
A few critical bug fixes and a sprinkle of intentional game design.



Just a few bug fixes and tweaks, don't mind me.



Alpha 9 is here! Featuring an early game progression rework, more tweaked world generation, more graphics options, fixed servers and, most importantly, chairs!



Just a few bug fixes, smaller file sizes and improved oceans ;)



The eight alpha version of the Minecraft Diverge Beta Rework is here! Development versions have moved away from snapshot naming as development time is sparse. This experimental update features an ore progression rework, charms, ruins, doubled underground depth and world generation tweaks!

Beta Rework 的 Alpha 版本合八为一!由于开发时间稀少,开发版本已不再使用快照命名。这个实验性更新的特点是矿石层数重做、护身符、废墟、加倍的地下深度和世界生成调整!


Overhauled cave generation, introduced plenty of new stone types and blocks, and implemented floating point health!



This is mostly a fixing update. However, the shape of the land has been changed, some biomes had their height adjusted and a new crafting system has been implemented.



New content incoming! The world generation has been greatly overhauled with a brand new terrain generator and 17 biomes to explore! As well as this, there are now five wood types with their respective planks. This snapshot has been released quickly in order to gather feedback on world generation.

新内容即将到来!世界生成已经进行了重大改革,拥有全新的地形生成器和 17 个生物群落可供探索!除此之外,现在还有五种木材类型及其各自的木板。此快照已快速发布,以收集有关世界生成的反馈。


So I did a little bug fixing...



This is a bigger snapshot than the last! Featuring an improved settings menu, improved debug menu and deeper terrain for experimental worlds.



Fixed logs spawning with the wrong metadata and cleaned up beach generation



This is the first release of the Minecraft Diverge Beta Rework! Currently, it is minimal in features, but it is getting a lot of technical changes. Infinite world height, creative mode and experimental world generation have been added. Make sure to point out any bugs and report them to the Staggo Stuff Discord server (https://discord.gg/YzmXH7Zvbt).

这是 Minecraft Diverge Beta Rework 的第一个版本!目前,它的功能很少,但它正在进行很多技术更改。添加了无限世界高度、创造模式和实验世界生成。确保指出任何错误并将其报告给Staggo Stuff Discord 服务器


Fixed two bugs relating to furnaces and the header block picker.



The 0.3 hotfix is here! This version fixes many bugs found in 0.3 (including major server bugs) and tweaks the world generation. Due to world generation changes, expect chunk borders with the Overworld and the Umbralands.



Suit up, dress up and mine down to the Umbralands in the new Minecraft Diverge 0.3 update! Face dangerous enemies found deep below and obtain rich treasures that await. There are also plenty of aspects of the game that have been polished such as upside down stairs, food cooldowns and fabulous graphics. Explore a new world, diverged!

穿上新衣,打扮起来,在新的Minecraft Diverge 0.3更新中挖掘到地底世界!面对深藏不露的危险敌人,获得等待着你的丰富宝藏。其他的很多方面也经过了润色,例如颠倒的楼梯、食物冷却时间、更好的渲染。探索新世界,Diverge!


The second release candidate of 0.3 is here! It is now safe to upgrade 0.2 worlds to this version. The Umbralands have been made a little bit easier to traverse, world generation has been changed one final time and superflat has been added. It's almost here!



The release candidate for 0.3 is here! 0.3's content is complete, with new vanity, trinkets and one last major tweak to world generation. This update is almost ready to release, but I have poor WiFi stopping me from uploading a good trailer. This is your last chance to point out bugs and make this update perfect!



WARNING! This is a development version of Minecraft Diverge. Please backup worlds before playing. Everything seen in this alpha is subject to change. Extra debug features, including a creative inventory in survival mode, have been enabled. HERE BE DRAGONS!

Finally, beta! This means that all of the technical trickery is done with and content is now the main focus for 0.3 development (I even dropped the V!). There is not much added at the moment, just shields and a new creeper variant. Performance has been improved though with a partial backport of Optifine*! I've got other things to do right now and I wish I could add in more content into this beta, but that would take too long, so I've released it early.

*Subject to change, if the creator of the mod finds out...


这是Minecraft Diverge的开发版本。请在玩之前备份世界。

在此 Alpha 版中看到的所有内容都可能发生变化。已启用额外的调试功能,包括生存模式下的创造模式物品栏。


终于,测试版!这意味着所有的技术问题都解决了,内容现在是 0.3 开发的主要焦点(I even dropped the V!)(注:这句也不知道是什么意思)目前没有添加太多内容,只有盾牌和新的苦力怕变体。性能得到了改善,但向后移植了部分的Optifine*!我现在还有其他事情要做,我希望我能在这个测试版中添加更多内容,但这需要太长时间,所以我提前发布了它。



WARNING! This is a development version of Minecraft Diverge. Please backup worlds before playing. Everything seen in this alpha is subject to change. Extra debug features, including a creative inventory in survival mode, have been enabled.HERE BE DRAGONS!

Ok, this is the final alpha for 0.3. From this point on, progress will be made towards a beta version.

You know what to do


这是Minecraft Diverge的开发版本。请在玩之前备份世界。

在此 Alpha 版中看到的所有内容都可能发生变化。已启用额外的调试功能,包括生存模式下的创造模式物品栏。


好的,这是0.3的最终 Alpha 。从现在开始,将在测试版方面取得进展。



WARNING! This is a development version of Minecraft Diverge. Please backup worlds before playing. Everything seen in this alpha is subject to change. Extra debug features, including a creative inventory in survival mode, have been enabled. HERE BE DRAGONS!

Not much has changed in this alpha. In fact, this is potentially the last alpha before beta versions of 0.3. The main difference is that world generation has been tweaked, but other than that there is not much. Please find bugs to squash for v0.3_b1! 🥾🪲💥


这是Minecraft Diverge的开发版本。请在玩之前备份世界。

在此 Alpha 版中看到的所有内容都可能发生变化。已启用额外的调试功能,包括生存模式下的创造模式物品栏。


在这个 Alpha 中没有太大变化。事实上,这可能是 0.3 测试版之前的最后一个 Alpha 版本。主要区别在于world generation已经调整,但除此之外没有太多。


WARNING! This is a development version of Minecraft Diverge. Please backup worlds before playing. Everything seen in this alpha is subject to change. Extra debug features, including a creative inventory in survival mode, have been enabled. HERE BE DRAGONS!

Still not much content has been added, but servers, graphics and world generation all got upgrades! Servers now have similar features to Beta 1.7.3, a new Fabulous graphics setting has been added and world generation now makes use of OpenSimplex2 noise. Another exciting feature this alpha adds is modding support, so check out the example mod! Mods are installed in the .minecraft/dvmods and require exactly Java 8 to run. The jar files are now much smaller because resources are now downloaded from online. Still gotta squash those bugs though! for (Bug bug : bugs) { bug.squash(); }


这是Minecraft Diverge的开发版本。请在玩之前备份世界。

在此 Alpha 版中看到的所有内容都可能发生变化。已启用额外的调试功能,包括生存模式下的创造模式物品栏。

HERE BE DRAGONS!(译注:这段真的不知道是什么意思)

仍然没有添加太多内容,但服务器、图形和世界生成都得到了升级!服务器现在具有与Beta 1.7.3类似的功能,添加了新的神话般的图形设置,并且世界生成现在使用OpenSimplex2噪音。这个 Alpha 添加的另一个令人兴奋的功能是模组支持,请查看示例模组!模组要安装在 .minecraft/dvmods 中,需要 Java 8 才能运行。jar 文件现在要小得多,因为这些资源现在是在线下载来的。


WARNING! This is a development version of Minecraft Diverge.
Please backup worlds before playing. Everything seen in this alpha is
subject to change. Extra debug features, including a creative inventory
in survival mode, have been enabled. HERE BE DRAGONS!

Finally, another alpha for 0.3! This alpha does not introduce much
content, but it brings many improvements to servers, touches up the GUI
and changes world generation quite a bit. 0.3 may run faster and be more
stable now, but it may still be buggy, so keep an eye out!


这是Minecraft Diverge的开发版本。请在玩之前备份世界。

在此 Alpha 版中看到的所有内容都可能发生变化。已启用额外的调试功能,包括生存模式下的创造模式物品栏。

终于,另一个 Alpha 为0.3!这个 Alpha 没有介绍太多内容,但它为服务器带来了许多改进,修饰了GUI并更改了world generation。0.3 可能运行得更快、更稳定,但它可能仍然是有问题的,所以请留意!



This is a development version of Minecraft Diverge. Please backup

worlds before playing. Everything seen in this alpha is subject to

change. Extra debug features, including a creative inventory in survival

mode, have been enabled. HERE BE DRAGONS!

This is the beginning of the underworld! As well as this, block ids 

and metadata have been expanded. There are now achievements to track 

your progress, vanity items to express yourself and a bran new music 

track. However, this version might be very laggy! As well as this, 

worlds created in v0.3_a1 cannot be played in v0.3_a2. Keep squashing 

those bugs! 🪲🔨

server broken :(


这是Minecraft Diverge的开发版本。请在玩之前备份世界。

在此 Alpha 版中看到的所有内容都可能发生变化。已启用额外的调试功能,包括生存模式下的创造模式物品栏。

这是地下世界的开始!除此之外,区块 ID 和元数据也得到了扩展。现在有成就可以跟踪你游玩的进度,有可以表达自己虚荣心的物品(指饰品),还有一首新的音乐。

但是,这个版本可能非常旧!除此之外,v0.3_a1 中创建的世界不能在 v0.3_a2 中游玩。

服务器端不能使用了 :(



This is a development version of Minecraft Diverge. Please backup

worlds before playing. Everything you see here is subject to change.

Extra debug features, including a creative inventory in survival mode,

have been enabled. HERE BE DRAGONS!

This is the beginning of v0.3! This public alpha is out for you to test out the McRegion format and increased world height limit. This alpha version does not contain any other content, and it may be unstable. Test away! 🔪🪲


这是Minecraft Diverge的开发版本。请在玩之前备份世界。



这是 v0.3 的开始!这个公共测试版可供你测试McRegion格式和增加的世界高度限制。这个Alpha版本不包含任何其他内容,并且可能很不稳定。


Ok, now this is the last update for 0.2. The final few bugs have been fixed and development is now fully focused on 0.3.

好的,现在是 0.2 的最后一次更新。最后几个错误已经修复,开发现在完全集中在 0.3 上。


This is the last update for Minecraft Diverge 0.2. Features have been
tweaked and bugs have been fixed. From now on, all development will
focus on 0.3 (and a secret update coming April 1st ;)) If I update this any more, I'll further lose my sanity.

这是 Minecraft Diverge 0.2 的更新。功能已调整并修复了错误。从现在开始,所有的发展都将专注于 0.3(以及 4 月 1 日;)即将推出的秘密更新) 如果我再更新这个,我会进一步失去理智。


MCDiverge should be more stable now! Placing blocks on servers is fixed,
the highly requested gui scale is here and BlueStag256 has a unique
skin! During the production of this update, I went insane and killed myself in my survival world.

Minecraft Diverge现在应该更稳定了!在服务器上放置块是固定的,高度要求的 GUI 规模在这里,BlueStag256(即作者) 有一个独特的皮肤!在制作这个更新的过程中,我发疯了,在我的生存世界中自杀了。(意义不明)


This minor update benefits developers and server owners! The patch file
size is now much smaller and a secret debug option is now blocked.

此次要更新使开发人员和服务器所有者受益!修补程序文件大小现在要小得多,并且现在阻止了Secret Debug Option。


If you've put off playing Minecraft Diverge because it was buggy, you
should play now! This version fixes some major bugs, including the
infamous furnace bug. As well as this, a few quality of life features
have been added and servers are back!

如果你因为Minecraft Diverge有问题而推迟了玩它,那么你现在应该玩!此版本修复了一些主要错误,包括臭名昭著的熔炉Bug。除此之外,还有一些生活质量功能已添加,服务器已恢复!


This is a bug fix patch for 0.2. This version fixes a bug relating to chests dropping items with the wrong metadata.

这是 0.2 的错误修复补丁。此版本修复了与箱子掉落具有错误元数据的物品相关的错误。


This is a bug fix patch for 0.2. This version fixes a few things including step sounds and saplings.

这是 0.2 的错误修复补丁。这个版本修复了一些问题,包括脚步声和树苗。


The v0.2 update is here! There are brand new biomes, blocks, charms,
mobs and more to explore! As well as this, servers have been updated to
include support for health. Explore this new world!

v0.2 更新来了!有全新的生物群系、方块、饰品、怪物和更多样的探索!除此之外,服务器已更新为包括对生命值的支持。探索这个新世界!


Minecraft Diverge v0.1.1 is an update that brings server support and a few bug fixes.
For guidance with installation, check out the INSTALLATION document.

Bug fixes:

  • Stairs now drop themselves.

  • Slate Redstone Ore does not convert to regular stone after glowing.


  • The Sparkle Staff uses half the amount of mana

Minecraft Diverge v0.1.1 是一个更新,带来了服务器支持和一些错误修复。有关安装的指导,请查看安装文档


  • 楼梯现在自己掉下来了;

  • 板岩红石矿石在发光后不会转化为普通石。



Minecraft Diverge 0.1, the initial release.

Minecraft Diverge 0.1,初始版本。
