Custom Recipes 5.0

Bump version number to 5.0 for Minecraft 1.8.8, Now uses gradle 2.1

Update to Forge

Mappings are now on snapshot_20151128

Added a new command "/citeminfo" tells you how you would add a dictionary entry for the item your player is holding.

Themajor change that was made was that dictionaries are now defined by modid:itemblockname,meta instead of id,meta. This solves an issue where adding or removing mods would shuffle item ids and custom recipes would mess up. The dictionary was rewritten to version 38 to support this.

Made possible to run the mod serverside only,

Custom Recipes 4.7

+ Added the "remove" syntax. It removes the recipe for the given output, and is used like this
remove (wood, 4. 0)
This will remove the specific recipe that makes four wooden planks, which is the "log > wood" recipe. 
NOTE: It will only remove the recipe with that specific item stack output.

+ Added the "clear" syntax. It clears ALL the recipes that crafts the given output, and it is used like this:
clear (wood)
This will clear ALL the recipes that crafts wood, no matter how much or what metadata the given itemstack has. It will therefore delete a crafting recipe that crafts 2 birch planks, 6 oak planks, 24 jungle planks etc.

Both of the above will produce the following result:https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/2629079/6081021/6dd2f5ce-ae16-11e4-8853-e73d2f88ae8f.png

Custom Recipes 4.6

+ Updated to Minecraft version 1.7.10.

Custom Recipes 4.5

+ Added new option to the config, "debug", which will enable/disable debugging mode. Debugging mode will print a more extensive log.
+ Added recipe loading when the world loads and removed keybindings. I got annoyed that everytime you typed "r" it would reload the recipes, so now you have to exit and enter the world to reload the recipes. This will also make sure that every recipe functions when you first start up the game, it will load the recipes and then load them again when you enter a world, so every block and item should be included.
+ Added a version checker that will print a nice chat message when the mod is outdated.

Custom Recipes 4.4.3

+ Re-added "-1" metadata support. Added a nice screenshot.

Custom Recipes 4.4.2

+ Updated to 1.6.4
+ Added automatic dictionary entries for all blocks and items loaded.

Custom Recipes 4.4

+ Updated to 1.6.2
+ Added a keybind ® to reload recipes when playing. The game will then send a chat message saying the recipes has been reloaded.
+ Added a config file to configurate wether to use keybinds.
-1 Metadata is still out of function.

Custom Recipes 4.3 Beta

++ Now Multiplayer compatible
* Changed priority from Init to PostInit.
- Removed the "recipe writer".

Custom Recipes 4.2

++ Updated to 1.5.2
++ Added a experimental "recipe writer" which allows you to open the workbench GUI easly when writing recipes. It's stll WIP, and isn't working very well, but it will hopyfully have syntax highlightning in the next update.

Custom Recipes 4.1

* Fixed fuel bug.
* Fixed multi-lined recipe files.
* Added mcmod.info file.
* Added more log messages for extensive bug tracking (currently not toggle-able)

Custom recipes 3.9.1

+ Updated everything to 1.5.1
* Fixed some crash bugs.

Custom Recipes 3.7

* Fixed crash bugs

Custom Recipes 1.5.0

Updated to 1.5.0
