锂锭块 (Block of Lithium Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 30

矿物词典: blockLithium (10)blockIngotLithium (2)

锂锭块 (Block of Lithium Ingot)
锂锭块 (Block of Lithium Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

锂-6锭块 (Block of Lithium-6 Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 31

矿物词典: blockIngotLithium6 (2)

锂-6锭块 (Block of Lithium-6 Ingot)
锂-6锭块 (Block of Lithium-6 Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铍锭块 (Block of Beryllium Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 40

矿物词典: blockIngotBeryllium (2)

铍锭块 (Block of Beryllium Ingot)
铍锭块 (Block of Beryllium Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铍-7锭块 (Block of Beryllium-7 Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 41

矿物词典: blockIngotBeryllium7 (2)

铍-7锭块 (Block of Beryllium-7 Ingot)
铍-7锭块 (Block of Beryllium-7 Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铍-8锭块 (Block of Beryllium-8 Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 42

矿物词典: blockIngotBeryllium8 (2)

铍-8锭块 (Block of Beryllium-8 Ingot)
铍-8锭块 (Block of Beryllium-8 Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

硼锭块 (Block of Boron Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 50

矿物词典: blockIngotBoron (2)blockBoron (9)

硼锭块 (Block of Boron Ingot)
硼锭块 (Block of Boron Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

硼-11锭块 (Block of Boron-11 Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 51

矿物词典: blockIngotBoron11 (2)

硼-11锭块 (Block of Boron-11 Ingot)
硼-11锭块 (Block of Boron-11 Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钠锭块 (Block of Sodium Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 110

矿物词典: blockIngotNatrium (2)blockIngotSodium (2)

钠锭块 (Block of Sodium Ingot)
钠锭块 (Block of Sodium Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

镁锭块 (Block of Magnesium Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 120

矿物词典: blockIngotMagnesium (2)

镁锭块 (Block of Magnesium Ingot)
镁锭块 (Block of Magnesium Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铝锭块 (Block of Aluminium Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 130

矿物词典: blockIngotNaturalAluminum (2)blockIngotAluminum (2)blockIngotAluminium (2)blockAluminum (42)blockAluminium (22)

铝锭块 (Block of Aluminium Ingot)
铝锭块 (Block of Aluminium Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

硅锭块 (Block of Silicon Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 140

矿物词典: blockIngotAnySilicon (2)blockIngotSilicon (2)

硅锭块 (Block of Silicon Ingot)
硅锭块 (Block of Silicon Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钾锭块 (Block of Potassium Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 190

矿物词典: blockIngotKalium (2)blockIngotPotassium (2)

钾锭块 (Block of Potassium Ingot)
钾锭块 (Block of Potassium Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钙锭块 (Block of Calcium Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 200

矿物词典: blockIngotCalcium (2)

钙锭块 (Block of Calcium Ingot)
钙锭块 (Block of Calcium Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钛锭块 (Block of Titanium Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 220

矿物词典: blockIngotTitanium (2)blockIngotTitan (2)

钛锭块 (Block of Titanium Ingot)
钛锭块 (Block of Titanium Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钒锭块 (Block of Vanadium Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 230

矿物词典: blockIngotVanadium (2)

钒锭块 (Block of Vanadium Ingot)
钒锭块 (Block of Vanadium Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铬锭块 (Block of Chromium Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 240

矿物词典: blockIngotChromium (2)blockChromium (8)blockIngotChrome (2)blockChrome (12)

铬锭块 (Block of Chromium Ingot)
铬锭块 (Block of Chromium Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

锰锭块 (Block of Manganese Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 250

矿物词典: blockIngotManganese (2)

锰锭块 (Block of Manganese Ingot)
锰锭块 (Block of Manganese Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铁锭块 (Block of Iron Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 260

矿物词典: blockIron (26)blockIngotIron (2)blockIngotAnyIron (8)blockAnyIron (8)blockIngotAnyIronOrSteel (11)

铁锭块 (Block of Iron Ingot)
铁锭块 (Block of Iron Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钴锭块 (Block of Cobalt Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 270

矿物词典: blockIngotCobalt (2)blockCobalt (26)

钴锭块 (Block of Cobalt Ingot)
钴锭块 (Block of Cobalt Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钴-60锭块 (Block of Cobalt-60 Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 278

矿物词典: blockIngotCobalt60 (2)

钴-60锭块 (Block of Cobalt-60 Ingot)
钴-60锭块 (Block of Cobalt-60 Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

镍锭块 (Block of Nickel Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 280

矿物词典: blockIngotNickel (2)blockNickel (41)

镍锭块 (Block of Nickel Ingot)
镍锭块 (Block of Nickel Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铜锭块 (Block of Copper Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 290

矿物词典: blockAnyCopper (4)blockIngotCopper (2)blockCopper (65)blockIngotAnyCopper (4)

铜锭块 (Block of Copper Ingot)
铜锭块 (Block of Copper Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

锌锭块 (Block of Zinc Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 300

矿物词典: blockIngotZinc (2)blockZinc (34)

锌锭块 (Block of Zinc Ingot)
锌锭块 (Block of Zinc Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

镓锭块 (Block of Gallium Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 310

矿物词典: blockIngotGallium (2)

镓锭块 (Block of Gallium Ingot)
镓锭块 (Block of Gallium Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

锗锭块 (Block of Germanium Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 320

矿物词典: blockIngotGermanium (2)

锗锭块 (Block of Germanium Ingot)
锗锭块 (Block of Germanium Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

砷锭块 (Block of Arsenic Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 330

矿物词典: blockIngotArsenic (2)

砷锭块 (Block of Arsenic Ingot)
砷锭块 (Block of Arsenic Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铷锭块 (Block of Rubidium Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 370

矿物词典: blockIngotRubidium (2)

铷锭块 (Block of Rubidium Ingot)
铷锭块 (Block of Rubidium Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

锶锭块 (Block of Strontium Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 380

矿物词典: blockIngotStrontium (2)

锶锭块 (Block of Strontium Ingot)
锶锭块 (Block of Strontium Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钇锭块 (Block of Yttrium Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 390

矿物词典: blockIngotYttrium (2)

钇锭块 (Block of Yttrium Ingot)
钇锭块 (Block of Yttrium Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

锆锭块 (Block of Zirconium Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 400

矿物词典: blockIngotZirconium (2)

锆锭块 (Block of Zirconium Ingot)
锆锭块 (Block of Zirconium Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铌锭块 (Block of Niobium Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 410

矿物词典: blockIngotNiobium (2)blockNiobium (9)

铌锭块 (Block of Niobium Ingot)
铌锭块 (Block of Niobium Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钼锭块 (Block of Molybdenum Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 420

矿物词典: blockIngotMolybdenum (2)

钼锭块 (Block of Molybdenum Ingot)
钼锭块 (Block of Molybdenum Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

锝锭块 (Block of Technetium Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 430

矿物词典: blockIngotGregorium (2)blockIngotTechnetium (2)

锝锭块 (Block of Technetium Ingot)
锝锭块 (Block of Technetium Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钌锭块 (Block of Ruthenium Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 440

矿物词典: blockIngotRuthenium (2)

钌锭块 (Block of Ruthenium Ingot)
钌锭块 (Block of Ruthenium Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铑锭块 (Block of Rhodium Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 450

矿物词典: blockIngotRhodium (2)

铑锭块 (Block of Rhodium Ingot)
铑锭块 (Block of Rhodium Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钯锭块 (Block of Palladium Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 460

矿物词典: blockIngotPalladium (2)

钯锭块 (Block of Palladium Ingot)
钯锭块 (Block of Palladium Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

银锭块 (Block of Silver Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 470

矿物词典: blockIngotSilver (2)blockSilver (65)

银锭块 (Block of Silver Ingot)
银锭块 (Block of Silver Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

镉锭块 (Block of Cadmium Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 480

矿物词典: blockIngotCadmium (2)

镉锭块 (Block of Cadmium Ingot)
镉锭块 (Block of Cadmium Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铟锭块 (Block of Indium Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 490

矿物词典: blockIngotIndium (2)

铟锭块 (Block of Indium Ingot)
铟锭块 (Block of Indium Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

锡锭块 (Block of Tin Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 500

矿物词典: blockIngotTin (2)blockTin (55)

锡锭块 (Block of Tin Ingot)
锡锭块 (Block of Tin Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

锑锭块 (Block of Antimony Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 510

矿物词典: blockIngotAntimony (2)

锑锭块 (Block of Antimony Ingot)
锑锭块 (Block of Antimony Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铈锭块 (Block of Cerium Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 580

矿物词典: blockIngotCerium (2)

铈锭块 (Block of Cerium Ingot)
铈锭块 (Block of Cerium Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钕锭块 (Block of Neodymium Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 600

矿物词典: blockIngotNeodymium (2)

钕锭块 (Block of Neodymium Ingot)
钕锭块 (Block of Neodymium Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

镱锭块 (Block of Ytterbium Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 700

矿物词典: blockIngotYtterbium (2)

镱锭块 (Block of Ytterbium Ingot)
镱锭块 (Block of Ytterbium Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铪锭块 (Block of Hafnium Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 720

矿物词典: blockIngotHafnium (2)

铪锭块 (Block of Hafnium Ingot)
铪锭块 (Block of Hafnium Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钽锭块 (Block of Tantalum Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 730

矿物词典: blockIngotTantalum (2)

钽锭块 (Block of Tantalum Ingot)
钽锭块 (Block of Tantalum Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钨锭块 (Block of Tungsten Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 740

矿物词典: blockIngotAnyTungsten (2)blockIngotWolfram (2)blockIngotWolframium (2)blockIngotElnTungsten (2)blockIngotTungsten (2)blockTungsten (24)

钨锭块 (Block of Tungsten Ingot)
钨锭块 (Block of Tungsten Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铼锭块 (Block of Rhenium Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 750

矿物词典: blockIngotRhenium (2)

铼锭块 (Block of Rhenium Ingot)
铼锭块 (Block of Rhenium Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

锇锭块 (Block of Osmium Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 760

矿物词典: blockIngotOsmiumElemental (2)

锇锭块 (Block of Osmium Ingot)
锇锭块 (Block of Osmium Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铱锭块 (Block of Iridium Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 770

矿物词典: blockIngotIridium (2)

铱锭块 (Block of Iridium Ingot)
铱锭块 (Block of Iridium Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铂锭块 (Block of Platinum Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 780

矿物词典: blockIngotPlatinum (2)blockPlatinum (38)

铂锭块 (Block of Platinum Ingot)
铂锭块 (Block of Platinum Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

金锭块 (Block of Gold Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 790

矿物词典: blockIngotGold (2)blockGold (25)

金锭块 (Block of Gold Ingot)
金锭块 (Block of Gold Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

汞锭块 (Block of Mercury Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 800

矿物词典: blockIngotQuickSilver (4)blockIngotQuicksilver (4)blockIngotMercury (2)

汞锭块 (Block of Mercury Ingot)
汞锭块 (Block of Mercury Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铅锭块 (Block of Lead Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 820

矿物词典: blockIngotLead (2)blockLead (47)

铅锭块 (Block of Lead Ingot)
铅锭块 (Block of Lead Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铋锭块 (Block of Bismuth Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 830

矿物词典: blockIngotBismuth (2)blockBismuth (12)

铋锭块 (Block of Bismuth Ingot)
铋锭块 (Block of Bismuth Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

砹锭块 (Block of Astatine Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 850

矿物词典: blockIngotAstatine (2)

砹锭块 (Block of Astatine Ingot)
砹锭块 (Block of Astatine Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

镭锭块 (Block of Radium Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 880

矿物词典: blockIngotRadium (2)

镭锭块 (Block of Radium Ingot)
镭锭块 (Block of Radium Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钍锭块 (Block of Thorium Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 900

矿物词典: blockIngotThorium (2)blockThorium (14)

钍锭块 (Block of Thorium Ingot)
钍锭块 (Block of Thorium Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铀锭块 (Block of Uranium Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 920

矿物词典: blockIngotUranium238 (2)blockIngotUran (2)blockIngotUranium (2)blockUranium (32)

铀锭块 (Block of Uranium Ingot)
铀锭块 (Block of Uranium Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铀-235锭块 (Block of Uranium-235 Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 921

矿物词典: blockIngotUraniumEnriched (2)blockIngotUranium235 (2)

铀-235锭块 (Block of Uranium-235 Ingot)
铀-235锭块 (Block of Uranium-235 Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钚锭块 (Block of Plutonium Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 940

矿物词典: blockIngotPlutonium (2)blockPlutonium (10)blockIngotPlutonium244 (2)

钚锭块 (Block of Plutonium Ingot)
钚锭块 (Block of Plutonium Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钚-241锭块 (Block of Plutonium-241 Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 943

矿物词典: blockIngotPlutonium241 (2)

钚-241锭块 (Block of Plutonium-241 Ingot)
钚-241锭块 (Block of Plutonium-241 Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钚-243锭块 (Block of Plutonium-243 Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 945

矿物词典: blockIngotPlutonium243 (2)

钚-243锭块 (Block of Plutonium-243 Ingot)
钚-243锭块 (Block of Plutonium-243 Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

镅锭块 (Block of Americium Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 950

矿物词典: blockIngotAmericium (2)

镅锭块 (Block of Americium Ingot)
镅锭块 (Block of Americium Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

镅-241锭块 (Block of Americium-241 Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 951

矿物词典: blockIngotAmericium241 (2)

镅-241锭块 (Block of Americium-241 Ingot)
镅-241锭块 (Block of Americium-241 Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

特林金属锭块 (Block of Trinium Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 1260

矿物词典: blockIngotTrinium (2)blockIngotUnbihexium (2)

特林金属锭块 (Block of Trinium Ingot)
特林金属锭块 (Block of Trinium Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

硅岩金属锭块 (Block of Naquadah Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 1740

矿物词典: blockIngotNaquadah (2)blockIngotUnseptquadium (2)

硅岩金属锭块 (Block of Naquadah Ingot)
硅岩金属锭块 (Block of Naquadah Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

浓缩硅岩金属锭块 (Block of Enriched Naquadah Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 1741

矿物词典: blockIngotNaquadahEnriched (2)

浓缩硅岩金属锭块 (Block of Enriched Naquadah Ingot)
浓缩硅岩金属锭块 (Block of Enriched Naquadah Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

硅岩金属化合物锭块 (Block of Naquadria Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 1742

矿物词典: blockIngotNaquadria (2)

硅岩金属化合物锭块 (Block of Naquadria Ingot)
硅岩金属化合物锭块 (Block of Naquadria Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

深金锭块 (Block of Atlarus Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 2210

矿物词典: blockIngotBibiunium (2)blockIngotAtlarus (2)blockAtlarus (4)

深金锭块 (Block of Atlarus Ingot)
深金锭块 (Block of Atlarus Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

碳化硅锭块 (Block of Carborundum Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 8003

矿物词典: blockIngotCarborundum (2)

碳化硅锭块 (Block of Carborundum Ingot)
碳化硅锭块 (Block of Carborundum Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铁氧体锭块 (Block of Ferrite Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 8005

矿物词典: blockIngotFerrite (2)

铁氧体锭块 (Block of Ferrite Ingot)
铁氧体锭块 (Block of Ferrite Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

氧化铝锭块 (Block of Alumina Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 8008

矿物词典: blockIngotAlumina (2)

氧化铝锭块 (Block of Alumina Ingot)
氧化铝锭块 (Block of Alumina Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

冰晶石锭块 (Block of Cryolite Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 8009

矿物词典: blockIngotCryolite (2)

冰晶石锭块 (Block of Cryolite Ingot)
冰晶石锭块 (Block of Cryolite Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

氟化铝锭块 (Block of Aluminium Fluoride Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 8010

矿物词典: blockIngotAluminiumFluoride (2)

氟化铝锭块 (Block of Aluminium Fluoride Ingot)
氟化铝锭块 (Block of Aluminium Fluoride Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

碳酸钠锭块 (Block of Sodium Carbonate Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 8013

矿物词典: blockIngotSodiumCarbonate (2)

碳酸钠锭块 (Block of Sodium Carbonate Ingot)
碳酸钠锭块 (Block of Sodium Carbonate Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

碳酸镁锭块 (Block of Magnesium Carbonate Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 8016

矿物词典: blockIngotMagnesiumCarbonate (2)

碳酸镁锭块 (Block of Magnesium Carbonate Ingot)
碳酸镁锭块 (Block of Magnesium Carbonate Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

氯化镁锭块 (Block of Magnesium Chloride Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 8018

矿物词典: blockIngotMagnesiumChloride (2)blockIngotAnySalt (6)

氯化镁锭块 (Block of Magnesium Chloride Ingot)
氯化镁锭块 (Block of Magnesium Chloride Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

碳酸钾锭块 (Block of Potassium Carbonate Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 8020

矿物词典: blockIngotPotassiumCarbonate (2)

碳酸钾锭块 (Block of Potassium Carbonate Ingot)
碳酸钾锭块 (Block of Potassium Carbonate Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

三氧化钨锭块 (Block of Tungsten Trioxide Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 8026

矿物词典: blockIngotTungstenTrioxide (2)blockIngotTungstenOxide (2)

三氧化钨锭块 (Block of Tungsten Trioxide Ingot)
三氧化钨锭块 (Block of Tungsten Trioxide Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

氯化钙锭块 (Block of Calcium Chloride Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 8028

矿物词典: blockIngotCalciumChloride (2)blockIngotAnySalt (6)

氯化钙锭块 (Block of Calcium Chloride Ingot)
氯化钙锭块 (Block of Calcium Chloride Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

氯化锂锭块 (Block of Lithium Chloride Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 8029

矿物词典: blockIngotLithiumChloride (2)blockIngotAnySalt (6)

氯化锂锭块 (Block of Lithium Chloride Ingot)
氯化锂锭块 (Block of Lithium Chloride Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

氯化亚铁锭块 (Block of Ferrous Chloride Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 8030

矿物词典: blockIngotFerrousChloride (2)

氯化亚铁锭块 (Block of Ferrous Chloride Ingot)
氯化亚铁锭块 (Block of Ferrous Chloride Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

氯化锰锭块 (Block of Manganese Chloride Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 8031

矿物词典: blockIngotManganeseChloride (2)

氯化锰锭块 (Block of Manganese Chloride Ingot)
氯化锰锭块 (Block of Manganese Chloride Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

氯酸锂锭块 (Block of Lithium Chlorate Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 8033

矿物词典: blockIngotLithiumChlorate (2)

氯酸锂锭块 (Block of Lithium Chlorate Ingot)
氯酸锂锭块 (Block of Lithium Chlorate Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

高氯酸锂锭块 (Block of Lithium Perchlorate Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 8034

矿物词典: blockIngotLithiumPerchlorate (2)

高氯酸锂锭块 (Block of Lithium Perchlorate Ingot)
高氯酸锂锭块 (Block of Lithium Perchlorate Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

橡胶锭块 (Block of Rubber Bar)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 8217

矿物词典: blockIngotRubber (2)

橡胶锭块 (Block of Rubber Bar)
橡胶锭块 (Block of Rubber Bar)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

塑料锭块 (Block of Plastic Bar)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 8218

矿物词典: blockIngotPlastic (2)blockIngotAnyWoodOrPlastic (2)

塑料锭块 (Block of Plastic Bar)
塑料锭块 (Block of Plastic Bar)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

蜡锭块 (Block of Wax Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 8235

矿物词典: blockIngotAnyWax (16)blockIngotWax (2)

蜡锭块 (Block of Wax Ingot)
蜡锭块 (Block of Wax Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

蜂蜡锭块 (Block of Bees Wax Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 8236

矿物词典: blockIngotAnyWax (16)blockIngotWaxBee (2)blockIngotBeeswax (4)blockIngotBeesWax (4)blockIngotBeewax (4)blockIngotBeeWax (4)

蜂蜡锭块 (Block of Bees Wax Ingot)
蜂蜡锭块 (Block of Bees Wax Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

耐高温蜡锭块 (Block of Refractory Wax Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 8237

矿物词典: blockIngotRefractorywax (4)blockIngotRefractoryWax (4)blockIngotAnyWax (16)blockIngotWaxRefractory (2)

耐高温蜡锭块 (Block of Refractory Wax Ingot)
耐高温蜡锭块 (Block of Refractory Wax Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

石蜡锭块 (Block of Paraffin Wax Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 8238

矿物词典: blockIngotParaffinwax (4)blockIngotParaffinWax (4)blockIngotAnyWax (16)blockIngotWaxParaffin (2)

石蜡锭块 (Block of Paraffin Wax Ingot)
石蜡锭块 (Block of Paraffin Wax Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

植物蜡锭块 (Block of Plant Wax Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 8239

矿物词典: blockIngotAnyWax (16)blockIngotWaxPlant (2)

植物蜡锭块 (Block of Plant Wax Ingot)
植物蜡锭块 (Block of Plant Wax Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

魔力蜂蜡锭块 (Block of Magic Wax Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 8240

矿物词典: blockIngotWaxMagic (2)blockIngotAnyWax (16)

魔力蜂蜡锭块 (Block of Magic Wax Ingot)
魔力蜂蜡锭块 (Block of Magic Wax Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

遗忘蜜蜡锭块 (Block of Amnesic Wax Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 8280

矿物词典: blockIngotWaxAmnesic (2)blockIngotAnyWax (16)

遗忘蜜蜡锭块 (Block of Amnesic Wax Ingot)
遗忘蜜蜡锭块 (Block of Amnesic Wax Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

灵魂蜜蜡锭块 (Block of Soulful Wax Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 8281

矿物词典: blockIngotWaxSoulful (2)blockIngotAnyWax (16)

灵魂蜜蜡锭块 (Block of Soulful Wax Ingot)
灵魂蜜蜡锭块 (Block of Soulful Wax Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

泥炭锭块 (Block of Peat Brick)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 8360

矿物词典: blockIngotPeat (2)

泥炭锭块 (Block of Peat Brick)
泥炭锭块 (Block of Peat Brick)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

沥青泥炭砖锭块 (Block of Bituminous Peat Brick)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 8361

矿物词典: blockIngotPeatBituminous (2)

沥青泥炭砖锭块 (Block of Bituminous Peat Brick)
沥青泥炭砖锭块 (Block of Bituminous Peat Brick)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

红色氟石锭块 (Block of Red Fluorite Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 8436

矿物词典: blockIngotAnyFluorite (11)blockIngotRedFluorite (1)

红色氟石锭块 (Block of Red Fluorite Ingot)
红色氟石锭块 (Block of Red Fluorite Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

粉色氟石锭块 (Block of Pink Fluorite Ingot)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.ingot 64 8437

矿物词典: blockIngotPinkFluorite (1)blockIngotAnyFluorite (11)

粉色氟石锭块 (Block of Pink Fluorite Ingot)
粉色氟石锭块 (Block of Pink Fluorite Ingot)
最大叠加:64个 / 组
