[TLOU] 海上机械师
The Legend Of 2900
Deceased Craft
Integrated MC
The Chocolate Edition
[PoT] 真理之路
Path of Truth
[CiS] 天空厨房
Cook in skyland
[TSNG] 钓月织梦
Tsuri No Gatsu
[TWF] 冬境边域
The Winter Frontier
[CABR] 永无止境:超越常新
Above and Beyond : Refresh
Agora Interregnum
[BCG+] BigChadGuys Plus
[CPU] Create on a Potato PC: Ultimate
Create Chronicles: Bosses and Beyond
Cosmic Frontiers
[CAE] 机械动力:奥术工程
Create: Arcane Engineering
Forever Factory
Create: Perfect World 2
[EmDM] Emotional Damaged Minecraft
Create: Astral
SkyT 2
[C&E] Create & Explore
[SWE] 持之永恒
Stay With Eternity
Farming Crossing 4
Create Live 5
Finality Genesis
Create: Haven Adventures
Create: Factory Builder
[ETN] 永夜
Eternal Night
[AIOC] All in One: Create
[AOF7] All of Fabric 7
Create: Perfect World