锂粉块 (Block of Lithium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 30

矿物词典: blockDustLithium (2)

锂粉块 (Block of Lithium Dust)
锂粉块 (Block of Lithium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

锂-6粉块 (Block of Lithium-6 Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 31

矿物词典: blockDustLithium6 (2)

锂-6粉块 (Block of Lithium-6 Dust)
锂-6粉块 (Block of Lithium-6 Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铍粉块 (Block of Beryllium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 40

矿物词典: blockDustBeryllium (2)

铍粉块 (Block of Beryllium Dust)
铍粉块 (Block of Beryllium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铍-7粉块 (Block of Beryllium-7 Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 41

矿物词典: blockDustBeryllium7 (2)

铍-7粉块 (Block of Beryllium-7 Dust)
铍-7粉块 (Block of Beryllium-7 Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铍-8粉块 (Block of Beryllium-8 Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 42

矿物词典: blockDustBeryllium8 (2)

铍-8粉块 (Block of Beryllium-8 Dust)
铍-8粉块 (Block of Beryllium-8 Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

硼粉块 (Block of Boron Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 50

矿物词典: blockDustBoron (2)

硼粉块 (Block of Boron Dust)
硼粉块 (Block of Boron Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

硼-11粉块 (Block of Boron-11 Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 51

矿物词典: blockDustBoron11 (2)

硼-11粉块 (Block of Boron-11 Dust)
硼-11粉块 (Block of Boron-11 Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

碳粉块 (Block of Carbon Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 60

矿物词典: blockDustAnyCoalCarbon (10)blockDustAnyCarbon (4)blockDustCarbon (2)

碳粉块 (Block of Carbon Dust)
碳粉块 (Block of Carbon Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

碳-13粉块 (Block of Carbon-13 Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 61

矿物词典: blockDustCarbon13 (2)

碳-13粉块 (Block of Carbon-13 Dust)
碳-13粉块 (Block of Carbon-13 Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

碳-14粉块 (Block of Carbon-14 Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 62

矿物词典: blockDustCarbon14 (2)

碳-14粉块 (Block of Carbon-14 Dust)
碳-14粉块 (Block of Carbon-14 Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

氟粉块 (Block of Fluorine Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 90

矿物词典: blockDustFluorine (2)

氟粉块 (Block of Fluorine Dust)
氟粉块 (Block of Fluorine Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钠粉块 (Block of Sodium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 110

矿物词典: blockDustSodium (2)blockDustNatrium (2)

钠粉块 (Block of Sodium Dust)
钠粉块 (Block of Sodium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

镁粉块 (Block of Magnesium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 120

矿物词典: blockDustMagnesium (2)

镁粉块 (Block of Magnesium Dust)
镁粉块 (Block of Magnesium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铝粉块 (Block of Aluminium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 130

矿物词典: blockDustAluminium (2)blockDustAluminum (2)blockDustNaturalAluminum (2)

铝粉块 (Block of Aluminium Dust)
铝粉块 (Block of Aluminium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

硅粉块 (Block of Silicon Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 140

矿物词典: blockDustSilicon (2)blockDustAnySilicon (2)

硅粉块 (Block of Silicon Dust)
硅粉块 (Block of Silicon Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

磷粉块 (Block of Phosphor Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 150

矿物词典: blockDustPhosphor (2)

磷粉块 (Block of Phosphor Dust)
磷粉块 (Block of Phosphor Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

硫粉块 (Block of Sulfur Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 160

矿物词典: blockDustSulfur (2)blockSulfur (15)blockDustSulphur (2)

硫粉块 (Block of Sulfur Dust)
硫粉块 (Block of Sulfur Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钾粉块 (Block of Potassium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 190

矿物词典: blockDustPotassium (2)blockDustKalium (2)

钾粉块 (Block of Potassium Dust)
钾粉块 (Block of Potassium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钙粉块 (Block of Calcium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 200

矿物词典: blockDustCalcium (2)

钙粉块 (Block of Calcium Dust)
钙粉块 (Block of Calcium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钛粉块 (Block of Titanium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 220

矿物词典: blockDustTitan (2)blockDustTitanium (2)

钛粉块 (Block of Titanium Dust)
钛粉块 (Block of Titanium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钒粉块 (Block of Vanadium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 230

矿物词典: blockDustVanadium (2)

钒粉块 (Block of Vanadium Dust)
钒粉块 (Block of Vanadium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铬粉块 (Block of Chromium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 240

矿物词典: blockDustChrome (2)blockDustChromium (2)

铬粉块 (Block of Chromium Dust)
铬粉块 (Block of Chromium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

锰粉块 (Block of Manganese Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 250

矿物词典: blockDustManganese (2)

锰粉块 (Block of Manganese Dust)
锰粉块 (Block of Manganese Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铁粉块 (Block of Iron Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 260

矿物词典: blockDustAnyIronOrSteel (10)blockDustAnyIron (6)blockDustIron (2)

铁粉块 (Block of Iron Dust)
铁粉块 (Block of Iron Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钴粉块 (Block of Cobalt Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 270

矿物词典: blockDustCobalt (2)

钴粉块 (Block of Cobalt Dust)
钴粉块 (Block of Cobalt Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钴-60粉块 (Block of Cobalt-60 Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 278

矿物词典: blockDustCobalt60 (2)

钴-60粉块 (Block of Cobalt-60 Dust)
钴-60粉块 (Block of Cobalt-60 Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

镍粉块 (Block of Nickel Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 280

矿物词典: blockDustNickel (2)

镍粉块 (Block of Nickel Dust)
镍粉块 (Block of Nickel Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铜粉块 (Block of Copper Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 290

矿物词典: blockDustCopper (2)blockDustAnyCopper (2)

铜粉块 (Block of Copper Dust)
铜粉块 (Block of Copper Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

锌粉块 (Block of Zinc Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 300

矿物词典: blockDustZinc (2)

锌粉块 (Block of Zinc Dust)
锌粉块 (Block of Zinc Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

镓粉块 (Block of Gallium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 310

矿物词典: blockDustGallium (2)

镓粉块 (Block of Gallium Dust)
镓粉块 (Block of Gallium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

锗粉块 (Block of Germanium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 320

矿物词典: blockDustGermanium (2)

锗粉块 (Block of Germanium Dust)
锗粉块 (Block of Germanium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

砷粉块 (Block of Arsenic Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 330

矿物词典: blockDustArsenic (2)

砷粉块 (Block of Arsenic Dust)
砷粉块 (Block of Arsenic Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

硒粉块 (Block of Selenium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 340

矿物词典: blockDustSelenium (2)

硒粉块 (Block of Selenium Dust)
硒粉块 (Block of Selenium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铷粉块 (Block of Rubidium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 370

矿物词典: blockDustRubidium (2)

铷粉块 (Block of Rubidium Dust)
铷粉块 (Block of Rubidium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

锶粉块 (Block of Strontium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 380

矿物词典: blockDustStrontium (2)

锶粉块 (Block of Strontium Dust)
锶粉块 (Block of Strontium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钇粉块 (Block of Yttrium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 390

矿物词典: blockDustYttrium (2)

钇粉块 (Block of Yttrium Dust)
钇粉块 (Block of Yttrium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

锆粉块 (Block of Zirconium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 400

矿物词典: blockDustZirconium (2)

锆粉块 (Block of Zirconium Dust)
锆粉块 (Block of Zirconium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铌粉块 (Block of Niobium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 410

矿物词典: blockDustNiobium (2)

铌粉块 (Block of Niobium Dust)
铌粉块 (Block of Niobium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钼粉块 (Block of Molybdenum Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 420

矿物词典: blockDustMolybdenum (2)

钼粉块 (Block of Molybdenum Dust)
钼粉块 (Block of Molybdenum Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

锝粉块 (Block of Technetium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 430

矿物词典: blockDustGregorium (2)blockDustTechnetium (2)

锝粉块 (Block of Technetium Dust)
锝粉块 (Block of Technetium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钌粉块 (Block of Ruthenium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 440

矿物词典: blockDustRuthenium (2)

钌粉块 (Block of Ruthenium Dust)
钌粉块 (Block of Ruthenium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铑粉块 (Block of Rhodium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 450

矿物词典: blockDustRhodium (2)

铑粉块 (Block of Rhodium Dust)
铑粉块 (Block of Rhodium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钯粉块 (Block of Palladium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 460

矿物词典: blockDustPalladium (2)

钯粉块 (Block of Palladium Dust)
钯粉块 (Block of Palladium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

银粉块 (Block of Silver Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 470

矿物词典: blockDustSilver (2)

银粉块 (Block of Silver Dust)
银粉块 (Block of Silver Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

镉粉块 (Block of Cadmium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 480

矿物词典: blockDustCadmium (2)

镉粉块 (Block of Cadmium Dust)
镉粉块 (Block of Cadmium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铟粉块 (Block of Indium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 490

矿物词典: blockDustIndium (2)

铟粉块 (Block of Indium Dust)
铟粉块 (Block of Indium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

锡粉块 (Block of Tin Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 500

矿物词典: blockDustTin (2)

锡粉块 (Block of Tin Dust)
锡粉块 (Block of Tin Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

锑粉块 (Block of Antimony Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 510

矿物词典: blockDustAntimony (2)

锑粉块 (Block of Antimony Dust)
锑粉块 (Block of Antimony Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

碘粉块 (Block of Iodine Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 530

矿物词典: blockDustIodine (2)

碘粉块 (Block of Iodine Dust)
碘粉块 (Block of Iodine Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铈粉块 (Block of Cerium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 580

矿物词典: blockDustCerium (2)

铈粉块 (Block of Cerium Dust)
铈粉块 (Block of Cerium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钕粉块 (Block of Neodymium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 600

矿物词典: blockDustNeodymium (2)

钕粉块 (Block of Neodymium Dust)
钕粉块 (Block of Neodymium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

镱粉块 (Block of Ytterbium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 700

矿物词典: blockDustYtterbium (2)

镱粉块 (Block of Ytterbium Dust)
镱粉块 (Block of Ytterbium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铪粉块 (Block of Hafnium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 720

矿物词典: blockDustHafnium (2)

铪粉块 (Block of Hafnium Dust)
铪粉块 (Block of Hafnium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钽粉块 (Block of Tantalum Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 730

矿物词典: blockDustTantalum (2)

钽粉块 (Block of Tantalum Dust)
钽粉块 (Block of Tantalum Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钨粉块 (Block of Tungsten Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 740

矿物词典: blockDustAnyTungsten (2),  blockDustWolfram (?),  blockDustWolframium (?),  blockDustElnTungsten (?),  blockDustTungsten (?)

钨粉块 (Block of Tungsten Dust)
钨粉块 (Block of Tungsten Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铼粉块 (Block of Rhenium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 750

矿物词典: blockDustRhenium (2)

铼粉块 (Block of Rhenium Dust)
铼粉块 (Block of Rhenium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

锇粉块 (Block of Osmium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 760

矿物词典: blockDustOsmiumElemental (2)

锇粉块 (Block of Osmium Dust)
锇粉块 (Block of Osmium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铱粉块 (Block of Iridium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 770

矿物词典: blockDustIridium (2)

铱粉块 (Block of Iridium Dust)
铱粉块 (Block of Iridium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铂粉块 (Block of Platinum Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 780

矿物词典: blockDustPlatinum (2)

铂粉块 (Block of Platinum Dust)
铂粉块 (Block of Platinum Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

金粉块 (Block of Gold Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 790

矿物词典: blockDustGold (2)

金粉块 (Block of Gold Dust)
金粉块 (Block of Gold Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

汞粉块 (Block of Mercury Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 800

矿物词典: blockDustMercury (2)blockDustQuickSilver (4)blockDustQuicksilver (4)

汞粉块 (Block of Mercury Dust)
汞粉块 (Block of Mercury Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铅粉块 (Block of Lead Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 820

矿物词典: blockDustLead (2)

铅粉块 (Block of Lead Dust)
铅粉块 (Block of Lead Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铋粉块 (Block of Bismuth Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 830

矿物词典: blockDustBismuth (2)

铋粉块 (Block of Bismuth Dust)
铋粉块 (Block of Bismuth Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

砹粉块 (Block of Astatine Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 850

矿物词典: blockDustAstatine (2)

砹粉块 (Block of Astatine Dust)
砹粉块 (Block of Astatine Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

镭粉块 (Block of Radium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 880

矿物词典: blockDustRadium (2)

镭粉块 (Block of Radium Dust)
镭粉块 (Block of Radium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钍粉块 (Block of Thorium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 900

矿物词典: blockDustThorium (2)

钍粉块 (Block of Thorium Dust)
钍粉块 (Block of Thorium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铀粉块 (Block of Uranium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 920

矿物词典: blockDustUranium238 (2)blockDustUranium (2)blockDustUran (2)

铀粉块 (Block of Uranium Dust)
铀粉块 (Block of Uranium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铀-235粉块 (Block of Uranium-235 Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 921

矿物词典: blockDustUraniumEnriched (2)blockDustUranium235 (2)

铀-235粉块 (Block of Uranium-235 Dust)
铀-235粉块 (Block of Uranium-235 Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钚粉块 (Block of Plutonium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 940

矿物词典: blockDustPlutonium (2)blockDustPlutonium244 (2)

钚粉块 (Block of Plutonium Dust)
钚粉块 (Block of Plutonium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钚-241粉块 (Block of Plutonium-241 Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 943

矿物词典: blockDustPlutonium241 (2)

钚-241粉块 (Block of Plutonium-241 Dust)
钚-241粉块 (Block of Plutonium-241 Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钚-243粉块 (Block of Plutonium-243 Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 945

矿物词典: blockDustPlutonium243 (2)

钚-243粉块 (Block of Plutonium-243 Dust)
钚-243粉块 (Block of Plutonium-243 Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

镅粉块 (Block of Americium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 950

矿物词典: blockDustAmericium (2)

镅粉块 (Block of Americium Dust)
镅粉块 (Block of Americium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

镅-241粉块 (Block of Americium-241 Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 951

矿物词典: blockDustAmericium241 (2)

镅-241粉块 (Block of Americium-241 Dust)
镅-241粉块 (Block of Americium-241 Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

三钛粉块 (Block of Elemental Tritanium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 1250

矿物词典: blockDustTritaniumElemental (2)blockDustUnbipentium (2)

三钛粉块 (Block of Elemental Tritanium Dust)
三钛粉块 (Block of Elemental Tritanium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

特林金属粉块 (Block of Trinium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 1260

矿物词典: blockDustTrinium (2)blockDustUnbihexium (2)

特林金属粉块 (Block of Trinium Dust)
特林金属粉块 (Block of Trinium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

钍瑞铌粉块 (Block of Elemental Duranium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 1450

矿物词典: blockDustDuraniumElemental (2)blockDustUnquadpentium (2)

钍瑞铌粉块 (Block of Elemental Duranium Dust)
钍瑞铌粉块 (Block of Elemental Duranium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

振金粉块 (Block of Vibranium Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 1520

矿物词典: blockDustVibranium (2)blockDustUnpentbium (2)

振金粉块 (Block of Vibranium Dust)
振金粉块 (Block of Vibranium Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

硅岩金属粉块 (Block of Naquadah Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 1740

矿物词典: blockDustNaquadah (2)blockDustUnseptquadium (2)

硅岩金属粉块 (Block of Naquadah Dust)
硅岩金属粉块 (Block of Naquadah Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

浓缩硅岩金属粉块 (Block of Enriched Naquadah Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 1741

矿物词典: blockDustNaquadahEnriched (2)

浓缩硅岩金属粉块 (Block of Enriched Naquadah Dust)
浓缩硅岩金属粉块 (Block of Enriched Naquadah Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

硅岩金属化合物粉块 (Block of Naquadria Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 1742

矿物词典: blockDustNaquadria (2)

硅岩金属化合物粉块 (Block of Naquadria Dust)
硅岩金属化合物粉块 (Block of Naquadria Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

深金粉块 (Block of Atlarus Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 2210

矿物词典: blockDustAtlarus (2)blockDustBibiunium (2)

深金粉块 (Block of Atlarus Dust)
深金粉块 (Block of Atlarus Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

二氧化硅粉块 (Block of Silicon Dioxide Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 8000

矿物词典: blockDustAnySiliconDioxide (19)blockDustSiliconDioxide (2)

二氧化硅粉块 (Block of Silicon Dioxide Dust)
二氧化硅粉块 (Block of Silicon Dioxide Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

玻璃粉块 (Block of Glass Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 8001

矿物词典: blockDustAnySiliconDioxide (19)blockDustGlass (2)

玻璃粉块 (Block of Glass Dust)
玻璃粉块 (Block of Glass Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

燧石粉块 (Block of Flint Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 8002

矿物词典: blockDustAnySiliconDioxide (19)blockDustFlint (2)

燧石粉块 (Block of Flint Dust)
燧石粉块 (Block of Flint Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

碳化硅粉块 (Block of Carborundum Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 8003

矿物词典: blockDustCarborundum (2)

碳化硅粉块 (Block of Carborundum Dust)
碳化硅粉块 (Block of Carborundum Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

氧化锂粉块 (Block of Lithium Oxide Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 8004

矿物词典: blockDustLithiumOxide (2)blockLithiumOxide (2)

氧化锂粉块 (Block of Lithium Oxide Dust)
氧化锂粉块 (Block of Lithium Oxide Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

铁氧体粉块 (Block of Ferrite Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 8005

矿物词典: blockDustFerrite (2)

铁氧体粉块 (Block of Ferrite Dust)
铁氧体粉块 (Block of Ferrite Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

硅钙硼石粉块 (Block of Datolite Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 8006

矿物词典: blockDustDatolite (2)

硅钙硼石粉块 (Block of Datolite Dust)
硅钙硼石粉块 (Block of Datolite Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

硼酸氢盐粉块 (Block of Hydrogen Borate Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 8007

矿物词典: blockDustHydrogenBorate (2)blockDustBoricAcid (2)blockHydrogenBorate (2)

硼酸氢盐粉块 (Block of Hydrogen Borate Dust)
硼酸氢盐粉块 (Block of Hydrogen Borate Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

氧化铝粉块 (Block of Alumina Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 8008

矿物词典: blockDustAlumina (2)

氧化铝粉块 (Block of Alumina Dust)
氧化铝粉块 (Block of Alumina Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

冰晶石粉块 (Block of Cryolite Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 8009

矿物词典: blockDustCryolite (2)

冰晶石粉块 (Block of Cryolite Dust)
冰晶石粉块 (Block of Cryolite Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

氟化铝粉块 (Block of Aluminium Fluoride Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 8010

矿物词典: blockDustAluminiumFluoride (2)

氟化铝粉块 (Block of Aluminium Fluoride Dust)
氟化铝粉块 (Block of Aluminium Fluoride Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

偏铝酸钠粉块 (Block of Sodium Aluminate Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 8012

矿物词典: blockDustSodiumAluminate (2)blockSodiumAluminate (2)

偏铝酸钠粉块 (Block of Sodium Aluminate Dust)
偏铝酸钠粉块 (Block of Sodium Aluminate Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

碳酸钠粉块 (Block of Sodium Carbonate Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 8013

矿物词典: blockDustSodiumCarbonate (2)blockSodiumCarbonate (3)

碳酸钠粉块 (Block of Sodium Carbonate Dust)
碳酸钠粉块 (Block of Sodium Carbonate Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

氢氧化铝粉块 (Block of Aluminium Hydroxide Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 8014

矿物词典: blockDustGibbsite (2)blockDustAluminiumHydroxide (2)

氢氧化铝粉块 (Block of Aluminium Hydroxide Dust)
氢氧化铝粉块 (Block of Aluminium Hydroxide Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

氢氧化钾粉块 (Block of Potassium Hydroxide Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 8015

矿物词典: blockDustPotassiumHydroxide (2)blockPotassiumHydroxide (2)

氢氧化钾粉块 (Block of Potassium Hydroxide Dust)
氢氧化钾粉块 (Block of Potassium Hydroxide Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

碳酸镁粉块 (Block of Magnesium Carbonate Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 8016

矿物词典: blockDustMagnesiumCarbonate (2)

碳酸镁粉块 (Block of Magnesium Carbonate Dust)
碳酸镁粉块 (Block of Magnesium Carbonate Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

氯化铁粉块 (Block of Ferric Chloride Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 8017

矿物词典: blockFerricChloride (3)blockDustFerricChloride (2)

氯化铁粉块 (Block of Ferric Chloride Dust)
氯化铁粉块 (Block of Ferric Chloride Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

氯化镁粉块 (Block of Magnesium Chloride Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 8018

矿物词典: blockDustMagnesiumChloride (2)blockDustAnySalt (10)

氯化镁粉块 (Block of Magnesium Chloride Dust)
氯化镁粉块 (Block of Magnesium Chloride Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组

硝酸钠粉块 (Block of Sodium Nitrate Dust)
物品命令:/give @p gregtech:gt.meta.storage.dust 64 8019

矿物词典: blockDustSodiumNitrate (2)blockSodiumNitrate (5)

硝酸钠粉块 (Block of Sodium Nitrate Dust)
硝酸钠粉块 (Block of Sodium Nitrate Dust)
最大叠加:64个 / 组
