[ATM9] All the Mods 9
Farming Experience
[TSNG] 钓月织梦
Tsuri No Gatsu
[BMC] 更好的我的世界
Better MC
[DO] 龙境II
Dragon Odyssey
[EAS] 伊甸空天
Eden Aerospace
[CABR] 永无止境:超越常新
Above and Beyond : Refresh
[CD] 机械动力:悠然乐事
Create Delight
[CAB] 机械动力:永无止境
Create: Above and Beyond
Strictly Medival 3
[TT] 城乡之旅
Travel Township
[AOF] 命运时代
Age of Fate
[FROS] Fr的生存优化
Fr's Optimisation for Survival
[RAD2] 冒险与地牢2
Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons 2
[CtS] 机械空岛
Create to Sky
[AC] 艾利克斯的世界
Create Prepare to Dye
[ALL] 冒险生活-L
Adventure Life - Legacy
[RM] 丰富的MC
Agora Interregnum
[ATM9S] All The Mod 9 - To The Sky
[FIF] 佛罗伦萨迷思
Fantasy in Florence
Musketeer - One for All
[BCG+] BigChadGuys Plus
Create Chronicles: Bosses and Beyond
海之城: 潜没水中
Seaopolis: Submerged
Cosmic Frontiers
FTB Arcanum Institute
[UC] UnityCraft