What's Changed
Improve the error if forge sync's the same registry instance by @strubium in #223
Fix SoundManager handling when no sound devices exist by @Ecdcaeb in #226
Update bug report template to include Java 23 by @Ecdcaeb in #231
skip code in scan annotations by @friendlyhj in #239
skip more asm reader operations by @friendlyhj in #240
can not skip code in AccessTransformer by @friendlyhj in #241
Java Doc for some Client events and helpful api by @Ecdcaeb in #242
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 0.2.3-alpha...0.2.4-alpha
What's Changed
Add zh_CN and zh_TW by @ChAoSUnItY in #170
Update Mixin to 0.8.7
Added more version info in log
New Contributors
@ChAoSUnItY made their first contribution in #170
Full Changelog: 0.2.2-alpha...0.2.3-alpha
由 @Ecdcaeb 在 #111 中修复了 [MC-30646];
完整日志: 0.2.1-alpha...0.2.2-alpha
What's Changed
[MC-30646]Make the world closed, fix Hardcore LAN world/server leak by @Ecdcaeb in #111;
apply GuiIngameForge options only when running on client by @ZZZank in #155;
Full Changelog: 0.2.1-alpha...0.2.2-alpha
What's Changed(改动)
Switch to lwjglx + lwjgl3 by @kappa-maintainer in #1 (切换到 lwjglx 和 lwjgl3)
Github Action by @KorewaLidesu in #2 (构建 Github Action)
Added preliminary hackery APIs for Reflection, Unsafe and Enums + Tests by @Rongmario in #3 (添加了一个用于反射,Unsafe,枚举的初步测试的 Hackery API)
Obliterated FMLSecurityManager by @KorewaLidesu in #5 (被删除的 FMLSecurityManager)
fix cleanroom not loading as a mod on non-dev, so its capabilities are by @PrototypeTrousers in #8 (修复未填写作者时 Cleanroom 不加载模组的问题)
Add IME wrapper to handle IME input by @kappa-maintainer in #7 (添加 IME 包装以处理 IME 输入)
Gracefully exit game when display close requested while in-world by @Rongmario in #9 (在游戏世界内更优雅的退出游戏)
Use custom lwjgl lib by @kappa-maintainer in #12 (使用自定义 lwjgl 库)
Dependency change: Scala (2.12 -> 2.11) by @KorewaLidesu in #20 (回退内置 Scala 版本)
Switch decompiler to Vineflower by @kappa-maintainer in #21 (转移到 Veinflower 来替代原反编译器)
[Feature] Mouse improvement by @KorewaLidesu in #22 (鼠标改进)
Feature: Dispatch workflow event by @KorewaLidesu in #51 (修复工作流事件)
Fix ALT key preventing movement when held. by @Nessiesson in #54 (修复按住 Alt 键时无法移动的问题)
Fix broken IME input by @LasmGratel in #60 (修复损坏的 IME 输入)
Lable @nullable and return null at IFMLLoadingPlugin by @Ecdcaeb in #59 (允许IFMLLoadingPlugin返回空)
Make horses and llama's fire LivingFallEvent. by @Ecdcaeb in #28 (让马和羊驼也参与 LivingFallEvent)
Make Ender Dragon's XP drop fire LivingExperienceDropEvent for each "batch" of XP by @Ecdcaeb in #71 (让末影龙掉落的经验球批次触发掉落经验事件)
Integrate config any time by @kappa-maintainer in #82 (合并 ConfigAnytime)
Make EntitySlime fire LivingJumpEvent by @Ecdcaeb in #93 (让史莱姆参与跳跃事件)
actually apply ASCII font when "Force Unicode" is off by @ZZZank in #100 (强制关闭 Unicode 时使用 ASCII)
Fix Display#setTitle has no effect after creating a window. by @KasumiNova in #102 (修复创建窗口后没有标题应用的错误)
Fixes MC-94054 by @MikhailTapio in #123 (修复 MC-94054)
Patch implementation of NonConflictKeys by @MikhailTapio in #125 (合并 NonConflictKeys)
pass EntityPlayer in AnvilUpdateEvent by @friendlyhj in #133 (在铁砧更新事件中传递玩家)
fast item stack copy by @friendlyhj in #132 (更快的 ItemStack#copy)
New Contributors(新贡献者)
@kappa-maintainer made their first contribution in #1
@KorewaLidesu made their first contribution in #2
@Rongmario made their first contribution in #3
@PrototypeTrousers made their first contribution in #8
@Nessiesson made their first contribution in #54
@LasmGratel made their first contribution in #60
@KasumiNova made their first contribution in #102
@MikhailTapio made their first contribution in #123
@friendlyhj made their first contribution in #133
Full Changelog: https://github.com/CleanroomMC/Cleanroom/commits/0.2.1-alpha