

  • if susanoo or shield based jutsus gets killed by enough damage, residual damage will be transfered to player

  • susanoo now works in peaceful

  • properly set 8-trigrams heavenly rotation cooldown

  • reduced debuff duration when chakra/attack absorbed by preta path

  • optimize sand jutsus on server side

  • biju cloak cannot be used with sage mode if your level 2 cloak xp is less than 800

  • fixed dying as shadow clone won't revert player back to original

  • reduced limbo clone duration, increased cooldown

  • must fully learn flying thunder god jutsu to tp to the markers

  • will dismount before teleporting to flying thunder god marker

  • fixed chunks not generating when teleporting too far with flying thunder god

  • fixed ice release crystal mirrors preventing death from opening all 8-gates or all killing ash bone

  • fixed opening 4+ gates not getting damaged when receiving other potion damage

  • opening 4+ gates damage per 4 seconds, add hunger, remove saturation

  • enabled 8 branch snake when sage mode is type snake

  • sand funeral can't be used consecutively anymore

  • sharingan evasion no longer moves you to any unsafe place to stand on

  • chakra enhanced strength should only activate on melee attacks

  • lava melting jutsu must be charged to at least 1.0 to use

  • storm release thunder cloud no longer stuns enemy

  • nerfed earth sandwich damage by 50%

  • large projectiles will ignore blocks within 15 ticks

  • faster ice spears and sand binding

  • kirin will be auto unlocked when player fully learns chidori

  • chidori minimum cooldown 5 seconds

  • better kamui intangible maneuverability (flying)

  • senpo big ball rasengan, ultra rasenshuriken and 6-path truth seeking rasenshuriken now causes senjutsu damage

  • fixed kamui teleport damaging 1024 bug, now max is 1024 damage

  • truth seeking orbs can only be damaged when launched or becomes a shield

  • updated sand bullets particle effects

  • updated kirin lightning storm effects

  • widened ice spears spawn range when charged more

  • reduced rasenshuriken effect particles to reduce client lag

  • buffed lightning chakra mode strength, depends on chakra level

  • added sand gathering jutsu (WIP)

  • added sand gathering jutsu


  • fixed explosive tags breaking blocks when mobGriefing false

  • implemented Sound Reflecting Gauntlet and recipe. left click to shoot soundwaves, right click to block

  • Ramen is now craftable and gives 25 seconds saturation

  • simplified hiraishin/3-prong kunai model to reduce client lag on rendering marker/kunai

  • fixed kiba sword duplication bug

  • implemented adamantine staff, can block, extend and adamantine prison. 5 minutes duration

  • lowered armor protection values for dojutsus

  • fixed 6-path armor only showing obito variant to other players

  • fixed dropping owner free kg items

  • re-modeled hiramekarei sword

  • added Metal gauntlet and recipe, shoots claw connected to a chain, right click to pull

  • added chakra blades recipe

  • removed rasenshuriken scroll (its enabled when rasengan is fully learned)

  • better kusanagi sword's entity targeting

  • added recipies for posion bomb, poison senbon, and senbon puppet arm

  • will display current selected jutsu when player starts holding a jutsu item


  • re-textured white zetsu, itachi

  • buffed toad/slug/snake attack damage

  • tailed beasts and toads greater than size 4 can break leaves/wood blocks when moving

  • better tailed beasts movement AI

  • added ambient sounds for shukaku, songoku, chomei, isobu

  • fixed player's outer skin layer not synced with arms when naruto running

  • added Enma summon (use summon jutsu on Enma to turn him into the staff)

  • increased itachi/kisame/zabuza spawn chances based on spawn weight

  • fixed gedo mazo crash when attacked


  • resets tailed beasts spawn point if natural spawning is disabled in config

  • better naruto run

  • reduced camera shake radius on custom explosions


  1. 如果须佐能乎或者具有盾的忍术被大量伤害给击碎,那多余的伤害将转移给玩家。

  2. 现在须佐能乎会更静止。

  3. 八卦掌回天的冷却调为正常。

  4. 当查克拉攻击/物理攻击被封术吸印吸收时,持续时间减少。

  5. 优化服务器中的磁遁忍术。

  6. 如果你在尾兽第二形态下,尾兽经验低于800,那么你的尾兽化模式和仙人模式不能一起使用。

  7. 修复了在死亡时影子模仿术不会将玩家恢复为原本的状态。

  8. 缩短轮幕·边狱的持续时间并增加冷却时间。

  9. 必须将飞雷神学习到满才能打出标记。

  10. 使用飞雷神传送至飞雷神标记处时会下马。

  11. 修复使用飞雷神传送太远的位置时不生成区块。

  12. 修复冰遁·魔镜冰晶防止死亡时开启八门或者全部的共杀骨灰

  13. 修复开启八门遁甲时,第4门以上受到药水伤害时不会受到该药水伤害。

  14. 每4秒开启八门遁甲的第4门以上时,增加饥饿值并减少饱食度。

  15. 仙人模式为蛇类型时,将获得仙术八岐大蛇

  16. 砂瀑送葬­不能连续使用了。

  17. 写轮眼使用回避的被动时不会将你带到不安全的位置。

  18. 怪力只会在近战时触发了。

  19. 熔遁·花果山必须蓄力至1.0才可以使用。

  20. 岚遁·雷云腔波的雷云不再晕眩敌人、

  21. 土遁·山土之术减少50%伤害。

  22. 大型弹射物在15个刻度内无视障碍物。

  23. 砂缚柩冰柱之术将会更快地释放。

  24. 当你将千鸟完全学习时(625xp),将解锁麒麟。

  25. 千鸟的冷却最少为5秒。

  26. 加强神威的穿墙(飞行)能力。

  27. 仙法·大玉螺旋丸仙法·风遁·超大玉螺旋手里剑六道·风遁·超大玉螺旋手里剑可以造成仙术伤害。

  28. 修复了神威传送伤害1024的bug,现在最大伤害为1024伤害。

  29. 求道玉只有发射或者成为护盾时才能被损坏。

  30. 更新砂时雨的沙弹特效。

  31. 更新麒麟的雷暴效果。

  32. 当蓄力更高时,冰柱的生成范围将会扩大。

  33. 减少螺旋手里剑的粒子以优化客户端的TPS。

  34. 增强雷遁查克拉模式,这将取决于查克拉的等级。

  35. 增加忍术 磁遁·砂铁结袭­ (正在制作)。(?)

  36. 增加忍术 磁遁·砂铁结袭


  1. 修复爆炸物无视为false的mobGriefing(是否允许生物的破坏性行为)的游戏规则。

  2. 增加了声波反射扬声器及配方,左键释放声波,右键停止。

  3. 现在一乐拉面增加配方了,食用后获得25秒的饱和。

  4. 简化了三叉苦无具有飞雷神印记的三叉苦无模型,减少客户端在渲染标记苦无时的延迟。

  5. 修复雷刀·牙的复制错误。

  6. 增加金刚如意棒的忍术-金刚牢壁,可以制造一个金刚监狱困出敌人,持续5分钟。

  7. 降低瞳术(如写轮眼,白眼)的盔甲数值。

  8. 修复变为六道仙人模式下,只向其他玩家展示带土化为十尾人柱力时的Bug。

  9. 修复固定无需代价掉落血继限界物品的Bug。

  10. 重置双刀·鲆鲽的模型。

  11. 增加了鬼兄弟的金属手套及配方,将爪发射出去,再次右键拉到手套位置。

  12. 增加查克拉刀的配方。

  13. 删除风遁·螺旋手里剑的卷轴。(修改为当螺旋丸完全学习[625xp]时获得)

  14. 草薙剑将更好瞄准实体。

  15. 起爆苦无毒气弹千本义手增加配方。

  16. 当玩家手持忍术物品时,将显示当前选定的忍术。


  1. 重置了白绝宇智波鼬的模型。

  2. 增加了通灵术蛤蟆/蛞蝓/的攻击伤害。

  3. 体系大于4格的尾兽和蛤蟆在移动时会破坏树木。

  4. 更好的尾兽AI。

  5. 一尾·守鹤四尾·孙悟空七尾·重明三尾·矶抚添加了环境声音。

  6. 修复忍者跑时玩家皮肤和手臂不同步的问题。

  7. 增加通灵术·猿魔。(对猿魔再次使用通灵术可以将其变为金刚如意棒)

  8. 根据生成权重增加宇智波鼬/干柿鬼鲛/桃地再不斩的生成概率。

  9. 修复了外道魔像在受到攻击时消失的Bug。


  1. 如果配置中禁用了尾兽自然生成,将重置尾兽生成点。

  2. 让忍者跑变得更好一些。

  3. 减少爆炸时视角抖动的程度。



  • can fly when jinchuriki in full biju mode of 7-tails

  • changed chidori mechanics: swing at a target within 20 blocks to charge at target

  • nerfed chidori damage, lowered attack speed

  • changed earth sandwich targeting mechanics: point at block instead of entity

  • fix earth sandwich killing people again after killing them

  • nerfed earth sandwich damage

  • earth sandwich will also damage the user if caught in the jutsu

  • unsummon your earth golem by hitting it

  • limit bug sphere to max 10, reduce chakra absorption rate from target

  • tweaked kamui teleport to use more chakra/time, give nausea effect after use

  • fixed kamui intangibility running out of chakra leaves you intangible forever

  • kamui intangible now has a 30 second limit, after which it goes on a 10s cooldown

  • fixed eternal mangekyo intangible not negating damage

  • susanoo, shield based entities and riding on bijus will no longer protect you from

  • damage done to yourself by opening your gates, only king of hell can protect you

  • fixed water jutsus leaving behind residual water blocks

  • biju cloak now force closes if you don't have anymore chakra

  • biju cloak 2 bijudama charge time is dependant on cloak XP, cooldown 5 seconds

  • buffed 7/8 gate: user can punch targets 15 blocks away by jumping right in front of them

  • 8th gate sekizo and yagai damage can't be reduced by resistance effects,

  • 7th gate resistence effect reduced to level 4

  • 7th gate can't fly anymore, only 8th gate can fly

  • increased non-affinity releases jutsuXP requirements to 2.5 times affinity requirements

  • susanoo half-body and higher class can hold totsuka sword if the user has it

  • scorch balls damage and duration increased, targeting is much better

  • limit unrivaled strength to max 20

  • boil release unrivaled strength now can punch entities 12 blocks away by jumping right in front of them

  • lightning chakra mode cooldown increased by 2 seconds to prevent jutsu stacking

  • lightning chakra mode now can punch entities 12 blocks away by jumping right in front of them

  • entering biju cloak mode now can punch entities 15 blocks away by jumping right in front of them

  • increased nausea duration on amaterasu use

  • enabled user movements when using byakugan vision

  • fixed fake death syndrome when dying with shadow clones alive

  • remove shadow clones when user changes dimension

  • shadow clones using rasengan will not hurt summoner or other clones of the same summoner

  • shadow clones can use hiding in camouflage, chidori

  • added Flying thunder god jutsu and scroll. can be used on blocks, entities and 3-prong kunais

  • flying thunder god jutsu can escape from immobilization jutsus

  • body replacement jutsu now only activates on entity damage source, and user doesn't have paralysis effect

  • body replacement jutsu won't teleport user into blocks

  • sharingan users no longer give attackers slowness, instead will highlight the attacker for 15s if in range,

  • and lock users eyes on the attacker when mouse right button is pressed

  • added chakra pulse for kekkei mora

  • re-made fire annihilation and great flame jutsus to not go through walls. (optimized)

  • buffed rasengan damage

  • increased speed and size of Lava release: magma balls

  • phantom 9 sealing jutsu no longer works on the 10-tails or its jinchuriki

  • phantom 9 dragons sealing jutsu only works if the target is within 20 blocks

  • wind release chakra flow cannot be used together with lightning chakra mode or chidori

  • shinratensei can aim and throw floating chunks of earth at targets if shift+banshotenin was used to dislodge chunks of earth

  • explosion release C3 now does custom explosion, damage 400 to all within 30 blocks

  • buffed explosion release C1, C2 and explosive clone damage

  • improved 8-trigrams revolving palm animation

  • fixed susanoo bug sometimes creating infinite susanoo entities on the client side

  • susanoo re-balance: added ribcage stage and requires 2000 nxp, skeleton: 5000 nxp, half body: 10000, full body: 20000, perfect 36000

  •    susanoo damage nerfed a bit


  • fix using /give command to give nature release items duplicates the item

  • remove enchantability on all dojutsus

  • add config to force remove rinnegan/tenseigan/ems if obtained without prerequisite achievements

  • medical scroll to combine dojutsus now require the appropriate achievements to combine

  • fixed forceDojutsuDropOnDeath not dropping mangekyos

  • fixed after gaining mangekyo naturally susanoo color always black

  • added 3-prong kunai weapon and recipe

  • added some horns on 6-path rinnegan and tenseigan chakra mode

  • truth seeking shakujo no longer drops

  • use custom explosions for shibuki sword

  • fixed nuibari and 3-bladed scythe thrown from off hand bug

  • nerfed kamui shuriken to do less damage and use more chakra

  • fixed putting kiba sword in offhand deletes the sword

  • remembers 6-path senjutsu jutsuXPs after the item is removed (when rinnesharingan is off)

  • fixed learning jutsu scrolls on off-hand deletes item in main-hand bug

  • eating white zetsu flesh will only gain rinnegan if player has ems+achievement and doesn't have rinnegan+achievement

  • fixed sage mode facial textures not rendering when senjutsu item held in offhand


  • added 5 second cooldown for Itachi's genjutsu

  • lowered chances of Itachi dropping mangekyo

  • gedomazo can be ridden and controlled by rinnegan/tenseigan users

  • fixed entity renderers crashing with ice and fire and custom NPC mods

  • added config settings to tweak Itachi, Kisame, Zabuza, white zetsu spawn weight

  • new 1-tail shukaku model

  • new 4-tails Son Goku model

  • made itachi's real chance configurable

  • smarter itachi in susanoo AI

  • patch loophole for sakura to drop anything

  • better NPC/clone water walking and wall climbing AI

  • snake summons greater than size 4 will break wood/trees when moving

  • bijus will take less damage if the attacker is in its view and the damage is blockable

  • tweaked pricing for ninja merchants trade items, trading works the same as vanilla, trading unlocks more trades

  • clones don't naturally drop loot


  • added find gedo mazo location. usage: /locateEntity gedo


  • associate "Rinnesharingan Activated" advancement to the correct parent (rinnegan/tenseigan) advancement


  • Added a config

  • moved gamerule spawnTailedBeasts to config

  • added a config option for players being able to spawn as jinchuriki

  • killing a gedo mazo that has bijus sealed in itself will release the bijus

  • ninjas can only gain ninjaxp through damaging or getting damaged by hostile mobs or players

  • added back naruto run and config option NARUTO_RUN to turn off

  • added a config option AGGRESSIVE_BOSSES to make bosses attack on sight

  • improve the boss bars when AGGRESSIVE_BOSSES is enabled

  • added config setting CHAKRA_REGEN_RATE to customize idle chakra regen rate

  • added config option ENABLE_JUTSU_SCROLLS_IN_LOOTCHESTS to disable jutsu scrolls in loot chests

  • chakra does not regenerate when using jutsus

  • fixed dying from chakra overload causes immortality when revived with king of hell

  • added config to change amaterasu block duration
