't Clear Chat History - had several issues, including unintended features on 1.19
Removed Not Enough Crashes - did not help the mod developers, caused other issues
Some mods did not make it to the release yet and some were already backported :P
Enabled Adaptive VSync on supported devices for smoother FPS
Zoomify is now smoother by default and has presets
You can now select multiple languages in the language menu, highly recommend selecting all languages you can speak for better mod language support
Added Cloaks+ and Cosmetica cape support
Disabled chat previews to protect your privacy
Known issue: currently AdvancementInfo description is missing in Mod Menu for some languages, including English (US)
See full changelog for more details.
Changes in 4.2.0-beta.6 -> 4.2.0
Added back Farsight
Removed Hold That Chunk as it was not deemed ready yet
Updated Debugify, Fabric Language Kotlin, No Chat Reports, Zoomify
Updated Russian in MMH by RozeFound
Modrinth version will use Hold That Chunk as part of extended testing, and because Farsight is not available there anyway
Fixed CIT Resewn's file size in manifest
Updated Hold That Chunk, Reese's Sodium Options
Removed Cloth Config API - I think it is no longer separately needed, let me know if you still get errors related to it though
Enabled "ignoreServerRenderDistance" in Hold That Chunk
With that it should now actually have full Farsight parity, so please test that again.
Logs now mention your version of FO
Updated Cull Less Leaves, Fabric API, Mixin Conflict Helper, No Chat Reports, Sodium Extra, Zoomify
No Chat Reports now has graphical options
Zoomify now has selectable presets in options (default, OptiFine, Ok Zoomer). FO continues to use the default preset because that looks the smoothest.
Enabled Adaptive VSync for big performance gains on supported devices
Only applies for new profiles, for existing ones just set VSync to Adaptive in video settings (if you can)
Removed Cull Less Leaves crash workaround
FO 4.2.0 is still estimated to be released in August, we have just a few more things to test...
Added MixinTrace - helps developers find the cause of crashes
Added Cloth Config API - technically it has always been there inside some mod, but currently a specific version of it is required
Removed Not Enough Crashes - turned out to be not that helpful for developers
Removed MoreCulling - performance testing results were inconclusive, some mods had incompatibilities. Decided not to add it for 4.2.0 yet, but keeping an eye on it for the future.
Updated Entity Texture Features, Language Reload, Reese's Sodium Options
Updated Korean in MMH by AlphaKR93
Added a workaround to fix Cull Less Leaves crash for some players
Added Hold That Chunk - keeps rendered chunks in memory for extended render distance on servers, but also clears cached chunks if they haven't been visited for an hour
Depending on your playstyle, this may reduce the game's memory usage for long playtime sessions
Modrinth users: if this mod runs well, FO will have 100% mod parity on Modrinth :)
Removed Farsight - now redundant
Updated Continuity, MoreCulling, No Chat Reports, Not Enough Crashes, Reese's Sodium Options
Temporarily bundled: Not Enough Crashes (Fabric)
Updated Debugify, Fabric API, Lithium, MidnightControls, Mod Menu, MoreCulling, No Chat Reports, Not Enough Crashes, Zoomify
MidnightControls now shows a toast once, suggesting you to enable a controller if you have one connected
The game will no longer switch to it automatically unless you enable that in settings
No Chat Reports: disabled full-screen warnings to avoid warning fatigue, the status is still shown in chat's bottom right corner
Feel free to re-enable the warning from config (disable "whitelistAllServers")
When updating to this version, this change will apply for everyone
Updated Turkish and Portuguese (Brazil) in MMH by Localfossa and PaperKing13isPro
Updated Fabric Loader to 0.14.9
Your eyes are not deceiving you. After 3.5 months of development, 4.6.0 is finally released!
Due to several config changes, it is recommended (but not required) to delete your options.txt before upgrading to this version. Or, if you've already updated, you can just delete it now and it'll update on next launch. Instructions:
Major changes from 4.5.6 -> 4.6.0:
Added FastQuit - makes quitting singleplayer worlds instant
Added MoreCulling - does everything Cull Less Leaves does while having more optimizations
Added Model Gap Fix - fixes transparent gaps in held items
Removed Smooth Boot - needs device-specific setup, default config is not suitable for every device
Removed Cull Less Leaves - replaced by MoreCulling
Removed Item Model Fix - replaced by Model Gap Fix
Removed Colormatic - not updated yet, may be re-added later
Removed LambdaBetterGrass - no longer supported on Fabric.
Added Chat Reporting Helper resource pack
Designed to concisely inform players of chat reporting's existence and where/how it applies, without perceiving it as "good" or "bad"
Makes No Chat Reports icons more neutral
Makes relevant vanilla and No Chat Reports tooltips shorter, clearer, more accurate and unbiased
Translations welcome on Crowdin
Added Fast Better Grass resource pack
Imitates OptiFine's Better Grass (fast mode); fancy mode cannot be replicated yet
Serves as a substitute to LambdaBetterGrass
Must be the first activated resource pack to work
Uses only models, so it works with any other resource pack.
Re-enabled more cape providers on Fabric Capes
Please let us know if you get more performance issues on servers due to that
Enabled operator blocks in creative menu (if you have operator access)
Preemptively disabled the "accessibility onboarding" of 1.19.4
Unbound some Zoomify's and FabricSkyBoxes' unexpected keybinds
Various language updates
Updated and enforced Fabric Loader 0.14.18
See the changelog for a full list of changes.
Changes from 4.6.0-beta.14 -> 4.6.0:
Readded Continuity
Enforced No Chat Reports and Fabric Capes configs again for 4.5.6 upgraders
Casual reminder: if you get any questions or issues while using FO, our Discord ( is the first place to ask in. Asking in other generic or mod-specific servers may not give you the same support, as they don't know how FO is configured.
Readded Enhanced Block Entities
Removed Better Beds
Updated Custom Entity Models, Entity Texture Features, Fabric API, Lithium
Updated CRH translations in English, Estonian, Korean
Updated Fabric Loader to 0.14.17 and enforced 0.14.14
Mainly because 0.14.15+ is still considered a beta, so some vanilla users got confused on how to install it. But I consider 0.14.17 to be stable enough anyway, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Updated the way FO warns about old Loader and logs about FO version
You may now get an error if you install FO with a partial config
Updated Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, Indium, Iris Shaders, Sodium, Sodium Extra
Sodium and Iris improved performance, others received bugfixes
Updated Polish, Korean and Ukrainian MMH by Radplay, myself, Den4enko
Translated CRH to Korean by AlphaKR93
Unified spacing in MMH and CRH language files on the repo (in the resource pack they are minified)
Updated and enforced Fabric Loader 0.14.14
100k downloads on Modrinth!
Added Better Beds as a (temporary) alternative to Enhanced Block Entities
Updated MoreCulling, No Chat Reports
Fast Better Grass resource pack is now separately distributed
Which means you can recommend it to friends who don't use FO yet :)
Will remain bundled in FO for as long as needed though, so you don't need to download it separately
Fixed bugs with randomized textures and dirt paths
New icon
Download links for those interested:
Updated Russian in MMH by RozeFound
FastChest is no longer considered an Enhanced Block Entities alternative
Removed Farsight config
Added MoreCulling - does everything Cull Less Leaves does while having more optimizations
Removed Cull Less Leaves - replaced by MoreCulling
Added Fast Better Grass resource pack
Imitates OptiFine's Better Grass (fast mode); fancy mode cannot be replicated
Serves as a substitute to LambdaBetterGrass in case that doesn't become usable in time
Must be the first activated resource pack to work
Uses only models, so it works with any other resource pack (breaks varied textures though, if any)
Updated Fabric API, FabricSkyBoxes, FabricSkyBoxes Interop, Model Gap Fix
Updated and enforced Fabric Loader 0.14.13
Enforced Farsight length back to 64 due to unexpected side effects (limiting max render distance)
Will consider other measures if this causes problems
Updated Russian, Korean and Polish MMH translations by RozeFound, AlphaKR93, RadPlay respectively
More MMH wording changes
Item Model Fix is now considered an alternative to Model Gap Fix instead of the opposite
Cull Less Leaves is now considered an alternative to MoreCulling
Temporarily removed Colormatic, Continuity, Enhanced Block Entities, LambdaBetterGrass
As an effort to speed up 1.19.3 release, between these only Continuity will now be considered a required mod before FO 4.6.0 is released, others will (may) be re-added later
Updated Entity Texture Features, Fabric Language Kotlin, Iris Shaders, Language Reload, Sodium, Sodium Extra, YetAnotherConfigLib
Set and enforced ETF's invalid path support to entities only for better mod compat/to fix resource pack applying issues
Temporarily removed CIT Resewn, Colormatic, Continuity, Enhanced Block Entities, Indium, LambdaBetterGrass, Puzzle
Removed Indium because it's not up to date with newest Sodium
Added Ukrainian MMH translation by Den4enko
Removed Chinese Traditional MMH translation by eric122805 (likely machine-translated)
Increased CRH icons' contrast
Updated and enforced Fabric Loader 0.14.12 everywhere
Temporarily removed CIT Resewn, Colormatic, Continuity, Enhanced Block Entities, LambdaBetterGrass, LambDynamicLights, Puzzle
Added Model Gap Fix - replacement for Item Model Fix, maybe permanently if it is better
Updated Sodium Extra, Zoomify
Temporarily removed CIT Resewn, Colormatic, Continuity, Enhanced Block Entities, LambdaBetterGrass, LambDynamicLights, Puzzle
Updated Fabric Loader to 0.14.12 where available
Updated Cull Less Leaves, Debugify, OptiGUI, Zoomify
Cull Less Leaves, Debugify, Zoomify now have visual configurations again :D
Game should also no longer crash on first start
Temporarily disabled CIT Resewn, Colormatic, Continuity, Enhanced Block Entities, Item Model Fix, LambdaBetterGrass, LambDynamicLights, Puzzle
Updated Fabric Capes, YetAnotherConfigLib
Another game freeze fix
Temporarily disabled CIT Resewn, Colormatic, Continuity, Enhanced Block Entities, Item Model Fix, LambdaBetterGrass, LambDynamicLights, OptiGUI, Puzzle.
Enabled Cosmetica capes in Fabric Capes
Added Russian CRH translation by RozeFound
Resource pack features are slowly coming back :eyes:
Updated CEM, Fabric API, Fabric Capes
Temporarily disabled CIT Resewn, Colormatic, Continuity, Enhanced Block Entities, Item Model Fix, LambdaBetterGrass, LambDynamicLights, OptiGUI, Puzzle.
Enabled Labymod and Wynntils cape types in Fabric Capes as the dev said freezes are fixed
Updated Borderless Mining, Fabric API, No Chat Reports, YetAnotherConfigLib
Temporarily disabled CEM, CIT Resewn, Colormatic, Continuity, Enhanced Block Entities, Item Model Fix, LambdaBetterGrass, LambDynamicLights, OptiGUI, Puzzle.
Updated Polish and Russian in MMH by Radplay and RozeFound
Added singleplayer tooltip to CRH
Updated Indium, MidnightControls, Mod Menu
Added Chinese Traditional in MMH by eric122805
Updated Language Reload description in MMH
Temporarily disabled Borderless Mining, CEM, CIT Resewn, Colormatic, Continuity, Enhanced Block Entities, Item Model Fix, LambdaBetterGrass, LambDynamicLights, OptiGUI, Puzzle
Updated MemoryLeakFix, BetterMountHUD
Temporarily removed OptiGUI because it caused a crash on right click lmao
Temporarily disabled AdvancementInfo, AntiGhost, BetterMountHUD, Borderless Mining, CEM, CIT Resewn, Colormatic, Continuity, Enhanced Block Entities, Entity Texture Features, Indium, Item Model Fix, LambdaBetterGrass, LambDynamicLights, MidnightControls, OptiGUI, Puzzle
This is it, the first 1.19.3 alpha! Cool new stuff, but also many broken mods due to major internal changes to the game. But more broken mods now mean less broken mods in 1.20 💪
Please use a separate instance for alphas and betas like this, just in case.
Updated Cloth Config API, Debugify, Entity Culling, Fabric API, FabricSkyboxes, FabricSkyBoxes Interop, FerriteCore, Iris Shaders, Language Reload, Lithium, Mod Menu, No Chat Reports, Sodium, Sodium Extra, Zoomify, YetAnotherConfigLib
Temporarily disabled AdvancementInfo, AntiGhost, BetterMountHUD, Borderless Mining, CEM, CIT Resewn, Colormatic, Continuity, Enhanced Block Entities, Entity Texture Features, Indium, Item Model Fix, LambdaBetterGrass, LambDynamicLights, MidnightControls, Puzzle
Added Chat Reporting Helper resource pack
Designed to concisely inform players of chat reporting's existence and where/how it applies, without perceiving it as "good" or "bad".
Makes No Chat Reports icons more neutral
Makes relevant vanilla and No Chat Reports tooltips shorter, clearer, more accurate and unbiased
Feedback and translations welcome on GitHub
Enabled operator blocks in creative menu (if you have operator access)
Enabled advanced tooltips (F3+H) by default
This helps people use commands, get precise durability, learn English faster etc, so I believe it is useful for more than just "debugging"
Updated and enforced Fabric Loader 0.14.11 everywhere
Added Animatica - the issue has been fixed
Added Enhanced Block Entities - finally updated!
Added Remove Reloading Screen - makes resource packs load in the background, allowing you to do other things while waiting
Removed Better Beds - replaced by Enhanced Block Entities
Updated Capes, Cloth Config API, Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, Entity Model Features, FabricSkyboxes Interop, Farsight, ImmediatelyFast, Indium, LambDynamicLights, Language Reload, OptiGUI, YetAnotherConfigLib
Updated translations
Backported config changes from 5.1.0-beta.8
Hidden some irrelevant warnings on logs
Here's a quick update to remind you that Fabulously Optimized is safe and the 1.20 alpha will come soon. Or is it 1.20.1? Ah, who knows.
Updated Fabric Language Kotlin, ImmediatelyFast, Language Reload, No Chat Reports, OptiGUI, YetAnotherConfigLib
Zoomify update skipped because it crashes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Updated Brazilian Portuguese and Ukrainian translation
Removed ImmediatelyFast workaround
Added Better Beds - a replacement to Enhanced Block Entities while it is not up to date
Removed Animatica - apparently it is not yet compatible with 1.19.4 and one user found it out the hard way
Updated Fabric API, FabricSkyboxes, FabricSkyboxes Interop, OptiGUI
Updated and enforced Fabric Loader 0.14.21
Added French translation to Mod Menu Helper
(This version does not have 4.10.0-beta.1 changes)
Casual reminder for those who add custom mods to FO: please update FO first and then update your mods individually. Updating all mods at once is not advised, as it may cause unexpected behavior and conflicts, especially when it updates FO mods.
Updated Chat Reporting Helper, e4mc, No Chat Reports
Various minor changes to Mod Menu Helper
Updated Chinese Traditional
Note: due to previously mentioned issues, the latest Sodium has now been taken down. Therefore FO 4.10.0-beta.1 is no longer supported and the betas will not continue at the moment.
Updated Chat Reporting Helper, YetAnotherConfigLib
Disabled "fast buffer upload" on ImmediatelyFast to prevent issues on older computers
Updated Fabric API, Farsight (CurseForge only), Mod Menu
Updated Greek, Russian and Chinese Traditional translations
Chat Reporting Helper is now separately distributed
Will still be bundled in FO as long as it's needed
Allows non-FO users to also easily download it
Now supports more configurations of vanilla and No Chat Reports
Has a new icon
This version is no longer supported, use 4.9.1 or later.
All 4.9.0 changes
Updated Sodium, Sodium Extra, Iris, Indium
It is in beta because the Sodium changes may have caused mod compatibility problems (crashes, freezes etc.) and there is a known memory leak when switching dimensions (portals, hub-based servers, etc.)
On the positive side, chunk rendering "up to 30% faster", plus other rendering improvements
New CurseForge site, new install instructions and a new mod!
Added e4mc - allows opening worlds to public access the same way you can open to LAN
Just click "Open to LAN" on a local world and you'll get an IP to share with friends
Works like normal LAN, so you + 7 players can be online and it will turn off when you leave
Other players don't need to do anything special to join, don't even need the mod
Can be stopped in a LAN session with a click
Updated Debugify, Zoomify, YetAnotherConfigLib, Mod Menu
Mod Menu is now separately bundled on CF (more info on FO issue #626)
Updated Polish and Chinese Simplified (4.7.4) translations
Disabled water sensitivity check and block entities in LambDynamicLights to improve performance
Changed "Copy all 3 folders!" to "Copy all 3 folders and add Sodium!" in legacy MultiMC version
Plus it is now clickable at least on Windows to open install instructions in browser
As the new install instructions say, MultiMC users are now encouraged to download through Modrinth instead, that version is available mainly for vanilla users
4.7.0 is now out! Major changes from 4.6.0 -> 4.7.0:
Added ImmediatelyFast - optimizes mobs, container blocks, GUI, HUD
Added Entity Model Features - a better maintained OptiFine's custom models mod
Removed CEM - less compatible and maintained than EMF
Removed Mixin Conflict Helper - did not prove useful
Removed LazyDFU - no longer needed in 1.19.4
Removed Enhanced Block Entities - not yet updated, to be readded later
Bundled resource pack descriptions are now translatable
Enabled bugfix for MC-577 - "Mouse buttons block all inventory controls that are not default"
You can now click on the list icons in Mod Menu to open mod config, if one exists; on pause menu Bugs button is replaced with Mods
Various language updates
Updated and enforced Fabric Loader 0.14.19
Added Entity Model Features - a better maintained OptiFine's custom models mod
Latest version of Fresh Animations works seamlessly, other packs may still not be perfect but better overall
Removed CEM - less compatible and maintained than EMF
Updated Fabric Language Kotlin, MemoryLeakFix
Updated Korean, Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified in MMH
Updated Fabric Loader to 0.14.19 where available
Did you know? You can search "OptiFine" in Mod Menu to find out which mods provide OptiFine features.
Readded LambDynamicLights
Updated YetAnotherConfig
Added Spanish CRH translation, updated Chinese Traditional MMH translation
Updated ImmediatelyFast MMH description
Not yet available: AdvancementInfo, Enhanced Block Entities
Readded MemoryLeakFix
Removed Mixin Conflict Helper - did not prove useful
Removed LazyDFU - no longer needed in 1.19.4
Removed MidnightLib - was not supposed to be separately included
Updated Custom Entity Models
Disabled OptiGUI's log recommendation
Enforced Mod Menu config to hide a library
Not yet available: AdvancementInfo, Enhanced Block Entities, LambDynamicLights
Updated Borderless Mining, MidnightControls, OptiGUI
Readded Custom Entity Models
Updated Traditional and Simplified Chinese translations for MMH and CRH
Temporarily disabled chat status indicator because it interferes with chat log navigation
Temporarily removed AdvancementInfo, CIT Resewn, Enhanced Block Entities, LambDynamicLights, MemoryLeakFix
Readded FerriteCore, No Chat Reports, MoreCulling
Updated Capes, Fabric API, Mod Menu
You can now click on the list icons in Mod Menu to open mod config, if one exists; on pause menu Bugs button is replaced with Mods
Temporarily removed AdvancementInfo, CIT Resewn, Custom Entity Models, Enhanced Block Entities, LambDynamicLights, MemoryLeakFix
Updated Cloth Config API, FabricSkyboxes, Mod Menu
Mods button now appears on pause menu, FSB fixed some resource pack compat
Readded Lithium
Temporarily removed AdvancementInfo, CIT Resewn, Custom Entity Models, Enhanced Block Entities, FerriteCore, LambDynamicLights, MemoryLeakFix, MoreCulling, No Chat Reports
Who let the mods out?!
Updated Debugify, Entity Culling, Entity Texture Features, Fabric API, FabricSkyboxes, FabricSkyBoxes Interop, Fast Better Grass, Indium, Iris Shaders, Language Reload, MidnightControls, Mod Menu, Puzzle, Reese's Sodium Options, Sodium, Sodium Extra, YetAnotherConfigLib
Known bug: pause menu lacks the Mods button
Forced Borderless Mining, Capes
Temporarily removed AdvancementInfo, CIT Resewn, Custom Entity Models, Enhanced Block Entities, FerriteCore, LambDynamicLights, Lithium, MemoryLeakFix, MoreCulling, No Chat Reports
MMH, CRH, FBG descriptions are now translatable
All 4.6.0-beta.12 changes
The "accessibility onboarding" was already previously disabled
This is it, the first alpha! Took more time than expected but it was worth the wait.
Added Fadeless - direct replacement for the NoFade mod
Removed No Fade - no longer works, abandoned
Removed Starlight - no longer needed
Updated Better Mount HUD, Cloth Config API, CIT Resewn, Debugify, Dynamic FPS, Entity Culling, Entity Model Features, Entity Texture Features, Fabric API, FabricSkyboxes, FabricSkyboxes Interop, FerriteCore, ImmediatelyFast, Indium, Iris, LanguageReload, Lithium, MemoryLeakFix, MidnightControls, Mod Menu, No Chat Reports, OptiGUI, Puzzle, Reese's Sodium Options, Sodium, Sodium Extra, YetAnotherConfigLib, Zoomify
Temporarily removed AdvancementInfo, Farsight, FastQuit, LambDynamicLights, MoreCulling
Currently Hold That Chunk is present on all editions as Farsight is broken
Force-enabled Borderless Mining, Capes
Disabled EMF in Puzzle
Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation
Note: MultiMC legacy deprecation is still planned, but it will stay available until the vanilla installer is usable.
Vanilla users no longer have to install Sodium separately
What's that - 1.20.2? No, just a bigger update for 1.20.1, which means a version bump. FO now has full parity between CurseForge and Modrinth versions!
Removed Farsight, Cupboard, Hold That Chunk - disparity, bugs and other concerns (see #656 on GitHub)
Remove AntiGhost - actual issue (supposedly) fixed since 1.19, more networking benefits were done in vanilla 1.20, mod could never be automated, liability and sustainability concerns
Updated Continuity, Dynamic FPS, Fabric API, ImmediatelyFast, Language Reload, ModernFix, YetAnotherConfigLib
Disabled the FO-introduced Realms warning screen as it is no longer deemed necessary
Removed some old strings from MMH
Added ModernFix - faster launch and world loading, reduced RAM usage
Added Cupboard - a Farsight dependency, for editions where Farsight is present
Hidden on Mod Menu
Updated Sodium and its dependencies, which should bring a lot of performance improvements
Enabled ModernFix's Dynamic Resources to improve performance, reduce startup time and RAM usage
Changed MoreCulling's leaf culling mode to "check surrounding" for improved performance
Enforced Fabric Loader 0.14.22
Vanilla users don't need to add anything on this version
Readded LambDynamicLights
Updated Dynamic FPS, ImmediatelyFast, Mod Menu
Reduced the list of hidden mods in Mod Menu (now properly marked as libraries)
Updated French translation
Updated Cupboard, MemoryLeakFix, ModernFix, ImmediatelyFast
ImmediatelyFast got a rewrite, so let's try it on the beta first
Other changes from 5.2.7
Changed MoreCulling's leaf culling mode to "check surrounding" for improved performance
Are you seeing better performance near trees? Do you like how the leaves look? Let me know.
Removed duplicate version of Sodium
Modrinth-specific hotfix because I missed one mod 🏃
Updated Cupboard, Iris, Indium, ModernFix, Sodium
Other changes from 5.2.5
Increased EntityCulling's sleep delay to potentially improve performance
Enabled ModernFix's Dynamic Resources to potentially improve performance, reduce startup time and RAM usage
If you notice any new issues, this is probably why - please let me know!
Not available on MultiMC (auto-update)
Sodium received a major update that should improve performance a lot, however it may break some mods, notably LambDynamicLights - hence the beta.
Added ModernFix - faster launch and world loading, reduced RAM usage
Added Cupboard - a Farsight dependency, for editions where Farsight is present
Hidden on Mod Menu
Updated Farsight, Indium, Iris Shaders, Reese's Sodium Options, Sodium, Sodium Extra
Enforced Fabric Loader 0.14.22
Other changes from 5.2.3
Vanilla users need to manually add Iris on this version
This version is not available on MultiMC (auto-update)
Updated Entity Texture Features, Controlify, FabricSkyboxes Interop, ImmediatelyFast, MoreCulling, Translations for Sodium
Updated Fabric Loader to 0.14.22
Renamed the "Copy all 3 folders and add Sodium!" to "Install instructions"
Vanilla users need to manually add Sodium and Iris on this version
Added Translations for Sodium - unofficial, but already quite complete crowd-sourced translations
Contribute on
Managed by myself and FlashyReese (Sodium Extra dev) as an independent project
Updated Continuity, Fabric Language Kotlin, Fabric API, Farsight (CurseForge), OptiGUI, YetAnotherConfigLib
Aaand it's out! Major changes from 4.11.0 -> 5.1.0:
Added Controlify - a more featured and maintained controller mod
Added Fadeless - direct replacement for the No Fade mod
Removed MidnightControls - no longer receiving feature updates, potentially discontinued soon
Removed No Fade - no longer works, abandoned
Removed Starlight - no longer needed
Enabled fix for MC-263865 "Fullscreen state isn't saved"
Updated translations
Vanilla users should currently continue installing FO as they did before, no changes yet.
Changes from 5.1.0-beta.9 -> 5.1.0:
Updated Controlify, Entity Model Features, FabricSkyboxes, Puzzle
Updated Italian translation
Updated some MMH strings
Time to test new mods!
Added Controlify - a more featured and maintained controller mod
Added Remove Reloading Screen - makes resource packs load in the background, allowing you to do other things while waiting
Removed MidnightControls - no longer receiving feature updates, potentially discontinued soon
Updated Animatica, Fabric API
Previously mentioned freeze is now fixed in Animatica
Temporarily removed FastQuit
Force-enabled Borderless Mining
Added Animatica - it still works
It turned out that not everyone could reproduce the game freeze, and those who could, could even reproduce it in Minecraft 1.18.2. As such, this is a bug with a specific resource pack and some other variables (e.g. GPU), not a universal not-yet-updated-mod bug. Therefore, FO will continue to include the mod again.
Updated AdvancementInfo, Farsight, Mod Menu, MoreCulling, YetAnotherConfigLib
CurseForge/MMC (AU) version will now use Farsight again
Removed hanging sign crash workaround
Disabled Borderless Mining config GUI for now (the config file still works)
Fixed Fadeless not having MMH strings
Updated Chinese Traditional translation
Temporarily removed FastQuit, LambDynamicLights
Force-enabled Animatica, Borderless Mining
Updated Capes, Continuity, Debugify, Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, ImmediatelyFast, YOSBR
CIT Resewn and Debugify will now persist your changes to their options
Temporarily removed AdvancementInfo, Farsight, FastQuit, LambDynamicLights, Lithium, MoreCulling
Force-enabled Borderless Mining, OptiGUI
Updated Entity Model Features, Entity Texture Features, Dynamic FPS, Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, ImmediatelyFast, MoreChatHistory
Sodium, Indium, Iris updates not planned for 1.20.2 due to incompatibilities
Updated 8 language translations
Removed a confusing log message
Updated Fabric Loader to 0.15.7
Backported other changes from 5.8.0-beta.11
Updated Entity Model Features, Entity Texture Features, Dynamic FPS, Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, MoreCulling, Remove Reloading Screen, Zoomify
Sodium, Indium, Iris updates not planned for 1.20.2 due to incompatibilities
Enabled end gateway culling in MoreCulling
Updated Fabric Loader to 0.15.6
Backported other changes from 5.8.0-beta.5
Updated OptiGUI, Entity Model Features, Entity Texture Features, Dynamic FPS, ImmediatelyFast, Cloth Config, ModernFix, Mod Menu, Fabrishot, Fabric API, Entity Culling
Sodium, Indium, Iris updates skipped due to incompatibilities
Updated Fabric Loader to 0.15.3
Updated French and Chinese Traditional translations
Updated Fabric API, Remove Reloading Screen
Updated Fabric Loader to 0.15.0
Updated Chinese Traditional translation and RRLS description on MMH
Enabled inventory item optimization in ImmediatelyFast
Adjusted broken paths option to fix the [DUMMY]-crash
Updated MultiMC (auto-update) instance note
Added Enhanced Block Entities - updated to 1.20.2
Removed Better Beds - replaced by EBE as it updated
Removed Fadeless - feature now configurable in RRLS
Updated Cloth Config API, Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, Language Reload
Updated Malay, Malay (Jawi) and French translations
The startup animation splash is now set to 0.5 seconds
Previous FO version had it at 0 seconds, vanilla has it at 2 seconds
The value can be adjusted in Remove Reloading Screen settings
Updated MultiMC legacy instance note
5.5.0 is now out, so tell your friends to!
Major changes:
Added Paginated Advancements - a more vanilla-looking advancement screen, with the same requirement info
Added Better Beds - a replacement for EBE while it is not yet updated
Removed AdvancementInfo - per public vote
Removed Enhanced Block Entities - not yet updated
Removed MemoryLeakFix - not yet updated
Improved the look and performance of dirt paths in Fast Better Grass
Mod Menu Helper has new icons 🛠🔀 and better support for English variants
"Open to LAN" has been changed to "Open to Internet" to raise e4mc awareness
Fabrishot is now reminded in the pause menu and the image files mention "4K"
If you join a new server with a game controller, Controlify will now remind you to check rules and disable analog input there if necessary
Added an error message for Prism instances that may accidentally upgrade with Hold That Chunk still present
Updated alternative mod list
Updated and enforced Fabric Loader 0.14.24
Changes from 5.5.0-beta.5 to 5.5.0:
Updated ImmediatelyFast, Controlify, LambDynamicLights
Added Malay translation, updated Chinese Traditional
Unhid LambDynamicLights' settings button in Mod Menu
Updated title screen version number link
Updated Entity Model Features, Entity Texture Features, Controlify, Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, ModernFix
If you join a new server with a game controller, Controlify will now remind you to check rules and disable analog input there if necessary
Improved the look of dirt paths in Fast Better Grass
Updated Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Italian, Russian translations
Visual config temp. disabled: LambDynamicLights
Not yet available: (Enhanced Block Entities, MemoryLeakFix)
Updated Entity Texture Features, ModernFix, OptiGUI, Reese's Sodium Options, Sodium Extra
Skipped Fabric Language Kotlin as it made OptiGUI crash
Minor changes in MMH
Updated Italian, Chinese Traditional translations
Visual config temp. disabled: LambDynamicLights
Not yet available: (Enhanced Block Entities, MemoryLeakFix)
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
Readded Animatica, CITResewn, OptiGUI
These mods were not updated right now, they were simply retested and found to be still working in 1.20.2. They probably weren't working in previous tests just because some dependencies needed updates.
Known issue: OptiGUI villager GUIs look a bit wonky
Updated Fabric API, FerriteCore, Paginated Advancements
Updated Polish, Russian, Vietnamese, Chinese Traditional translations
Updated and enforced Fabric Loader 0.14.24
Fixed Hold That Chunk crash detection
Force-enabled: OptiGUI
Not yet available: (Enhanced Block Entities), MemoryLeakFix
Visual config temp. disabled: LambDynamicLights
Added Paginated Advancements - per your request, here is a more vanilla-looking advancement screen, with the same requirement info!
How do you like it? Give feedback on #746
Therefore, AdvancementInfo is considered "removed" (though it wasn't in the alpha in the first place)
Mod Menu Helper has new icons 🛠🔀 and better support for English variants
"Open to LAN" has been changed to "Open to Internet" to raise e4mc awareness
Fabrishot is now reminded in the pause menu and the image files mention "4K"
Updated Polish translation
Temporarily removed Animatica, CIT Resewn, (Enhanced Block Entities), MemoryLeakFix, OptiGUI
Visual config temp. disabled: LambDynamicLights
Updated Borderless Mining, Capes, ModernFix
Updated Romanian and Portuguese (Brazil) translations
Updated and enforced Fabric Loader 0.14.23
Better warning screens in case of mod conflicts!
Temporarily removed AdvancementInfo, Animatica, CIT Resewn, Enhanced Block Entities, MemoryLeakFix, OptiGUI
Visual config temp. disabled: LambDynamicLights
Added Better Beds - a replacement for EBE while it is not yet updated
Updated Fabric API
Updated Vietnamese, Chinese Traditional, Korean translations
Added a nice error message for instances that may accidentally upgrade with Hold That Chunk still present
Updated alternative mod list
Temporarily removed AdvancementInfo, Animatica, Capes, CIT Resewn, Enhanced Block Entities, MemoryLeakFix, OptiGUI
Visual config temp. disabled: Borderless Mining, LambDynamicLights
Updated Fabric API, Indium, Entity Model Features, Entity Texture Features
Removed duplicate Sodium
Hid the config buttons of mods whose config GUI currently crashes
Use the config file instead, for the time being
Temporarily removed AdvancementInfo, Animatica, Capes, CIT Resewn, Continuity, Controlify, Debugify, Entity Model Features, Language Reload, Lithium, ModernFix, MemoryLeakFix, No Chat Reports, OptiGUI, Zoomify
Now that's early!
Removed Farsight, Cupboard, Hold That Chunk - disparity, bugs and other concerns
Updated Cloth Config API, Dynamic FPS, Entity Culling, Fabric API, FabricSkyboxes, FabricSkyboxes Interop, ImmediatelyFast, Reese's Sodium Options, Remove Reloading Screen, Sodium Extra, Sodium, Iris, Mod Menu
Temporarily removed AdvancementInfo, Animatica, Capes, CIT Resewn, Continuity, Controlify, Debugify, Entity Model Features, Entity Texture Features, Enhanced Block Entities, Language Reload, Lithium, ModernFix, MemoryLeakFix, No Chat Reports, OptiGUI, Zoomify
⚠️ Warning: Realms servers cannot be joined and salmon will become smaller when you launch your worlds in this version. Mojang has released 1.21.3 to fix this, coming soon to FO.
Removed Indium - no longer necessary
Updated Capes, Cloth Config API, Dynamic FPS, Fabric API, Iris Shaders, LambDynamicLights, MoreCulling, Mod Menu, Remove Reloading Screen, Sodium, YetAnotherConfigLib
Sodium is now on 0.6.0 beta, featuring improved performance, improved transparent blocks (e.g. looking at water through glass), better mod compatibility and built-in Indium functions.
Updated Malay (Jawi) translations
Temporarily disabled chat safety icon on NCR to avoid crash
Temporarily incompatible Animatica, CIT Resewn, Controlify, Continuity, Cubes Without Borders, Debugify, Enhanced Block Entities, Entity Culling, FabricSkyboxes, FabricSkyboxes Interop, FerriteCore, Entity Model Features, Entity Texture Features, ImmediatelyFast, Language Reload, Lithium, ModernFix, OptiGUI, Paginated Advancements, Polytone, Puzzle, Reese's Sodium Options, Sodium Extra, Zoomify
Updated Dynamic FPS, Fabric API, ModernFix, Polytone
Skipped Remove Reloading Screen update as it requires new Fabric Loader which is currently in beta
Added Anglish translation
Disabled ImmediatelyFast experimental screen batching, as caused some texture glitches with resource packs
Temporarily incompatible: CIT Resewn, LambDynamicLights
Readded BetterMountHud
Updated Entity Model Features, Entity Texture Features, Cubes Without Borders, Fabric API, Indium, ModernFix, Remove Reloading Screen
Updated French translation
Removed error message that appeared when FO was partly installed
Temporarily removed: CIT Resewn, LambDynamicLights, MoreCulling
Readded Debugify, Model Gap Fix, Polytone
Updated Lithium, Mod Menu, ModernFix
Known issue: one of the de_aztec 1x1 paintings is invisible
Can be worked around by disabling ETF and EMF, but then custom mobs resource packs won't work
Temporarily removed: BetterMountHud, CIT Resewn, Cubes Without Borders, LambDynamicLights, MoreCulling
Readded Controlify, Fabrishot, No Chat Reports, Paginated Advancements, Zoomify
Updated Fabric API, Mod Menu
Mods button now appears in full width on pause menu
Enabled credits below right-side mod descriptions in Mod Menu
Known issue: one of the de_aztec 1x1 paintings is invisible
Can be worked around by disabling ETF and EMF, but then custom mobs resource packs won't work
Temporarily removed: BetterMountHud, CIT Resewn, Cubes Without Borders, Debugify, LambDynamicLights, Model Gap Fix, MoreCulling, Polytone
Readded Capes, Continuity, FerriteCore, Indium, Lithium, OptiGUI, Puzzle
Updated Mod Menu
Removed workarounds: chests, decorated pots, item frames, shulker boxes, bells
Added a workaround: signs
Unbound OptiGUI debug hotkey
Brought back the initial loading splash screen
Known issue: the new de_aztec 1x1 painting is invisible
Can be worked around by disabling ETF and EMF, but then custom mobs resource packs won't work
Temporarily removed: BetterMountHud, CIT Resewn, Cubes Without Borders, Debugify, Fabrishot, LambDynamicLights, Model Gap Fix, MoreCulling, No Chat Reports, Paginated Advancements, Polytone
Thank you for testing the alpha!
Readded Entity Culling
Removed more mods that caused crashes
Worked around problems with chests, decorated pots, item frames, shulker boxes, bells
Temporarily removed: BetterMountHud, Capes, CIT Resewn, Continuity, Cubes Without Borders, Debugify, Fabrishot, FerriteCore, Indium, LambDynamicLights, Lithium, Model Gap Fix, MoreCulling, No Chat Reports, OptiGUI, Paginated Advancements, Polytone, Puzzle
Note that Minecraft 1.21 broke more mods than any other update in recent years. Be patient.
Updated Entity Texture Features, Entity Model Features, Animatica, Cloth Config, Continuity, Controlify, Dynamic FPS, Enhanced Block Entities, Fabric API, FabricSkyboxes, FabricSkyboxes Interop, ImmediatelyFast, Iris Shaders, Language Reload, Mod Menu, ModernFix, Reese's Sodium Options, Remove Reloading Screen, Sodium, Sodium Extra, YetAnotherConfigLib
Updated Chinese Traditional translations
Modrinth releases will now also have signatures as additional files, which help verify that the modpack contains what it is supposed to contain
This is done as a preparation for something cool, which will be announced later
Temporarily removed: BetterMountHud, Capes, CIT Resewn, Debugify, EntityCulling, Fabrishot, FerriteCore, Indium, LambDynamicLights, Lithium, Model Gap Fix, MoreCulling, No Chat Reports, OptiGUI, Paginated Advancements, Polytone, Puzzle
Biggest changes:
Java 21 is now required. Update your launcher and download Java here.
Removed LambDynamicLights - not yet updated for 1.20.6+ and alternatives are currently not suitable for inclusion in FO
Planned to be readded when it updates in a future version of FO
Removed CIT Resewn - the author skipped updating it for 1.20.6
Enabled credits below right-side mod descriptions in Mod Menu
Removed error message that appeared when FO was partly installed
Unbound OptiGUI debug hotkey
Enforced Fabric Loader 0.16.5
Changes from 5.12.0-beta.11 to 5.12.0:
Updated Dynamic FPS, e4mc, OptiGUI
Added Portuguese (Portugal) translation
Updated Anglish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Chinese (Traditional and Simplified) translations
Disabled Labymod capes because they started appearing for players that don't own them
Updated Entity Model Features, Entity Texture Features, Cloth Config API, Controlify, Cubes Without Borders, Dynamic FPS, e4mc, Entity Culling, Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, ImmediatelyFast, Reese's Sodium Options
Updated translations
Updated and enforced Fabric Loader 0.16.5
Enforced ETF config to ensure its config button doesn't reappear when updating FO
Temporarily removed: CIT Resewn, LambDynamicLights
Edit: Reuploaded with correct Minecraft version!
Updated Controlify, Cubes Without Borders, Dynamic FPS, Fabric API, Lithium, Mod Menu, No Chat Reports, Zoomify
Enabled credits below right-side mod descriptions in Mod Menu
Disabled battery-based optimizations in Dynamic FPS to keep FPS expectations - if interested, enable them in its config
Temporarily removed: CIT Resewn, LambDynamicLights
Updated Entity Texture Features, Animatica, Enhanced Block Entities, Entity Culling, ImmediatelyFast, Indium, Iris Shaders, Lithium, Polytone, Remove Reloading Screen, Sodium, Sodium Extra, YetAnotherConfigLib
Controlify update skipped due to a bug
Updated Chinese Traditional translations
Removed Lithium workaround
Unbound OptiGUI debug hotkey
Temporarily removed: CIT Resewn, LambDynamicLights
1.20.6 requires Java 21. Update your launcher and download Java here.
Readded Better Mount HUD, No Chat Reports
Updated Debugify, Fabric Language Kotlin, ModernFix, Zoomify
Removed unused config files
Force-enabled: Sodium, Iris
Temporarily removed: CIT Resewn, Enhanced Block Entities, LambDynamicLights, LanguageReload, Polytone
1.20.6 requires Java 21. Update your launcher and download Java here.
Updated Controlify, Fabrishot, ImmediatelyFast, Puzzle
Updated and enforced Fabric Loader 0.15.11
Force-enabled: Debugify, Sodium, Iris
Temporarily removed: BetterMountHud, CIT Resewn, Enhanced Block Entities, LambDynamicLights, LanguageReload, No Chat Reports, Polytone
1.20.6 requires Java 21. Update your launcher and download Java here.
Readded Controlify, FastQuit, ImmediatelyFast
Updated Entity Model Features, Entity Texture Features, Capes, EntityCulling, FerriteCore, Sodium Extra
Visual config disabled: Puzzle
Force-enabled: Debugify, Fabrishot, Sodium, Iris
Temporarily removed: BetterMountHud, CIT Resewn, Enhanced Block Entities, LambDynamicLights, LanguageReload, No Chat Reports, Polytone
1.20.6 requires Java 21. Update your launcher and download Java here.
1.20.6 fixes "a few critical issues", including a partial loss of trader llama inventory data. As such, FO for 1.20.5 will no longer receive updates and all alpha version users are advised to update.
Readded Lithium, MoreCulling
Updated Fabric API, ModernFix
Skipped Entity Model Features, Entity Texture Features due to a CF App bug
Controlify and ImmediatelyFast have not been CF-approved yet
Visual config partly disabled: Puzzle, Capes
Force-enabled: Debugify, EntityCulling, Fabrishot, Sodium, Iris
Temporarily removed: BetterMountHud, CIT Resewn, Controlify, Enhanced Block Entities, FastQuit, ImmediatelyFast, LambDynamicLights, LanguageReload, No Chat Reports, Polytone
1.20.5 requires Java 21. Update your launcher and download Java here.
Readded FerriteCore, Indium
Fixed entity crash
Updated Turkish translations
Disabled crashing mod config GUIs
Temporarily removed BetterMountHud, CIT Resewn, Controlify, Enhanced Block Entities, FastQuit, ImmediatelyFast, LambDynamicLights, LanguageReload, Lithium, MoreCulling, No Chat Reports, Polytone
1.20.5 requires Java 21. Update your launcher and download Java here.
⚠️ According to Mojang, "a few critical issues" have been found in 1.20.5, including a partial loss of trader llama inventory contents. Therefore, Minecraft 1.20.6 is scheduled for release next week, use 1.20.5 at own risk.
Readded Continuity, OptiGUI, Zoomify
Updated Fabric API, Fabrishot, YetAnotherConfigLib
Applied changes from 5.10.0 stable
Temporarily removed BetterMountHud, CIT Resewn, Controlify, Enhanced Block Entities, FastQuit, FerriteCore, ImmediatelyFast, Indium, LambDynamicLights, LanguageReload, Lithium, MoreCulling, NoChatReports, Polytone
1.20.5 requires Java 21. Update your launcher and download Java here.
Worked around multiplayer crash
Force-enabled Fabrishot, ModDetectionPreventer
Temporarily removed BetterMountHud, CIT Resewn, Continuity, Controlify, Enhanced Block Entities, FastQuit, FerriteCore, ImmediatelyFast, Indium, LambDynamicLights, LanguageReload, Lithium, MoreCulling, NoChatReports, OptiGUI, Polytone, Zoomify
1.20.5 requires Java 21. Update your launcher and download Java here.
Updated Cloth Config, Controlify, Debugify, Dynamic FPS, Entity Culling, Entity Model Features, Entity Texture Features, Fabric API, FabricSkyboxes, FabricSkyboxes Interop, Iris Shaders, Main Menu Credits, ModernFix, Mod Menu, More Chat History, Reese's Sodium Options, Remove Reloading Screen, Sodium, Sodium Extra, YetAnotherConfigLib
Enforced Fabric Loader 0.15.10
Force-enabled Fabrishot, ModDetectionPreventer
Temporarily removed BetterMountHud, CIT Resewn, Continuity, Enhanced Block Entities, FastQuit, FerriteCore, ImmediatelyFast, Indium, LambDynamicLights, LanguageReload, Lithium, NoChatReports, OptiGUI, Polytone, Zoomify
Updated Entity Texture Features, Animatica, Cubes Without Borders, Dynamic FPS, e4mc, Enhanced Block Entities, Entity Culling, ImmediatelyFast, Indium, Mod Menu, YetAnotherConfigLib
Iris, Controlify, Zoomify latest updates skipped due to breaking changes
MoreCulling update skipped due to launcher bugs
Updated Romanian, Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified translations
Enabled credits below right-side mod descriptions in Mod Menu
Disabled battery-based optimizations in Dynamic FPS to keep FPS expectations - if interested, enable them in its config
Unbound FabricSkyBoxes debug hotkey
When updating to this version, you may notice that connected textures no longer work, please re-enable the Continuity resource packs to fix that.
Updated Entity Model Features, Entity Texture Features, Continuity, Controlify, Fabric Language Kotlin, ImmediatelyFast, Language Reload, No Chat Reports, Polytone, Zoomify
Iris, Controlify latest updates skipped due to breaking changes
MoreCulling, YetAnotherConfigLib updates skipped due to launcher bugs
Backported config changes from 5.12.0-beta.2
Updated Fabric Loader to 0.15.11
Removed Mod Detection Preventer - mod developer no longer considers it sustainable
Updated Entity Model Features, Entity Texture Features, Controlify, Dynamic FPS, ModernFix, No Chat Reports, YetAnotherConfigLib
Major updates to EMF and ETF that should improve compatibility, unified config interface
Iris update skipped due to breaking changes
MoreCulling update temporary skipped due to a CurseForge bug
Enforced Fabric Loader 0.15.10
Added Polytone - OptiFine's custom colors! (and some additional resource pack features)
Added CIT Resewn - same old mod, now officially updated to 1.20.4
Removed [CIT] CustomItemTextures - official mod got updated
Updated Controlify, Debugify, ImmediatelyFast, Zoomify
Clarified mod descriptions in Mod Menu
All OptiFine feature-providing mods now have identical names to its documentation
Mods that require a custom resource pack to see the feature (shaders, custom skies, emissive blocks etc) are now explicitly marked
Updated Italian and Romanian translations
Updated and enforced Fabric Loader 0.15.9
It's time to upgrade.
Added Cubes Without Borders - a borderless fullscreen mod that can be toggled directly from video settings
Added [CIT] CustomItemTextures - an updated (temporary) fork of CIT Resewn with some additional fixes
Added Mod Detection Preventer - fixes a bug that allowed servers to limit your access or abilities if you have specific mods
This has nothing to do with cheats, network-using mods (e.g. minimaps) or hiding Fabric in general, it is solely for vanilla-like mods that FO already contains
Breaking server rules will still get you punished, as you might expect
Removed Borderless Mining - not up to date, toggling the main feature is difficult
Removed CIT Resewn - not yet up to date
Disabled VSync - new users will now see FO's benefits instantly, have less input lag and better framerate with shaders
If you still benefitted from VSync, the option remains there and in some devices there is also an "Adaptive" option.
Does not affect existing instances or their updates - only new instances.
Enabled bugfix for MC-22882 - Ctrl + Q won't work on Mac
Updated and enforced Fabric Loader 0.15.7
Added Cubes Without Borders
Added [CIT] CustomItemTextures
Removed Borderless Mining
Enabled bugfix for MC-22882 - Ctrl + Q won't work on Mac
Updated Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, Mod Detection Preventer
Updated Chinese Simplified, Romanian
Fixed Continuity resource packs getting disabled again
Updated Dynamic FPS, Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, Remove Reloading Screen
Updated and enforced Fabric Loader 0.15.7
Updated Chinese Traditional translations
Adjusted Borderless Mining in MMH to describe how to edit its options
Not yet available: CITResewn
Visual config temp. disabled: Borderless Mining
Readded LambDynamicLights
Updated Entity Texture Features, Fabric API, ImmediatelyFast, Indium, ModernFix, Reese's Sodium Options, Sodium
Updated Korean, Malay, Malay (Jawi), Russian, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Chinese Traditional translations
Fixed Continuity resource packs not being applied
Disabled VSync - new users will now see FO's benefits instantly, have less input lag and better framerate with shaders
If you still benefitted from VSync, the option remains there and in some devices there is also an "Adaptive" option.
Does not affect existing instances or their updates - only new instances.
Will be monitoring for your support requests and feedback to see if there is any drawback to this change.
Not yet available: CITResewn, Iris
Iris 1.6.15 was pulled due to a performance issue and its previous version is not compatible with the latest Sodium, hence this version of FO does not include Iris.
Visual config temp. disabled: Borderless Mining
Added Mod Detection Preventer - fixes a bug that allowed servers to limit your access or abilities if you have specific mods
This has nothing to do with cheats, network-using mods (e.g. minimaps) or hiding Fabric in general, it is solely for vanilla-like mods that FO already contains
Breaking server rules will still get you punished, as you might expect
Updated Chinese Traditional translation
Re-enabled Sodium's donation prompt
Force-enabled: Indium
Not yet available: CITResewn, LambDynamicLights
Visual config temp. disabled: Borderless Mining
Updated Entity Texture Features, Fabric API, Iris, More Chat History, MoreCulling, Reese's Sodium Options, Sodium, Sodium Extra
Sodium no longer crashes with RivaTuner/MSI Afterburner! The update also had other internal changes, so report in FO #support if anything got broken.
Disabled Sodium's donation prompt
The donation link can still be found in video settings and Mod Menu
Force-enabled: Indium
Not yet available: CITResewn, LambDynamicLights
Visual config temp. disabled: Borderless Mining
Readded FastQuit
Updated Entity Model Features, Entity Texture Features, Dynamic FPS, Fabric API, ModernFix, Remove Reloading Screen, Zoomify
Updated Ukrainian translation
Updated and enforced Fabric Loader 0.15.5
Not yet available: CITResewn, LambDynamicLights
Visual config temp. disabled: Borderless Mining
Did you know that the next planned version of Minecraft is 1.20.5?
Readded Lithium
Updated Fabrishot, Indium, Cloth Config, Mod Menu
Updated and enforced Fabric Loader 0.15.3
Force-enabled: Controlify, Debugify
Not yet available: CITResewn, FastQuit, LambDynamicLights
Visual config temp. disabled: Borderless Mining
Reupload to fix the loader version.
Readded FerriteCore
Updated Entity Culling, Iris, ModernFix, Puzzle
Updated French translation
Updated and enforced Fabric Loader 0.15.2
Force-enabled Controlify, Debugify, Indium, OptiGUI
Temporarily removed CITResewn, FastQuit, LambDynamicLights, Lithium
Readded Entity Model Features, ImmediatelyFast, Paginated Advancements
Updated Entity Texture Features, Cloth Config API, Fabric API, Iris, No Chat Reports, Sodium, YetAnotherConfigLib
Updated and enforced Fabric Loader 0.15.1
Force-enabled Controlify, Debugify, Indium, Iris, OptiGUI
Temporarily removed CITResewn, FastQuit, FerriteCore, LambDynamicLights, Lithium
This bug is fixed in Minecraft 1.20.4 and as such, this is probably the first and last version of FO for 1.20.3.
Updated Entity Texture Features, Controlify, Debugify, Fabric API, Iris, Language Reload, ModernFix, Mod Menu, No Chat Reports, Sodium, YetAnotherConfigLib
Skipped Entity Model Features update due to incompatibilities
Enforced Fabric Loader 0.15.0
Force-enabled OptiGUI, Indium
Temporarily removed CITResewn, Entity Model Features, FastQuit, FerriteCore, ImmediatelyFast, LambDynamicLights, Lithium, Paginated Advancements