
+ Bugs Fix
+ new Lunar Rose model
+ now the lunar Rose Can be Used when transfur and lunar rose dont work when transfur players are using

Notice need 0.12b and up for work ok

+ 新的Lunar Rose模型
+ 现在Lunar Rose可以在兽化时使用,但是兽化了的玩家使用时不会起作用



+ Transfur/Latex Totem
this totem will made you able to transfur into
your favority transfur without need craft you just need shift right
click the entity (if isn't player only work for gooeys type)
+ Add new ? in book will say what X Button do
- Painite Armor Have the SAME armor than Netherite (only the durability is higher)
+ Painite Armor can be repair with netherite now
+ New advanchements
+ New Features like "almost fully syringe"
fix white latex wolf transfur spawn 500 entity when you give up or lose
the fight to keep your concience minigame (Removed The Struggle
+ fix the player can leave the player vision when tp for
Very away (if the x,y,z of transfur player is not the same x,y,z of
human player the player will get tp for transfur player

+ 添加了兽化/胶液图腾
+ 在书中添加了新的“?”来说明X按钮的功能
- Painite装备现在提供的防御等级与下界合金相同(仅耐久度更高)
+ Painite装备现在可以用下界合金锭修复了
+ 新的成就
+ 新的功能,如“几乎全面的注射器”
+ 修复了在玩家被同化为白胶狼后在保留意识小游戏中放弃或者失败时生成500个实体的问题(删除了挣扎机制)
+ 修复了玩家在传送到非常远的位置时玩家可以离开玩家视野的问题(如果转化玩家的x、y、z坐标与人类玩家的坐标不同,玩家将被传送到转化玩家的位置)

v2.4.6 hotfix

rework the info book now only show some recipes and some info about changed addon overlays

重制了信息手册,现在只会展示一些配方和一些changed addon覆盖原版模组内容的信息了


+ now you can use the "hug" in transfur players

+ new Achievements

+ now the transfur grab type take 4 of hunger

+ bugs fixs 

+ now the generator is working more well,(will give 10 of forge energy for blocs beside of generator block)

+ Latex Insulator Now Give solvent effect insted of Untransfur

+ now the Latex Insulator craft give move latex inssulator 16 -> 20

+ Solvent Enchant Enchat nerf Now the Solvent Enchant dont work in ranged items (ONLY IN TRIDENT) and apply Latex Solvent Effect

+ Painite armor Changes Is Netherite upgrate and new texture

+ Impure ammonia recipe changes now have a end game version give 20
intead of 3 AND i new recipe than accept any type of plant "not a real
thing so is not multi mod working thats mean i make this tag is not a
forge or minecraft tag"

+ now the bosses music start play with 20 and 16 of range (so if you dont are in this range the music dont gonna play)

+ now the Experiment 009 phase 2 spawn particles when "phase 2" start 

+ new blocks and items textures

+ change the unifuser and catalyzer Hardness 20 -> 6

+ change some texts for get the text in lang file and not in a hardcode text

+ 现在你可以使用 "拥抱" 功能兽化玩家了
+ 新的成就
+ 现在兽化抓取类型将会消耗4点饥饿值
+ 修复了一些错误
+ 现在generator的效率更高了(会为generator附近的方块提供10FE/t的能量)
+ Latex Insulator现在提供Solvent效果而不是Untransfur效果了
+ 现在合成一次Latex Insulator可以得到20个,不再是16个了

+ 调整了胶液溶剂附魔的平衡性,现在胶液溶剂附魔不会在远程武器上生效并产生胶液溶剂效果了(三叉戟仍有效)
+ Painite装备变化:现在可以在锻造台中使用painite把下界合金装备升级成painite装备了,并且有了新的纹理
+ Impure ammonia的配方变化:现在是最终版本了,一次合成可以得到20个而不是3个,并且有一个新的配方可以接受任何类型的植物

* 不支持多模组,我写的不是Forge或Minecraft的标签
+ 现在boss的主题音乐在20格和16格的范围内播放(所以如果你不在这个范围内就不会向你播放音乐)
+ 现在Experiment 009 phase 2在 "第二阶段" 开始时会产生粒子效果
+ 新的方块和物品纹理
+ 修改了Unifuser和Catalyzer的方块硬度,从20改为了6
+ 修改了一些文本,不再是硬编码了,可以从语言文件中获得它们


+ new command
+ make the friendly grab use uuid of player (more stable)

+ 新的指令

+ 友好抓取时使用UUID来匹配玩家了(更加稳定)


+ server crashs bug
+ particles when start friendly grab
+ fix the IMMUNE from grab if leave the world
+ grab now add more 5 of Food level and 10 of saturation
+ now the assimilation grab give a correct death msg
+ now some custom dmg of my mod dont bypass armor anymore

+ 修复了服务器崩溃的bug
+ 在友好抓取时显示粒子效果
+ 修复了在离开世界后会对抓取免疫的问题
+ 现在抓取会增加5点饥饿值和10点饱和度
+ 现在同化抓取会提供正确的死亡消息
+ 现在模组中的某些自定义伤害不再绕过护甲


Fix Experiment 009 SUPER TP
Fix Crash ? Need More Tests

修复了experiment 009 超级传送的问题



+ fix The experiment 009 dont have cooldown in tp attack

+ 修复了experiment 009攻击没有冷却时间的问题


+ some texts are now a translation option in the lang file 

+ fix more grammar problems 

+ Now The Experiment 009 Tp to the nearest player if take 5 hits without have target in any entity And whem will pass for phase 2 a Flash will happen

+ New Solvet Particle Apply when a entity hit a latex entity with solven enchantment

+ Fix the Experiment 009 Phase 2 Cant do the Jump attack

+ Now Solvent Effect Make Solvent Particles When A non organic Transfur Is Have The Effect

+ Now The "Jump Attack" only happen if the Target Entity is 2 blocks high than Event-Entity if entity y + 1 < Target entity y



+现在Experiment 009如果受到5次攻击且没有针对任何实体的攻击目标,将会传送到最近的玩家。当它进入第二阶段时,它会闪光。


+修复了Experiment 009在第二阶段无法进行跳跃攻击的问题。


+现在“跳跃攻击”只会在目标实体比事件实体高出2个方块以上时发生,即entity y + 1 < Target entity y
