[TFA] 群峦:降临
[CTE2] 放逐之路2
Craft to Exile 2 (VR Support)
[TFCR] 群峦:重生
TerraFirma: Rebirth
[CDP] Creative Drawers Producer
[CABR] 永无止境:超越常新
Above and Beyond : Refresh
[ATM9] All the Mods 9
FTB OceanBlock 2
Chroma Sky 2
MineColonies Official
FTB Skies
[CAB] 机械动力:永无止境
Create: Above and Beyond
[ATM9NF] All the Mods 9 - No Frills
[DTD] 命定之旅
Deep To Destiny
[ATM9S] All The Mod 9 - To The Sky
[ATM8] All the Mods 8
FTB StoneBlock 3
[ATMG2] All The Mods - Gravitas²
[E6E] Enigmatica 6: Expert
[E9E] Enigmatica 9: Expert
[E10] Enigmatica 10
Crazy Craft Updated
[CY] 勇者之章
Chapter of Yuusha
[CtS] 机械空岛
Create to Sky
[CPU] Create on a Potato PC: Ultimate
[ATM7] All the Mods 7
FTB NeoTech
[ED] 永恒乐事2.0
Eternal Delight2.0
FTB Skies Expert
[ATM7S] All the Mods 7 - To the Sky
Ragnamod VII