Small Piles of Iron Dust (Small Piles of Iron Dust)
物品命令:/give @p ic2c_extras:ironsmalldust 64

矿物词典: dustSmallIron (5)

Small Piles of Iron Dust (Small Piles of Iron Dust)
Small Piles of Iron Dust (Small Piles of Iron Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

Small Piles of Gold Dust (Small Piles of Gold Dust)
物品命令:/give @p ic2c_extras:goldsmalldust 64

矿物词典: dustSmallGold (5)

Small Piles of Gold Dust (Small Piles of Gold Dust)
Small Piles of Gold Dust (Small Piles of Gold Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

Small Piles of Copper Dust (Small Piles of Copper Dust)

Small Piles of Copper Dust 与 小堆粉 为同类物品/方块,已合并。

物品命令:/give @p ic2c_extras:coppersmalldust 64

矿物词典: dustSmallCopper (5)

Small Piles of Copper Dust (Small Piles of Copper Dust)
Small Piles of Copper Dust (Small Piles of Copper Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

Small Piles of Tin Dust (Small Piles of Tin Dust)
物品命令:/give @p ic2c_extras:tinsmalldust 64

矿物词典: dustSmallTin (5)

Small Piles of Tin Dust (Small Piles of Tin Dust)
Small Piles of Tin Dust (Small Piles of Tin Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

Small Piles of Silver Dust (Small Piles of Silver Dust)
物品命令:/give @p ic2c_extras:silversmalldust 64

矿物词典: dustSmallSilver (5)

Small Piles of Silver Dust (Small Piles of Silver Dust)
Small Piles of Silver Dust (Small Piles of Silver Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

Small Piles of Lead Dust (Small Piles of Lead Dust)
物品命令:/give @p ic2c_extras:leadsmalldust 64

矿物词典: dustSmallLead (5)

Small Piles of Lead Dust (Small Piles of Lead Dust)
Small Piles of Lead Dust (Small Piles of Lead Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

Small Piles of Uranium 235 Dust (Small Piles of Uranium 235 Dust)
物品命令:/give @p ic2c_extras:uranium235smalldust 64

矿物词典: dustSmallUranium235 (2)

Small Piles of Uranium 235 Dust (Small Piles of Uranium 235 Dust)
Small Piles of Uranium 235 Dust (Small Piles of Uranium 235 Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

Small Piles of Obsidian Dust (Small Piles of Obsidian Dust)
物品命令:/give @p ic2c_extras:obsidiansmalldust 64

矿物词典: dustSmallObsidian (4)

Small Piles of Obsidian Dust (Small Piles of Obsidian Dust)
Small Piles of Obsidian Dust (Small Piles of Obsidian Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

Small Piles of Bronze Dust (Small Piles of Bronze Dust)
物品命令:/give @p ic2c_extras:bronzesmalldust 64

矿物词典: dustSmallBronze (5)

Small Piles of Bronze Dust (Small Piles of Bronze Dust)
Small Piles of Bronze Dust (Small Piles of Bronze Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

Small Piles of Uranium 238 Dust (Small Piles of Uranium 238 Dust)
物品命令:/give @p ic2c_extras:uranium238smalldust 64

矿物词典: dustSmallUranium238 (1)

Small Piles of Uranium 238 Dust (Small Piles of Uranium 238 Dust)
Small Piles of Uranium 238 Dust (Small Piles of Uranium 238 Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

Small Piles of Plutonium Dust (Small Piles of Plutonium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p ic2c_extras:plutoniumsmalldust 64

矿物词典: dustSmallPlutonium (5)

Small Piles of Plutonium Dust (Small Piles of Plutonium Dust)
Small Piles of Plutonium Dust (Small Piles of Plutonium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组
