你的水桶炸了 (Your bucket exploded)
物品命令:/give @p monsterlegend:textyourbucketexploded 1
你的水桶炸了 (Your bucket exploded)
你的水桶炸了 (Your bucket exploded)
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密码已清除 (Password cleared)
物品命令:/give @p monsterlegend:mysteriouskeytextclear 1
密码已清除 (Password cleared)
密码已清除 (Password cleared)
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亡灵军团从西方逼近 (The Legions Of The Undead Approached From The West)
物品命令:/give @p monsterlegend:skeletonwartextthelegionsoftheundeadapproachedfromthewest 1
亡灵军团从西方逼近 (The Legions Of The Undead Approached From The West)
亡灵军团从西方逼近 (The Legions Of The Undead Approached From The West)
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亡灵军团从东方逼近 (The Legions Of The Undead Approached From The East)
物品命令:/give @p monsterlegend:skeletonwartextthelegionsoftheundeadapproachedfromtheeast 1
亡灵军团从东方逼近 (The Legions Of The Undead Approached From The East)
亡灵军团从东方逼近 (The Legions Of The Undead Approached From The East)
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亡灵军团从南方逼近 (The Legions Of The Undead Approached From The South)
物品命令:/give @p monsterlegend:skeletonwartextthelegionsoftheundeadapproachedfromthesouth 1
亡灵军团从南方逼近 (The Legions Of The Undead Approached From The South)
亡灵军团从南方逼近 (The Legions Of The Undead Approached From The South)
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亡灵军团从北方逼近 (The Legions Of The Undead Approached From The North)
物品命令:/give @p monsterlegend:skeletonwartextthelegionsoftheundeadapproachedfromthenorth 1
亡灵军团从北方逼近 (The Legions Of The Undead Approached From The North)
亡灵军团从北方逼近 (The Legions Of The Undead Approached From The North)
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亡灵军团撤退了 (The Legions Of The Undead Retreated)

亡灵军团撤退了 与 语言文件 为同类物品/方块,已合并。

物品命令:/give @p monsterlegend:skeletonwartextthelegionsoftheundeadretreated 1
亡灵军团撤退了 (The Legions Of The Undead Retreated)
亡灵军团撤退了 (The Legions Of The Undead Retreated)
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看来你的懦弱的行为逃过了一劫 (It Looks Like Your Cowardly Behavior Escaped)
物品命令:/give @p monsterlegend:skeletonwartextitlookslikeyourcowardlybehaviorescaped 1
看来你的懦弱的行为逃过了一劫 (It Looks Like Your Cowardly Behavior Escaped)
看来你的懦弱的行为逃过了一劫 (It Looks Like Your Cowardly Behavior Escaped)
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缺少飞行力,请使用合成一个飞行检测器 (Lack Of Flight Force,Please Use A Composite Flight Detector)
物品命令:/give @p monsterlegend:sandshieldtextlackofflightforcepleaseuseacompositeflightdetector 1
缺少飞行力,请使用合成一个飞行检测器 (Lack Of Flight Force,Please Use A Composite Flight Detector)
缺少飞行力,请使用合成一个飞行检测器 (Lack Of Flight Force,Please Use A Composite Flight Detector)
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请右键飞行检测器,使用沙暴结晶回复飞行力 (Please Right Click The Flight Detector And Use The Sandstorm)
物品命令:/give @p monsterlegend:sandshieldtextpleaserightclicktheflightdetectorandusethesandstormcrystaltorestoretheflightforce 1
请右键飞行检测器,使用沙暴结晶回复飞行力 (Please Right Click The Flight Detector And Use The Sandstorm)
请右键飞行检测器,使用沙暴结晶回复飞行力 (Please Right Click The Flight Detector And Use The Sandstorm)
最大叠加:1个 / 组

你的药水蒸发了 (Your Potion Has Evaporated)
物品命令:/give @p monsterlegend:overheatingtextyourpotionhasevaporated 1
你的药水蒸发了 (Your Potion Has Evaporated)
你的药水蒸发了 (Your Potion Has Evaporated)
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血腥诅咒者 (Bloody Curser)
物品命令:/give @p monsterlegend:bloodycurserauxiliarytext 64
血腥诅咒者 (Bloody Curser)
血腥诅咒者 (Bloody Curser)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

骷髅商人想要更多 (Skeleton Merchant Wants More)
物品命令:/give @p monsterlegend:skeletonbusinessmantextskeletonmerchantwantsmore 1
骷髅商人想要更多 (Skeleton Merchant Wants More)
骷髅商人想要更多 (Skeleton Merchant Wants More)
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请使用白骨宝石以交易 (Please Take Bone Gem)
物品命令:/give @p monsterlegend:skeletonbusinessmantextpleasetakebonegem 1
请使用白骨宝石以交易 (Please Take Bone Gem)
请使用白骨宝石以交易 (Please Take Bone Gem)
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你会后悔的 (You'll Be Sorry)
物品命令:/give @p monsterlegend:bloodycursetextyoullbesorry 64
你会后悔的 (You'll Be Sorry)
你会后悔的 (You'll Be Sorry)
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温馨提示,进入到螺旋地牢后,如果电脑配置不够好的话极其容易卡顿,所以请将区块加载调至平常的三分之一或更低 (Tip , After entering the spiral dungeon, it is extremely eas)
物品命令:/give @p monsterlegend:spiraldungeonbinttexttipafterenteringthespiraldungeonitisextremelyeasytogetstuckifthecomputerisnotwellconfiguredsopleasechangetheblockloadtotheusualonethirdorlower 64
温馨提示,进入到螺旋地牢后,如果电脑配置不够好的话极其容易卡顿,所以请将区块加载调至平常的三分之一或更低 (Tip , After entering the spiral dungeon, it is extremely eas)
温馨提示,进入到螺旋地牢后,如果电脑配置不够好的话极其容易卡顿,所以请将区块加载调至平常的三分之一或更低 (Tip , After entering the spiral dungeon, it is extremely eas)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

在X666Z666附近传出巨大的震鸣 (Near The X666 Z666 Out Huge Shock)
物品命令:/give @p monsterlegend:spiraldungeontextnearthex666z666outhugeshock 64
在X666Z666附近传出巨大的震鸣 (Near The X666 Z666 Out Huge Shock)
在X666Z666附近传出巨大的震鸣 (Near The X666 Z666 Out Huge Shock)
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