Nether Gladiators of the legion Spawn Egg

Nether Gladiators of the legion Spawn Egg 与 刷怪蛋 为同类物品/方块,已合并。

物品命令:/give @p the_pillager_legion_:gladiators_nether_tpl_spawn_egg 64
Nether Gladiators of the legion Spawn Egg
Nether Gladiators of the legion Spawn Egg
最大叠加:64个 / 组

Nether Heavy Gladiators of the legion Spawn Egg
物品命令:/give @p the_pillager_legion_:heavy_gladiators_nether_tpl_spawn_egg 64
Nether Heavy Gladiators of the legion Spawn Egg
Nether Heavy Gladiators of the legion Spawn Egg
最大叠加:64个 / 组

Nether Heavy Gladiators of the legion Spawn Egg
物品命令:/give @p the_pillager_legion_:archer_nether_tpl_spawn_egg 64
Nether Heavy Gladiators of the legion Spawn Egg
Nether Heavy Gladiators of the legion Spawn Egg
最大叠加:64个 / 组

Heavy infantryman of the legion Spawn Egg
物品命令:/give @p the_pillager_legion_:heavy_infantryman_tpl_spawn_egg 64
Heavy infantryman of the legion Spawn Egg
Heavy infantryman of the legion Spawn Egg
最大叠加:64个 / 组

Veteran infantryman of the legion Spawn Egg
物品命令:/give @p the_pillager_legion_:veteran_infantryman_tpl_spawn_egg 64
Veteran infantryman of the legion Spawn Egg
Veteran infantryman of the legion Spawn Egg
最大叠加:64个 / 组

Infantryman of the legion Spawn Egg
物品命令:/give @p the_pillager_legion_:infantryman_tpl_spawn_egg 64
Infantryman of the legion Spawn Egg
Infantryman of the legion Spawn Egg
最大叠加:64个 / 组

Giant infantryman of the legion Spawn Egg
物品命令:/give @p the_pillager_legion_:giant_infantryman_tpl_spawn_egg 64
Giant infantryman of the legion Spawn Egg
Giant infantryman of the legion Spawn Egg
最大叠加:64个 / 组

Gladiators of the legion Spawn Egg
物品命令:/give @p the_pillager_legion_:gladuisman_tpl_spawn_egg 64
Gladiators of the legion Spawn Egg
Gladiators of the legion Spawn Egg
最大叠加:64个 / 组

Guard of the legion Spawn Egg
物品命令:/give @p the_pillager_legion_:guard_legion_tpl_spawn_egg 64
Guard of the legion Spawn Egg
Guard of the legion Spawn Egg
最大叠加:64个 / 组
