FTB University 1.19



昨日指数: 19
昨日平均指数: 95.213



  • FTB University 1.19是University 1.16的续作,致力于教授模组的功能,包括深入的任务和细致的学校系统。



    Ever felt like you're standing at the edge of a vast modded abyss, overwhelmed by the possibilities it holds? Wishing someone could show you the secrets, the tricks, and how to make it all come together in harmony? Maybe you've already gone through FTB Academy and are itching to level up your game. Fear not, my friend, for the solution is at hand.

    Welcome to FTB University 1.19, where learning has never been so much fun! This modpack is designed to teach you everything you need to know to get started with modded Minecraft in a friendly, easy-to-digest way. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newer player, you'll find something to love in this pack.

    In addition to over 800 quests, the pack has over a dozen Schools! There, you can learn hands-on how certain things function, like RFTools' Shields or Botania's Corporea! Basically, it's like Create's Ponders, but interactable!

    Here's a list of every mod with its own dedicated chapter in the pack:

    • Tetra

    • Apotheosis

    • Applied Energistics 2

    • Integrated Dynamics

    • XNet

    • Botania

    • Create

    • Immersive Engineering

    • Mekanism v10

    • PneumaticCraft: Repressurized

    • RFTools

    • RFTools Dimensions

    • Ars Nouveau

    • EvilCraft

    • Hex Casting

    • Nature's Aura

    There are also dozens of mods that have quests, but not their own chapters, such as Super Factory Manager and LaserIO!

    We've also included over a dozen custom Ponders, teaching a variety of topics! Some examples are AE2's Channels and Spatial Storage, and Mekanism's Reactors and 2-5x ore processing!

    For the players looking for something more advanced, the Technical quest chapter goes into topics like configuring mods, reading crash reports, and diagnosing lag with mods like Spark and Observable!

    So, are you prepared to unravel the mysteries of modded Minecraft? Enroll now at FTB University, and let your journey begin! Unleash the creative genius within you, and make your modded Minecraft experience not just enjoyable, but an unforgettable masterpiece! A realm of possibilities awaits you, and we eagerly anticipate your arrival!

    有没有感觉自己站在一个巨大的 Mod 深渊的边缘,被它所拥有的可能性所淹没?希望有人能向您展示秘密、技巧以及如何让这一切和谐地结合在一起?或许你已经游玩过了FTB AcademyFTB团队的另一个教学类整合包,并且渴望提升您的游戏水平。不要害怕,我的朋友,解决方法就在眼前。

    欢迎来到FTB University 1.19版本,在这里,学习从未如此有趣!该整合包旨在以友好、易于理解的方式教您开始使用添加模组后的 Minecraft 所需的一切知识。无论您是经验丰富的老手还是新手玩家,您都会在这个包中找到自己喜欢的东西。

    除了 800 多个任务外,该包还有十几个学校!在那里,您可以动手学习某些事物的运作方式,例如RF工具箱里的护盾,或植物魔法里的多媒体!基本上,它就像机械动力里的“w”键思索,但是可以交互!


    此外,还有几十个有任务,但没有自己的章节的 Mod,比如[SFM] 超级工厂管理 (Super Factory Manager)LaserIO


    对于寻找更高级内容的玩家,技术任务章节也拥有配置界面 (Configured)、阅读崩溃报告(这个不是模组)以及火花 (spark)可视性能侦测 (Observable)等Mod!



    FTB University 1.19-第1张图片
